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Purpose to defraud

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Posts posted by Purpose to defraud

  1. New job for them --  poster family for white Christian heterosexual privilege. I think this probably explains the disparity with the Honey Boo Boo cancellation, too. Because the Duggs are such loud conservative Christians, their failure to hold to standards isn't even considered a failure to hold to standards, whereas it's doomsday for people in many other categories. Imagine a family where a gay teen lightly touched same-sex siblings over their clothing. How soon would they get back on tv?

    Imagine an African American family, who had baby after baby while crying to the community for support and help. 

    Yeah, I guess that's a good point. I just hate seeing them get any publicity at all, it seems like it's just feeding the beast. But you're right, we probably do need the reminders.

    And the mean girl in me, always too close to the surface, loves that once again it took the spotlight from Jessa.

    • Love 21
  2. Jim Bob must be absolutely furious at Josh. Due to him, the family lost their show and speaking engagements. So after he lost his income, because of Josh, JB has to support Anna and the children and pay for the rehab. Now Josh is being sued and JB has to pay to deal with the lawsuit. Josh's mistakes are costing JB a fortune.

    True, but JB and Mechelle's poor parenting cost Josh much, much more.

    • Love 10
  3. I saw some interesting posts to Venessa's FB today. I can't copy the screenshots, but I can summarize. Maybe the posts are still there, but somehow, after you read this, you can see why I think Venessa may have deleted them. If you can go to her FB and see posts by "Robert Smith" and "Rebecca Smith" and can post screenshots, please do! 


    First, by "Robert Smith" (admitted creating this account to post anonymously on this thread):


     Says that Jill did not use Venessa, and that no midwife was there to attend her at the end, just the assistant midwife (who would be the Query woman). "He goes on to say that she is now licensed, but is under investigation for Jill's birth and claims that she will "most likely" lose her license. Claims that this can all be checked out via freedom of information act. Says that he thinks that Teresa Fedosky (Anna's doula) attended Jessa's birth.


    "Rebecca Smith " confirms that Teresa did in fact attend Jessa. Goes on to say that Teresa Fedosky's practices are "very dangerous" and that she "trusts birth" too much, ignoring obvious signs of distress. Through "two degrees of separation," knows of several harrowing birth stories featuring Mrs. Fedosky. This person has to post anonymously due to Teresa's true believers who seem to be rabid beaver type leghumpers who would ruin this person's reputation locally. States that she needs to be stopped. 


    So...yeah...it makes sense that Fedosky wouldn't make a 911 call. Given that her doctor husband lost his license to practice a few years ago (stealing and selling drugs, classy), I'm sure her name is well-known in medical circles in the area, and she knows better than to be on that phone. I speculated earlier that people may have scurried out before the EMTs showed up; if Fedosky did in fact attend, now I KNOW that she made a beeline out of there before help arrived. 


    And the Duggars will protect her, despite what happened to Jessa. Deplorable. 

    Their daughters always seem to come last in the Duggars' priorities.

    • Love 4
  4. Wowie ! I got an immediate picture in my head when I read the hacks' (hackstresses ?) FB post of women in prairie dresses slowly backing out of the room while holding a finger to their lips...


    When the leg-humpiest of the leg-humpers start to distance themselves from the Gothard Star Students then you KNOW something bad went down. Maybe they're mad (or embarrassed) that Jilly Muffin made such a colossal clusterfuck out of her delivery, and then Jessa just piled on for good measure ? It's like they own a driving school and we all just watched the students have car accidents. 

    This is my most favorite comment EVER, JennCarroll, and I don't even know why !!! Just strikes me as the ultimate thing a Duggar fan would say in that "we love you, but..." way that their kind of folk are so passive-aggressively good at. The ONLY thing that's missing is that "vital organs" isn't capitalized ! For whatever reason they LOVE to capitalize in the most random, hilarious way possible. 

    At least they misused the classic "your."

    I hope Jessa learns from her experience. I cannot see her having 10+ more home births.

    You won't have to. Her time is almost up.

    • Love 3
  5. That is true. Josh could be hidden in Duggarvile until the new episodes air.

    I just think that is too risky for Jim Bob. He is a controlling person. Josh BURNED Jim Bob pretty badly and Jim Bob isn't going to forget that. Joshie proved to be slippery with no conscience. Seriously, if I was Jim Bob, I would NOT take him home until the specials aired. Of course...Duggars & critical thinking skills don't go together. Joshie isn't trust worthy.

    I would LOVE to know what Jim Bob and Michelle say privately about Josh.

    Maybe he is being dumped into another rehab?

    Funny, Josh has always been untrustworthy, or at least since his teens. He was allowed to stay when he was victimizing young girls, but now that the brand is in danger, he's out. Priorities.

    • Love 9

    People magazine update: Okay so when people on this forum were shocked that Jana and Jinger were midwives and that Jessa's team included other midwives, I felt like I must have read the article wrong. I felt for sure there must have been a real midwife, and I missed her name since by not reading the article carefully enough. I did think Jana might be sort of a midwife since she went with Jill for a lot of the same training. I felt Jinger might have started training along the same lines of her sisters, since she's independent and it's one of the only careers open to Duggar girls. But to be sure I went to the drug store and reread the article particularly the parts I was sure I was mistaken about. 


    I love that you went to the drugstore to read People and didn't buy it.

    • Love 19
  7. Can you imagine having to be one of the other girls, trying to sleep in that hideous shared room, while Jill sniveled into a t-shirt all night, because she was lonely for a guy she barely knew.

