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Posts posted by Slowpokey

  1. And she made it quite clear that HHK is not her friend, didn't she? And I don't recall seeing HHK say MM didn't do anything to her.

    We don't know any of that for a fact. And EB and Victor are not one and the same. I'm sure SC isn't


    MM got fired so the bully is gone.

    I didn't know about this so I am sorry but I have to ask,when and how did she do this? What did I miss? 

    We'll never know what happened. We do know MM left on bad terms because the show and cast were almost silent on Twitter when his departure was announced (JM and MCE made tepid comments and SC was the only cast mate to show support at all and even with her it took a few days). And though his last day was the same as BM's, BM got a huge party, plus cast farewell video that was put online, and MM got nada. Even if MM left because of "hubris" I don't see the show snubbing him that royally. He did something. And it was bad. 


    Whatever happened, the parties involved agreed to stay mum. 


    I'm just glad MM is gone. Never liked him. And Justin Hartley is the bomb. :)

    Have to agree with you there. Did I tell you guys that I really,really love Justin Hartley?

    I feel the same way Miamama. MM must have done something for the entire cast, except SC, to go radio silent when he was fired. He was on the show for, what, 4 years and he got nothing, no farewell send-off, but BM did? Come on, that just reeks of him being blacklisted for a reason. But as has been said, we'll probably never really know what happened, but I am glad he's gone. I never liked his character as he portrayed Adam (liked CE's just fine),  and once I saw his "twats" (lol) and interviews, his ego was more than I could stand. He just didn't get it, IMO.  


    As for SC, I don't see her retweeting comments from fans on the universal loathing for Shictor as any where near as disrespectful as JM saying a few years ago in interviews that he preferred working with MS over SC. To me, that was the epitome of unprofessional. Even if that's how he felt at the time, he should not have said it because it showed a complete lack of respect for his long-time cast-mate SC, and she didn't deserve that and you "don't do that to a colleague". Yet I didn't see SC going around calling JM "unprofessional". Even if she thought it, she had the class to keep it to herself. Again proving, to me, SC is the real professional on that set. I have lost all respect for EB.


    As for Sharon Case not being "able to move on", how would one know that? She's made several made-for TV movies over the years, so it's not like she hasn't been able to do other things acting-wise. I don't get that statement at all.

    I don't get it either.And as I said I am sure SC loves her work and she is doing a great job at it!

    • Love 3
  2. Nobody knows what happened in that situation and we most likely never will. I can understand SC wanting to do something for a fellow actor that she had worked so closely with for a few years.I thought it was very nice showing how much she valued MM's friendship and talent as a fellow actor and giving the Shadam fans a shout out. Since I don't know what the true story is about MM's leaving the show,she didn't do anything wrong in my opinion.

    • Love 8
  3. I saw Alyvia Alyn Lind in an Eggo commercial yesterday :)

    I saw that one too a few days ago.

    Some of the most ridiculous writing.. that twerp never should have been a Chancellor. BLAH

    LMAO even better.. love it.. made me laugh right out loud. :)

    No more disrespectful than SC doing the same thing to EB.

    She did not do anything to EB. She responded to fans that expressed their disgust at Shictor and said she understood. That's all she did! 

    Why should she move on? She no doubt stays because she likes her job, why should she allow a sour old man to drive her away...SC has never said anything against EB, she voiced her displeasure at a pairing of her character and his, the same displeasure we all felt, if EB took that personally, then he lacks professionalism, he played her father in law on the show, why did that pairing not weird him out as much as it did her....SC again showed her professionalism just recently when EB attacked her on twitter, no response from her, she seems very adapt at just ignoring his ignorance...

    Exactly! She is great at what she does and loves it! And she showed how classy and what a pro she is when she refused to get drawn into his little pity party for his little fragile male ego being stepped on.

    • Love 8
  4. Let's not put all the blame on EB. MM also has an ego that won't quit and he had some fun on Twitter and elsewhere basically saying he was going to replace EB. Or already had. I believe it was MTS that got EB on Twitter.

    That's true Runningwild. MM kept things stirred up all the time on Twitter.  I think MM had a weird sense of humor and I do believe EB felt he was a threat. I do know that MM got SC on Twitter.

    • Love 1
  5. I like JH too, Slowpokey. I only posted this because Branco made a specific reference to JH making some demands onset and to TPTB (IIRC the gist of his comments) that have ruffled some feathers. I'm going back to the re-read this because I thought it was an odd comment, especially given a tweet someone copied on this board from PB about what a terrific job JH was doing (and this was within the last two or three weeks). I'm wondering if there could be something percolating between JH and EB now. If the word is circulating that some mandated cast cuts are coming, it would make sense that there'd be a lot of nervousness in the ranks, especially from the top dogs. I think most fans believe that these top tier vets are immune from the chopping block, but I disagree. Both EB and MTS were very specifically targeted for elimination or backburnering by Sony about five years ago (and MTS was actually written out without explanation for more than six months within the last year of MAB's stint on Y&R - and this was a fissure between Sony and MTS, and supposedly not MAB's doing at the time). JW has also been through several of these periods within the last five years (most recently about eighteen months ago after she moved to Oregon), which coincided with JFP's entrance on the show at that time.


