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Posts posted by smores

  1. 13 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

    This show is definitely tainted if Michael comes back. Every RHW show has had at least one storyline that made things dark. NY, OC, ATL, and BH have all had that moment. Not sure about Dallas. But it definitely changes the show in a way that isn’t very positive. I’d hate to see that happen with Potomac.

    Dallas has Leeanne who has basically always been a cloud over the show.  From the very beginning she has been threatening people, breaking glasses and having weird breaks from reality.  I think it was the first season that they had the sleepover iphone footage that was crazy, but I might be mixing up my shows.

    • Love 5
  2. On 9/30/2019 at 1:51 AM, Marley said:

    I never liked Michael he’s gross but now I dislike Chris Samuels and Juan a bit.

    Chris Samuels did not come off well this season at all for me.  In the past he's seemed like a protective husband who loves his wife, but this season he's come off super controlling.  I didn't so much mind him insisting that Monique apologize to someone at the beginning of the season, because I could see having a conversation with a spouse where you talk things through and say listen this is an important thing and I really think you should apologize.  And I could see, in my own marriage, either my husband or I agreeing to apologize to someone because the other person felt it was important more so than we really wanted to.  But the constant repeating that they would have more kids when Monique would say that she thought this one would be the last because the pregnancy was difficult? Nope.  Followed with him complaining because he wasn't getting enough sex?  Yeah, not feeling him. 

    On 9/30/2019 at 12:56 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

    Somone upthread, I think, asked why Micheal isn't suing for slander.  I think it's because people were very careful with their words.  They mostly said they believe it's true, which is an opinion, and opinions generally aren't subject matter for defamation.  I definitely think that Michael threatened to sue Bravo for incorrectly portraying a conversation between Michael and Monique's cousin as a conversation between Michael and "the cameraman," which was really irresponsible, and I'm convinced that was why Andy made that big announcement that he had made a mistake on WWHL, and would Michael like to explain?  Cause Andy dropped the ball on that one.  Big time.

    I don't think Michael owes Ashley an apology at all.  Apologies are for when you've done something wrong.  I'm not saying Michael did nothing wrong, I'm saying it's Michael's story that he did nothing wrong.  Apologizing would be inconsistent with that story.  If there were, say, rumors flying around that my husband had sex with a 16 year old girl and his position was that it was patently untrue, I would not want him to apologize to me, because he didn't do anything.  If he ever did apologize to me, I would look at it as an admission of guilt.  So they can all go kick rocks with that theory IMO.

    I don't think it was Andy who dropped the ball on this.  I mean, I doubt he edits the show.  I do think it was edited poorly, but now that Andy isn't an exec at Bravo I don't know how much say he has over the show itself.  I wish they'd make that clear, honestly, because it's difficult to know where the lines are sometimes.  

    I see where the wives were coming from with wanting Michael to apologize to Ashley.  Not so much for doing anything wrong, but just for having to deal with the whole situation.  It's kind of like when I had a family crisis that my husband and I had to go clean up, it wasn't anything that I did and it wasn't anything that could be avoided, but I ended up apologizing that he was stuck in the situation.  I felt horrible that he had to deal with it because he was married to me.  So I could see Michael apologizing to Ashley in that way, because she's got this fallout, and it not being an admission of guilt.  (Although I do think he is guilty)

    On 9/30/2019 at 1:32 PM, bichonblitz said:

    Regarding assgate and suckadickgate, what was with Juan saying "I have no comment" and something to the effect of not getting involved in this. Hey, bud. I'm sure you were getting paid for this season so start talking. If Andy asks you a question, answer it!! You're not sitting up there for your charming personality and athletic good looks. He's such a jerk. 

    Old man Ray getting his ass grabbed makes me lmao! I think he was flattered. 

    I think Juan had comments to make but knew that if he made the comments he would be making them to a gay man and it wouldn't be a wise thing to do.  So he kept quiet.

    On 10/2/2019 at 8:15 AM, TV Diva Queen said:

    Closed caption? Or description of Candiass?  You make the call.  


    Why can't it be both?

    • Love 4
  3. On 9/16/2019 at 9:14 AM, tiredofwork said:

      Also.. does Candace feel this entitled Legacy only applies to her.  Doesn't she have step siblings that also came out her mom's cooch?

    Candiace better be damn sure that her mother has all of the assets she feels entitled to set up in the trust she thinks she has.  Otherwise, since she's remarried, they'll pass on to her husband, Candiace's stepfather, should her mother die first.  Then he can do whatever he wants with things, including leaving her with nothing.  

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  4. On 9/17/2019 at 9:12 PM, ghoulina said:

    Kelly can't live on her divorce settlement forever, so her solution is to hawk some gimmicky water in an oversaturated market? "It's non-dairy". Is water usually dairy based???

    To be fair to Kelly, she had just said that the water had various vitamins and some sort of dose of calcium in it and then followed that up with saying that it's non-dairy.  I think the calcium is why she was stressing the non-dairy part, but when I first heard it I was like WTF? so I backed it up because why wouldn't water be dairy free?  I am horribly old-fashioned, though, and prefer just plain water.  No bubbles, no flavor, just water.

    On 9/18/2019 at 11:56 AM, MajorNelson said:

    On going to the spiritual/aura resort....

    Well, maybe Shannon would want it, but there's no way you can drag the whole RHOC gang to such a place.  It's like taking a bunch of monkeys to the MET.

    Dragging Kelly in, also not a good idea.  She didn't want to go since Ickie would be there and was acting out from the get go.  That said, her intentions for Target and Walmart I didn't mind, even if it peeved others.

