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Bryce Smith

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Posts posted by Bryce Smith

  1. Stephen appears to me, too, to be saying, as directly as he can without actually saying it, that he helped Angkor on purpose and they threw the challenge.  The show never really shows challenge-throwing unless the throwers get their comeuppance, because for some reason throwing a challenge is considered an outrageous sin.

    I don't think so.  One of the challenge throwers last season won.

    • Love 1
  2. Random question, but I wonder where Zelena (who was missing from this episode, as were Robin and Belle) is?  She didn't appear back in Storybrooke with the others, so obviously, something happened to her in Camelot.  Maybe she's playing a part in Emma's plan?  Or Arthur's?

  3. The really sad thing for Diana is that I don't get the feeling the other teams have any real problem with her.  It's Justin who annoys them all, not she.  But because she's his partner, she has to be ostracized, too.

    • Love 2
  4. Final team rosters/cheat sheets for the Battles:


    Team Adam

    Jordan Smith (defeated Regina Love)

    James Dupré (defeated Dustin Monk)

    Keith Semple (defeated Manny Cabo)

    Viktor Király (defeated Cassandra Robertson)

    Shelby Brown (defeated Amanda Ayala)

    Andi & Alex (defeated Chance Peña)

    Dustin Christensen (stolen from Team Blake)

    Blaine Mitchell (stolen from Team Blake)


    Team Gwen

    Ellie Lawrence (defeated Tim Atlas)

    Kota Wade (defeated Alex Kandel)*

    Jeffery Austin (defeated Noah Jackson)*

    Korin Bukowski (defeated Chase Kerby)

    Braiden Sunshine (defeated Lyndsey Elm)

    Summer Schappell (defeated Hanna Ashbrook)*

    Regina Love (stolen from Team Adam)

    Riley Biederer (stolen from Team Pharrell)


    Team Pharrell

    Mark Hood (defeated Celeste Betton)

    Madi Davis (defeated Sydney Rhame)*

    Siahna Im (defeated Ivonne Acero)

    Evan McKeel (defeated Riley Biederer)

    Amy Vachal (defeated Jubal & Amanda)

    Darius Scott (defeated Daria Jazmin)*

    Tim Atlas (stolen from Team Gwen)

    Morgan Frazier (stolen from Team Blake)


    Team Blake

    Zach Seabaugh (defeated Tyler Dickerson)

    Barrett Baber (defeated Dustin Christensen)

    Chris Crump (defeated Krista Hughes)

    Blind Joe (defeated Blaine Mitchell)

    Nadjah Nicole (defeated Cole Criske)*

    Emily Ann Roberts (defeated Morgan Frazier)

    Ivonne Acero (stolen from Team Pharrell)

    Chance Peña (stolen from Team Adam)


    Names in bold indicate someone who has newly won a battle and stayed on his or her team, or has been freshly stolen.  An asterisk indicates that this contestant was montaged.


    So the battles:


    Amanda vs. Shelby: Eesh.  I don't think this battle was as terrible as you all made it out to be, but it wasn't very good, either.  They just kept repeating the chorus.  Hannah Kirby did that song much better last season.  But Shelby was a four-chair turn against a three-chair turn.  No contest that Adam would pick her.  Also, Adam still wants to beat Blake with a country singer, so . . . easy choice for him.


    Amy vs. Jubal & Amanda: I actually appreciated that unlike Adam with Andi & Alex, Pharrell saw fit to give Jubal & Amanda separate parts to sing as well as parts to sing together.  But on the whole, even with that accommodation, it was clear that Amy's solo voice was far superior to Jubal & Amanda's pair of voices.  Likely because I don't think Amanda got enough solo parts on her own while Jubal got a fair amount.


    Emily Ann vs. Morgan: You're all surprised that these two sang a song about one-night stands?  Blake had Brenna Yaeger and Kelsie May sing a Reba song, "Fancy," about a mother turning out her daughter, who became a high-priced call girl as a result.  Not surprised Blake would give his female singers songs like these.  That said, this was probably the best battle of the three shown ones.  Both did an amazing job, but I agree that Emily Ann was definitely superior.  Glad for Morgan, though, that she got Pharrell's steal.  Hope he does her justice, though.


    As for the montaged battles . . . bah!  I was so looking forward to Nadjah's battle!  I can't believe the editors montaged her!  At least she beat Cole.  Darius, who had a shown audition, went against Daria, who had a montaged one.  No contest.  Of course Darius won.  And Summer was also shown, while Hanna wasn't.  Summer obviously had that one.


    All right episode.