    EB and MM had been working well together - initially. When it became apparent that MM's appeal was growing and it was beginning to look as if they might have found someone who could begin to take on the "waiting in the wings" mantle, EB began to chafe at the lack of attention and began jockeying BTS to be brought back into the game as Mr. Stud (the Shictor storyline being part of that, followed by his longshoreman stint at the docs of LA - and during that same time he had a couple of other derring-do stunts and bar room fisticuffs to reinforce his macho prowess in the minds of those viewers who'd mercifully forgotten). He didn't take up Twitter until about the time JFP came onboard, but Twitter's not been so friendly to him and he's responded with a lot of vitriol. I could imagine him chafing at JFP's newest "get" JH, and I could well imagine that she's beginning to push JH harder than her formerly best boo SBu who has been skewered by the great majority of Y&R viewers for being the most worthless (so-called) actor who ever was allowed to eat the show. I could certainly see EB being resentful and territorial now, and retweeting that SC slam was definitely out of line, especially since reminders of that awful period of time/storyline (and EB's personal involvement in driving it) had all but disappeared .


     I never want to remember it ! lol It was very petty of EB to do that and to me that showed a lot of disrespect to a co worker.

    Well...that doesn't inspire me a bit.  Can't wait to recap THAT.  Not. 


    I'm probably in the UO category when I say I love the character of Victor.  I love his longevity, his lines and catch-phrases and accent.  YOU GOT THAT?  He stands out in the generic sea of soapdom.  But to "bring down Jack Abbott once and for all" is un-acceptable to me, K?  Like Jack Abbott is really some kind of dastardly enemy instead of an Odd Couple sort of irritating buddy-rival thing.  Jack has been so innocuous for so long (and I like Jack), that how does he need to be "brought down?"  VICTOR is the sort of character that needs to be brought down.  Jack's just keepin' on, keepin' on.  I want Adam to bring down Victor Newman "once and for all."  And if they don't cancel the show, well then, it's never really "once and for all," now is it?  If they do cancel it, then I want them all dead, with Adam and Sharon standing victorious atop the pile of bodies.  Screw you, Genoa City.

    I would like that,Peach! (;

    • Love 3
  6. Well, *I* like him.

    I HE♥RT JH !

    Interesting little blind items from Branco's most recent - and last edition of SU. Ordinarily, I'd post the caveat that they could apply to any one of the soaps, but two of them (seem to) definitely be about Y&R because he mentioned the actors by name in the opening pages of the piece.


    •One BI asks which "new addition to a soap" is not making friends on set?  (JH is specifically mentioned in this issue of SU as not being well liked)


    •Another BI asks which actress lied to the press about a recent hiatus from the show?  (MTS's recent absence is addressed in the piece but I'm not sure she's the one being referred to here).


    And, supposedly an actor got a talking-to recently by execs for his Twitter tirades.  (This appears to be EB, because he's mentioned in the article several times, though another actor was singled out for making a reference to blackface in one of his tweets, but that doesn't sound so much like a tirade as a major gaffe).

    I'm betting that one about Twitter is EB. He let a retweet slamming Sharon Case written by an avowed SC hater stay up on his twitter page.If it is then GOOD! That was so unprofessional.

    • Love 7
  7. the actor was in the basketball team on his university. Wait till he's in a scene with DeVON, Dylan, or Noah. Or Chloe if she ever comes back - LOL hobbit city.

    Joe is getting on my nerves.

    Doesn't starting/restarting a cosmetics line take a lot of capital? Money for production, testing, advertising, models? Stuff N-C is already lean on. So cutting costs, like Peach mentioned makes a fuck load more sense.

    The same thing when JH is standing along side JM.  He makes him look like greasy roadkill! He is one tall good looking drink of water! ♥

    • Love 7
  8. Welcome to the board, Margamo - Like you, I LOVED Mm's Adam.  There aren't too many of us, but nobody here will bash you because you loved him.  You will hear differing opinions, but they will be polite.  I love this board and hope you do, too.  The mods are great here.  I also agree that JH is doing a fantastic job and take the unpopular stand to hope they put him with Sharon for a while - that would really rile the monster in the bear trap.

    I hope we get a Shadam pairing again. I think there are some amazing vibes between JH and SC. Driving old Dickweed crazy would be icing on the cake!! lol

    • Love 2
  9. New here and have only just begun posting, but I love this board! The posts are witty, gritty and fun. I have to say I loved MM's Adam; he could snark like nobody's business. He was believable as an evil villain, a conflicted soul and a tormented cast off daddy seeker.  It is completely understandable why people hated his character. Meanwhile I loved him. I was saddened when he left because he was a big part of my enjoyment of this show. When they decided to recast it had me worried, especially because I can't get past the nuBilly Brothers; it was all for naught as JH is one of the best recasts IMO. I'm really looking forward to what he does with the character assuming the writings don't mess it up.

