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Posts posted by EverybodyIsACritic

  1. On 1/17/2020 at 11:35 PM, UnicornKicksBack said:

    She comes off dumber than a rock.
    Clearly we are interrupting her doing The Lord’s Work. 

    I will need proof that the Lord has ever considered His work done in any state’s DMV. Personally, I believe that the DMV is under the purview of Satan. 🔥🔥🔥

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  2. On 1/11/2020 at 8:33 AM, bjo1969 said:

    That ranks right up there with Megan F telling off J&K! Classic! 

    I just rewatched that season, and it makes me so sad to know she died only five or six years later, iirc. But that speech in Kelly’s Office was MAGNIFICENT!

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  3. On 1/6/2020 at 1:20 PM, KickPretty said:

    Anyone looking to audition for 2020 DCC, the Rockettes are helping you out with the jump splits 😂😂😂😂 (OMG I’d die attempting)


    There’s a series on Allure magazine’s YouTube with “A Day in the Life” of various young women, and a Rockette was one of them. A Miami Dolphins cheerleader was also profiled. I was exhausted just watching!

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  4. On 1/7/2020 at 9:10 AM, mizzhyer said:

    I know there was concern with her kicks being low (Ashley) but Julia, I was sure she would make it but I was obviously wrong.  😛 I know there was something about her media day training that threw them off.  Someone may need to remind me what it was.

    Plus, she said, “FUCK THIS!” off mike as she was leaving the field after a chat with J&K.*


    *I may be off on the location and the causation, but I just couldn’t resist recounting one of the best off-the-cuff moments of the entire series. Helen Keller could have read those lips! 😂👄

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  5. 6 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

    All the male crew are a bunch of freakin egoists.  And have no respect for women in general. 

    No respect at all! It’s gross. Women are there to fuck them and feed them.

    Kevin is so pissed that some woman had the nerve to criticize his food.  Guess what?  You upped your game jerk.

    Team Rhylee on this season.  Ashton is not a leader and you freakin assaulted a coworker.  He's a freakin arrogant jerk.  Look in the mirror before you go judging someone else.  I really hope Rhylee doesn't get fired.

    I’m hoping she doesn’t get fired, either. Ashton is threatened by strong women, so he can’t handle Kate or Rhylee.

    Really liked seeing the 100th episode celebration.  The most interesting tidbit for me is that Eddie said he would come back.  When after everything went down with Rocky, he said he would never come back and he laid very low.  Hmm.  I wouldn't be surprised to see him doing next season.  Except for the Rocky thing, I really liked Eddie.  It was also really nice to see some of the old cast members.

    I was just thinking I’d love to have Eddie back! And  bring Colly-Wolly to a Captain Lee season. 


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  6. 42 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

    And Ashton never looked less attractive than when he was posing for those pics. I actually thought he was cute last year. Blech. 


    I was so grossed out by that “photo shoot”. I’d rather see Captain Lee’s scrunched up tighty-whiteys than that. I also thought Ashton was cute last year. Being dragged behind the boat. 😉🤭😂

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  7. I’m just reminded that both Kevin and Brian have daughters. How would they like to see them treated if they worked on a yacht? Or how would they feel for their daughters see how their fathers treated other women?

    Just now, Suck It Trebek said:

    What did tanner wake up screaming/dreaming about? At first, I thought he was saying a mouse, but the editors put in “mi....” Anybody know what he was saying or if it was just unintelligible jibber jabber? 

    I think he was saying a different word for “little person”. 

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  8. 3 minutes ago, MssdDrms said:

    Has anyone heard who Jerry Jones is Looking at to replace Coach Garrett?

    im watching season 13 on Direct TV on demand and they play the original music in these episodes.  And....it makes me mad that Tara was cut before 11 lbs of milkshake heavier VK was.  Just not right.  Tara earned more of an opportunity to improve than VK did. IMO

    I just saw something online that said they interviewed Mike McCarthy from the Packers, and the former HC of the Bengals today. Also, that they didn’t expect to formally fire Garrett until Monday. I think Kitty Carter would be a great pick! 😂

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  9. 9 hours ago, cheeseslices said:

    I have to stay off this forum more.  I had a dream last night that VK got her own calendar next year. 12 months of gums, bad blonde hair and pink lipstick.

    I wasn’t going to say it, but since you went first...

    A little background. My hometown team fired the coach, Ron Rivera. I had some feels about it, but he got picked up by the Redskins. I marathoned seasons 4-6 this week, and also heard about Jason Garrett.

    Last night I dreamt that Ron Rivera went to Dallas, Jason Garrett came to Charlotte, and Kelli and Judy straight up got fired. The cheerleaders got split up to different franchises. Some from this season, lots from previous seasons. I woke up so discombobulated this morning, I’m almost afraid to go to sleep tonight.

    11 minutes ago, DanceChick said:

    I only notice Caroline! #girlcrush

    They all have “pretty feet”!

