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Posts posted by Gilmorefan

  1. I think Smallville's problem was that Chloe was (basically) just a Lois substitute, and they couldn't make Lois into an exact replica of an already existing character. I think Lois's development has been realistic so far (just finished season seven), aside from the barn door (they honestly couldn't think of anything better?) thing. She isn't quite the Lois I know yet, but she's getting there.

  2. You mean after Jimmy colluded with her enemy and worked against her behind her back and then felt so guilty when she was in the hospital that he bought a fake ring in some desperate attempt to save their relationship, all the while Chloe is barely paying him any attention because she has the fate of the world to deal with?

    Sorry, not a fan of Chimmy.

    The final show down between Lex and Clark was great. Lana's video at the time made me crack up since that is also how she broke up with Whitney in season two. Also enraged me since Clark is the one that needed IMO to realize she was never going to work and their love was based on a mutual fantasy. They came so close to that happening. If she hadn't fallen into a coma (aka got a part in a movie) organically, a break up should have been the next step. They were so just fooling themselves at the end. But alas, like the best things on Smallville, nothing came of it.

    Ha, I'll give you that, on Chimmy. It felt sort of out of character for Jimmy. It was to protect her though, so he had good intentions.

    Totally forgot about Lana doing that to Whitney. Poor Whitney. I liked him.

    I totally thought that Smallville was leading up to an actual break up. I thought that it would happen after their argument in Wrath (I think it was Wrath) where Lana realizes Clark just loves the image of her he has in his head. But no, of course not.

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  3. I guess my unpopular opinion is that I like Lois. She can be irritating sometimes, but usually when she is, she's called on it in show, unlike Lana and Chloe. I like all three of them, but Lois is probably my favorite. I mean, c'mon, she's Lois Lane ;)

  4. This moment never fails to ge a chuckle out of me.

    Emily: All right. I'll come straight to the point, Christopher. Now, I have known you a long time. I watched you grow up. You were a charming boy. A weak, but charming boy. And to be completely honest, I never thought much of you. I still don't.

    Christopher: Wow. That's great of you to come by and share that with me.

    Chris's reaction is just so amusing to me, I'm not really sure why.

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  5. In hindsight I think David Sutcliffe sort of saved the Christopher character. I wouldn't necessarily call him a great actor, but he has charisma, which helped me sympathize with Christopher even when I didn't want to.

    I agree with this. I don't think I would have liked Christopher as much if he were played by someone else.

    Then she begs her husband to understand that she had nothing to do with the other guy showing up. If I were watching this without any knowledge of the show and characters I would be wondering why this hsow falls into the Dramedy category since one of the main characters seems to be in an abusive marriage.

    With respect, the way you describe Lorelai behaving towards Chris is almost exactly the way she behaves with Luke in Wedding Bell Blues and Say Something. She begs him to understand she had nothing to do with Christopher coming and he reacts angrily.

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  6. Oh my gosh this is a hard one. Lorelai and Logan, I guess (I actually saw some kind of chemistry between them which weirded me out)

    Would you rather have to spend a week with Chris and GG or Sookie, Jackson, Martha, Davey, and the third baby?

  7. My big UO: I absolutely loved Lex/Lana. In fact, it was one of the highlights of the show for me. I didn't like or dislike early Lana, I felt sorry that the fandom hated her more than anything. I didn't really love any of the female characters on this show, but Lana and Kristen became infinitely better whenever she shared scenes with Lex/MR. They had a lot of chemistry. Much more than she had with anyone else and he really sold his affection for her. Their acrimonious and destructive marriage disappointed me. I hated how he made her think she was pregnant. Oh, Lex. I basically stopped watching the show regularly after that.

    I loved Lex and Lana too! I saw the hints of it from the beginning, when it was confirmed in late season four that Lex had feelings for her, I totally fangirled. And then late season five and early season six they were together and it was great. I hated the fake pregnancy too. It didn't seem like Lex to me, I figured it would be revealed that it was Lionel.