    • Love 1
  5. Five days late, but catching up:


    Team rosters/cheat sheets:


    Team Adam

    Jordan Smith (defeated Regina Love)

    James Dupré (defeated Dustin Monk)

    Keith Semple (defeated Manny Cabo)

    Viktor Király (defeated Cassandra Robertson)

    Andi & Alex (defeated Chance Peña)

    Dustin Christensen (stolen from Team Blake)

    Blaine Mitchell (stolen from Team Blake)


    (Still Waiting)

    Amanda Ayala

    Shelby Brown


    Team Gwen

    Ellie Lawrence (defeated Tim Atlas)

    Kota Wade (defeated Alex Kandel)*

    Jeffery Austin (defeated Noah Jackson)*

    Korin Bukowski (defeated Chase Kerby)

    Braiden Sunshine (defeated Lyndsey Elm)

    Regina Love (stolen from Team Adam)

    Riley Biederer (stolen from Team Pharrell)


    (Still Waiting)

    Hanna Ashbrook

    Summer Schappell


    Team Pharrell

    Mark Hood (defeated Celeste Betton)

    Madi Davis (defeated Sydney Rhame)*

    Siahna Im (defeated Ivonne Acero)

    Evan McKeel (defeated Riley Biederer)

    Tim Atlas (stolen from Team Gwen)


    (Still Waiting)

    Daria Jazmin

    Jubal & Amanda

    Darius Scott

    Amy Vachal


    Team Blake

    Zach Seabaugh (defeated Tyler Dickerson)

    Barrett Baber (defeated Dustin Christensen)

    Chris Crump (defeated Krista Hughes)

    Blind Joe (defeated Blaine Mitchell)

    Ivonne Acero (stolen from Team Pharrell)

    Chance Peña (stolen from Team Adam)


    (Still Waiting)

    Nadjah Nicole

    Emily Ann Roberts

    Morgan Frazier

    Cole Criske


    Names in bold indicate someone who has newly won a battle and stayed on his or her team, or has been freshly stolen.  An asterisk indicates that this contestant was montaged.


    So the battles:


    Blaine vs. Blind Joe: That wasn't bad!  Straight-up, I think that Blind Joe very easily won that one!  Not only was his voice very good, but he had the performance aspect nailed that Blaine didn't.  You could tell from the comments he threw in during the battle that he really got what it meant to perform.  As for Blaine, I'm thinking Adam is seriously obsessed with beating Blake with a country singer.  He's already snatched his third one with this steal.


    Cassandra vs. Viktor: Come on.  Cassandra was montaged in the Blinds.  Viktor was shown.  Obviously, Viktor was making it through.  And since the other coaches hadn't turned for Cassandra, of course no one was going to extend a hand to steal her.  Poor woman looked heartbroken, though.


    Chase vs. Korin: Eesh.  I see what you all meant about Chase being jobbed.  He did a good job with what he had, but that song had Korin's name all over it.  Korin does have a uniqueness to her voice you don't hear in many others.  So I can sort of see why Gwen went with her.


    Evan vs. Riley: I don't care how "karaoke" that song is.  Both of them did excellently with it.  But Evan probably won that battle, even though Riley kept up with him extremely well.  But I kind of had a feeling that Evan would win, anyway, since he was shown in the Blinds, while Riley was montaged.  I also don't get why you're all down on Gwen for stealing her.  Riley has an amazing voice of which I certainly would like to hear more.


    Braiden vs. Lyndsey: I'd actually heard about Gwen's choice on a YouTube video.  There was a comment from someone who'd been at the Battles and Knockouts and knew of the choices made by all of the coaches, and he mentioned Gwen's choice here.  I honestly can't believe that he was telling the truth about this.  What the fuck was Gwen thinking, giving up her ONLY four-chair turn for this teenager?!  And then, no one steals Lyndsey, who very clearly won that battle?!  Apparently, many people at the Battles and Knockouts commented in the audience at how dumb Gwen's choices throughout those rounds were, so I fear what she's going to do in the next round.  That said, I did like that Lyndsey had met someone from whom her brother had taped a message.


    Andi & Alex vs. Chance: Andi & Alex straight-up won this one.  Amazing how two voices can meld into one so easily and overpower a competing solo voice.  I'm not a huge Adam fan, but he definitely chose correctly here.  I'm actually surprised everyone's happy about Chance being stolen.  Didn't think he was that special.  Blake basically wasted a spot.


    I don't know.  Anyone else think this season is pushing an Adam vs. Blake ending?  So far, none of their battles have been montaged, while Gwen and Pharrell each have had at least one.


