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Posts posted by Gilmorefan

  1. I loved Marty! Count me in on wishing his season seven appearance never happened. He should have come back more grownup, over Rory, and ready to be just her friend again.

    I think an alternate universe thread would be great fun, asf, I sort of speculated on that in the UO thread.

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  2. Yeah, season one and two Dean was actually not a bad character. One of my favorite moments was when he took her to the coming out ball, not really sure why that one sticks but I thought it was cute.

    Sort of related (and if it doesn't belong in this thread let me know!) but what would you have liked for characters final appearances that was different from what we got? I think Dean's final appearance should have been closing the window in Rory's face.

  3. Well, I finished. Overall, I liked the final season. I thought it was a good ending. Adored the Clark/Lois scenes in the finale (please don't ruin it for me guys), loved Lex and Clark's final conversation (how fitting that Clark tries to get reassurance from lex one last time), liked seeing Jonathon/Martha/the real Jimmy. Poor Tess. I didn't really think she'd actually die.

    Also I liked Lex's life flash before his eyes as he was losing his memories. The small part of me that shipped Lex/Lana was glad to see she was in there a few times.

    I've started watching The Flash. Don't think I'll do Arrow, as the Felicity character bothers me. Go away, copy of Chloe!

  4. Fair enough, I had forgotten about Pete. I don't see how Chloe is relevant to this discussion, because he never outright trusted her enough to tell her. Lois was the second person that he told willingly.

    Yeah, I agree with BkWurm on only doing it after getting guarantees. I didn't like that very much, but it didn't take away from my enjoyment of them as a couple.

  5. Finished this season. Overall, I liked it a lot. The characters were enjoyable for the most part, but Chloe wasn't at her best this season. The finales last scene was good, very dramatic.

    One thing I didn't like was how rough Clark was this season. I lost count of the amount of times he like threw Tess or held her up by the neck. Poor Tess. The last four episodes she was on the verge of tears all of the time. Martha's reappearance was nice, but her and perry white? Weird.

    Only one more season. I'm going to miss it :(

  6. Clark and Lex, Lionel and Lex...

    I love Clark and Lex. Honestly, Clark was a bad friend to him. Lex wasn't the greatest friend, but he tried really hard. Clark just sort of gave up on him.

    I despise Lionel, but his relationship with Lex was very compelling. I could never wrap my head around why he hated Lex so much, even after he found out the truth about Julian.

    I actually really like the twisted Martha/Lionel relationship. Hey, I ship for chemistry and they did have some. Lionel is evil of course, but they did have some UST.

    They did have chemistry, and it totally weirded me out. I guess it's a habit of the Luthors to become obsessed with Kents

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  7. I think maybe we should agree to disagree on Clois and Chlark.

    Here's a couple of questions I've been wondering about.

    What was your favorite non romantic (with little to no romantic undertones) relationship on the show? I would have to say Clark and Lex. Their friendship was the only thing that kept me going at some parts.

    What was your favorite couple that was pretty much disregarded in canon? I'd have to say Whitney and Lana. The age difference was pretty weird, but I thought they had a cute relationship. I liked their goodbye scene at the end of season one.

    What was a couple you wish they would have explored or explored further?

    I'd say Tess and Oliver. I love their scenes together, and I would have been happy with even a few more flashback scenes.

  8. I hope Chris comes back. not as a love interest though, just as Lorelai's old friend and Rory's father.

    I've heard ASP hasn't watched the seventh season. Will she just disregard it? I think it would be sloppy if she decided to do that, but I wouldn't put it past her.

  9. I guess I just thought Lorelai would be more sympathetic to him, because she would have realized that Jess's mom didn't want him, or didn't want to put up with him, and maybe she could have related to that.

    Those are valid points about why Lorelai liked Dean, but eventually she should have realized that she was more invested in the relationship then Rory actually was, lol.

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