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Posts posted by BettyPoz

  1. But earlier the CEO was claiming they were in negotiations to be in department stores, but they couldn't name them. If the pla was always to sell the clothes online, he could have said that.

    I found it telling that both Bethenny and Heather thought they were there to see clothes, not models. And Sonja couldn't get her act together to tell them the plan changed - or more likely she didn't care enough (or there was some other screw up she didn't want to acknowledge).

    Had Sonja had already chosen the ,model type to see, why was the very first model NOT that type? I strongly suspect the model call was "hi, do you want to be on RHNY?"

    I can't help thinking the ladies were just being kind.. Because I thought the fashion show was bad. No idea how she chose what went down when, there was no cohesive look to the models, never mind however long she took between the 2 sets of clothes (shouldn't model 1 have been changing immediately after going back upstairs? I don't understand the timing.)

    Ramona's claim that Mario is just and old homebody was hilarious! Or maybe he is at home more now that she is not in his home?? Must be a lot quieter. I thought her hair looked awful in her TH, and something seemed off about her face, her eyes seemed less sunken than, for exa,ple, during lunch with Dorinda. Her hair looked better there though I still think it looked better shorter.

    Whoever commented on Bethenny's comment about Luann's height - that was as they were talking about LuAnn having been asked to not cross her legs because the runway was so arrow. I didn't see it as a dig.

    Query - since the fashion show was in a completely different location, can Sonja really say she was a part of "Fashion Week?"

    Alot of the same thoughts as me --


    Yes - why not just say, or if he didn't want to say it straight out, just allude to it because he was certainly doing that about stores.  WHERE DO YOU SEE YOUR CLOTHING LINE SITTING?  It was like he actually didn't know.


    Not only did Heather and Bethenny not know why they were there -- they couldn't find the conference room!  So they are just renting rooms here and there for their meetings is what it sounded like.  And as Bethenny pointed out, they arrived before Sonja.


    I also thought it strange that the first model didn't meet the criteria -- but Sonja had hand picked them.  But then again, numbers on a page don't always translate to in person??  giving her the benefit of the doubt.


    I've watched enough fashion shows on Project Runway to know that's not how a fashion show should run! Hahaha!


    And I've read enough posts since mine to change my opinion about the Ramona/Bethenny scene because I have been waiting for a Ramona take down probably since she was so nasty to Simon and Alex at Jill's party.  But I'm sure whatever the outcome, she will have a completely different spin on it at the reunion and probably stalk off the set at some point in time.




    Did I hear Bethenny say that she personally knew Mario's concubine?

    I thought I heard her say twice that she knew the person.

    • Love 11
  2. They had to do something to pass the time.  Sonja's show started late and then had a huge gap in between the first and second looks.

    Yes-yes this is true...  At first I posted that it was boring but maybe I felt that way because I want someone to squash Ramona like a bug.  I get tense watching and Bethenny was good and in control.  Looking forward to next week also.

    • Love 6
  3. I voted for Bethenny because having given it a very little bit of thought -- she is really the only one I have no interest in.  I don't know whether it's because I wasn't a serious RHofNY watcher the first 2 seasons or whether I just think her expiration date has passed.  She's been on this show, 2 seasons(?) of her own show, a talk show and back here again.  She doesn't contribute anything "new" only her old schtick of fast and furious banter.

    As much as Ramona and Sonja drive me nutty I enjoy watching them.

    • Love 3
  4. Me, too.  But I love it all. Living in polite society, it's not always possible to let my intuition about someone come flying out my mouth.


    I would be very sad not to have you guys and this board.  That's why I'm always on my very best behavior. ;-)

    LOL two thumbs up! Who am I kidding I love the snark too.

    • Love 1
  5. Were you a member of TWOP when it announced it was shuttering?  That's how I would feel if all my shows disappeared tomorrow.  Bereft.  Not over the loss of the HWs, though.  But because there'd be no more snarking about them with all you lovely people.


    Omgod.  I'd totally care.  I've dumped Atlanta and the OC and probably BH, all by myself.  But if they just all disappeared without being able to make that decision for myself?....verklempt.


    I'd check Carole's Wikipedia every now and then, though.  I want to see how long it takes her to finish her next book.  Wiki still says the release date is Spring. 2014.

