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Posts posted by molshoop

  1. What is the point of going after Molly's AB, even to the point of using a drone strike?  There are already 29 more just like him out there, and about half would be male.  And since they develop so quickly, they will be impregnating more females in no time.

    Unless they can track them all down and kill them ( good luck with that ), isn't the battle already lost ?

    I liked this show last year, partly because I'm a big fan of Goran Visnjic, but I'm giving up on it now.

    • Love 4
  2. How old is Jared ?  It seems that Mr. Holden's death, Janet's remarriage and getting pregnant with Jared happened within a relatively

    short period of time.

  3. I just watched it. I have an account there, but it says no log in required for this episode. I don't know

    If we can post about the episode yet. 


    I've never liked Teddy, so I'm not surprised by what he did.

    I don't find him complex or interesting.  I've known so many guys like him through the years and I've

    lived in the North for over 60 years.  I don't see him specifically as a Southern small town character,

    if I'm meant to.

  4. Why would Synths sharing data with each other be considered normal behavior?  Would you want the neighbor's Synth knowing your family's private business?

    • Love 11
  5. The only thing Jessica did wrong with the $100 bill is not shoving it up his ass. Why does an abused woman have to be Mother Theresa to not get blamed for causing or contributing to her abuse?

    Those of us who have experienced it know that Ryan D. is verbally and psychologically abusive. I didn't get a restraining order against my ex; I got a baseball bat.  He showed up at my door once screaming and threatening me. Then he saw the bat and the look in my eyes, and never bothered me again. If someone wants to label me as being as bad as he is, I don't care.

    • Love 18

    If Jessica wanted to file then (I'm just speculating), but maybe A&E told her not too because that would give away some of the "ending", which I'm sure would put her in violation of any confidentiality contract she may have signed, maybe she was put in a situation where she could possibly be sued by A&E or have to put up with Ryan.


            A&E Sues Jessica Castro For 5 Million Because Of Her Refusal To Keep Death Threats Secret


           I don't think they want to see that headline anywhere.

    • Love 5

    Single people receive $5000 an episode. Marry couples get $20,000 an episode which is a very big incentive to stay together.


         No one on reality shows makes this kind of money.  The cast of Big Brother get $1,000 per week.  On the Bachelor it was

        $1, 500 per episode a few years ago.  These are well established shows that bring in much more ad revenue than MAFS.


         So, based on that incorrect info, I question everything this " insider" has posted. 

    • Love 3

    It's dehumanizing (used to describe all living things of the female sex), it reduces a woman to her genitalia (I'd like men to think that I'm more than just tits and a vagina), it's transphobic, it's not exactly used as a term of affection when used to refer to a woman, and the word "woman" exists. Respectfully, YMMV.


          woman (n.)

        "adult female human," late Old English wimman, wiman (plural wimmen), literally "woman-man," alteration of wifman (plural wifmen) "woman, female servant" (8c.), a compound of wif "woman" (see wife) + man "human being" (in Old English used in reference to both sexes; see man (n.)). Compare Dutch vrouwmens "wife," literally "woman-man."


      What I object to is being called Sweetie or Hon by strangers young enough to be my grandchildren.

  9. Charlie Manson is a scrawny 5'2" and looked younger than he was.  One of the reasons he was able to attract young

    teenage girls is that he looked safe.  All of the crazy eyes and trying to seem intimidating came after he was convicted for the

    murders.  He wanted the attention and the interviews, so he gave people what they expected. 


    If you didn't know who he was, does the guy below look dangerous?



    • Love 4

    Not a damn one of them has any taste and I agree with other posters, NONE of the couples have been  living together full time.


           How about the kitty cat shower curtain?  At least it's only a quarter of the price of that bath towel Davina was looking at.

    • Love 2
  11. I like Davina more than others seem to. But whether she comes across as likable or not, I think she comes across as a "real" person. 

    To me Sean is very phoney, except when his inner creep pops out.