    Dull as their lives are, they may have all enjoyed the drama.

    • Love 8
  8. I realize that some people may think that Anna is working on her appearance more to win Josh back - but the other possibility is that she is working on herself for a change.  When my scumbag cheated on me, I went through the depression but then I was pissed.  I realized that I had concentrated so much time on him, the kids (nothing wrong with devoting time to kids) and the house that I had not really concentrated on me.


    I started working out more, more makeup, better clothes and simply felt better about me.  I'm hoping above hope that Anna is feeling empowered.  She really does hold all the cards IMO.  Plus, the poor girl has been out from under the daily pregnancy test crap for a while now.  I hope they never release him from RU. 


    I'm really happy to see her hanging out with Amy.  Amy is pretty much the only one in that family that is going to give her some honest advice about her scumbag husband. 

    There is something untrustworthy about Amy. Anna should watch her back. Amy is using Anna for attention, I'm afraid. The blood Duggars may have had a belly full of her and her husband's online criticisms. Edited to add I hope Anna IS working on herself, for herself.

    • Love 2
  9. Spent some time perusing the defense site. (I wanted my hair to stand on end for a Bride of Frankenstein costume.) Makes clear how the Gothard tradition helped the Duggs recast Joshie's teen doings as "light inappropriate touching over clothes."   


    "Discovering Grace" recasts Gothard's horrible forced footsie games with trapped, unwilling teenage girls as "affirmative taps on the feet" made during counseling sessions to bolster the girls' confidence and spirits. They sure had that effect, all right. And they keep repeating "affirmative taps on the feet" as if that's a thing. Which I suppose it might be if they're done with a stick and you're teaching Jocko the Wonder Horse to count or something. I have no idea how adults can convolute their brains this way in the service of undead horror like Gothard.

    Thank you, churchhoney, for this and your many other witty and insightful posts. 

    I send you an affirmative tap on your feet, to bolster your confidence and spirits.

    Seriously though,it was only girls and women who were abused by BG. No one to be concerned about.

    • Love 6
  10. I'm glad I'm not the only one who immediately thought of Moody Spurgeon McPherson from the Anne of Green Gables series when I heard Little Seewald's name. A definite sign that there are some "kindred spirits" on this board. Wasn't Moody Spurgeon the character that said in reference to Anne that "it is better to be smart than pretty?" Of course, such a sentiment would not fly in Gothard world, where the women should be svelte, curly-haired and unthinking.

    I wonder if Anne of Green Gables would be approved reading for the Duggar girls or not. After all, Anne did edgy things like take walks alone with young men and graduate from college. And she was an adopted orphan. Sins of the father and all that!

    If I knew how to take this to the Prayer Closet, I would. I have a few thoughts on Anne Shirley's adoption and fundamentalism on PEI. Anyone else want to participate? Or can help me? 

    Oh Churchie, how sweet. I was thinking that Ben was thinking, "I hope all this blood and birth gunk doesn't get on my clothes."

    "I wonder if anyone feels like making a Chik-Fil-A run? Would Jessa be pissed if I went without her?"

    • Love 4
  11. I don't think the Duggars/Dillards/Seewalds have ever had one conversation between each other where they haven't just thrown a bunch of bible verses and God-fearing phrases at each other. I don't understand why Jill can't just shoot Jessa a text and say "Congratulations! I'm so proud of you! You worked hard!" Shoot, I would've even been okay with her posting that on her Instagram. But they always feel like they have to write these long, drawn out, passive aggressive messages to each other. And the religion part always feels so forced. 

    To be fair, this again goes back to poor education. They have not been exposed to many writing styles, or encouraged to express themselves creatively. Of course, you'd still think a new mom could message her sister coming along behind her with some warmth and excitement, but once again you'd be disappointed!

    I find all those names odd and pretentious but Spurgeon is the hands down ugliest name I've ever heard. I am willing to concede that maybe it's awful to only to my ear.


    • Love 6
  12. "I felt those contractions with you!"

    Um, no you really didn't. You were sitting in a wicker chair with a Fundie Mojito and grinding your teeth that your birthing fame was being stepped on. And why do they have to make their messages public? My sister and I text most days but I would be horrified if anyone saw it. Of course, there ain't a whole lot of precious blessedness involved.

    I would so contribute to a gofundme when little Spurgeon files to have his name legally changed. I hope he changes it to John Smith.

    Or Satan Beelzebub.

    Or Joe Smithson.

    • Love 14
  13. I sometimes think the stupidity, ignorance, and gullibility of the general public is infinite. And that they will keep uncritically lapping up all the Duggar stories that are served up to them, unto the end of time.


    But, I hope you're right, and the grifters' gig won't go on forever. Thanks for adding some optimism to the discussion!

    I agree that the public's stupidity, etc. are infinite. But do you know what is NOT infinite? Their attention span, and the Duggars are getting boring.

    • Love 6
  14. I think he will be fine. The Duggars are very successful grifters, who have survived scandals and just keep on going. Getting paid by TLC and People mag for making babies. Nice gig.

    Although I think his parents should have named him Spurgeon Elliot (Duggar) Seewald. They need to be sure he stays on the family gravy train. People mag always headlines his parents as "Jessa (Duggar) Seewald and Ben Seewald." Because of course nobody has a clue who a Seewald is.

    Nice gig, but it won't go on forever, or much longer. He'll be fine, you're right, but it's not a life I'd wish on a child, being a Duggar.

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