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Posts posted by kellinatorjones

  1. It wasn't Shelley Hennig's fault that when she came on Stephanie changed from a cool redhead who drove racecars to a drippy clinger who considered oopsing Nathan Horton and was pitted against new redhead Melanie. But it always makes me cringe when I hear about fans taking it out on actors. We should all be taking it out on Ken Corday instead. 

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  2. My latest reason to hate Abby is how sweet she was to T until she realized he wasn't Ben, then totally blew him off. But seeing Sami toy with her is worth the whole ridiculous storyline. I'm generally not in favor of slut-shaming but I did love Sami calling Abby a slut. Now that's the Sami I know.

    Awww, I love the rare occasions when Kate does something selfless.

    I am inordinately pleased that Blair found out before Jen-Jen did. I still love to watch KdP but she's really not bearing any resemblance to Eve so far, so I'm momentarily fanwanking her as Blair undercover looking for the Triskele people (let's face it, they're probably run by Stefano) for my own amusement.

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  3. I've been insisting for months that one of the few things that would bring me back to the show is Sami and Kate scheming together, so I caught up on the past week and I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    I only saw a few minutes of oldBen and couldn't have cared less, but I'm kinda interested in nuBen. I can't remember a new character grabbing my interest so strongly since Sonny. That said, I am not including his scenes with Abby in this rating, because Abby isn't even fun to watch despite being a character I love to hate. Definitely agree that Ben and Jordan have more chemistry with each other than anyone else. Show, just go ahead and Go There, seriously, what do you have to lose. I know Jordan was never scintillating but it really makes me depressed just how boring and bland she's become post-glasses. I used to actually kinda enjoy her and Rafe because they talked about football, which made them seem more like real people you might care about to me. Most soap characters just talk about who they want to screw either literally or figuratively.

    I vaguely remember hating Eve during her first run, but I was both extremely young and a big Kim fan, so I doubt I'd be anti-Eve on a rewatch. I watched PP OLTL and absolutely fell in love with KdP but wasn't sure how I'd feel about her as Eve. After this week I'm cautiously optimistic. She doesn't really make me think "Eve" but I'm also not very attached to Eve so it may be easier for me to accept her. My favorite bit of her performance was the discussion of not lending Theresa money, which also made me warm to Paige.

    I do remember the details of the Jack/Eve marriage because I was obsessed with Jack and Jennifer: Nick had left the condition in his will that Eve could not inherit from him until she was married to someone Julie approved of. She and Jack got married because she wanted to get the money and Jack needed the money to save the Spectator. Julie knew it was bullshit but okayed it anyway because she wanted to prove to Eve that money couldn't make her happy (and was probably scared of what Eve might do if she didn't). I seem to remember a wedding night with clothing drunkenly thrown around, if that rings a bell with anyone, though as I said I was very young so I may have misinterpreted. You'd never believe it now, but in the early '90s Julie was a major voice of reason.

    Anyway, I'm preemptively calling bullshit on Frankie being Paige's father, even though I'm sure they're going to Go There (and I'll get over it if it involves bringing Billy Warlock back). Frankie and Eve both are Brady-related and something like that could not have stayed a secret. Also, I refuse to believe Frankie is a deadbeat dad.

    Normally I would automatically be on Nicole's side against Marlena, but I just can't, as much as I love Nicole. Being a Nicole fan sucks.

    My favorite part of the Dannifer breakup was all the "I cannot believe your shit" faces that Daniel kept making.

    Anyway, between callbacks to the early '90s (even if they're inaccurate) and Sami/Kate scheming, I feel like it's a good time to be back.

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  4. Despite my love for Pop-Up Victor, I'm not so in love with the slut/bitch/whore trifecta. In addition to the reasons caughtontape enumerated and the double standard sunnyheart mentioned, it's just kind of lazy. Vic's much more entertaining when insulting someone's intelligence. NBC's webpage used to have a "Stuff Victor Says" section that included such classics as "The Three Stooges on crack could have come up with a better plan" and "There's an old Groucho Marx movie on TV dubbed in Italian. It's sort of like talking to Vivian." 