    • Love 7

    If Jess and Ryan stay together with the hope of getting a spin-off, I hope the "experts" are wise enough to counsel them out of it. If that is how they behave on camera, I can't imagine what is happening when the cameras aren't on.


     I can't imagine who would want to watch them.  I don't find them appealing even when they are

     getting along.

    • Love 8
  13. I still like Ryan R. as much as I did in the first episode and I understand his reactions to Jaclyn.

    She did a 180 from "Hey Dude, I'm not into you but we can be buddies and hang out for 6 weeks,as long as I get to control the friendship"  to  " I want to have sex all day long and make babies, but I still need to take the lead as I plan our entire lives together"

    Yes, Ryan felt overwhelmed by that sudden change in direction.  I would too.  He wants to be fair to Jaclyn, while giving himself time to see if what he is feeling will grow into love and if she is the one he wants to spend his life with.

    I don't find him to be boring.  I think he has a great sense of humor, is self aware and kind.  I do think he was struggling to find the right words to tell J. how he felt without hurting her feelings. And while I agree that he seemed checked out, sometimes you need to get out of your own head for a while before you can think clearly.

    Jaclyn didn't have sex for 2 years, because she wanted there to be an emotional connection first. But you can't order someone to be in the same place emotionally as you are, just like you can't order food for them and expect them to love the meal as much as you do.

    I don't see him as the stereotypical guy who is living in mom's basement.  He has a job and is probably helping to support his mother and niece financially as well as emotionally.
    He is very much like a single parent who also feels a responsibility to his elderly mother while trying to have his own life. I don't think going on this show was the way to do that.

    • Love 8
  14. I may be a 100% perfect match for a man who lives in Australia, but that won't work if he doesn't want to come to the US or I don't want to go to Australia


      You could both live half way in between.

    • Love 1

    They both seem to have unrealistic ideas in terms of how others perceive their attractiveness and likeability.


         I think they are both very insecure people.  Sean tries to keep his self esteem up by seducing a lot of women.  Davina

    does it by being very successful in her career and having money and material things.  Of course neither of those work.

    You either like yourself or you don't.


         I don't know what Davina's feelings toward Sean are at this point, but she is clearly more invested in making this work.

    I think they both take rejection and failure very hard.  I agree with those who are saying that Sean was willing to act interested

    as long as he had an attractive woman to have sex with during the 6 weeks.




    • Love 1

    I don't understand why this show has so much language that is being cut out. Did ABC (or whoever) plan on pushing the envelope with the language and then backed off? Was it originally produced for cable and then dropped and ABC (or whoever) picked it up? Is it airing with the language in other parts of the country and my station is just prudish?


         I don't know the reason, but the same thing happened here. 


    This bothers me, too.  If they were having sessions with a psychologist to address problems and offer solutions in conflict resolution I would see this experiment as more valid.  "Let's demonstrate that with proper guidance and knowledge almost anyone, matched on paper, can succeed ."  But this is not what they are doing.  They are watching rats in a cage.


        Maybe They did give plenty of counseling to Jessica and Ryan D. as well as Sean and Davina.


      If those two relationships failed anyway, it would reflect badly on their matchmaking and therapy skills. 


      So, just having talking heads about how those two couples communicate poorly, etc. is an attempt keep the blame off of themselves.


  18. Jaclyn beat out Jamie in the "I'm not into him at all"....."I want to have his baby" race.

    I really like Ryan R.  He is one of the good guys that aren't easy to find.  I have my problems with Jaclyn, but he seems very happy with her,so I really hope it works out for them.

    • Love 1

    it's odd to me that she would just throw caution to the wind and expect this guy to honor doctor/patient confidentiality especially when he's the type of person to sleep with his patient.


        Unless I missed something, James is a therapist/psychologist and not a medical doctor. Not only is there no doctor/patient

    confidentiality, he is obligated to report knowledge of any serious crime that has happened or that his client is planning to commit.

    • Love 3
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