    Yes - I was a member of TWOP for many years and was disappointed that it closed down.  Happy to have this but know I'd have a lot more time off the computer if I never found it.  I enjoy sharing thoughts and what people notice more than the snark.

    • Love 3
  6. Yup. Positive for us, negative for the sponsors.  And the HWs that are helping to tank the ratings.

    Bwahahaha! As if I cared what the sponsors experience!  Wait! Who ARE the sponsors?  I'm not sure I've watched an episode live....


    If these shows disappeared tomorrow because of "low ratings"would anyone REALLY care?  Lose sleep over it?  Find yourself scouring the New York Post Page Six for news of one of them?  

    • Love 1
  7. Only 6 pages for this epi compared to the 12 - 30 pages an epi usually generates by Monday Moaning.


    The interest and discussion factor doesn't bode well for Carole and Dorinda as it does for Lu, Heather, Beth and Ramona.

    Let's view it as a positive -- less bitching by the ladies so less bitching by the viewers.

    • Love 10
  8. I thought it was kind of cute that Carole was calling Dorinda "Doris" -- it was not as annoying as Heather's insistance on name-shortening, even if the other person requests that she doesn't do it.


    Then, I was wondering if during Carole and Dorinda's heart to heart talks (off camera), if maybe, Dorinda confided to Carole that her given name really is "Doris", and she just uses Dorinda because it is not as old-fashioned sounding.  


    Either way, I think I spend waaaay too much time thinking about this stupid stuff!!   LOL   :-)

    When Dorinda and Carole were walking out a door in London (not at home but would go back to episode if I was!), Dorinda said something about DORIS. Was it her London name was Doris? Was she referring to her past life living there? Not sure. Can anyone take another look for that scene??


    she just calls everyone Mamma now. lol.

    Haha my husband calls me Mama now but only because that's what Nero calls Gemma on Sons of Anarchy! On the final season (finally! No spoilers! )
  9. I knew Carole would have me verklempt because I've read her book about five times, but I was so moved when Dorinda explained in her TH that when your spouse is dying, you literally don't sleep because you're worried they'll be gone when you wake up or you'll have to drive to the ER in the middle of the night. Her story about trying to get a cab right after her husband died was affecting in how darkly funny it was, and I think Carole got that, too.

    I slept on the couch for the 8 weeks my mother was sick because she was downstairs on a hospital bed in our dining room and our bedrooms were upstairs.  I didn't want her to be alone.  Glioblastoma multiform brain tumor that according to a medium (yes I did!) said she had known something was wrong for a couple of years. She could no longer talk.  She got around for a very little while but was quickly confined to first a wheelchair and then the bed.  My dad and I went to work every day and my aunts (her oldest sister and my dad's brother's wife) stayed with her during the day - both in their 70s!  He and I switched off our evenings - I'd go workout, come home then he'd go out.  One sister came over in the evenings, the other lived in the next state and she came on the weekend.  We knew it would be the beginning of the end when she stopped eating and that came at about 6 weeks in.  That was probably the hardest thing to bear knowing it would not be long.  I can relate - you're soooooooooo tired and feel bad for wondering when will it all be over but you don't want them to die! But you don't want them to continue suffering.


    The people at the ceremony were probably not confused, as they more than likely knew her plans.  Carole has said (again recently on Twitter) that his ashes were split. She wanted half of them to be near his father.  It's funny the way that site did the whole "busted" deal. It's almost like they want to find a reason for this to not be true, but I guess I shouldn't complain because that is why they all do for the most part. 

    There are a lot of ashes!  We have some of my husband's father in our basement and even the amount we got is a lot!  Plenty to go around - the ocean, the lake and to tuck away in a church.

    • Love 14
  10. Carole is pretty succinct in her Open Letter.   There is no mention of switching churches.   She said she received an e-mail from the church where she interned her husband's ashes.  Perhaps there is another source of the church switch.

    I interpreted the conversation beforehand and then with the priest was the original church was sold and condos built and the urn stored at the place (new church? religious offices w/a chapel?) until she picked them up.  Hence the "switch" but more of a "they're here waiting for you".

    • Love 5
  11. Now that I've watched the whole episode...


    I could have done without a lot of the Bethenny party scene because Ramona drives me nutsy but I guess that's what they're wanting to get across to us.  I don't think that she's looking to get laid either.  I think she's looking for exactly what she articulated.  Someone her age, who has kids the age of Avery who will wine and dine her and be her social companion (and sex).  She's really not the one-night-stand type of person and doesn't portray herself to be that.


