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  1. Absolutely. That would have been just perfection. And they could have done that if they wanted, because Smallville was a world on its own! And that episode when Chloe is inside Lois' body was hard to watch in my opinion. It was fine for me, but I'd have preferred Clark to chose Chloe. But in a world where Clark prefers Lois over you, Ollie is a really good boyfriend! By the way, I also shipped Ollie with Lois so to me, was a bit difficult to accept at the beginning. It was like: Lois and Clark, you are blind!! (and stupid....)
  2. Yes, it's a bit of everything, actually. Indeed, neither of them were brave enough to acknowledge their personal feelings. I think they wouldn't have dated immediately after the kiss, unless they have had a conversation about it, Chloe would still have acted insecure (probably less), but with Lexana happening, Clark might have started viewing Chloe more than just a friend. They would have had the opportunity to share more romantic tension (even dating) and is S8/S9 they would have finally become a couple. Chloe always had Lana's presence in consideration. But the more moments they would have shared together -intimate moments-the easier it would have been to them to acknowledge they were meant for eachother. I believe they really blocked their feelings (especially Clark). But even with Jimmy's arch Chlark could have happened after S8. Chloe could have been the Real Lois Lane.
  3. Oh..Jimmy and Chloe started badly, because she basically started dating him because she felt insecure after kissing Clark. And they missed their moment. I liked Jimmy, but Chloe+Jimmy...no, please! S8 played a lot with Clark's 3 love interests, but there was something with Chloe that made me think that they COULD go that way because of Abyss. Not at that moment, because Lana returned, but later. But Clois had to happen :( I hated Clois since the beginning. A casual love affair would have been ok, but not in a universe where Chloe exists in Clark's life.
  4. I didn't dislike Lois as an individual character, but I can't stand Clois. It was one of the most forced romances I ever watched on TV. And she stole Chlark's moment. I liked Clana, I really think they loved eachother, and although I didn't root for them at the beginning, I enjoyed the development of their romance, when it was more mature and less idealistic. I bought them as star-crossed lovers. I also liked Lana's evolution, she is one of my favorite characters. However, I believe Chloe was and should have been Clark's one. Clark always (or almost always) trusted her beforehand (he uncounsiously knew she was her best mate and confidant), their friendship was the most strongest in the show, they shared good and bad moments, they were the best partners and the cements for love were always there, since the previous seasons. She was the voice of reason he consulted when he felt he needed reassurance and she always believed in him. Chloe encouraged him to do his best (Lana and Lois also did, -well Lois sounded more like a nanny) but Chloe was the one who was always there. Chlark would have been the most organic choice after Lana left.
  5. I liked the episodes when she knows his secret and he is not aware....all s5 was really good, along with s8. S6+S7 were ok but not outstanding for their relationship.
  6. I'm a not a Chlollie fan because I felt that Lois and Oliver would have been perfect together, they had a lot of chemistry. Besides, I'm a Charlk fan as well, although the second partner I'd prefer for Chloe is Oliver. But I'm aware that S11 would be full of Clois and (maybe) Chlollie. Just asking if the story is good. If anyone knows.
  7. LOL!!!!!!!!! Yes, yes!! I felt bad for Kara, she didn't even say goodbye because she knew it was her duty to leave 2011 Metropolis so that Clark could be Superman. But why couldn't both of them be in the same century? By the way....going to watch Smallville Finale again in a few weeks with my friend that finally is going to watch the ending. I'll post again as soon as I watch it. I'll remember it better.
  8. S11: read ir or not read it? That's the question? DO you recommend it??
  9. Don't think they got divorced, nothing pointed to this, although I haven't read S11 mmm...that is my head canon, as well
  10. Hello everybody, I've been off a little, but I wanted to start a topic about the New Superman: Batman vs Superman and Man of Steel (and how it is related to Smallville Universe). I just watched Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice and found some easter eggs: SPOILERS FROM THE LAST MOVIE -Lang family is mentioned -The meta-humans found in Lex Luthor's data base. -Lex Luthor mentions his father several times, and the decoration of his office -Alcoholic drinks also -Perry White says something about: Good Morning Smallville -The Kent Farm, very similar to the one from our beloved Smallville. Just a coincidence? .....ANYthing MORE?? So if you want to discuss the movie or how it has been influenced by Smallville, this is your space.
  11. A friend is currently watching S10 now for the first time and can't understand why Chloe (she is also his favourite character as well) is doing everything she is doing to save everyone and, instead, we have a hero (Clark) whose character development is stuck. He told me: " Kara is much more mature than Clark and prepared" but he doesn't know it....
  12. Couldn't agree with you more. A friend is watching season 9 now for the 1st time (Absolute Justice to be precise) and says that if it was not for the action, or Chloe (or season 10 that I've prmised it's much better) it would not be the same. It's a pitty that I barely remember s9, only if someone recalls me the scenes, and that's because they destroyed the relationship between Chloe and Clark,
  13. I have never understood why we didn't have a real Superman scene. maybe because the show was not as successful and they thought that they could do what they wanted? We even saw Clark flying for once....so why not again? I laughed when I read "that blurry thing in the distance"
  14. Maybe I'll give it try..... if only Chloe was in
  15. Yes, Lois was better in S10 than before, especially when one gets accustomed to them being a couple, because they simply wanted that to happen, no matter what ......and so, despite of the fact I dislike Smallville Clois, I can even watch them if I consider that the 8 previous seasons (and Chloe's and Clark's progression) had never existed. Oh the wedding vows.....that was very hard to watch, it was like....how long have you been in love you two? Are you really perfect for each other? Why are you (writers) trying to make it even more "perfect"? Superman returns Clois was strange. I don't particularly like them, I prefer the classic Superman's movies Clois. As a Clana fan (but MORE Chlarker than Clana though) I can't agree that their relationship was toxic all the time, it was, for sure, but I think it developed from attraction to real love) but they were two star-crossed lovers. If they tried to be partners several times that was because they loved each other. I think that if they had had more luck, they could have had a healthier relationship, and at the end they had a more "grown-up" relationship. (I discuss all these in the Ship Thread). However, I think that the relationship that should have developed after what happended to Clana should have been Chloe and Clark, because IMO that could have been the real love Clark was always searching for, and that one that Chloe had always wanted, because he was his other one. (I love Chlollie but it's not the same for me). Clark could have changed his feelings towards Chloe (the ones of the Best Friend to the ones a man has for the woman he is falling in love with); and he ALREADY had a thing for Chloe while loving Lana or having sexual attraction for Lois. so Yes, we all knew that from the moment Lois appeared, she would probably be the endgame of Smallville. But, the storytelling didn't clearly point that until S8/S9 and there were strong cements for Chark, but they didn't like that and rushed for Clois. So that's why I don't agree that the end of Clana in terms of storytelling meant the start of Clois, because it came from the attraction (similar to Clana's first steps), not from the strong friendship that had had 8 years on-screen evolution. Is it good? If I hadn't watched the first 8 seasons, I would have liked them. But not the way they did it, with Chloe becoming a shadow, and even trying to destroy their friendship (which hopefully didn't happen). I haven't watched Arrow because of the same thing. Green Arrow is Justin Hartley for me.
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