    Dots And Stripes, on 19 Oct 2015 - 10:45 PM, said:Dots And Stripes, on 19 Oct 2015 - 10:45 PM, said:Dots And Stripes, on 19 Oct 2015 - 10:45 PM, said:Dots And Stripes, on 19 Oct 2015 - 10:45 PM, said:

    Braiden won with his little quip. I felt bad on that one. Lyndsey was better in that performance. Gwen self sabotaging there. Even she knows Braiden may not be ready.


    wings707, on 20 Oct 2015 - 09:27 AM, said:wings707, on 20 Oct 2015 - 09:27 AM, said:wings707, on 20 Oct 2015 - 09:27 AM, said:wings707, on 20 Oct 2015 - 09:27 AM, said:

    Braiden is young and needs more time to develop stage presence. This comp is much more than just singing voice.   I wonder if Blake would have stolen him.

    I think Gwen choosing Braiden comes down to one major thing.  She probably wants to make Braiden her Ryan Sill of this season.  In season seven, Ryan was another teenager like Braiden to whom Gwen got greatly attached, even to the point where she advanced him over much better artists, much to her detriment.  She probably thinks he'll court the teen vote if he reaches the Lives.  But it didn't work with Ryan, so why would she think it'll work with Braiden?

    • Love 2
  6. Winston9-DT3, on 24 Oct 2015 - 2:50 PM, said:

    I don't really remember Shambo much but JT/Stephen took Erinn to F3 over Cirie, didn't they?

    They took her to the F3 over Taj.  Cirie wasn't even on that season.

  7. blackwing, on 23 Oct 2015 - 11:54 PM, said:blackwing, on 23 Oct 2015 - 11:54 PM, said:

    Sorry to see the track stars go, but it was their own fault for not reading the clue, not once, but twice.

    The worst part is that we are stuck with Logan & Chris. Both of them suck.


    jzygayle, on 24 Oct 2015 - 01:23 AM, said:jzygayle, on 24 Oct 2015 - 01:23 AM, said:

    Even getting themselves eliminated is insufficient punishment for the Track Stars to escape my TV-wrath; the Paparazzi were >< this close to being eliminated until the Track Stars decided to embrace their own inability to read a clue.  Argh.  One more week of the awful Chris and Logan.

    I don't think that would've mattered.  Even without Jazmine & Danielle fucking up left and right, Logan & Chris still would've made it.  As we saw, the overtook Cindy & Rick at the fruit balancing and likely would've regardless of what'd happened with Jazmine & Danielle.  We'd have just lost Cindy & Rick instead.

  8. LotusFlower, on 23 Oct 2015 - 10:10 PM, said:

    Also, do teams only get to use a U-turn once? If yes, then there's some more stupidity right there.

    Yes.  They can only use them once.  If it'd been a Blind U-Turn, they could use a non-Blind U-Turn later on.  But since it appeared to be a normal one, then they can't.

  9. I'm very sorry to see them go, but it really was their own fault.  They should've used that U-Turn on Tiffany & Krista to get themselves a time buffer.  They also got the cabbie who had no clue where he was going, which wasn't their fault, and dropped them off near the Pit Stop task instead of the lion task.  They seemed to get back into it, but then, they didn't think to check the skulls for the clues, and then, it was over for them.


    Sad to see them go while nastier teams remain (Tanner & Josh, Logan & Chris), but it was a fully-deserved elimination here.

    • Love 2
  10. There wasn't much attention given to them this week, so I had a feeling that they were safe.  Their only real mistake that I could see was leaving the site of the Roadblock too soon.  Other than that, Cindy did said Roadblock quickly enough, they did the Detour well, and they actually knew to look for the skulls among the lions.


    The fruit balancing knocked them down, but they were lucky that Jazmine & Danielle made their mistakes.  Seventh place for them.

  11. I can't believe all of the fighting they do.  I blame most of it on Chris, since he seems to panic and overthink things too much.  Logan is a bit aggressive, though.  Probably too much so.  From what I saw, they made a mistake leaving the Roadblock too soon out of thinking they had to go somewhere else first.  Chris did an okay job with the Roadblock.  Logan was right to get Chris not to switch Detours, because Chris was panicking too soon.  They did the lion task just right, and their balance helped them pass Cindy & Rick to make to sixth.


    Nice job.  Too bad their fighting is getting annoying.

  12. @Lantern7, Tiffany is taller than Krista, who has much darker skin.  That can help you tell them apart.