    Loved every minute of Doris (LOL) and Carole in London.  Felt a lot of sympathy and a lot of empathy.  I know a lot of us here have our own war stories and when Dorinda talked of how Richard was sick and when he died it was a relief I knew exactly what she meant because my mother was sick for 8 weeks from diagnosis to death (brain tumor) and we took care of her at home (hospice was in its infancy stage) and I slept on the couch every night (except for weekends when my sisters took over and I drank myself into a stupor).  After the funeral luncheon people came over and I was all "yo, see ya - heading to jazzercize".  I already mourned for every day of those 8 weeks.  


    I saw a new and interesting side of Carole tonight.  So much back story and pictures! Loved the pictures!


    Tell me Sonja didn't look like Barbra Streisand in Funny Girl at Bethenny's party!!  Oh man, I could see the drifting eye and everything - the neckline, straight out of the scene in the room with Nicky Arnstein (Nicky Arnstein what a wonderful name), the updo, the ribbon around the head.  And you know Fanny in all her glory would have made a comedy routine out of the flying tooth.  Too Funny.


    Kristin and Heather - always good to see you!  Love my girls!

    • Love 23
  12. At this point, I'm disliking Dorinda's preaching about Heather's preaching.


    Preaching is "You should/shouldn't" in my book of preaching (and boy oh boy I CAN PREACH!).  In FACT, Dorinda was preaching to Sonja in the T&C. Preaching to her as to how she should be/respond to the other women.  So back that shit up Dorinda! Move on!

    • Love 9
  13. This part of her blog made me see red. I couldn't believe what I was reading. She has the nerve to call out Heather for her reaction to Ramona (take a walk), but has zero judgment for Ramona for bringing the whole thing up? I don't get this. She of the "back that shit up" would have put up with that? I certainly don't think so. 


    She is making me a little crazy with her Heather hate. What "misunderstanding and clashes" have they had through the season? Was there something before T&C which was near the damn end of the season that we didn't see? And how was any of that Heather's fault? From what I've been able to tell (and even from the blogs of the other women that were there), Heather did nothing wrong. She seems to have such a problem with the preachy stuff, but only from Heather. Ramona is certainly every bit as preachy, as is Beth. Even Lu is as well. Hell, thus far in the season Dorinda has had the two most meaningless preachy moments of anyone else. There has to be something else that we are not seeing, but for some reason she is not letting us in on it. There is no way that anyone with even one ounce of ability to self reflect would call out someone else for being judgmental after her display in T&C. After something like that, you just stay away from the word judgment and hope that everyone else forgets what a fool you were.

    I wondered about the "misunderstandings and clashes" too. She better back that shit up! Like dates, examples...that kind of shit!

    Telling someone to Get out of here, or I'm never coming to your house again is not preaching. If you're gonna bitch about someone Dorinda get it right!

    What a jerk. I really liked her at the start of the season and sometimes now but not when she picking on my girl Holla!

    • Love 10
  14. I would be shocked if the Real Housewives of New York translated to any significant amount of anything for Smile Train. They are a huge, well known international organization.

    I don't know Smile Train, I know Smile Foundation which is Jessica Simpson's "charity".  So now I know of 2 that can make a few more smilier kids in the world.

    • Love 2
  15. I didn't realize bringing awareness to an organization was a bad thing.

    Kristen did a great thing. She helped put Smile Train on TV, people are talking about it. She helped raise money for children to have surgery.... All good!

    Bringing attention is good imo. I don't see the down side.

    Oh ya know - just another case of damned if they do, damned if they don't.
    • Love 14
  16. All I remember Alex saying is that about every three weeks they would do a set of confessionals.  I believe her explanation had more to do with they didn't want whatever the issues were at the moment to be forgotten or if they waited too long there might be a big change in feelings between particular cast members.  Since her days on the show, and especially this year with Bethenny, the confessionals have become a big tadoo.  The editors can rewrite history so to speak with some well placed  confessional statements.

    I had a giggle over the spelling of big "to-do".  Reminded me of Ramona's Kadooz!

    • Love 4
  17. When Sonja said something to the effect of "they just want to sleep with us," I thought, "no honey, they're gay famewhores who wanna be on TV."

