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When my grandfather passed, his mouth curved into sweetest smile and he just exhaled. I really, really, REALLY miss him, but oh the peace and joy I felt in his spirit. Sending my cyber sister love :).
HFC, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. From your description, your family has a new fierce guardian angel until you met again.
LookELoo, I also think it's brother.
Wow, yesterday I saw an ad for phones. The grandfather needs a good cellphone. His kids/grandkids are traveling and he frequently wanted to know how the drive was going, That commerical was my Gramps. He would have flight numbers, times, connecting cities, and weather delays . He could tell you when/ where/ how the trip was going for those driving. If you needed to know anything about about anyone travel plans, he was the go to guy. We called him the Command station and he loved it. He lost both kneecaps in WWII(along with a bunch of other stuff) so mobility was a big issue. But he could be the best travel coordinator from his recliner and he did it with gusto. My grandmother would look at him and just shake her head ( she secretly loved that everyone shared their travel itineraries and called so much with updates). He, on the other hand, just kept chuckling and updating his notebook. A sprint commercial nearly had me in tears. So, when I came here and everyone is sharing stories on loved ones returning to "visit" and their identifying scents, the conversation put me in a much better frame of mind. But here's the kicker, I wake up this morning and as I'm coming out deep sleep, I realize I have been smelling my grandfather. Nothing big, just smelled like his skin. Now I do realize it is all in my head. But in my heart, I know it was Gramps.
Thanks Everybody for letting me vent. All is well(used the not a good houseguest line, and kept saying it). I'm out, and I think me and my sister in law are good. I was never blessed with children, but I like them or at least the ones in my family. My only set of nieces and nephew live in California and I have always been determined to be as much a part of their life as my long distance aunt and uncle were in mine. I think maybe my brother is way more excited to have his family than she is and I can get that. I really do try to look it from her view. But, I have really flown in and exchanged keys and kids, so she and my brother could fly out to vacation alone on multiple occasions. I have taken sick kids to to the doctor, and even taken care of her sisters sick kid so nobody would have to miss work. So I just always thought we were kind of past the distant in law stuff. Anyway so happy I vented here and not at loud, so thanks again!!
My immediate family has always been very close. And like it's been noted on this site while lurking, if you want to remain close to brother (son) you have to be nice to their spouse. It's just weird here on the west coast for me sometimes. I finally sat down and told my brother I love to be with them. Heck, I've gone to get get the oil changed with him just we could talk. But finally tonight, I told him I bite my tongue a lot. Like this afternoon, asked my niece to help me find all dirty towels(wanted to help by getting them caught up with the laundry).Both parents have the kind of stressful careers I just escaped, so I do anything I can do to help out. But I knew the mom would think I was nagging if I asked the daughter again. End result, kid stayed on Facebook, no laundry got done, and I again bit my tongue.. I don't know if my southern cousins just know me better or it cultural. But if their kids didn't immediately stop what they were doing and get what I asked, I would have to save the kid from getting in trouble. I love my sister in law and the kids, i really do. I just don't always understand them.
Just to add a bit of details. My niece had had a cheerleading completion this weekend in Vegas. And I'm big into going to elementary school Christmas concerts, little league, just whatever I can get I can soak up when it is possible because they are so far way. She had another compatation this weekend in Ca. So when it was scheduled my bother was excited for me to spend a little a few days more and get to share two events. I honestly work hard at not being THAT in law. I wash clothes, clean, cook, try to be a help. I have flown in several times to babysit so they could vacation, work trips or my brother could be with her totally for surgery. My nickname is Auntie Lollipop (I'm a sucker for the kids) So I was worked up earlier, because my sister in law said I was being offensive about her hosting. I tried to say I didn't want to be a distraction in their busy lives. But finally admitted I didn't want to sleep on the floor for two weeks. Its know family wide that I'm an insomniac, so when I can sleep I do and to not understand about wanting an actual room seems unfair. When she called me spoiled and I agreed that I was (I really am not, I'm the eldest and the one who always does everything, looking after sick parents,grandparents, childcare, financial help. I do enjoy the lifestyle I've worked hard for, but I'm always 1st to share). But when I kept being pressed I said maybe it's a cultural thing. It could be, my 1st cousins in atl and I love to get together and love being in a house busting at the seams. But my southern cousins sons always grab my luggage and would think it odd if I was sleeping on the couch. Just like I camped out with kids when my aunts and uncles came. My brother told me I upset her, totally not my intention, but I think you teach people how to treat you. I honestly believe if it were that important to her for me to stay, I wouldn't be expected to sleep like that. And it's killing me to hold firm to my stance.
