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Grandma Saracen

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Posts posted by Grandma Saracen

  1. To paraphrase one of my idols, I am so over Daphne and her magical Deafie vagina.


    Emmett and his weird jeans shorts and his pouts and his anime stickers - I'm not into it, I don't like the Frida/Diego parallels, but if they helped Bay move on, cool.  I don't like Skye now that they're together.


    I do like Travis. I do like how he emotes, how he's grown as a character, and that he can play shades of meaning. I don't like that he's into Bay, but Bay's over the top flirting with Travis just cracked me up.

    The missing-the-Frida-interview & subsequent chat was asking too much suspension of my disbelief, but I still kinda liked it. It's always good to see Bay smile. 


    Gabe was almost as annoying as Melody this time, which was too bad. I feel meh about their storyline. 

    • Love 1
  2. Their reliance on their phones made me feel really old. I'm not.

    Finally saw something I'd order from GD Bros - the chicken sandwich looked good! 

    The slaws and salads Pho make always sound super tasty.


    I heard Waffle Love mention making something in a brick'n'mortar store, did I not? 


    Go Team Pho! Win it all! (Please?)

    They were smart getting connected in Tulsa, loved the idea of the Night Market attraction. 

    • Love 1
  3. Highlights:

    - "because I'm the baby" bib at Jenelle's

    - the twins had clean hair! 

    - corey & jeremy, of course

    - more pug camera time

    - aubree once again just barely humoring her mom, and getting a little say about when she didn't want to be on camera


    • Love 3
  4. Ashley :
    I like that she's being really thoughtful about what she's doing. I'm responding positively to her concept. And she won the lottery by getting Aube this week :D
    Runway -  I love the skirt, and the silhouette. And it has pockets! Love what Zac had to say to her.


    THs were upbeat, made me like her again. enjoying her ideas. Don't love the white boobs, but like the sculptured idea.
    Runway - it's cool, I wish the boobs were gray or silver instead of white.


    seems up to the challenge. "these are mousepads" - TG "i know what they are". the back is lovely. Looking interesting in the workroom. Oh, no, wait, there's fringe? I like the keys around.
    Runway - I don't like the fringe shoulder, but it needed something. I like the back.


    Jake - aww, sweet doggy :'( *real tears* 


    I don't hate the back. Watch out for the dangling vagina wire. Doesn't seem like he's going quite as complicated (or committed?)
    Runway - poorly fitting, vagina wire, the back's not bad.

    I love the armor idea & find myself enjoying her THs. I hope it looks good on, it seems promising. LOL at boobage. I think the straps are fine.
    Runway - I kinda love it.


    Laurie - rapping at the beginning, adorable, enthusiastic. No camera time, obviously safe.
    Runway - it looks poorly made, but I like the wire bandeau of the skirt piece.


    Lindsey - oh no, a germ thing. i don't hate her early ideas or her top. LOL at "dating the judges and it's not going well" - truth.
    Runway - at least she's realistic about what she did. The judges were way harsh, Tai.


    Merline - eeek, the shoulders. makes TG's critique a good thing from immunity. I don't like the look, but good on her for using her immunity.
    Runway -  I'm not responding well to the dress or the styling.


    Swapnil - crazy & out of the box, yay. "I'm going to make Wall-E" :) Calling out Joseph to not be M----ly. Dancing to the hammering in the workroom :) I can see where his bra from last week leads to the style of this week. "I'm very ridiculous" See, this is different than Dmitri, and I agree w/Candice. This narrative is going to bite him in the butt.
    Not a good look. I feel bad for this model.


    It was interesting to see how everyone attacked the challenge.


    I would've been happy with either a Kelly or Ashley win.


    Fodder in the bottom 2, no TG save this time. Joseph, it was a surprise to only you. But you managed to fit all the cliches in your goodbye TH.

    • Love 3
  5. *sighs*

    Why do I let the GD bros annoy me so much? If it comes down to them & Waffle Love in the end, that's going to be a meh finale for me - may not even watch.

    I always love when they have a mystery diner, but the gorge yourself challenge was gross.

    I was more pleased than ever with the Pho-nomenal truck, though. 

    I like Postcards as people, and that counts for something 

    • Love 3
  6. Did anyone else notice how much Leah looked exactly like Ali during that scene when she was telling her children goodbye? When Leah was in her SUV I also noticed how much they resemble each other. Same messy hair, their noses, everything was identical. All that was missing was Leah wearing glasses. I never thought Ali looked like Leah, until last night.



    Yes! I absolutely had that thought! Something about the way they hold their jaw (tight), but there was also a certain angle that made me really see it - which is interesting, because I don't usually see much of either parent in Ali (especially compared to her sisters). 

