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Posts posted by peskipiksi

  1. Just adding my little data point to the discussion...I was a kid in the eighties in Oklahoma.  Our house was on a cul de sac, and we definitely called it that at the time!  I can still hear my Mom hollering after me..."don't leave the cul de sac without telling me first!" (As I ran out the door to play with all the neighborhood kids....)

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  2. Who the fuck does Jenelle think she is?  She really thinks she can control whether MTV films with Barb or not?  Fuck you, Jenelle.

    And Barb, I'm still on your side, I don't think for a second you're after the money, but you're on my shit list, too.  How dare you put Jace in the middle of that?  How dare you make him feel guilty for what happened?  Grow up, Barb, for Christ's sake!

    • Love 14
  3. I have zero problem with Barb kicking Jenelle out for her transgressions...Barb's house, Barb's rules.  But there's a world of difference between (1) calmly but firmly stating, "You knew the rules, you violated them, you may no longer live here.  I've taken the liberty of packing your things, they're on the front porch," and  (2) Screaming "Have fun with ya booooyfrieeeend!" in the child's face while throwing their belongings on the front lawn.

    Similarly, confronting Jenelle about the popcorn thing in front of Jace was not cool.

    I'm on Barb's side...she's trying, she has a heart and god knows Jace needs her.   And I think most of this is that she just doesn't know any better.  But she needs therapy, and she needs to educate herself.  For Jace's sake if not her own.

    • Love 5
  4. 55 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

    I was wondering if he was looking at someone from the film crew silently begging to get him out of there. That little boy just breaks my heart.

    I noticed that, too.  If you watch closely, at one point, he even smiles a little at whoever he's watching...like they gave him a reassuring "yes, here she goes again but it's going to be okay" smile and he responded to that, briefly.  It's kind of hard to see because the shot is focused on Jenelle so you only see him in profile, but I swear it's there.

    eta: the smile is at about 1:25 in the clip.

    • Love 3
  5. 1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

    Don't you love how Janelle bitched that she hasn't seen a judge yet in the Jace custody case? I doubt that Barb is responsible for a single continuance.

    I like to think the judge (and maybe the lawyers, too) watch this show, and are conspiring to delay, delay, delay until Jace reaches the age where he gets to decide where he wants to live (it's age 12 in my state). 

    "Oh, no...we can't have the hearing tomorrow...I have to...get my hair done!  Yeah, that's it.  Guess we'll have to reschedule again for six months from now."

    They know that this, along with with Jenelle's own periods of disinterest in the matter, might just get Jace across the finish line.  (Or at least that's how it goes in my imagination, ha!)

    Re: Aubrey and the carrot cake...I loved how Chelsea was careful to mention on camera that "it's your favorite!"  Like she was worried she'd get beat up online for being so mean as to force her kid to eat carrot cake on her birthday.

    • Love 17
  6. On 2/12/2017 at 1:28 PM, ghoulina said:

    I don 't think Jenelle is calmer around David because he grounds her or anything normal and mature like that. I think she's scared of him and he controls her. She doesn't seem all zen or anything. Not to me. She seems like she's trying to keep the peace and not make waves. . 

    I think this is part of it, but I also have a (completely unfounded and unresearched) theory that something about pregnancy hormones takes Jenelle down a notch.  Wasn't she unusually calm and not-psycho when she was pregnant with Kaiser, too?  Also might be why she keeps getting knocked-up...it makes her feel good and "normal."  So as those hormones slowly ease out of her body now that she's had the baby...watch out.

    • Love 6
  7. Okay, because I have no life, I went to an online conception date calendar and plugged in little Ensley's birth date...got back a possible conception window of April 29th to May 7th.  (This is assuming she didn't arrive early or late but right at 40 weeks).

    Anybody know the dates they filmed the reunion?  And when was that Target pic?