    That exercise of tearing apart a flower and putting pieces in a bowl for the things you want to let go of and then any intentions...I think is asking way to much of most people, including this bunch.  I think people are attached in their unconscious to certain views of themselves, and it is almost impossible to state consciously what the things are.  Example, Shannon wants to let go of bitterness and resentment, which she said at this event.   But, as I've said before, I think she is attached in her unconscious to being worthless.  So bitterness and resentment are actually a couple of her defense mechanisms (keeps her from consciously being aware of her unconscious attachment), so she surely cannot let go of them (without dealing with the underlying).

    I'm not really sure why Shannon gets to judge anyone else's intentions, or what they decide they want to let go of.  I do think Kelly's behavior was atrocious with the gong and hitting her while she wore the bowl, but if each person is supposed to decide what they want to let go of and then what they want to bring in, then each person gets to decide that.  Shannon spent all of last season pimping her meals, we've heard all of her relationship woes, but somehow she has an issue with someone else positioning their thing? Nope, sorry.  They don't have to adjust their feelings to align with hers. 

    On 9/19/2019 at 10:15 PM, Juneau Gal said:

    Shannon made absolutely no, and I mean no, reaction when Kelly popped her on the head. I watched closely, having read this board before watching the episode. She made absolutely no reaction. One would expect if she felt any discomfort her mouth would have twitched or her shoulders would have raised......something. She did mention after that one tap was harder than the others, but she didn’t even identify it as a strike on the top of her head. It was all blown out of any semblance of reality when the coven shrieked that Kelly bopped her on top the head. 

    Ugg, these women. I have such second hand embarrassment for all of them. 

    Not only did she not have a reaction, she knew something weird had happened because the guy said "That was so not cool" when Kelly did it.  So then Shannon was all "oh, one tap was harder" and that's when she found out that it was Kelly.  Suddenly she was in pain and her vision was blurry, yet there wasn't any sort of reaction or ouch when it happened.  We watched her amp herself up into having the headache, then Tamra take her over the top. 

    • Love 6
  5. On 9/4/2019 at 9:33 PM, geauxaway said:

    OMG, I totally want to see Dog hunt her down!  

    But really, though, how long can she evade them?  And why can’t they track down Simon and serve him?  I am sure once he got caught up with, he’d offer Farrah up.

    Ok, how the fuck hard is it for them to figure out how to serve her in this case?  And seriously, it's not really that hard to come up with a strategy to get the payment.  All they have to do is do a minor amount of research and figure out how Farrah's "fans" (read: Johns), contact her and do that.  Book her for a big "gig."  Then, when she shows up, serve her with the paperwork.  Also, show her all of the evidence of arranging said gig, her arriving, ready to perform said work, and that if she doesn't honor her obligations well, it could become public.  Then, I imagine Farrah will pay up pretty quickly because she really likes to stick to the story of "jet set teen mom showing her kid the world while being a super fantastic business woman who absolutely DOES NOT hook for a living!!!!!!"

    On 9/8/2019 at 12:46 AM, galaxychaser said:

    She is probably using @teenmom because that’s all she is known for 

    I think you might have forgotten the backdoor portion of that phrase.  

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  6. On 9/5/2019 at 3:45 PM, RealHousewife said:

    The side profile does make it tricky. I have seen a photo of her straight on somewhere. She was a pretty girl with long, dark curly hair. 

    I’m younger than Dorit and practically unrecognizable from my high school graduation photo. If you really look, you can tell it’s me. But if you walked past me, you’d never know it’s the same girl. I’ve had zero plastic surgery and no Botox or filler yet either. Just older, blonder, and wear more makeup now. 

    I think Dorit has admitted to Botox, I forget about filler. I’m sure she’s done stuff to preserve her skin, but I’m not convinced she’s had the Heidi Montag special. Don’t want to sound argumentative. I agree that Dorit does look different. I just know not everyone’s looks dramatically change throughout the years. Mine did without any “work,” so I know for a fact it happens. Someone who did have a lot of work done (not that there’s anything wrong with it), is Adrienne Maloof. 


    I think this is probably the photo that you are thinking of.  Dorit has definitely had her nose done and she's had lip filler done.  You can see it best in the times when she is shown without lipstick on, it's way more noticeable then.  And, obviously her boobs are fake.

    • Love 2
  7. 2 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    And at least she was honest with how she felt unlike ALL the other ladies smiling in Ashley face while talking mad shit about it behind her back .. the very definition of being fake

    Then she should talk to her about it, separately.  Not scream at her about it in the lobby of a hotel.  The day they went to the salt room? That would have been an ideal time to do it.  When they were somewhere, just the two of them and not drunk.  In the middle of a group, after doing a bunch of shots and in a hotel lobby, to try to pull her to one side and whisper some shit like it wouldn't be noticed or be a thing is NOT the way to do it if you didn't want it to be a big thing.  Gizelle had a talk with her, one on one, at a restaurant.  It was calm, they talked, it was fine.

    • Love 3
  8. On 8/19/2019 at 9:07 PM, Chris Knight said:

    I dont want to see this story about McKenzie and her sick mom. I work all day and look forward to my Mon night snark. Sad reality is not entertaining. 

    I can't believe that they are bringing her on basically to show that her husband is a dick and her mom is going to die.  This is not entertaining at all.  You already don't have music, MTV, WTF with this shit now?

    On 8/19/2019 at 9:08 PM, ghoulina said:

    If Bentley is struggling, maybe keep it off TV. Entirely. I mean, great that you didn't film therapy. But now the entire world, including his classmates, knows he is IN therapy. Maci generally does a pretty good job with her kids, but I'm not okay with that. 

