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Posts posted by Kerfuffler

  1. I don't know who is responsible for the artwork up top, but I love it! It makes me reconceive the whole premise of the episode. Demonic forces (i.e. Ms. Beadle) are clearly controlling Mary through the dictionary and compelling her to commit evil deeds, like burning down the barn and STUDYING BEHIND HER MOTHER'S BACK (such depravity). Look away, Mary, don't let it see into your soul!

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  2. I laughed so hard at Sarah's. I'd like to imagine that Benjamin Bratt exudes the scent of one of those flavors depending on his mood.

  3. About 5 seconds into that Bad Cow clip, I started saying "Make it stop, make it stop, please make it stop ..." What the hell even is the "concept" for this video? Half-breed descendants of "Let's Make a Deal" zonk prizes mate at the beach? Why do they even need Taz on the set? His face is not visible! Just use some poor PA. Or better yet, David can don the mask and show off some of his patented dance moves.

    I can't even with Brandon and his stupid kiss. Were we supposed to applaud how brave he was to plant one on her right before he drove out of town and left her to deal with any fallout? A-hole.

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  4. I agree, the Anne credits don't match the tone of the show at all. I cringe every time they begin.

    In terms of Anne being annoying, it's certainly true, and Alex is right that she gets better as the episodes progress. But I think that's a purposeful reflection of her current state of mind. Her chatter is so much worse when she's feeling uncertain and scared, as in the first episode when she's being taken to a new home and hoping that for once she will be liked or even loved. The more insecure she is, the more annoying. There's an episode where she completely forgets about a pie she's supposed to be watching, instead sinking into one of her Princess Cordelia fantasies, but it's because of her school-related anxiety. The more the outside world is horrible and scary, the more she retreats into her own head or into her stream of consciousness ramblings. When things are going a little better, she finds it tolerable to stay in reality and interact with people in a relatively normal way.

    blankPaige hit the nail on the head, Montgomery's optimism is largely missing here. This Marilla seems to always be on the verge of tears. I was glad she got a good cry in when Gilbert's dad died, but she's holding back tears in almost every episode. Both she and Anne seem to be lacking that core strength and pride Montgomery gave them that allows them to hold their heads high when the townsfolk are being assholes.

    I actually like this Rachel Lind, and her relationship with Marilla, more than in the original series. It's more apparent why they've been friends for so long.

    Overall, I like it. I'll always love the original more, and this isn't something I'm going to watch more than once, but I'm enjoying it.

  5. I always thought that it was Sarah doing the "Yeah" and "Nope" from winner and loser of the week! AND I thought it was Tara singing "hot po-tah-to!"

  6. This is re: baseball, not 90210, but Sarah shouting about the Mendoza line made me so happy, and then she brought up the infield fly rule and my day was made. One of my favorite memories from being a Braves fan in Atlanta (sorry, Sarah, but my inexplicable teenage crush on John Smoltz will never die) was Skip Caray's grumpy-old-man radio show. Any time it was invoked during a game, someone would call in to the next show asking him to explain the infield fly rule. He would get extremely irritated, heave a gigantic sigh, and then spell it out for them as though they were the stupidest person in Georgia (and that's saying something). I was never sure whether the callers were trolling him or not, but I sincerely hope they were.

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  7. I don't understand why all these disciplinary hearings are so public. Did student privacy laws not exist at the time? Why should community input have any bearing at all on the consequences of an individual student (even someone so supposedly perfect and beloved as Donna) breaking a school rule AND the law? And why is formal dress required at this hearing? I'm so confused.

  8. Yeah, this episode had SO many other issues, but I thought Dylan's behavior was pretty typical of abandoned kids. He's testing her commitment because he (rightfully) doesn't trust it. He has to tell himself that he doesn't need or want her love and attention, because then when she inevitably abandons him again he can sort of pretend not to be devastated. I think the fact that Luke Perry is so old contributes to the feeling that Dylan shouldn't be acting that way, because yeah, Perry is an adult, but to me it seems like totally normal teenage behavior given the situation.

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  9. I totally agree, photo fox and saber5055. Gwen's reaction was insulting. The other coaches, Adam and Pharrell in particular, seemed to be giving her "tone it down" looks that went right over her head. Also, did anyone else think the other three coaches' over-the-top reaction to Gwen's return was a not-so-subtle jab at Christina? Maybe I'm over-thinking it because I love Christina and I think Gwen is a terrible coach.

  10. Why is it when they have these VERY SPECIAL EPISODES that they deal with the very special problem in exactly the wrong way? E.g. the hotline episode, Brenda does every single thing you shouldn't do (Oh, you called an anonymous hotline? Let me spend all my effort trying to identify you!) and is somehow presented as a hero. Here, Brandon confronts Felix's mom with no backup, no plan to keep Felix safe, and no social services lined up. You know what happens when abusive parents find out that their kid told on them? There's a better than good chance that they get angry and beat the shit out of the kid again. Obviously. If they wanted to actually do any good with these episodes, maybe they could at least have done a modicum of research.

    And who the hell (besides Brandon) would take on a "little brother" and think everything was going to be wonderfully smooth sailing? The kids are not in the program because of their perfect lives. Don't get all bent out of shape because they have anger issues or aren't the easiest people to connect with.

    tl;dr SHUT UP, BRANDON!

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