    It is very possible to get pregnant right after a miscarriage...happened to me twice (resulting in two perfectly healthy children, yay!) The way my OB explained it to me was that the miscarriages serve as a "practice run" to get the body amped up for pregnancy, and that it's a very, very common thing.  So it's possible.

    But it is Jenelle we're talking about, so it's probably all a big fat lie.

    • Love 4
  8. 22 minutes ago, BravoAddict72 said:

    I don't see it as blackmail at all. Carly is their biological child, but she is not their daughter. They gave her up for adoption and have no legal rights to her. I am not convinced it is healthy for any of them to still see each other. It seems to me like they act like Carly is away at summer camp and she will be home for them to raise as soon as she is 18. B&T are her parents, not Cate and Tyler. B&T have every right to make the rules since they are her parents.

    Exactly.  B&T are setting down rules, as they have a right to do, and Cate and Tyler are free to take it or leave it as they wish.  There are consequences to violating the boundaries B&T are setting down, but since the rules and requests they are making are in no sense unreasonable, that's on C&T.

    B&T are simply putting the best interests of their child higher than the "need" C&T have to talk about the situation in the media.  It's not even a close comparison, and any rational adult should be able to see that.  Cate is able to, but apparently Tyler is not.

    • Love 11
  9. My initial reaction was that since UBT isn't allowed to have one of his kids, maybe they thought it better to not have the kids in the shot at all, rather than to have to leave one out.  All or none, lest the missing child be hurt by his exclusion.

    But then I remembered who I was talking about, and realized I was crazy to think they'd consider anyone but themselves.

    • Love 7
  10. On 8/23/2016 at 7:09 PM, GreatKazu said:

    Karl is klearly kopying the Kardashians.

    I recently had breast reduction surgery because the pain in my neck and back was becoming too much to bear. Carrying around natural double D's has been a nightmare not a dream. I shake my head at these girls who are clearly trying to look like Kim Kardashian because they have shit for brains. It comes off as a desperate move to attract guys. Karl is not classy because a classy woman knows her self-worth and knows she has more to offer than what she sees in a mirror. 

    *High Five* for breast reductions!  I had mine done about two years ago--best decision I ever made.  It has made a huge difference in my life...clothes fit, I can exercise, neck and back pain is gone...

    Why any woman would do that (get huge breasts) to herself is just beyond me.  I can see if you're like really flat, getting a little something to fill out your bra, if that makes you feel better about yourself.  I'm all for plastic surgery if it's going to increase your confidence and self-esteem.  But...don't these women realize how AWFUL huge breasts are to live with?  (Farrah's "friend" on the latest episode...ye gods!) I wouldn't go back up over a C cup again for all the money in the world.

    • Love 4
  11. Okay, say hypothetically that Javi is awarded some type of visitation with Isaac (I agree that Kail should let this happen without needing a court to order her to but oh well)...would that make him vulnerable to a child support claim for Isaac?

    • Love 3
  12. I agree with you...I'm completely pro-choice.  I was just speculating on what may have caused the rumors, and the fact is if she spoke about having an abortion in a careless way, a lot of people would be shocked or offended by it.

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  13. Wasn't there some talk a few weeks ago when they filmed the reunion, that Jenelle had done or said something that had everyone clutching their pearls and talking about how awful she/it was?  Maybe that had something to do with the pregnant/not pregnant business.  Maybe she admitted (or knowing her, boasted) that she'd had a lateish-term abortion or something.  How does the timeline work out on that?  I can never keep that stuff straight.

    • Love 2
  14. For me, the main difference between Barb and Jenelle is that Barb has her heart in the right place...I think a lot of her bad behavior (and there is a lot) is just from ignorance and never learning the correct way to communicate or handle toxic people and environments.  I truly believe if she got some therapy, she could learn how to do better.  And would want to for Jace's sake.

    Jenelle, on the other hand, is just broken inside.  Her brain does not function correctly.  Maybe medication could fix it, maybe not.  But in order to get medication she'd first have to admit she has a mental problem and seek help, and I just don't see that happening.

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