    Mack and Ryan ooops into another pregnancy. No words. 

    I'm all up to date on Amber's situation, so not much to say there. I just feel for those kids. Leah's first thought is her brother. And Gary is so sad, thinking of that baby going through all the shit Leah went through. It's just a mess. 

    Is cousin Krystal pregnant again???

    I snipped for length.  

    The Bentley thing doesn't bother me that much.  It wasn't a super invasive conversation, though I do wish Maci had left out the part about his grades.  I think it's not the worst thing in the world to talk about counseling and I think it's something kids do more these days.  She said something about having someone other than the counselors at school, so it sounds like he is talking to them.  I know when I was in school (forever ago), you pretty much only saw the guidance counselor if you were in trouble or once in high school for an awkward conversation to see if you were "on track" in what your future plans were (ie, were you thinking you could go to Harvard when you were basically Tyler and weren't going to cut it at the local community college?)  Friends of ours, though, have kids who have had very different experiences.  The guidance counselors are way more involved with the students and have a good feel for what is going on, etc.  

    Both Mack and Ryan should have to get shots that prevent them from being able to have any more children.  It's just not fair to the kids involved.  Also to Jen and Larry, really.  

    I sometimes feel for Amber a bit.  I mean, she's totally wrong for abusing people, don't get me wrong.  I just think that there probably was some shit that went on in her childhood that didn't get addressed properly, and then before she had any time to address it as an adult, she was a parent and unable to figure out how to handle things.  Add in the mental illness and she kind of never stood a chance.  I'm glad that Gary is a stable parent for Leah and I hope that Andrew is able to be one for James.  

    On 8/19/2019 at 9:27 PM, Coffeewinewater said:

    Catelyn, really a scrapbook a f'n scrapbook!! You couldn't have finished it any other weekend??? I can't believe it. Yes, I actually can. They were late to see the daughter that they gave away because catelyn had to make a scrapbook? I know I'm repeating myself but wtf???

    Of course you can, this is totally them.  It's not like they didn't talk about planning some super special gift for her 10th birthday a while ago.  What I really want to know is what the hell is in this? Is it a scrapbook of all the stuff she missed out on because they gave her up for adoption? As in, this is how your life would have sucked if you had been here? Mom and Dad would have sat around and done drugs, you would have been with your crazy ass grandmother and the pig that mommy gave away? Or is it all the stuff that they think she's doing not with them? Or is it Tyler's weird poetry and photos of the giant Carly blanket so they know that she hasn't been forgotten?  What is it?

    On 8/20/2019 at 11:24 AM, dariafan said:

    I think I would be beating them with a shoe.  Or a scrapbook 

    I'd be 3 blocks ahead of them, because I wouldn't be avoiding stepping on all of the cracks in the sidewalk.  

    On 8/20/2019 at 11:29 AM, Quilty said:

    I wonder ifC&T spend time doing arts and crafts and making scrapbooks with Nova that have nothing to do with Carly? 

    Nah.  That's why she has poop in her room, they don't even get her legos to play with.

    • Love 4
  9. 5 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

    It's not just LVP fans that are no longer interested. For some of the viewers, this has nothing to do with LVP.  Some people have just been so put off by Kyle, Teddi, Erika, Dorit and Rinna they no longer care about this show. All the blame for the demise of this show cannot lie at the feet of LVP's departure. The rest of the cast just plain suck.

    I think that Erika made her exit for different reasons, but in the end I agree with you in that she got out just in time.

    If these women choose to trash SUR et al., they can expect the same attacks on the businesses that they are associated with. If they are going down that road, no one will be exempt.

    If this continues, the battle will not be fought on the RH "playground", but on twitter, intstagram and other social media, as well as the tabloids. A whole new ballgame. Bravo is going to lose control.

    Actually Bravo has already lost control of their players.

    I think this is very true.  

    I am a fan of LVP, not in a team way, but I have always enjoyed LVP on the show.  I have not particularly enjoyed Kyle.  I do not care for Teddi or Rinna.  This past season was particularly challenging to watch partly because of the situation with LVP, but also because I didn't like the way Kyle, Teddi, Rinna and Erika were behaving.  They could have been acting this way towards anyone, it had nothing to do with the fact that it was towards LVP, and had LVP been part of the behavior, it would have changed my opinion of her.  It certainly changed my view of Erika.  

    I'm on the fence with watching BH next season at this point.  I'm leaning towards no.  I've already given up NJ, am close to dropping OC and ATL.  NJ was easy because Tre was not fired.  I'm likely to drop ATL because Nene and Kenya will be back.  OC is just . . . ugh.  And with BH I feel like there's  nothing really there for me at this point, LVP was some of the fluffy lifestyle porn I wanted to see, but now she's gone and the others all behave in ways I very much don't like.  The dark outweighs the fluff and if I'm in that position, then I'll watch something that actually has substance.  They need to stop ruining my FLUFF!

    • Love 14
  10. 3 hours ago, telemachus2 said:

    Why does Karen get to appoint herself judge & jury of Michael Darby?  The matter has already been adjudicated &, as Assley stated, dismissed.  Karen & the rest of the coven can disagree all they want, but the law has spoken. As Michael's behavior upset Karen, can't she just try to be civil to Ashley & ignore her spouse, rather than spoiling a previously happy day by again trying to rehash the issue?  Public, same-sex, jocular, drunken, alleged groping is highly offensive but is far from rape. This so-called "sexual assault" & the cameraman's subsequent request for a "peace/restraining order" have been reviewed by prosecutors, & dropped for lack of evidence.  Karen - MYOB & focus on that rollerball (& finding/funding palatial rentals after The Black Bill Gates's little financial/legal fiasco.) 

