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Posts posted by kellinatorjones

  1. Kate: Have you heard the wonderful news yet?

    Victor: That you whored yourself out to my brother Deimos?

    Kate: Try again.

    Victor: That you whored yourself out to my brother Deimos for a lot of money?

    I enjoyed him later telling Kate "You're running in traffic. With scissors." 

    • Love 3
  2. Ugh at Samantha's "friend" Rich, trying to put enabling tokens in the pretty addict until sex comes out. I wonder if he was the one she was giving the $40 sensual massages to? 

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  3. I would have given the win to Katya. I'm not familiar with the SNL version of Suze Orman, but I've watched an awful lot of the real thing and Katya had me rolling throughout. 


    I thought Kennedy had made a huge mistake going with Little Richard, but I knew I'd been wrong as soon as I saw Ru doubled over laughing. Props to taking a risk. 


    I had been pulling for Max lately, but can't really fault the decision to send her home, even though I preferred her lipsynch. That was just a colossal blunder. I'm also pretty over the trend of impersonating other contestants. And I don't know that America's Next Drag Superstar can possibly be such a prude. I guess I'm with Ross -- I like a little dirt on my drag queens. Speaking of, I actually enjoy Ross as a judge. It probably has more to do with my fond memories of him on Celebrity Fit Club being besties with Tina Yothers and begging for a Xanax so he could cope with Dustin Diamond, but I'm happy. All week I've been wanting to yell "Hiiiiiiiiii Miss Daisy!" at random people.


    It's like Miss Fame is two different people: the charming, compassionate person in the werkroom who comforts Katya and really loves chickens, and some boring-ass queen.


    Overall I thought Snatch Game brought some laughs but not enough. Give me Bianca fighting crime now. I had to rewatch all of s6 because I miss her so much. 

    • Love 4
  4. Increasingly I feel like Gotham came about because some suit looked at the whole Batman mythos and said "you know, this would make a really great story if it weren't so positive and up-with-people." 

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  5. Silly me, I always thought Bruce was fucked in the head due to witnessing his parents' murder. After the pilot, I considered it might have something to do with the Waynes not being able to come up with anyone more appropriate than their butler as a guardian. Now I find out it's because Alfred was dumb enough, or subservient enough,  to parrot Thomas Wayne's piss-poor ideas on parenting. I really didn't need a version of Batman that gave me an unlikeable, shouty Alfred. 

    • Love 1
  6. It's not, Camera One. Comics Allen is fairly cranky, but an excellent cop and an extremely loyal partner. Basically he is Pembleton from Homicide, but a much better partner. Gotham Allen also doesn't look like comics Allen either; this guy has too many muscles and gives off a meathead vibe. Comics Allen is scary smart. He also wouldn't pull that damsel in distress shit with Montoya, as he wouldn't deny Renee the pleasure of beating any creeps up herself. 

  7. gh_05-andrew-publicity_0467-rca_.jpg


    Crispus Allen, Gotham PD Major Crimes detective and partner to Renee Montoya. Played by Andrew Stewart Jones.


    (Trivia for any Homicide:LOTS fans out there, "a low-rent Pembleton" is how Crispus Allen's creator, Greg Rucka, referred to him several DragonCons ago.)

    • Love 1

    WHEN Lucas and Sami were being written for as a couple, they were written as toxic.


    I really don't agree with this. Sami and Lucas weren't a couple at all for the longest, while they were doing all those horrible things to each other. Will's conception was such a one-off I don't think it even occurred to either one that Lucas could be Will's father for the longest. It was after they came through all that that they realized there was something there and got together, and for the brief shining moment we were allowed to have before show rammed EJ down our throats, I think it was pretty damn magnificent, with Lucas standing up to Kate and such.


    I will always be bitter that I waited two decades for Lumi and show almost immediately blew it up for fucking EJ. 

    • Love 4
  9. Jennifer is such a fucking hypocrite. Abigail should be praised for possibly missing her own brother's graduation to attend to Sami because she's keeping a promise, but a legal promise Jack made in writing doesn't count? I hate her. Also, I'm tired of Jennifer (and everyone else, apparently) pretending Jack was a saint, and I say this as a huge Jack fan. Jack never totally reformed from being a con artist (frankly, it was part of what made him fun) and this never-heard-of agreement actually sounds totally in character for him. 

    • Love 3
  10. My problem with Anne is that the only reason she exists is so the writers can call those of us who see Jennifer for what she really is as shown by her actions and behavior bitches. She solely exists so the writers can take potshots at those of us with the temerity to point out they don't know the meaning of "show, don't tell." 

    • Love 2
  11. Victor's devotion to Melanie (who I generally liked, that's my unpopular opinion for the day) was pretty damn cute, especially because it was built on Melanie's constant snarking on Vivian. 

    • Love 2
  12. If I lived in Salem...


    My best friend would be Sonny, because he's fun, loyal, and possibly the only Salemite under age 50 with more than two brain cells to rub together. Plus being Sonny's bestie would get my foot in the door with Victor, Justin, Kate, and T. Who else can you say that about? 


    My husband/boyfriend would be a resurrected Jack because he's funny/snarky/witty, genuinely tried to become a better person, and oh yeah, I've been in love with him since I was eleven. 


    My archenemy might be Ciara, because no one else in Salem seems to realize that kid is up to no good. 


    I would live in the Kiriakis Mansion because Pop-Up Victor and a full bar.


    My job would be anonymous gossip columnist for the Spectator. I would hide in the bushes and eavesdrop on everyone, and create drinking games for my readers such as "Dannifer broke up again, do a shot." I would get Anne to cover for me and claim I worked in the hospital basement by promising to write lots of snark about Jennifer. 


    I would probably spend most of my time drinking, snarking on people, and reading Jack my latest column complete with impersonations of the idiots of Salem. 

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