    Welcome Margamo! Nice of you to join this crazy but wonderful board! I hope you like it here and look forward to reading your comments. I agree with you about  JH's Adam. He is one of the best recasts,along with GT as Phyllis,that this show has ever had. He is really making me like Adam where before I just could not stand him.I am always looking forward to seeing his scenes and so far I haven't been disappointed.

    • Love 2
  10. Was it just me or did Gabe look like he wanted to go a few bare knuckled rounds with SlowBro at the gym for Sharon's sake? Haha, the look on his face was so MM like.

    Continuing with my train of thought from the Joe thread, I did enjoy watching Gabe pound on that heavy bag today!

    I can't wait for Gabadam to rough Dickweed up a little bit. It would be like a gorilla swatting a little mouse.

    I would love nothing more than to see the two little Faiths alternate between scenes in one show! 

    That would be a treat! They are both great little actresses.

    Really??? That's awesome! I do have a vague memory of her trying to poison Cricket but I didn't realize it was tea. hmmm this could be very very good. I really want someone to cut up Phyllis's panties and write "I hate myself" on her mirror. lol.

    I am hoping Kelly does more crazy stuff to her.That would be hysterical if the writers threw that one in.lol

    • Love 6
  11. I am so hoping that you're right about this because I really don't think I can take Jack losing to Victor for the 1,236th time, It's boring and aggravating at the same time. Not something you want in a storyline. Having Victor struggle and slowly lose would be so much more interesting and dramatic instead of the same old story they've done for the last 25 years. Having Jack win and Sharon grow a spine and stomp the Cavemen into dust are the two things I really want to see happen now that Pratt has taken over.

    Yes to all of them!!!Go Chucky!!! (:

    • Love 4
  12. And was that McKenna Grace returning as Faith today?  I love her spin on Faith, she brings sooo much more animation to the set than the other casts. I admit to having a soft spot for chuckyFaith. That girl is dangerous double dipped in mischief.

    I haven't seen it yet but I know she switches off with the other little actress when they have other projects to do. I love McKenna too and she has that little devilish imp look going for her that the other one doesn't have. The original Faith has a sweetness about her and I love her too . It seems to me they use McKenna more when the stories call for Faith to be a little more angry at something or someone usually Nick. This must be her plan to help her mom with the custody battle. I hope she gets her heartless daddy good. Lol
    • Love 3
  13. Just ran across an old episode from 1997.  What a difference in presentation and acting...Jack had gaping mouth then.  Someone has uploaded her vcr tapes.  In one I watched Phyllis already had Daniel and was trying to seduce Danny.  Remember Joni as her nanny.  


    Here is the one I am watching now...one episode leads to another leads to another...LOL  Apparently Christine was trying to get pregnant then with Paul's baby! 



    Thank you so much Foghorn. I have watched 2 of them and will definitely watch more. I am thrilled to be able to go back in time and watch the show in it's heyday!!!The difference in these old clips and the show today is startling! 

    • Love 1
  14. YMMV and all but I never even look at JH and think about the ages of him and MM. I just figured they were around the same age.I find JH  more to my liking as a handsome and sexy man and as a very good actor. Justin Hartley has made me an Adam fan when I never was one and I am so happy they chose him for the show.

    • Love 2
  15. I guess we couldn't be lucky enough for Victor to be the murder victim could we, he certainly can't be described as tall, dark and handsome anymore can he? Now if only the caption had said, tall, wrinkled and detestable, horrible, horrid, unpleasant, awful, nasty, disagreeable, despicable, objectionable, insufferable, revolting, loathsome, abhorrent, abominable, execrable, odious, disgusting, distasteful, obnoxious, offensive, vile, heinous, ghastly, beastly;

    , then we would know for sure it was him..

    Yeppers! That describes the old turd to a tee! (:

    • Love 2
  16. I would love to see them off each other, both certified crazy, both a waste of space, no need for either character to make an interesting story line, both completely useless........just get rid of both...

    I wish they would have let the Phyllis character die.She is a psychopath and people just ho hum away all the evil she does and still treat her as though she is completely normal.I know they will never get rid of her but to me nothing she does is taken seriously because she is always expected to be unethical and plain nasty and nobody holds her responsible and she never has to pay.You chalk it up to just Phyl being Phyl. I love it that Kelly is giving her a taste of what she gave to others! (:

    • Love 7
  17. I am absolutely loving the fact that Phyllis is now up against someone who is just as crazy as herself.....she is beginning to feel the same way those she tormented for years has felt...I couldn't find an ounce of compassion for that character no matter how much torment Kelly puts her through...give it all you've got Kelly, Phyllis has gotten away with her bullying for years, it is pay back time for sure...even though I am not a fan of the character Kelly, I love what she is doing to Phyllis, if she was doing it to any other character I would not be rooting for her, but because it is Phyllis, I say Go Kelly!!

    Looks like they have finally got another psychopath to go toe to toe with the psychopathic Phyllis. Sharon,Christine and Diane did not have that hard drive wired in to them to compete with her,though Diane came close,but Kelly is already in full throttle psycho bitch mode!  Should be entertaining and interesting to see how this is going to turn out! lol  Of course Phyl is going to win but I sure hope we get to see a lot of karmic pay back before that plays out!! (:

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