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Posts posted by floridamom

  1. Yes, we have AARP prepare our taxes also. We are members and I appreciate this very valuable service. They do a good job.  I'm glad that helpful, friendly information is passed along here on this site. Be well..everyone...

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  2. I remain confused and stumped as to why there is even a question about Counting On maybe being closed. I think we all are a great group of posters who have a wide spectrum on the subjects here. I have been here since 2014 and, yes, this is my private, guilty pleasure. I enjoy reading all points of view and different beliefs. We don't judge each other here for those differences. If this comes to be, I will miss all of you a great deal and since I am not very computer literate, I doubt that I will know how to follow some of you who choose to continue on to another site. It would be a very sad day for me. How do we make this not happen? 

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  3. Just viewed a YouTube from a worn out Alyssa. She made such a big deal about what "the change" is that she and John made. It seems that he will no longer be an on site technician at the a/c business. He now will move into a more administrative role involving finance, investment, etc. She said he will have a home office and work now from home. Well, this home office is just a desk in the guest room. A desk with not much storage either...Just a desk and chair, folks. I could see where this came from...Alyssa. She can't handle her day to day life on her own....so they are inventing a home job for Johnn to have. They also were advertising for more a/c techs to please apply with Webster Air..they will train, if needed. I would like to see just how much work and focus John will have at home all day, every day. I doubt he will work a 35-40 hour week. Alyssa seemed quite bland, dull and tired. The rest of the video was a ball game, and the girls painting rocks outside in the back patio. Wow, she is out of ideas. Good luck, John, in getting much done "in the guest room" ....err, "office". Not even a file cabinet in sight.

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  4. I'm sorry she miscarried but is it me or what? I have noticed that there is a large number of Duggar women and Bates women who have experienced early miscarriages. Why is this? I don't think most of them use hormonal birth control so this blows Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar's excuse of this causing miscarriage. I am including the daughters-in-law in my post who have experienced this. As notabug posted, it is not recommended to conceive so quickly after giving birth a few months prior. My opinion is that most of these couples just don't know what they are doing as far as fertile weeks in the month as they all seem to be "surprised" when a conception is noted on the pee pee stick.

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  5. I, too, saw Katie make some progress on maturing when in NJ. Now, she will slide right back to the immature girl she was. There are some very astute comments being made here and I agree with you all. This move is a mistake for the 3 of them. I doubt that it is "the Lord" calling them to NJ.

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  6. Thank you, notabug, so very much for your explanation. I learned something in reading it today. If these two have more children, I throw in the towel. They are wreckless and idiotic. One does not "temp" God. They only care about themselves and their own desires. They don't really seem to care about their childrens' wellbeing. I don't want to think about what Josie's parents are advising her to do....but I think I have an idea. Jerks.

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  7. I agree that this would not be the time to have another baby. Lydia's immigration status is still undetermined. What idiots to not use any birth control. We know that many of his siblings utilize this option and they are not ostracized from their families. These two idiots need to use their heads. Lydia said in the I Love You Day video with the baby getting older, it's now a bit harder to "drag him around" (my words) to family functions, etc. What is she going to do with TWO small children in tow so close in age? No common sense here, folks.

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  8. I watched their most recent YouTube last night. They said that the pool for their backyard is in the works. How can they pay for this? An inground swimming pool should set them back between $30K and 45K. Will they finance this? Are they financing everything? If so, one day "it" will hit the fan. I certainly would like to know how these two are living on 1/2 of the boutique net profits.

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  9. With children to support, a home mortgage and a Tesla to pay for, Evan need a real week to week paying job with income he can count on...not a church paying him whatever $ or freelancing little jobs here and there. It seems to me that they are not saving for a rainy day, for tomorrow OR for their old age. Not smart IMO.  Universal from what my son told me, he works for Universal and practically lives in the park that has lots of visually and physically stimulating rides and attractions. By physically stimulating, I mean visually, lots of lights, sounds, movement etc..things that would NOT be good for passing out Carlin. This proves to me that she is absolutely ready to assume her grown up duties and responsibilities.

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  10. Carlin seems to be absolutely fine now. She is quite active, "works" at the boutique, shops around town and travels out of state without her caretaker, Evan....no passing out. Sooooo,,,, there is no reason on Earth why Evan can't get back to work with the profession he trained years for. Evan, quit hanging around the ladies and go to work. It's time these two start living a real grown up, responsible life. 

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  11. Allie has indicated many times on their videos that she would love to go out to school. I don't think the other 2 younger sisters would mind at all especially that they would be in the same school as Allie. Alyssa is overwhelmed and under motivated. Being a stay at home wife, mother and homemaker is what was drilled into the Bates daughters heads from one second after birth to be their God-given role in life. Alyssa should be quite happy and fulfilled that she is able to live out this lifestyle. She also has a lovely home to do it in.

    On another note, I think Alyssa and John are not suited for each other, really. They admitted that they didn't really know one another when they got married and were surprised to see "who" they married. Alyssa, I think, needed a more lively, ambitious husband. John seems to be too "low key" for her liking. John needed a more "low key", go with the flow, contented woman. He does work hard in his profession all day, every day out in the Florida weather elements. The man is tired when he walks through the door every night and would like a woman who maybe shows him that she appreciates what he does to support the household. Alyssa needs to work has butt off with YouTubes to supplement the household income not due to John's income but due to their growing budget by adding more and more children in the mix. Now, I wish those 5 children all well and good, God Bless them, it's not their fault that they are on earth...their parents didn't bother to look at the calendar or use proper birth control with discipline. Alyssa should not blame John for their financial status. Think of all the money Miss Alyssa could save if she had her natural hair color, did her own nails at home and used the coffee pot in her kitchen instead of paying for these things outside. I am trying to look at their situation objectively from what they show on their YouTubes.

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  12. Where is the dentist office video? Why would anyone go to the dentist for a check up/cleaning and not have freshly flossed and brushed teeth? Layla's teeth must have been filled with Cheetos and sticky sugar/lollipop residue. If this is true, these two are certainly clueless parents. They must go to the dentist with filthy teeth also.

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