    I think I'd be okay with Victor calling someone a floozy, though, because that's just an inherently funny word.

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  5. I actually don't want Daniel dead. I just want him taken to his logical conclusion as the local Dr. Feelgood who doesn't realize he's too old to dress like that. If other characters could start actually talking about how he constantly falls into bed with his patients, that would be great. If other characters would start making faces to indicate that Dr. Pigpen doesn't smell very good, that would be even better. 

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  6. You know 271queenie, when Eric was chewing Nicole out when the truth came out, I noticed that rather than the "you took my choices and my vocation away from me" tack that is the reason people are actually so disgusted with Nicole, instead Eric went with "Jennifer was almost killed because you were hiding your lie!" Typical Days: things are only important insofar as they relate to your next sexual partner. 

  7. At this point, I wish they would kill off Nicole and bring AZ in as another character - someone who was confident and funny and witty, all things that AZ excels at.


    I'd be so down with that. I also wish they'd bring back MA as a new character, funny and witty minus the rapist baggage and the inexplicable devotion to Jennifer. Seriously, I daydream about Jennifer becoming obsessed with this new character and him refusing to give her the time of day. 


    I wish Maggie and Victor would break up. They were so cute when they were falling in love but they really don't have anything in common and Maggie just drives me crazy these days with her constant Daniel propping and refusal to let Victor be Victor. I sort of wish Victor had been behind Nick's death so we could have seen a blowout fight between Victor and Maggie where Maggie yells about Victor putting his family before hers and Victor asks when she stopped being related to Will. 

    • Love 4
  8. Why has it always got to be about boring passive Will? Sonny is so charismatic and likeable, and I know FS could absolutely kill if they'd let him do more, like embrace his inner Kiriakis. But no, all he gets to do is stand around and hold Will's jockstrap. 

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  9. I love Nicole too. I think AZ is the best actress on the show and has done an amazing job of making her sympathetic over the years despite her bad behavior (and I think all the nuance comes from AZ, because we all know the writers can't do nuance). With Nicole I actually can believe her actions come from being at heart an abused child who's never known security, as opposed to Sami where I always think it's coming from her total lack of impulse control. I actually had to quit watching after Nicole shredded the papers because I was so angry that the writers won't let me have nice things, and I still haven't gotten over it enough to come back. 


    Lauren Boles might be the second-best actress on the show, but I agree that Ciara is a little brat, even when I agree with her about Hope's generally piss-poor parenting. The time she whined about Theo still having a dad and tried to use it to guilt Hope, I wanted someone to lecture her on how Theo's mom is dead, never coming back, you selfish little brat. But if the show is on long enough, she'll make the best troubled teen ever. I doubt this one is an unpopular opinion, but I'd also rather have Bo killed off than for the show to expect me to swallow that he's abandoned his clearly troubled child like this. 

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  10. True, but I still want to give the crown on that one to Gabi because for Nicole and Abby it seems like more of a recent development, while it's been consistent with Gabi for a long time. I still think it doesn't get more desperate than sleeping with a gay guy. 

  11. I know there are a lot of contenders for this one, but I sort of want to go ahead and give Gabi the Decade's Dumbest. I've been watching Days a long time, and I honestly can't remember a character as breathtakingly stupid as Little Miss Dumb as Shit and Desperate for Dick. It doesn't help that she's also bitchy, entitled, and mean to Sonny. 

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  12. Hi all! Another TWoP refugee here. I grew up watching Days and have a decades-old love-hate relationship with it which, these days, is mostly hate (I'm still pissed that Nicole's redemption went in the shredder), but I can't resist the snark, which is faster than actually watching the show and way more entertaining. I brought Pop-Up Victor along to liven up the party. So glad we have a new home! 

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