Christmas and family visiting. I live in the south and when family visits, grownups take kids room and the kids camp out. Is that a southern thing? I am 50 and having issues with my back and really don't want to camp on a twin mattress on the floor, in the library alcove, no walls or doors for 2 weeks. The regular inhabitants of the house are the parents (broher,sister in law) two teenagers and a middle schooler, all with their own rooms. Am I being ugly for wanting to go to a hotel? Or is the way I do it, some weird form of southern hospitality and you put your guests wherever so your teenagers aren't inconvenienced? Im visiting the west coast. Please correct me if I am looking at it wrong.
Every year I go to Pittsburgh so my aunt(only child) go on a vacation. She has my grandmother (step but not in my heart) who is 96, has lost her ability to walk and has dementia. She has a big problem with constipation, last year I had to take her to emergency room when she woke up screaming. She can't give you an accurate description on what hurts so it's just a guess. So this year I was terrified when she didn't go in the first week. It's so hard when she goes into the hospital because she has to be watch every minute because she pulls out IVS. This year I was really scared when I couldn't get her to go for a week. Edited because of auto correct
I don't know how to quote. But Law and Order SVU, on Nov. 4, 9pm ET. I'm not a normal viewer but I will be there with bells on!!
When I was young, 1980s, some of the older people would cook chitlings. They looked so gross and smelled worse. I'm just happy no one cooks or eats them at big family gatherings now. My mother and I went to Greekfest sponsored by a Greek Church. Here on the Gulf, the chance to get great food that is not seafood or regional doesn't roll around often. Edited to add
I am excited about the law and order special. I wonder if anyone is watching?
HFC, I went back to re read comments. I don't know how to quote. OMG, I just saw you son lost his finger. I can't believe the neighbor, what if had been a child? That dog could have killed someone. Not that biting off a finger isn't bad enough. And the officials, that's just crazy, you think they would take someone losing a body part with a greater sense of urgency.
I don't know if this is the right place, but is anyone as excited about law and order: duggar style, as I am? Haven't watched l&o in years, started to be too real. But I can't wait to see what they have do with the clan. So many possibilities politicians, porn stars, oh the possibilities. Wonder if they know?
This is horrible, but I love those mellocreme pumpkins similar to candy corn. Love them, even after reading how the department of defense used them. I like candy that your 5 year old would select. No one trick or treats. The large baptist church has a fun night and we just drop candy off. Thanksgiving. I love my mothers desserts, sweet potato pie and peach cobbler. My contribution is always turkey, Cajun turkey from honey bake. I bravely weather the lines to pick up Last year after dinner, I felt like a Ompa Lompa so I talked my sister into getting off the couch and going to Walmart with me. We had a ball. My parents live out in the middle of no where, so we drove 30 miles to the next town with a store. We had the sales circular and Walmart had these "if you are in the store deals" . The long lines went really fast. They just handed you a piece of paper, you pay and come later to pick up your items. We got tvs and headphones. It turned out to be a great deal, because I paid for a 50 inch no name TV for $200. When I went to pick it up they were out and ended up giving me a brand 55 inch. And my SIL had a radio shack instore ad in Cali for the headphones to be $30 off even the super sale deal. She texted me the photo, and I forwarded it to my Cousins in ATL. It felt like we were really commando shopping. In less than 3 hours, even after chatting with some old friends while waiting in line, we were back on the couch. I think it really got me in the spirit, just hanging out shopping with my sister. Edited because I was educated past the kitchen table.