    And so what if Michael is truly bi or gay - that's strictly an issue for he & Ashley to address, & nobody else gets a say, period.

    I agree.

    Michael Darby needs to keep his hands to himself.  He clearly does have an issue with touching people in a way that they don't like.  I don't know whether he's intending to be friendly or he's doing out of a desire to feel someone up, but it doesn't matter.  If someone doesn't want the contact, it is wrong.  So there's that and he needs to stop that shit, period.  

    But Karen isn't owed some sort of special consideration in this situation and I'm not sure why she feels like she is.  I totally understand, based on her past, her having strong feelings about the situation, but it's as resolved as it is going to get.  All she can do at this point is adjust her interactions with him to accommodate her comfort levels.  She can't just demand that he prove that he is innocent to her in a way that the legal system doesn't require.  It's not like she was the victim, or a relative of hers was, she's kind of trying to shoehorn herself into that role here and it's not her place to do that.  

    • Love 20
  11. On 8/6/2019 at 8:18 PM, FreetheGirlses said:

    I kind of think that the Legacy Castle looks gaudy, but that's just me. It's not a real representation of Italy at all, and I think that Mike was just making those comments because they COULDN'T go to Sicily and get married...more for emphasis than the fact that the thought he was actually getting something that would resemble what his Italian wedding would have been like. I could be wrong about this situation, though 😉

    What was funny to me is that when they did the season in Italy they all hated it.  At the Shore they're all rah-rah! We're Italian! Then they hit Italy and they're like, this isn't Italian! These people don't know how to be Italian! Italy sucks!

    On 8/29/2019 at 9:42 PM, Quita said:

    Did that biatch Jen just really ask her fresh-out-of-rehab boyfriend if they can pop champagne and have a bartender at their daughter's first birthday party? SMH.

    Yes, yes she did.  But to be fair to Jen, Ronnie went to a "wellness center" for his depression.  Not rehab for a substance problem.  Which he totally needs, of course.

    • Love 4
  12. On 6/28/2019 at 7:12 PM, politichick said:

    Agree. And while his girls will miss their daddy, who doesn't want to go to Italy multiple times per year to see him?

    It's also not like Joe would be confined to Italy.  He could feasibly live in any number of other countries which are even closer.  I don't think Canada is an option, due to his record, but it's possible he could live in Mexico, the Bahamas, Costa Rica, etc.  It would be super easy for the girls to visit.  

    • Love 2
  13. On 8/27/2019 at 8:06 AM, MartyQui said:

    I don’t understand why they couldn’t get a couple of portable induction burners if the stove isn’t working...I know it adds to the drama, but at this point it’s just silly.

    It's totally absurd that this hasn't been fixed at this point.  The food is a major thing when it comes to their level of service and their tip, so having a stove that isn't working is just crap.  Yes it is an expense to have it fixed, but if you are someone who owns a yacht that you rent out for charters, you want to make sure you have the best possible reviews so that you have repeat guests and referrals, so that's the type of thing you'd take the hit on and pay whatever to have it fixed as soon as it broke.  It would be like owning a vacation home in Florida that you rent out and having the air conditioning go out, yet not fixing it.  You'd definitely have problems with the tenants if that occurred.

    On 8/27/2019 at 9:01 AM, Carolina Girl said:

    In the age of our entitlement to the same options as men, being drunken lecherous pigs was really not on my top-ten list.  

    Astronaut, President, CEO, sure.  These women are going for the lowest possible bar.  

    On 8/27/2019 at 12:22 PM, Irritable said:

    If Anastasia hadn’t been there to help Ben he wouldn’t have made it through that meal - she really knows what is there, where it all is, the best way to work around the quirks and inconveniences of that small, shitty galley, and she communicates effectively and succinctly. 

    In fairness to Ben, he had walked on the boat just a couple of hours before the guests did.  Ana had been on the boat and had been helping Mila out before she took over, so she was familiar with the layout and where things were in the kitchen.  She didn't have to turn out the meal while also trying to figure out where the salt was or if they had a food processor, etc.  Ben had none of that knowledge. 

    On 8/27/2019 at 1:56 PM, dleighg said:

    Ben served "Indian-inspired airline chicken." I looked it up and "airline chicken" is a breast where a bit of the wing is left attached. But man, "airline chicken" evokes nothing other than a little plastic tray with a foil lid and a sad, sad chicken breast inside.

    I've never quite understood why people went with this name for this dish.  I mean, I get it, I know why it's named that way, but if it's a higher level of restaurant, I feel like you'd want to change it up a bit so it didn't conjure up something you'd be eating while stuck in a middle seat for 8 hours. 

    On 8/27/2019 at 11:13 PM, biakbiak said:

    The Kate hookup happened when they weren’t filming, the Kat hookup got a lot of play including people listening to them having sex and they may or may not have stained a decorative pillow because one of the Times happened in a state room between charters.

    This was also the one where the piece of the stateroom was damaged, wasn't it? 

    On 8/28/2019 at 8:35 AM, Mr. Minor said:

    Many do, they were probably drunk and having "swordfights" every night. That's why Travis was so bummed out.


    On 8/29/2019 at 5:40 AM, Kdawg82 said:

    Anastasia and her comment to Ben "I don't 'check things' anymore. You're here"= what.a.snot. I can't stand that chick.  She needs to get over herself, indeed. I hope they air all Her snot comments at the reunion and someone (a viewer/ Andy) calls her out on it. 