    • Love 1
  7. Highlights:

    Karl's VO about tensions between her, Jo, and Javi, then the editors cutting to her saying "I don't want what I usually get" at the restaurant. Ha!

    The twins were distraught with Leah saying goodbye, while Adelyn was adorably flirting with the camera man. 

    The pug/pig chase!! 

    Jace's hopscotch game; it made me want to go there and play hopscotch with him. 

    • Love 6
  8.  Workroom:

    LOL at Jake's producer's "Um" during his TH.
    "Heaven" for Laurie's boyfriend. Cute.
    LOL at Candice's TH. She's lost some of her sheen, is getting Gretcheny, but I don't hate her.
    I like seeing Merline using her architectural strength to 'build' a bra, but it turned out fugly.
    LOL @ Jake speaking to Blake. Practically weeping. A challenge so perfect for these misogynistic men.  Jake doesn't know it, but hipsters and boy shorts are the best. It's actually nice that he considered your model.
    I'm not missing Amanda's voice in the workroom at all! I do wish Swatch would come and visit, though.
    I like Kelly's toned down attitude, she's grown on me.
    Swapnil - "I'm praying to 10,000 of my Indian Gods."
    Not feeling optimistic about Laurie's panties.
    Lindsey re hearing Tim: "I think I left my tv on - oh, I'm on tv." made me laugh.
    I don't mind Swapnil's concept, but the execution looks really, really tacky. Blake's cotton candy pink is so junior and chintzy.
    Merline's model is pretty.


    Swapnil - it's kinda bad on top, saggy on bottom. too much look for me.
    Ashley - pretty, delicate, bottom fits well. "It's yummy!" The only one of the three on top that I actually could/would wear.
    Jake = the bra is a little too cute, but marketable. the bottom is bad.
    Edmond - cheesy stripe in the underwear, top fits poorly, I like the color of the wrap.
    Lindsey - I like the cut of the panties, but not that it's layered. the bra is cute.
    Candice - that's pretty ugly on top, don't mind the bottom.
    Joe - the bra's a little weird, but not horrible. the panties are nothing new.
    Merline - cute bottoms! I like the concept of the top, but it looks weird, but I think maybe her model's boobs are a little weird.
    Blake - Ew. Pepto pink, and the straps are odd. Sporty meets French? LMAO. I like that the judges are truth-talking him. The back is fucking awful.
    Laurie - I get it, I don't mind it. Kinda cute, I like the knot. The panties aren't great.
    Kelly -  I think it was successful. The undies don't fit great. The coverup is cute.

    Jake/Blake auf'ing? either way, we, the audience, are the winners here. Blake's comments about who he dresses have doomed him, I'm quite sure. OOh, say goodbye to both of them! Say goodbye to both of them!
    Ah, well heck. I'm glad for Merline. Cute idea, for sure. Just losing Blake is just fine with me.

  9. It really stood out to me how the school they visited didn't use people first language (such as "child with DS", "child with special needs"). As an educator, that grated on my nerves quite a bit. Also, the woman holding those conversations in the hallway. Ugh. But they pulled out all the stops with the heart string-tugging adorable children. 


    The establishing shots at the LA party were painful, with the purse dog and all. They made me groan aloud. I liked Travis' assessment - "turkey burgers and name-dropping wannabes". Heh. Emmett can get off my screen at any time. Skye was interesting and kinda cute before they were coupled, and now she's horrible. 


    Vanessa's makeup looked really pretty. /shallow 


    I'm glad Bay spoke her mind, & was generally supportive & not getting crapped on this episode. Also, I didn't really mind Daphne this episode, even though I don't like what she and Regina did. Daphne, herself, wasn't as self-righteous and prissy as she sometimes is.


    When Lily started her reproductive rights speech & Toby said he agreed, but... I just screamed inside. I knew it, though. I wish we weren't stuck with Lily. I'm not a fan. 

    • Love 1
  10. Whoa, finally caught up to the current season!! 

    I was really hoping for less Lily (and more Iris!), but looks like she'll be around awhile.

    The tax story had me nodding off, Toby's "DJ at work" attitude was ridiculous.

    Bay's hallucinations made me sad, and I'm glad her friends are standing by her. 

    I think Regina and Eric have good chemistry (much more so than she had with Angelo), but I'm not terribly fond of the SL right now. 

    Missed seeing Natalie and Mary Beth. 

  11. Unfortunately, between this episode & the previews, I feel like Greg might not be the best at keeping a cool head when things get hairy. I'm still rooting for them to do well, glad they won with their soup & cornbread, Grae is still adorable, but I'm choosing the purple truck as my #1 underdog faves.


    I don't *hate* the waffle guys, I just don't enjoy watching them. They do have a good niche, seemingly reasonable price point, and eye-catching truck. They still bug me, though. Too wholesome? Also, I'm Team French Toast. (But grilled cheese waffle was pretty brill.)


