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Posts posted by Indy

  1. 15 hours ago, topanga said:

    Thanks. But what the heck is the Olympic Channel

    Must check to see if I have it...

    I believe it's the latest incarnation of the NBC Sports network.  It's a cable channel, plus you can watch online and via the NBC Sports app if your cable provider carries the network.  

    • Love 1
  2. I didn't absolutely love the Pilot, but it's just a pilot so I'll give it a few more episodes.

    I loved Mary, she was so perfect based on what we know of Mrs. Cooper.  The little boy playing Sheldon is super cute and the two of them play off each other very well. I think the siblings are well cast too and the family dynamic is good.  I'm still having trouble with the casting of Mr. Cooper though, mostly because the episode of BBT that he was in was one of my least favorite ones ever so I'm having trouble separating him from that character. 


    1 hour ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

    Someone mentioned the bow tie and look of Young Sheldon looks too much like the kid from problem child, just a bad and unfunny series of movies, which I agree.  Was a bad idea to make him look like that. 

    YES! That's it! That's who he looks like, with that blue shirt and bow tie. And yeah, terrible movies so why in the world would they go there. Still a cute kid though. 

    • Love 2
  3. 13 hours ago, anna0852 said:

    And I love that Leonard and Penny mutually forgot their anniversary. For that matter, what would they consider to be their anniversary? Given the numbers of break-ups and make-ups along with the fact that they held two different wedding ceremonies they have several dates to choose from.

    I laughed hard at that too. My DH and I technically have two wedding anniversaries (we got legally married one day and had our ceremony a different day) so between that and general chaos in our lives this year, we both forgot until something popped up on my husband's Facebook "on this day" thing. I got a text from him that said "Facebook reminded me that it was our anniversary....oops!" We were already planning on celebrating a few weeks later when we were travelling to visit family and would have someone to watch our kid so the actual dates of our anniversary slipped both of our minds. 

    • Love 3
  4. This one made me sad. Both Ashley and Katelyn, but especially Katelyn - what a sad, lost little girl she seemed to be.  I was hoping for an update on her at the end, I hope she stays clean. 

  5. We're certainly getting a load of Canadian episodes this season. I miss our regularly scheduled interventionists. 

    I feel so bad for Sam's kids,I hope she makes it through all this to be able to be a parent to them.

  6. On 9/18/2017 at 9:41 AM, joanne3482 said:

    I read in People Magazine this weekend that Laurie Metcalf's daughter is playing a young Mrs. Cooper. I think that's pretty neat! 

    I love that they are having her play Mrs. Cooper. You can tell that she's studied her mom's portrayal of the character - or they're just really similar in real life too - because in the preview clips she has the same intonations in her accent and similar mannerisms as Laurie Metcalf does. 

    • Love 7
  7. I see Simone at least giving a comeback a go. She seems to still love gym and she has the potential to still be a factor, especially with the new format and the elevation of specialists. She could come back for floor/vault and win.  I really hope she does come back, she's just so freaking talented.  As much as I'd love to see Laurie back, I think she's done.  And even if she came back, with all of the upcoming juniors, there might not be a place for her. 

  8. 14 hours ago, MostlyC said:

    Who is airing the competition?  What network?

    The Seniors' session is going to be on NBC's new Olympics Chanel. And also both the Hopes (Friday 1:30 CT), the Juniors (Saturday 1:00pm CT), and the Seniors (Saturday 6:30pm CT) are going to be broadcast on USAG's YouTube channel.  Usually the YouTube broadcasts are available to watch later too so you don't have to watch them live. 

  9. On 7/14/2017 at 8:26 PM, CeeBeeGee said:

    Sorry to reply to myself--I today realized the Classic airs on those dates. It actually happened last week. Sorry!

    There are two meets with "Classic" in the name this summer, to make things nice and confusing. The American Classic was held at the Ranch a few weeks ago and was an Nationals qualifier meet - and not televised. The U. S. Classic (formerly called the Secret Classic, when Secret deodorant was the title sponsor) is this coming weekend, and is televised. Why one of them couldn't get a different name is beyond me.

  10. This makes me so happy, I hope it happens and that it is as faboo as the first go was.


    "Are we clear?"
    "No, we're opaque. (*snaps fingers, Warner siblings become clear*) Now we're clear!"


    "Coffee? Tea? Monster?"

    • Love 1
  11. "Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
    "I think so Brain, but culottes tend to ride up so!"


    "Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
    "I think so Brain, but without ears, we'd look like weasels!"

    • Love 3
  12. 1 hour ago, LoneHaranguer said:

    The mention of cinder blocks was in regard to when Sheldon was in Germany at 15, so the family could have moved in between. 

    Good point. And given that being a football coach can be somewhat of a transient position (at least given my knowledge of Texas high school football via Friday Night Lights), it would be entirely possible that Mr. Cooper would have taken another position between the start of the show and when Sheldon was in Germany, settling the family in a house that likes to slip off its cinder blocks. 

  13. 4 hours ago, Lord Donia said:

    I don't want to spoil my own enjoyment by being an annoying stickler for detail, but I will be disappointed if the Cooper house isn't on cinder blocks.

    In the video, there was an aerial shot of what I assumed was the Cooper's neighborhood and it looked like a regular neighborhood of small homes, nothing cinderblocky. Sigh. The house slipping off the cinder blocks could have been a funny running plot. 

    • Love 1
  14. 13 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

    Had thought Shelly's dad was tall and thin like him but whatever...

    I think he's supposed to be a bigger man. At one point Sheldon mentioned that they had to buy his dad an extra-large coffin due to how much he enjoyed Mrs. Cooper's cooking.  I'm having a hard time getting past the fact that he's the actor that played Leonard's bully...I really hated that episode...hopefully I can get used to him in a new role.  

    Zoe Perry seems to be channeling her mother quite nicely as a young Mrs. Cooper.  I think I'm going to quite like her and how she handles Shelly. 

    I'm definitely willing to give the show a chance. 

    • Love 3
  15. 46 minutes ago, Gbb said:


      Reveal hidden contents

    Sheldon doesn't respond to the kiss. They pull apart, and he leaves the room, gets in a taxi, gets on a plane (watches Sponge Bob on the way). The next scene is Amy at her Princeton apartment and a knock on the door. She opens the door to see Sheldon on one knee. "Will you marry me?" Fade to black on Amy's stunned face.


    • Love 4
  16. Late to the party, but I loved Amy singing "Soft Kitty" in multiple languages.  Part of me was a little bummed that it's no longer just Penny & Sheldon's thing, but making it multi-lingual put a great spin on it.  And the German for "purr purr purr" is one of the best noises I've ever heard...

    • Love 2
  17. 2 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

    I really want to know more about Faye, the town clerk. Something was very weird there with her and that list of people John knew.

    Me too. It was just so damned shady with that list. And of all people why did John pick her to call during? 


    Maybe she took the money from the freezer and not Tyler....

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  18. 19 hours ago, bosawks said:

    Aw man, all I can think of to say is dammit John, sigh.....

    I'm with you.  

    The whole thing was equal parts sad, strange, interesting, disturbing, and frustrating, with a healthy sprinkling of WTF on top of it all

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