    She really does have a nasty attitude.  When she was the chef, she kept telling the others that she was doing "real work that required a brain" and yet she required pretty much fulltime support from another crew member in order to do it.  Now she's being nasty to someone who is coming in to take over for her, knowing he just showed up and was thrown into the job without having an idea of the layout or where things are. 

    On 8/29/2019 at 7:23 PM, HunterHunted said:

    We had a lot of discussion last season about Ben having snacks and appetizers ready to go when those gorgons were screaming abouts nuts. It just seemed like there was much more food and snacks available to guests when Ben was the chef. I remember that fight Ben got into with Kate during the RHoA charter. The ladies afternoon snacks were served kind of late and were substantial enough that the ladies wanted to skip dinner. 

    This is one of those things that I have never quite understood with some of the chefs.  Ben does tend to have pre-emptive food out.  Other chefs seem to be at a loss when guests want food NOW, and it's kind of strange to me.  It seems like you'd have some stuff on hand to offer snacks mid-morning, mid-afternoon and perhaps late-night, just so that you ward off any possible issues.  It wouldn't be difficult to have the preparations for a veggie/fruit platter, cheese/charcuterie board on hand.  Having some cookie dough already portioned that could be thrown into the oven, stuff for nachos, and maybe a few other options that would be quick and easy but could buy time if needed, or hold over a guest who got up earlier than the others, etc.  And it would help with the guests who came to the table early for dinner and are starving but are still waiting on a few more to arrive.  Throw out a quick charcuterie board for them to munch on while in the salon.  

    On 8/29/2019 at 11:40 PM, biakbiak said:

    Anastasia talked a lot of smack in her interviews but when actually in the galley she was super helpful. When she said your here so I don’t have to taste it, we didn’t see what they were talking about tasting and given that she is a vegan who was only tasting a lot of the food for seasoning and than spitting it out I can totally see why she wouldn’t do that when she wasn’t required to do it for the food to be properly seasoned.

    It appeared to be the olive mixture that he wanted her to taste (tapenade?).  He was tossing things into the food processor (or having her do it, I forget which), olives, the parsley, garlic, etc, and then he asked her to taste it and she told him she didn't have to.  Unless he'd thrown something in there that wasn't mentioned, there was nothing that she couldn't eat, and she could have just said "I'm vegan" if there was, not "I don't have to" 

    • Love 4
  14. On 5/30/2019 at 10:32 AM, Nicmar said:

    Why is her ass so lumpy and out of shape? Isn't she in her mid to late 20s ? 😶

    She gets weird injections and likely doesn't go to a great plastic surgeon for them.  Butt procedures don't turn out well, generally, there are a lot of issues with them to begin with and Farrah isn't exactly super picky with who she lets near her or subtle with the work she has done.  (I have a fascination with plastic surgery shows)

    On 6/7/2019 at 9:04 PM, galaxychaser said:

    Farah is a Gemini that explains a lot. Derek was okay looking. Poor Sofia isn’t cute at all. 

    I'm not so sure that's enough of an explanation for her.  I think Deb as a parent probably has a bigger hand in the situation. 

    On 7/1/2019 at 6:53 AM, Uncle JUICE said:

    So we're all on the same page, right? She's actually just a sex worker now, right? 

    I think the current polite term is "yachtie" but yep, she's a sex worker.  

    Also, there's this:


    Didn't she have this exact same malfunction just a year or so ago? It was a whole big "oopsie" until someone posted the video of her getting up and staging it?

    My favorite part though is that at the bottom of the article it mentions she's now a book critic.  That bitch thinks she's fit to trash Joan Didion.  Seriously.  That happened.

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  15. On 8/29/2019 at 12:38 AM, Happy Camper said:

    The silence of Andy regarding her departure would add credence to this.

    Andy is currently on vacation, so I don't know if his silence is indicative of anything.  He has posted some pics/videos with his son on instagram, but I think he's more unplugged than he was in the past due to being a dad.

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  16. 8 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

    I think Shannon was wearing Chanel.  

    Chanel's logo is two Cs that face away from each other.  Gucci is two Gs that face each other.  

    4 hours ago, ivygirl said:

    If Meghan Edmonds, PI ever wanted to come back... there’s a job for her!

    Well first, we have to have the psychic, then we get to the PI.  

    4 hours ago, Raiderred said:

    This "train" talk brings back very sad memories for me.  When I was in college, in the way, way, back times, I went up to my boyfriend's dorm room and a lot of guys on his floor were talking about a sorority girl and a "train" that occurred the night before.  I was so naive at the time I asked my boyfriend about it and he told me.  The girl was passed out drunk and so many guys took advantage of her and raped her.  I felt angry and sick in my heart and in those days there was no one tell or at least it wasn't something that you would go to the campus police or really any adult, but I remember thinking that I hope everyone of these men have daughters in their future and they are haunted for the rest of their rotten lives.  My boyfriend was with me on the night of the incident so I know he was no way involved and he was just as upset as I was.  This story was around for a while and there were some guys that would think it was so funny and it made me want to puke.  I think it has happened quite a lot and the stories go untold.  Sigh.

    This is why I think when many people (not really anyone here, but the random definitions online), define trains and gang bangs it's more of an "in the eye of the beholder" thing.  I can't imagine that most of the guys who participated in that event felt they were raping someone, they likely felt they were participating in a train or a gang bang.  But it's not.  

    3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    Truth time - I've had a DUI. I got it when I was 23. I was completely blacked out drunk; and every day I am so thankful to that police officer who pulled me over before I killed someone. I do not drink any more. 