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  10. On 1/2/2020 at 3:19 PM, MyFavShows said:

    Then shortly after it Chandler was cut and the majority of this board has hated TK since.   I think the Chandler incident was one of her first speaking features on the show.

    I’ve watched every season several times, and I don’t even remember this minor kefluffle. I’ve also been here or TWOP, reading mostly, for years. TK just isn’t important enough to “hate” based on ONE instance of jackassery. If she’d stopped at only one, she wouldn’t still be a topic here. 

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  11. On 3/30/2014 at 12:55 AM, BabyVegas said:

    I always find Kitty hilarious (and not just because she inexplicably reminds me of Miss Vida Boheme from To Wong Foo) but I've always liked that she gives specific critiques. Not just the ever-popular "blending" tag, but she tells a girl what move they're doing wrong and why they're doing it wrong. She might be scary but at least she's pretty much always right.

    “Miss Vida Boheme, of the Manhattan Bohemes”, I love her and now I’ll just think that Auntie Vida retired to Texas. She found a dance studio named Kitty Carter’s and thought, “What the hell, I’ve always been a Kitty at heart....”

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  12. On 12/19/2019 at 11:21 AM, MrsEVH said:

    IMO Tina looks like Eileen Brennan in that picture .

    If you click on Kelli's name you get a page about her. They screwed  up the years she was a DCC ( in 1st sentence) but got it right by her pictures. Those were the years Judy was a DCC. 


     Before I clicked, I thought there was no way, but....Yup, Private Benjamin era Eileen Brennan! 😂😂😂

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  13. On 12/30/2019 at 6:05 AM, Pau84 said:

    I respectfully disagree.

    For someone in the public eye it is less than prudent to keep naked/private pictures on an unsecured device.
    This requirement is less stringent for persons out of the public eye.

    Someone working for the CIA has to be much more vigilant and secure.

    Victim-blaming is the attitude which suggests that the victim rather than the perpetrator bears responsibility for what happened.

    Victim blaming is asking something unreasonable from a victim. Heather was a victim but it is not unreasonable to ask her NOT to store private images on her unsecured device as someone in the public eye.


    I apologize in advance, but using the CIA as an example in a DCC MTT thread made me concerned I was going to wet my drawers laughing.

    I’ll just back on out of here now....😂🤭

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  14. On 12/29/2019 at 5:05 PM, Amandared said:

    1. Who cares why she has it. She’s the victim here and it’s absolutely not her fault whatsoever. That’s her private phone that was invaded. 

    2. She has been in a long distance relationship for years. It takes a little bit to keep the spice alive. 

    3. If I had their bodies I would absolutely want that documented and I’d have a dang photo album for when I’m 60 to say oh the good old days 😂

    Blaming the victim sucks. You should be able to have privacy.

    I’m in my early 50’s. I never had a bod as good as hers, but God Almighty, I sure would like to see some swimsuit pics of myself from 15-25. I bet I looked a hell of a lot better than I ever gave myself credit for!

    • Love 12
  15. 48 minutes ago, dreamcatcher said:

    I wanted to stop commenting on VK, but can’t help it. She’s the only generic blonde you can make out in blurry stills, if you just follow the teeth...

    I used your tip, and for once, I found VK immediately 😂 🦷🦷🦷🦷😂


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  16. I’m shocked at myself, I was sobbing when Rilah had her baby! When her mom said they were going to be good parents, and Rilah started to cry, there I was again! I’ve gotta calm down or I’ll be buying Max’s pathetic beats on iTunes.

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  17. On 9/7/2019 at 8:11 PM, readheaded said:

    There's either extreme favoritism going on or given how snotty McKayla is without having incurred Tim's wrath, the brother's behavior must have been horrendous for Tim to assault him.  I'm voting for extreme favoritism.

    Wait, how did I miss Grandfather Timmy assaulted Brother McKayla?

    I used to be Team Tim, but I’m disgusted by the whole crowd. McKayla is a monster, Tim and Cindy are enablers, Shannon is desperate to elbow her way in with her collapsing hereditary methface, and those kids are doomed. Shelly is screaming into the void.

    Speaking of drugs, my count of high people on this episode are Terra, (pooping on the floor after her epidural was kind of amazing) her mother, and Max.

    Max is probably sleeping on an air mattress because his father is going broke with all of the drug overdose ER visits. Fentanyl is absolutely nothing to screw with. 

    I used to have a neighbor on fentanyl patches that she needed help changing. This was before anybody knew what it was, so I would have the fresh one stuck to my fingertip while we worked the old one off. I used to think that she was just the coolest old lady ever, and I always felt SO GOOD after a visit with her. Jesus!

    I really don’t like Max, but hearing that his mother died of a drug overdose makes me think he is in serious trouble. Chloe needs to step back and let the grownups handle this or she really will be raising Ava alone.

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