    The spice girls were ridiculous all throughout the episode, and I wasn't sorry to see them go. 


    The burger "bros" annoy me, too. SO much. I'm sure I'm not the intended audience for their bro-ness, and they're just off-putting to me. *shrugs*

    • Love 1
  12. Highlights:

    -Jo seeing Isaac for who he is - he is a sweet, sensitive kid. 

    -Aubree seeing through all adult BS, all the time. She'll play along at times, but she does know the score. Also, she was adorable & fancy with the curls in her hair. 

    -MY GYM TIME IS MY GYM TIME. The car chase was unbelievable. 

    -Corey doing right by his girlses. I could understand very little of what he said in his convo with Jeff, but I was glad to see Jeff.

    • Love 8
  13. So. That was freaking intense.

    TG, always classy w/the tie and the paintball suit.

    Joe, the girls are being 'girls'? Ugh. 


    Aw. Ashley. :(  :(  Thanks for saying something, Heidi. It's awesome that she rocks with the gun. Sad that she's not feeling welcome or into it, I hope that once she starts working she gets in the groove.

    The project runway megaphone, I love it.


    LMAO at Blake hiding.


    2 days!!


    Edmond's looks good so far. it's nice that they're working together. Cohesion, but individual aesthetics.

    but Easter egg festival is so much worse. I know she's not feeling it, but it seems to me like they could use Ashley's leadership, too. Candice coming on too strong :/  Not liking her group leader personality, as much as I enjoy her on her own.


    "Jail orange and Barney purple." teehee.


    You don't see the concept because there is no concept.


    Oh, Sally Beauty commercial.


    Amanda is being beastly because she's so upset. Ew. But despite what she says, -they- are *not* bringing her down.


    Swapnil's top is wonderful.

    Joe is never going to be a favorite, but he does have good thoughts about collection cohesion.


    I'm glad Laurie & Ashley are talking.

    Eek, huge purple train is an eyesore.


    Heidi, sticking up for Ashley again at the Runway intro. Yesss.

    Blake - fine, not hideous, not exciting.
    Joseph - too many ideas.
    Swapnil - I love it, flowy, not too much. Don't love the bit of fabric on the side. Oooh, the shoe detail was really cool!
    Jake - cute, actually. I like the collar and the capelet.
    Merline - I'm not into big patterning, and don't love the draping, but it's ok.
    Edmond - adorable shape, still don't love the chunky flowers on top.

    Ashley - I'm not a ruffles girl, but she did what she could.
    Laurie - cute culottes, I like the vest well enough.
    Lindsey - the orange is nasty looking, the halter is pretty ugly. pants are a weird length.
    Candice - the skirt looks tortured, the top is ugly.
    Kelly - I see what she was going for, but it wasn't successful.
    Amanda - i like that she went for drama, that orange is rough, though.

    Boys + Merline, obviously winners, duh.

    Oooh, that's gonna be a tense green room. Look how they're sitting. Veeery interesting.

    Boys & Merline did collaborate!
    Gah. Aube is gorgeous.
    Sophisticated and polished? May be a bit of a reach. Kelly O.'s commentary made me smile.

    Girls - Laurie speaking up, very, very nice. Class act.
    Candice, you're digging yourself in a big hole, talking about your 'woman from San Francisco'. Staaahp.
    Joyless, yes. The nails the most cohesive part. Heehee.

    Fuck, ladies, I hate that you're doing this. Amanda, you're in no place to speak. It is a bitchfest, thank you for speaking up, Kelly O. <3  Was Ashley's piece stunning? No, but neither were most of the others.


    Blake, calling them mean girls, is his one shining moment. So glad Ashley's speaking her mind.


    Judging - Edmond's is lovely up close, glad he won. Most polished :) Swapnil is the king of details. Jake's was clever.

    Barney inspiration, heh. What is this?! Too bad it seems as though Amanda will be here another week? Oh, no, good, they're ragging on her. Deadweight. Yes. 
    They've been questioning Kelly's taste the whole time. 'Mermaid raving skirt'.

    Heidi, rubbing it in 'til the end. Laurie, Lindsey, & Ashley in. Good - Lindsey was clearly uncomfortable with the mean girl politics. Buh-bye Amanda. Candice burned some bridges for you, and it was clearly not worth it. Not solely your fault? Girl, bye. Also, your own outfit is the suck.

    • Love 4
  14. I guess I'm rooting for Postcards as people as of this episode, because Grae is incredibly adorable, and her parents are appreciative. The mac & cheese wrap is probably something I'd try at least once. 


    I guess the dumpling truck is the other team I'm rooting for? They don't seem incredibly savvy, but haven't been in the biz very long, either. They seem like good people, and some of their food sounds appealing. 