    All that to say, I had my license taken from me, but I was given a provisional license. It was just a piece of paper, but it had my photo and name and said that I could drive to and from work on certain days. Now, I don't know if Gina was given that consideration. Every state is different I'm sure; and she doesn't, technically, have a real job. But she does have children who need transported places. It was her first offense, was it not? I'd think she might have been given something similar. 

    If not, I don't see why you wouldn't immediately go and get a basic photo ID. She's still drinking. How does she prove her age if she gets carded? I just think that excuse was BS. 

    There's no reason she couldn't go get a photo id.  It's really irresponsible for her to not go do so, since there will likely be a bunch of things she will need to show id for.  Stores, drs offices, etc, I have people ask to see my license fairly often.  

    1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

    That's what I'm saying - if they are all "flying" to Vegas you do need some sort of Photo ID to fly. She could get a State ID from the DMV or she could get a replacement passport within 48 hours - the fee is about $160.

    If a few of them are "driving" she could just be a passenger in the car - dingbat doesn't have to drive.

    It's a BS excuse - and you know when they go on their annual group trip overseas she will suddenly find her passport

    We have seen people on Bravo shows do a party bus to Vegas multiple times.  There's no reason they couldn't have done that so that the women could all get there, it would have been super easy.  No id needed for Gina.  

    • Love 4
  17. On 8/24/2019 at 12:08 PM, KungFuBunny said:

    It will be so bizarre to perform a "sexy anniversary" dance/walk around a stage to people without said husband in the audience.

    They do go to Vegas - I wonder if Shane's mom and sister go on stage too - triple gross in the sexy factor for your husband

    Why would you not have the costumes fitted properly? Or at least get a corset one? If you're going to spend all the money on them, then do it right.  

    On 8/26/2019 at 12:21 PM, KungFuBunny said:

    I think he married Emily to try to get full custody of his daughters. 

    So basically a free au pair?

    On 8/27/2019 at 10:02 PM, Pickles said:

    What kind of people does Vicki know, who have detailed info about Kelli and a train?? It is horrifying and disturbing. 

    Well, we could start with Brooks and apparently some toothless Greek guy.  But really I'm not sure if these people actually exist.  They might all live in her head.  

    On 8/27/2019 at 10:50 PM, Shannah Banana said:

    In my travels this is what I found on this disgusting subject.

    A train is when a consenting female has dudes lined up, and they go one after the other.  A gang bang is when the female is messed up out of her mind, and a bunch of guys take advantage of it, and go one right after the other, which is rape.

    A threesome is just a boring old threesome and MAYBE what Kelli did.  Maybe.  Allegedly. 

    I have heard both a gang bang and a train to be used as consensual terms and also as terms when someone is passed out.  I've basically decided that it comes down to your perspective.  If someone is a consenting participant, then it's called whatever they want, a gang bang, a train, it's all good.  If they are not consenting or capable of consent, then it's a rape, but, some of the participants are more likely than others to term it as a gang bang or a train.  

    On 8/27/2019 at 11:12 PM, swankie said:

    Love how Tamra is the one that actually blurted out, "Are you talking about the train?", yet it's Vicki that's spreading the rumor.   And someone says Shannon Beador told them Emily and Gina will be gone from the show, Emily reacts, but she's wrong because it's only hearsay.  You should NEVER believe Jeff Lewis.  We all know he lies!  (eyeroll)  I'm really not liking the new Shannon.  She's just as annoying as the old Shannon.  

    Vicki fundamentally started things by pulling her whole "Kelly knows that I know worse things that I haven't said" with the whole YET hanging out there.  Tamra did question if she meant the train, but I have no doubt at all that if she hadn't, Vicki would have.  

    I also 100% believe that Shannon told Jeff that about Emily and Gina.  Jeff and Shannon have been very open about their friendship and Jeff sucks at boundaries.  Shannon may not have wanted Jeff to repeat it, but I don't doubt at all that she said it to him and he put it out there.  Especially with the way they didn't get along at all last season, Jeff would come out in defense of Shannon. 

    On 8/27/2019 at 11:35 PM, dosodog said:

    I don't want to know.  If she was a willing participant. Okay. She's an adult. Not my scene, but people do what people do.

    If she wasn't, then she's being publically outed when it should be up to her to decide to come forward and that adds even more anguish to an already horrible attack.

    If she didn't, that rumor is out there forever.  Or until civilization loses the internet. And it's not just her who suffers. Jolie. Jolie is now dealing with this.

    She's not an adult.  She's just an early teen.  She knows what a train is.  Think about that Tamra.  Vicki may have started this lie, but Tamra put it out there on national TV.  And complicated a kid's life.

    game of thrones shame GIF

    Beverly Hills:  Let's ruin this show by talking ad nauseam about a puppy landing up at a shelter and putting rumors out there no one can prove.

    OC: Hold my Spicy Skinny Margarita. We've got a train to catch.

    train crash GIF

    Vicki's Family Van.  Tamra's conducting the train.

    I totally agree.  If Kelly participated (willingly), that's fine.  It's not my business.  If she wasn't a willing participant, then I feel horrible for her and even worse that this shit is out there for everyone to know about.  

    Jolie doesn't need to deal with any of this.  I remember being 13 and it was difficult enough without people talking about my mother participating in a train.  Hell, I was embarrassed by my mother wearing a jacket that she had had for like 15 years and was obviously waaaaay out of style when I was that age, I can't begin to imagine what Jolie is going through.