    Glad to see them get out from the back.  It was stupid to blow their U-Turn on a team who had to have passed by it by that point.  But despite the tears, they said they wanted out of the back of the pack, and they fought their way out of it.  Krista nailed the Roadblock, they did the Detour quickly enough (Crocs was definitely better for them than Canoes), and they actually knew to look for the skulls at the lion task.  They did the balancing well enough, too, and came in a well-deserved fifth place.


    Great comeback, ladies!

    • Love 3
  13. Holding steady, they remain about in the middle of the pack.  Kelsey did well with the Roadblock, they did the Detour at an okay pace, and they didn't fail the lion task.  They lost third place at the fruit balancing, so fourth place is where they finished.


    I have to say that I wouldn't be surprised if they win.  They're the only team whose edit seems close to perfect right now.

  14. It was so amusing to see the douchebags complete bungle the rowing at the Detour, going both ways.  They seemed to have no other major problems, though.  Actually, they somehow made up time at the fruit balancing if they passed Kelsey & Joey.


    Nonetheless, while the obsession they have with Justin & Diana got a rest on this episode, they still have it.  I'm hoping it leads to their downfall.

    • Love 4
  15. Another fine leg from these two, having kept the lead for most of the leg.  I admired Justin's bravery in doing the Roadblock, and they handled the Detour very well.  The lion task was also well-done.  But balancing the fruit killed them, or at least took them out of first.


    Still, they're holding steady, which is a good thing for them.  But Justin's "second is the first loser" thing bugged greatly.

    • Love 1
  16. Congratulations to these two, winning their first leg!  Yes, they used the Express Pass to do it, but I think, in this case, it made sense.  They were stuck in a wait-in-line task, and I think that made it the perfect time to use it.  James Earl did the Roadblock very well, and they had no problem with the lion task.  Balancing the fruit made all the difference, and they notched a well-earned win!


    Good job to them!  Plus, Denise was less annoying this week!

    • Love 3
  17. Good to see the very first task come back, and the first task of this season, to boot.  And yes.  All of the failures to read the clue really got to me.  But at least we got a new leg-winning team, so there's that.  And agreed that the team eliminated was one of the last ones I'd have wanted.  But it was their fault.


    So the teams:


    Denise & James Earl: Congratulations to these two, winning their first leg!  Yes, they used the Express Pass to do it, but I think, in this case, it made sense.  They were stuck in a wait-in-line task, and I think that made it the perfect time to use it.  James Earl did the Roadblock very well, and they had no problem with the lion task.  Balancing the fruit made all the difference, and they notched a well-earned win!  Good job to them!


    Justin & Diana: Another fine leg from these two, having kept the lead for most of the leg.  I admired Justin's bravery in doing the Roadblock, and they handled the Detour very well.  The lion task was also well-done.  But balancing the fruit killed them, or at least took them out of first.  Still, they're holding steady, which is a good thing for them.  But Justin's "second is the first loser" thing bugged greatly.


    Tanner & Josh: It was so amusing to see the douchebags complete bungle the rowing at the Detour, going both ways.  They seemed to have no other major problems, though.  Actually, they somehow made up time at the fruit balancing if they passed Kelsey & Joey.  Nonetheless, while the obsession they have with Justin & Diana got a rest on this episode, they still have it.  I'm hoping it leads to their downfall.


    Kelsey & Joey: Holding steady, they remain about in the middle of the pack.  Kelsey did well with the Roadblock, they did the Detour at an okay pace, and they didn't fail the lion task.  They lost third place at the fruit balancing, so fourth place is where they finished.  I have to say they're very likely the winners.  They're the only team whose edit seems close to perfect right now.


    Tiffany & Krista: Glad to see them get out from the back.  It was stupid to blow their U-Turn on a team who had to have passed by it by that point.  But despite the tears, they said they wanted out of the back of the pack, and they fought their way out of it.  Krista nailed the Roadblock, they did the Detour quickly enough (Crocs was definitely better for them than Canoes), and they actually knew to look for the skulls at the lion task.  They did the balancing well enough, too, and came in a well-deserved fifth place.


    Logan & Chris: I can't believe all of the fighting they do.  I blame most of it on Chris, since he seems to panic and overthink things too much.  Logan is a bit aggressive, though.  Probably too much so.  From what I saw, they made a mistake leaving the Roadblock too soon out of thinking they had to go somewhere else first.  Chris did an okay job with the Roadblock.  Logan was right to get Chris not to switch Detours, because Chris was panicking too soon.  They did the lion task just right, and their balance helped them pass Cindy & Rick to make to sixth.  Nice job.