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  8. Yeah, the Lionel thing with Lana was so weird. I mean, Lionel is willing to actively cover up Lex's murder of the doctor and seems to expect more strength from him but seemingly blackmails Lana to stay so he can protect Lex's ego only for it instead to be revealed that he wants Lana to help him bring down Lex? Huh? (Season seven will shed no light on either relationship).

    I don't understand Lionel, at all, ever really. His storyline this season made no sense, and the thing with Lana just made it weirder. I had really liked the idea of darker Lana, being in love with Lex, but the writers (or creators) got scared and ran back to Clana (don't get me started on Clana.) I mean, they retconned almost everything in regards to Lana and Lex's relationship and it was just so frustrating (I'm sorry, I'm rambling)

    I agree with Chloe and Clark. I never really shipped them, but Smallville should have explored their relationship at some point. The last half of season five would have been a great time to explore that, or maybe during this season. I just hate Clark and Lana, it does so much damage to both characters and makes them both look stupid.

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  9. Best characters







    Best season: probably five, five was just a really strong season and (shockingly) I didn't hate any of the characters (for once).

    Worst: four (the witches storyline was stupid. Really stupid), last half of season six (fake baby????)

  10. Well, for me, season two and three are just golden and are really what I think of when I think Gilmore Girls (that sounds dumb lol). Those were the two Jess seasons and I adore Jess. I enjoy five even though I'm not a huge Luke/Lorelai fan, but it has a lot of episodes that I enjoy rewatching. I also like Logan (although I wasn't a fan at first) and I loved the life and death brigade episode (the name escapes me even though I just watched it a couple of days ago). Season seven was nice because I liked Christopher, and while I knew it was always going to be Luke and Lorelai, I enjoyed Chris and Lor while it lasted. I skipped four in my original watch of the show (only because the library didn't have it) but once it hit Netflix I made sure to watch. Rory at Yale was nice to see, and I liked Marty and Digger (the return of Dean was pathetic and lame, but Dean is always pathetic and lame). Six is the only one I actually own, and even though it's not the best season, I enjoy certain parts of it (The Friday night dinner fight montage, Jess's reappearance, Christopher, some of Luke's rants ;), and Logan being more likable.) I don't really hate one, but I also never saw it in my original watch of the series (I actually started with Jess's first appearance, maybe that's why I like him so much) I've watched most of the season one episodes though, and there's only a few that I like (TDDR, Rory's birthday parties, the pilot). I'm not a fan of Dean or Max, and since they're such a big part of this season I'm not a big fan of it.

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  11. Smallville did a lot of stuff wrong, but here are some of the things I thought they did really well.

    Lex and Clark's friendship (while it lasted) was great. I was so disappointed when it finally ended.

    The show always did the Lex-centric episodes really well (Lexmas, Shattered, Memoria, others)

    Lex and Lana's relationship was developed really well and was actually something I really enjoyed (until the last half or so of season six)

    Chloe and Clark's friendship

    The casting, as said above, was perfect.

    • Love 4
  12. I just finished season six, and wow was I disappointed by it. I loved the first half (random aside, does anyone else feel like Smallville seasons get screwed up in the second half?) but the second half was just really bad. I loved Lex and Lana together (it actually made Lana bearable) and then they just screwed everything up. The fake baby storyline was dumb, and so was the whole Lana working with Lionel (that was randomly added, right? I didn't think I had glossed over something as big as that) thing. I had such high hopes for this season, and they were all just smashed. I hate Lionel, and I hate that everyone just accepts his "goodness" at face value. It made me almost dislike Martha, in fact.

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  13. I've been lurking for a while, and finally decided to create an account and join in on all the fun discussions. Here's some of my unpopular (or maybe not so unpopular) opinions.

    1. I loved Christopher. I thought that he and Lorelai had great chemistry, and as other people have noted she seemed much much happier around him then anyone else. I was kind of rooting for him during season seven.

    2. I didn't hate season six or seven.

    3. I actually sort of liked Colin and Finn. Don't get me wrong, they were jerks 99% of the time, but they were actually sort of funny.

    4. I don't mind April, and don't really blame her for what Luke did during season six.

    Those are just a few :) I have many more

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