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Posts posted by MissMel

  1. To be fair, I also think we've seen Farrah at least attempt to be better.  Especially when she distances herself from her mother.  I also realize that could be difficult to do long term.  Deb just insists she's never, ever done anything wrong and cannot imagine why anyone else could think she possibly has.  She's a real nut and I have no hope for her.  Farrah still has a little more room for growth, if she chooses to do so.  Even just a little bit is better than none.  I'd be really impressed for her to see the way she is with Sophia is similar to the way her mother was with her and try to pull back from that a little bit.  She can start by putting a stop with the baby talk to and from Sophia and put her foot down for her mother to completely stop it as well.  That would open the door for many other positive improvements.  

    • Love 13
  2. 3 hours ago, CofCinci said:

    “Does she want her story shared to Amber?” Means can we have this chick ambush Amber?

    Again?  Like Matt's, I mean Jeff's, tattoo chick?  Not even Amber deserves that again.  Not to mention, she's pregnant and off her meds.  I just don't think she could handle it being broadcasted.  Leah, Gary, and Kristina shouldn't have to either.  Don't get me wrong, Amber has made another screwed up decision with this one and that's all on her.  Mtv doesn't have to push her off the ledge because of it though.  

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  3. The thing is, Tyler never had any intentions of being a parent to Carly whatsoever.  Cate had the option of placing Carly or keeping her.  Either way, Tyler was out as a parenting partner.  That's where my issue starts with him and his "gift giving" crap.  Disgusting little dweeb.

    • Love 13
  4. 23 hours ago, Mkay said:

    She’s wanting to go to the suicide forest after seeing that horrible video Logan Paul did.  She’s sick. 

    I had some idea who Logan Paul is because he was recently on Top Chef.  Basically, he's an idiot.  I also had some idea what this video was about but I was reluctant to Google it because I definitely did not want to catch a glimpse of it.  And now to hear fools like dumbass Brianna and tweeters joined in on making light of this situation?  Yeah, fuck all these asswipes.  Fuck all the way off and then fuck off a little more.  Vile, disgusting, disgraceful waste of space.  The whole lot of them.

    And if production has a problem with Farrah because she participates in porn, they better have a complete and utter meltdown and vow to never film with the coven ever again over this stunt.  I can't even imagine what total lack of decent humanity can laugh after seeing a human body that no longer has life because, for whatever reason, that person made the decision to end it.  Bringing Brianna back was always a stupid decision to me but this?  No excuse.  None.  And production thinks Farrah is a problem.  Not hardly compared this nasty trashbox.  

    (Sorry, I just had to get all that out.)

    • Love 15
  5. I bet they're calling it "a break" for now.  Or my personal wishful thinking is that Tyler is spending some time at treatment facility.  His ego might not want to admit that yet.  Either way, I think something clicked for Cate and she wants to be her own person with  her own thoughts and valid feelings.  Not just drowning in Tyler's and agreeing with him just to keep him there.  Cate has the upperhand now and he join or get off the ride.  I hope so anyway.  It would be the best for all of them and allow them to breathe easily again.  Together or not.

    • Love 5
  6. Once I heard what does and can happen with an umbilical hernia, I decided to keep trying to reduce it myself because I wasn't having complications.  One complication of the surgery is having the hernia come back in a different area.  If Jenelle really did need the surgery, she should probably have gotten her tubes tied as well.  This type of hernia is a lot more serious than it sounds and getting pregnant again would be horrible, unnecessary risk.  Fingers crossed she got "fixed".  (Although I suspect she found this "diagnosis" through Dr.Google and is just spewing her normal sympathy-seeking shit talk.)

    • Love 6
  7. 45 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

    Wasn't it speculated that Kim and Tyler somewhat conspired to let Cate stay with them until the adoption was finalized? 


    7 minutes ago, TeenMomAngerMgmt said:

    Was a conspiracy really necessary for that? April and Butch were garbage people on “16 & Pregnant”. The way they spoke to Catelynn was horrible. 

    Yes but I think the general feeling was more like 'She can stay until that baby is gone for good.  Then she'll have to go, too.'

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  8. I hope Caitlyn and Tyler passed each other in the airport, handed off Nova, and Tyler got onto a flight to rehab for himself.  He needs it and maybe that's why he's so quiet right now.  I say this because I hope Cait got enough out of her stay to realize they have been in a fog lately that has consumed them and she convinced him to go to see more clearly, as well.  I hope so anyway.

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