    Well there were two gaggles of guys and the ones I'm thinking of were those 2 days worth of no shaving on face, close cut/shaved head with accents so I don't think we're talking about the same ones.  These were more "sell you into slavery" type of guys.   


    I have always wondered about this...I read Carole's book years ago and really did like it a lot. She said in it that she was best friends with Carolyn Bessette, which she said again last night. But, I always wondered why there are no pictures of the two of them together. I definitely believe that they got to be friends, even good friends. But BFFs? You would think there would be one or two photos of them, just them, together. I just sometimes think she may have slightly embellished their friendship but I feel guilty even typing that.


    I know JFK Jr. was very close to his cousin but were they like best friends that hung out together all the time? Just curious. I am not asking this to put Carole down. I fully believe that their deaths were horribly tragic and awful for her. I feel very badly for her that she went through all of that. And I do think it is why she never fully gave her heart away again.

    In hindsight though -- how many pictures did we ever see in print of Carolyn and John?  They were always the same it seemed.  Unless we all were neighbors or relatives in some way, how do ANY of us know how close they were.  Personally, I think they were all close (not neighbor or relative though).

    • Love 5
  18. I'm sure you are going to find some closeouts or discontinued items at places like Marshall's, but Bloomingdales retails them for around $128.  



    Even Bloomingdales has them on sale for $88. Heather got some good mileage out of this season for Yummie, especially for her jeans. I'm sure Denim and Diamonds was designed for that purpose. Well played!

    Since charity events usually have a sponsor, Kristen and Heather were very clever and Heather very generous with her product and staff.


    A quick google search has them showing up as low as $30. http://www.6pm.com/yummie-jeans

    If you sign up for emails, the Yummie Tummie website have great deals on a regular basis.  I haven't ordered anything yet.


    Wow! Thanks for finding this site! I will end up ordering a few pairs! I do think they are last seasons jeans though, not her newer styles from the looks of them but I could care less, I love saving money more! LOL

    WOW! Great website!  I will be checking it out more!


    Completely OT, but I'll keep it brief. If anyone is looking for similarly thoughtful reality shows, I heartily recommend PBS' Frontier House and Colonial House series. Yes, really. (They're 10+ years old now but well worth seeking it…the friction between castmates that develops is real and not contrived, such as one couple's refusal to attend Sunday church services even though it was the period-correct thing to do. Some people did well and even flourished under the restrictive living conditions, and others, not so much.)

    OMG - loved these shows!  I used to borrow the VHS tapes from the library and watched them while working out!  Is Frontier House the one with the one snotty family that brought makeup and pretty much refused to do things the "frontier way"?


    Yes, I have her boot cut leggings and just got my order today with her undies/tank top shape wear. The leggings are wonderful but the other stuff I bought in 2 sizes smaller size than I now wear because I am loosing weight and will need them in about a month. (The panties fit but are still a bit snug while the tank tops will not go over my "girls" yet!) LOL

    In her blog, Heather makes it sound like production filmed Jax's party but only showed that small blip of it. 10 years is a big hurdle for a transplant patient., BIG!

    The blip they showed of the party was that quick take during commercials!  If you're fast forwarding through (like I do) you would have missed it.




    • Love 5
  19. i think dorinda is refering to the fact that heather started the whole thing, that heather is not innocent. she did storm around the villa. she did enter luann's room without an invitation. she might have knocked but it's customary to wait for the response, "come-in" before flinging the door open.

    The what the fuck is Dorinda apologizing for?! Don't apologize if your only seeking a potential apology from someone else.

    You apologized Doeinda and Heather forgave you. I for one appreciated the "you're forgiven" and not some "oh it's ok....blah blah, keep the ball rolling until their fighting again" comments.

    • Love 19
  20. I definitely get the anger-the hashtag crap about her mother being proud of her now and saying that her daughter drops f-bombs. Dorinda said she didn't like to be humiliated and Heather humiliated her to the point she left the table. Just because Heather apologized doesn't make it right. I also think after the apology the storm trooper routine did not work with Dorinda.  Dorinda was on vacation not a hostile witness in front of a grand jury.

    I think the humiliation was tit for tat.  Holy Crow - can't stand the heat Dorinda honey? Back that shit up and get out of the kitchen!