    Cindy & Rick: There wasn't much attention given to them this week, so I had a feeling that they were safe.  Their only real mistake that I could see was leaving the site of the Roadblock too soon.  Other than that, Cindy did said Roadblock quickly enough, they did the Detour well, and they actually knew to look for the skulls among the lions.  The fruit balancing knocked them down, but they were lucky that Jazmine & Danielle made their mistakes.  Seventh place for them.


    Jazmine & Danielle: I'm very sorry to see them go, but it really was their own fault.  They should've used that U-Turn on Tiffany & Krista to get themselves a time buffer.  They also got the cabbie who had no clue where he was going, which wasn't their fault, and dropped them off near the Pit Stop task instead of the lion task.  They seemed to get back into it, but then, they didn't think to check the skulls for the clues, and then, it was over for them.  Sad to see them go while nastier teams remain, but it was a fully-deserved elimination here.


    I was glad that at least the Justin & Diana/Tanner & Josh feud wasn't overshadowing the other teams, for once.  So that's something, at least!


    All right episode.

  18. himela, on 23 Oct 2015 - 06:28 AM, said:

    Spencer's game is good because of the degree of difficulty that it has. Most players till now at least had it easy. They are either in a winning tribe (Ta'keo) or in a good alliance (Bayon). At the moment Joe, Terry, Cierra, Kass, Keith and Kelley are in an always winning tribe and Jeremy, Stephen, Monica and Kimmi were in a good alliance (until Monica decided to throw this luck in the garbage and paid for it). The only people who have had to struggle are the Angkor tribe. Spencer found himself in a minority alliance with Shirin and he managed to convince his then tribe mates to keep him. He realized his mistakes in the game last time and promised to change them. The next day he found himself again in a minority being only by himself. He has zero alliances and is open to join any alliance that will want him and that makes him a good choice to keep. He managed to change himself and become a new Spencer who will be less strategic and more cool and emotionally vulnerably so that he keeps himself in the low. He pleaded his case in this tribal council without showing his inner state. Spencer's game is good because he can adjust to new situations and remain a winner through them while most other players just had it easy. Spencer needs to lay low, play the weak emotionally victim and become a loyal force in Bayon in order to go forward.

    And yet . . . he still remains on the bottom.  Therefore, not impressed.


    blackwing, on 23 Oct 2015 - 10:56 AM, said:

    There was a black female that I liked but can't remember anything more about.

    Her name was . . . Ramona.  I think. . . .

    • Love 1
  19. Color me shocked that, after a rocky start in their conversation, Julian and Olivia managed to talk like adults and agree to work out a custody agreement for Leo.  Good sign the writers wanna make at least some positive changes?

    • Love 8
  20. Yes, I agree about RC. I was blanking on who were first jurists on the RI seasons, then remembered that it was David Murphy and Jim Rice. They both got classic first jurists boots edits also.

    I left David and Jim out, however, because they were alliance leaders, and Jim was an immunity threat.  Your list was of those who were neither of those.

  21. If they figured out that Kara was dead by the time they left the compound, then they *had* to have known Ward killed her.  May knew she was still alive when the SHIELD rescue team had been culled down to only 3 people, so if the three of them hadn't killed her that would only leave Ward.  Hunter also would have heard the fake orders May gave through their SHIELD communicators that were really meant for Kara and could have figured out that May was baiting her into using her mask.  We never saw May or Hunter discover Kara's death obviously, but they could have made their own assumptions from the gunshots.  Ward shot Kara at least 3 times before realizing his mistake.

    The only way that'd make sense for them to have found out about it afterwards is if Ward escaped without Kara's body, they found it, and then realized that he was the only one who could've done it.  I'm gonna assume that that was what happened.


    I didn't see it as setting her up to be killed rather just a combat deception to send Hydra to the wrong place. So Ward was set up expecting May at a location and Kara stumbled into it.

    I agree.  I think May was simply trying to cause some confusion, but not outright get Kara killed.  The fact that she was killed, though, was a bonus for them.


    Too bad it's the main reason Ward wants/wanted Andrew dead.

    • Love 3
  22. ByaNose, on 22 Oct 2015 - 9:12 PM, said:

    But, I like Terry.

    I don't.  I love that he's in his current position.


    And yes, this is the game of Survivor!  And Terry's not playing it well!  Ha!

    • Love 3
  23. Loved Patrick's smackdown of Sonny yesterday.  He's right that his lifestyle led him to his current condition.  And it looked like Sonny was finally getting it.


    Then, he tried to trick Morgan into springing him, and it was more than clear that he hadn't.

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