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Everything posted by thegreatfireofrome

  1. This Lindsay plot may be one of the darkest things I've ever seen on tv. I cannot think of another show in this era that's played domestic abuse from the abuser's perspective, or another show ever that's done it with this gravity and as comedy. I remember all the articles last year leading up to season 2 saying they were going to go dark, and really explore some shit. Clinical depression was definitely a bold shot to cover, but it's not anywhere as gruesome as this. Seeing the immediate post-abuse gaslighting/reality revising was even more stomach turning than the actual stabbing. So excited to see Samira Wiley enter, I've been pumped about this for months. Everything was great, really, but I'm just so goddamn struck with this Lindsay thing. I had to give myself little "holy fuck" breaks to finish this episode. Minor note: I have never fully liked Dorothy, even in her and Edgar's sweet moments, and I'm definitely feeling that ultimately she can't handle him. Not that her insight about his friendship with Jimmy or relationship to comedy haven't been valuable. But, it is possible to love someone with PTSD, and the key is to be pretty consistently tuned in to them when you're with them. (Not a bad rule for a relationship in the first place.) And we've seen her fail at that in minor ways, a lot.
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