    I hate defending Dorinda but I think what she means by a pure friendship with Heather is that she considers/considered her an actual friend, not just a Housewives "friend". Pure = real.

    Do you think that maybe they started getting together when she found she was going to be on the show and bonded before they started filming?  Or knew each other before that?

    I am so trying to figure out where in the Berkshires their houses are!  Did Ramona fly out of Great Barrington airport last season?  I was on vacation last week and we rode through the Berkshires and I swear on my mother's grave I though I saw Dorinda getting out of an SUV heading into the Ergemont MA (sp) Dunkin' Donuts!  We had just gotten back on the motorcycles and this SUV pulled in and I nearly fell off the bike trying to swivel around to get a better look.  Didn't help that I did not have my glasses on!


    Sonoma, I was going to say pure to Dorinda means innocent, but I think your "real" is more likely. I don't get anything sketchy about her saying pure.


    Love Carole saying what I thought: Painting the foyer storage area SG red. I get branding your product. But b is really taking it to a whole other level with splashing SG and red on everything. It was at the Hamptons home prominently and now her apartment. I don't get it. I posed the theory that she uses the homes as tax write offs, somehow making them a business expense. I also recognized that she is using a lot of stuff from Restoration Hardware, just going by all those boxes with RH on them. Loved Carole saying, in a kind of bewildered or baffled voice [about Bryn and an extravagantly expensive chandelier in her bedroom] "She's four..."  


    RedheadZombie, were they YT leggings or YT jeans? I thought it was in keeping with the diamonds [fancy dress] and denim [jeans] theme. If that helps you love it again.

    Anyone ever read the blog Suburban Turmoil?  She does a post every season or so on the Restoration Hardware catalog.  Hi-freakin-lirious!



    Now I disagree about Dorinda not knowing what was going on.  Other than a full-on drunken black out, there's just no way Dorinda didn't know who was in the vehicle she drove home in.  And I wouldn't particularly want to be caught on camera, wearing an unflattering bathing suit while squatting with legs spread, but that's why I'm not on a reality show.  And if wearing said bathing suit makes Dorinda feel vulnerable, she should be wearing a cover up.


    "At the point they approached Dorinda she was in a fairly vulnerable place-in a swimsuit and without visual orientation and pretty much hungover and half awake."  If Dorinda was too blind, hungover, and sleepy, to handle answering a simple question, I'm surprised she was able to navigate an unfamiliar home without falling down the stairs.  And she certainly shouldn't be trusted to exit the home in a bathing suit, because she's not lucid enough to avoid falling into the pool and drowning.  I think Dorinda was playing dumb, badly.  For a woman who prides herself on being straight forward, how about - "I'm not getting in the middle of this", or "I was so drunk I blacked out", or "I didn't bring anyone home, talk to the other ladies".  I'm not a Carole fan, but she seemed dumbfounded by Dorinda's dumb act.


    Shame on you, you slut shamer!

    I laughed so hard out loud!  I think she was playing dumb because possibly she didn't want them to know how drunk she got as the night progressed!  I'm a big liar liar pants on fire person about that too.


    You bring up a great point about the friendship not being all that Dorinda expected it to be.  I think the turning point was the argument between Heather and Bethenny at dinner.  I think it bothered Dorinda Heather kept at it with Bethenny.  Dorinda did go so far as to say it was her birthday dinner and didn't appreciate the elevated discussion.  This is on the heels of Ramona and LuAnn arguing at a Dorinda birthday celebration. I think Dorinda liked Bethenny and probably wasn't supportive of Heather's position regarding Bethenny's troubles.  I also think in T&C Heather went after Sonja shortly after Dorinda told her to stand up for herself. 


    I stand by what I said-Dorinda was obviously unwilling or unable to offer answers to Carole and Heather and Carole needed to carry on. Heather did.   Dorinda told her right off the bat-I went straight to bed.  She didn't bring the man upstairs.  Sometimes no answer is the best answer.  I will say write this with a straight face-say the situation was far worse-a man's body floating in the pool or a stolen $100,000.00 watch. If it were me I would rather know what was going on before commenting.  Oh and I would also want to put on a cover up and my contacts. I don't think Carole wanted to stop and explain the situation.

    Wish I knew why I tagged this to quote....Oh well, I'll keep it in just for the heck of it!

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