    22 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

    I usually like Shannon, but wanted to slap her tonight.  Grumbling about not going an hour without drama??  Bitch, every episode of the last 2 seasons was The Sadness of Shannon telenovela!

    Shannon can never go an hour without drama.  I mean, her bitching about Emily having drama is Shannon actually creating drama.  Not to mention the fact that she was all pissy because Emily had tweeted mean things about her.  And they were the things Shannon was PROUD OF!  The TWO THINGS! SHANNON WAS PROUD GUYS!  Emily was mean about the things Shannon was proud of!  

    And then Emily apologizes, and Shannon interrupts her.  To tell her she was mean and should have apologized.  Which Emily is actually currently trying to do.  So Emily continues to apologize and Shannon tells her that it was mean and Shannon was sad.  And Emily says she is sorry and she would like to move forward.  And then Shannon, who has been complaining because Emily has not apologized sits there and gives an interview because now Emily just EXPECTS Shannon to accept her apology.  JUST LIKE THAT!  I mean, the nerve of Emily.  

    18 hours ago, Quiet1 said:

    The women were on camera and mic'd. They knew it would be on tv. They should have given Kelly a call as soon as Vicki mentioned it, her true friend did the right thing. And if this is worse than the "coke" story and Kelly is so horrible, what about the men. Name them Vicki. Or is it fine for men to be involved but the woman is horrible. Steve, Eddie maybe? I hope they look back and are ashamed to have been a part of this whole story line. They could have shut it down and just kept saying "none of my business" when interviewed about it. 

    Right? Why are we talking shit about Kelly and not all the horrible men who were lined up in the hall?  Again, if people are doing something consensual, I don't give a shit.  But if we're going to start throwing shame around, then lets start with the 8 guys who thought this would be a good way to pass the night. 

    17 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

    I thought it was mentioned that Vicki and Shannon heard it at the same time.  Which makes me think that Michael was the source.   

    I don't think it was Michael.  He came to Kelly's defense with the cocaine rumors and it's not like he and Kelly are fighting over custody or anything like that.  Him spreading something like this would only hurt Jolie, especially after the drug rumors and he wouldn't really have anything to gain from it. 

    15 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

    Did anyone notice how Tamra threw Shannon under the bus by saying Vicki AND Shannon heard the rumor?

    Shannon says in one of her confessionals that she and Vicki were told together.  Then she also says that she and Vicki both talked to Tamra about it and that they agreed to not discuss it again.

    9 hours ago, amarante said:

    Shannon didn’t pay for anything. Who are they trying to do. The stores in which they shoot agree to comp stuff in exchange for the promotional opportunity. 

    Its the sake bullshit they attempt to pull when a housewife hosts a trip when the production staff has negotiated all the freebies. 

    Which is why we only saw the outside of Cartier.  And they showed up wearing Gucci logo items, but we didn't see them go into any major label stores.  

    • Love 7
  18. On 8/25/2019 at 9:01 AM, chlban said:

    You have to get New Orleans on netflix, the season is over and, sadly, I don't think it will return (no Reunion show, BRAVO kiss of death). I have yet to get through a whole episode of Dallas, but I will try, once again. The pickings are so thin.

    But you need to start soon! It's going to be little owl meal time soon and you don't want to miss out on that!

    On 8/25/2019 at 12:02 PM, nosedive said:

    I don't know where you're getting your information, but this is patently untrue.  

    It is for SOME.  Not all believe that, but there are some who do.  There are people who have weird beliefs in pretty much any grouping of people that you pick, whether a religion, a political party, a family, or a yoga class.  

  19. 4 hours ago, Vanderboom said:

    Candiace and Ashley's weird apology-off just highlighted how immature they both are. 

    Gizelle just can't leave Karen alone, can she? So Karen is fuzzy about her La'Dame stuff. So? You know you weren't going to buy it anyway, Gizelle. It's okay that Karen doesn't want to talk to you. Keep being BFFs with Robyn; if she ever comes at you, it will be whiny and half-hearted ("Speaking of doing something wrong . . . "). Just keep complimenting Karen's wigs and skip the drama.

    Karen is an entertaining Pompous Dork. I get the feeling she wants to be Yzma (she's not cool enough to be Eartha Kitt) when she grows up. She's pretentious, but I just can't help rooting for her.

    Thankfully, Monique will get her reproductive wishes granted as long as she puts out. /sarcasm 

    I kind of feel like Karen gives as good as she gets when it comes to Gizelle.  Sometimes Gizelle goes over the top, but Karen glosses over a lot of what she does to other people and never EVER owns her part of things.  Gizelle can be hard to pin down, but she will eventually own it.  

    I do also get her feelings about Karen's business, since she had a whole thing about it last season, and then there was no product.  She also won't talk about it at all with Gizelle, but she has no problem trying to jump in and connect with people Gizelle knows from her own beauty line.  If I'm giving you a contact, I should at least have a bit of info about the product, because otherwise you potentially could be wasting the contact's time and that could burn the contact for me down the road.  

    As for Monique, she has a comfortable life with Chris, but I think she's earning it.  

    • Love 10
  20. On 8/24/2019 at 7:18 PM, Jadzia said:

    I was rolling my eyes at the panelist who seemed to agree with Bill that boycotts are wrong but then said “we need to let the free market decide.”  Umm, isn’t that the point of a boycott, to not spend your money with a company you disagree with? That is absolutely how the free market works. 

    Bill doesn't like boycotts because they are essentially what led to him being booted from ABC and also what wounded his special little snowflake soul when he was dis invited from speaking at Berkeley.  So since it affected HIM, boycotts are BAD.  

    But, it is the free market deciding what stays and what goes.  It is also people just turning the channel if they don't like something.  It is also a form of protest, which a fundamentally American principle, one that you would think Bill would be behind.  

    • Love 1
  21. 3 hours ago, bosawks said:

    Soooo, Katie’s birth control method is blithe ignorance?

    The last thing she needs is another kid, I couldn't believe her answers when she said she wasn't on any birth control at all.  If I were her mother, I'd be hauling her in to an appointment for an IUD or a shot or something long term.  She needs help stabilizing her life as it is, adding a kid is NOT going to fix it. 

    3 hours ago, TexasGal said:

    Can we please retire Candiace’s talking head with the pink eye shadow?  And Ashley’s with the wig.  They are both scary to me.

    Katie wearing a scarf and jacket in her hotel room in the Caribbean seems totally normal.

    I don't understand the wig with Ashley, but at least I can tell myself that she's trying out a different look because she was heavily pregnant when they were shooting those interviews so it was probably easier.  Candiace's pink eye shadow, I just can't come up with a reason for.  It's awful and I can't fathom why anyone thought it was a good look.

    2 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

    She looks like she has a case of conjunctivitis so bad that it's spreading from her eyes out to the rest of her face.  Including her lips.

    And speaking of makeup, although probably OT, there was a promo for RHoD during this episode showing Brandi talking to one of her two girls (Brooklyn or the Bronx or Broadway or whatever their names are), and the child had dark orange foundation on her face over a neck as white as typing paper.  Do they actually make up the kids for filming?  Or is that household even crazier than I think it is?  (Rhetorical questions, obviously.)

    I didn't see the commercial for Dallas (I record the show and then skip them all), but is it possible that they were doing something for cheer or dance? It wouldn't surprise me at all of Brandi had her girls in one of the activities and the makeup for those can be . . . intense, to say the least.  

    • Love 7
  22. I have mixed feelings about this episode.  Katie's situation is uncomfortable to watch and I watch housewife shows because I want to see frothy fun and escape from more serious things going on.  It's not that I want them to avoid something if it's going on in the life of a ho, but, Katie hasn't been a ho for years now, so why bring her back on just to see this go down?  

    I totally get that Ashley has spent years gossiping about other people and I don't think she has a leg to stand on if she's upset with other people talking about Michael's situation.  I do think she has a bit of a point though when it comes to Katie.  Giselle said some shit about the Michael situation, but she also sat Ashley down and talked to her about it.  And despite Katie saying that everyone was saying Michael was gay behind Ashley's back, that wasn't actually true.  What most of the other women said (though not all), was basically what Giselle said (I can remember her quote mostly word for word), "If he wants to suck a penis, that's fine, go suck a penis, nothing wrong with it" That isn't saying "Michael is gay" 

    Then you have Katie calling Ashley dumb, denying it and turning around and calling her stupid.  It wasn't a great look for Katie at all.  Giselle tried to help her out of it, by at least getting her to apologize for calling her dumb, but Katie wasn't having it.

    I don't think Ashley should have gone where she did with Katie, because of the issues she has, but, at the same time, I don't really know what you do, either.  Katie is coming for her, she's doubling down on it when Ashley is trying to just say, don't say these things and Giselle is asking her to just  apologize for saying she's dumb.  And in the end, Katie turned it all around into Ashley apologizing to Katie for even saying anything, when the reality is that Katie HAD said shit about Ashley.  That's kind of messed up, even if Katie does have issues.  It's not really worth Ashley fighting over (and, again, Ashley has certainly started a bunch of shit over the years), but, Katie definitely blew off anything she actually said by pushing the blame onto other people for saying worse things and having her own issues.

    • Love 3
  23. 3 hours ago, sasha206 said:

    Tamra's mom is likely in a 55 and older community.  That's not an "old folks home."  I'm sure Tamra thinks saying that makes it HILARIOUS.

    With the exception of Bronwyn and Shannon, these women look AWFUL.  Tamra has had way too many procedures because those eyebrows are so wonky.  Emily's face is now swallowed up in fillers and with the extra weight, she looks awful.  Gina is young enough that she hasn't been messing with her face that much with fillers, but her washed out hair and the length is awful for her heart shaped face.  She needs a mid length bob badly.  Not to mention her fragile mental state is really showing on her.  Kelly's hair is awful.  Shannon looks the best she has in a long time.  But both her and Bronwyn aren't far from looking ridiculous with the fillers.

    I don't necessarily blame Tamra for making the jokes about her mother moving.  I can say that I have made similar jokes to a relative of mine, it was something that was amusing to both of us.  If a camera followed me around 24/7, there are a lot of things that I'm sure I say that would horrify most people, but the people I'm talking to don't bat an eye over.

    Tamra's eyebrows most likely look wonky because she has them microbladed.  Last season we watched both her and Vicki get them done, and it's a semi-permanent procedure, so if someone does them a bit heavier or whatever, you have to wait for it to fade out.  

    I also think Shannon keeps messing with her face and she doesn't look the same now as she did on the show.  She needs to stop with the procedures.  For someone who started on the show going on and on about how she was free from toxins and had to have a hospital grade air purification system in her house, she's totally happy to shoot anything and everything she can get her hands on into her face and body.  It is weird to me. 

    2 hours ago, 65mickey said:

    As far as I remember Heather, Shannon, Alexis, Peggy, and Meghan all have twins. That's a lot of twins for a small group of women. 

    Heather and Meghan both had IVF and have talked about it.  Meghan did it because Jimmy had previous had a vasectomy.  I don't know about the others, but it's entirely possible that they had IVF, or used some other procedure.  

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