    Too bad Diso's didn't last longer - I still say their food sounds good, but they didn't make smart choices.


    I am so. tired. of the burger kids. Especially the most often talking one. The one who talked at elimination isn't so bad. They're too bro-ish, in general, and their food looks really heavy.


    Spice moms & waffle love both really irritated me, as people, though their food looks/sounds good. 

    • Love 2
  15. To be perfectly fair, I have left-right confusion, and it takes me a while to process the information presented on analog clocks. In fact, I probably make similar faces, and have been known to mumble to myself when trying to figure them out. Far be it from me to come to Blake's defense, but the actual clock confusion itself was familiar territory to me. 

    • Love 1
  16. They haven't shown us model selection, but I'm assuming it like previous years when they switched - they used a few different methods.


    There is luck to the models' lot, but then there is talent, too. I find Aube really striking & smart in her presentation, and clearly the judges do, too. (They've commented on such.) 

  17. Mary Kay challenge! C'mon designers, talk it up!  "sneak architecture"? Oh, sleek. Heh.

    Announcing the MK MC magazine ad, Candice's "Yaaay" is so fake, it just makes me love her more. Also, the list of adjectives in her TH and the fire inside of her are endearing. I like her model's styling, too. *boards Candice love train*


    Mood! Swaaaaatch! Fabric choices! Yay! We've *all* been waiting for this moment for a very long time.


    Kelly's character (personality) is really growing on me, her crazy does work well for her, but her voice still bugs. The shirt looks cheezy on the mannequin. I like her Mary Kay strategy, but I love her Blake imitation.


    Ashley, with the zingers! Love it. 


    Gabrielle's being ambitious when she draws. She's also getting more camera time than ever before - will she be on the top or the bottom? Yeah, maybe you shouldn't be waiting for Tim, right? If you're the one leaving, I won't be too sad. Seems like it may be your time. I'm all right with it. 


    I like Lindsey's MO and am interested in how her coat will look.  Red. Need to see it finished, 'cause in the middle it reminds me of little orphan Annie. Also, I say neato, so +500 for that.


    Ew, Amanda. Candice-hater. The green fabric she chose was bad. I like what she's wearing in the work room, though. (Not the pink thing in the THs, the long gray dress/top w/the slits). Not crazy about the outfit on the mannequin, either. "Push yourself, friend" made me laugh. On the model fitting, her design looks a little better.


    Merline = tasteful MK makeup, nice.


    Blake: "Flopping his bait around"? Heh Clock reading. Meh. Ffs, don't give him so much camera time. He's not able to express his design ideas in words, and doesn't have a sketch to back himself up, either. Frustrating. I'm personally baffled as well. Too much side boob. You're describing my life when you talk about Lindsay's design (cats, books - except it's actually dogs). He got one of the best models, & I think it's great that she tried to give her input. [so glad they're switching models each week!]


    Eek, Jake's fabric at first look. Eek. I love a good raspberry/hot pink color. But it's sequiny. I'm not feeling optimistic. Oh, no his look is baaad.


    Swapnil, I'm not feeling optimistic. Ooooh. I dislike it, sadly.


    I don't mind Edmond's desgin, what I see of it in the workroom.


    Joseph, I don't care what you're concerned about.


    Laurie - "A lot of people were talking to their dress forms". Heh.


    Use the accessory wall very carefully, please. Use it cautiously. Use it with great weariness.

    Yay, Kiernan!! 2 good judges in a row. Sweet, constructive words to the designers on the bottom.

    This wasn't a great runway for me.

    Blake - it doesn't stand out in a good way. ugly. oompa loompa silhouette.
    Kelly - 'wicked high bun'; heh. I like the styling, don't like the shirt.
    Joseph - fugly styling, again! between the peplum and the slit, it's too much.
    Lindsay - I don't hate it, don't love it.
    Ashley - keeps my interest.
    Laurie, oh, no, that's not good. one idea too many.
    Jake - I actually get what he's doing, but I don't like it.
    Amanda - not a bad concept, but looks saggy boobed.
    Swapnil - looks better on the runway. don't mind it.
    Merline - the coat doesn't work for me.
    Gabrielle - yawn.
    Candice - I like it with the jacket on.
    Edmond - I like it, it has a clear pov and clear elements of design/reference to city.


    Blake, Swapnil, Candice. Ew, the only wrong choice won.

    Lindsay, Gabrielle - getting reamed. Amanda - "miss muffet meh". LOL. Do you guys forget that Amanda's crazy is the loop dress?! Why are they surprised by Lindsay's look - it's so much like her. The right choice lost. 

    • Love 2
  18. I marathoned last season yesterday in preparation for today -gawd, it's so much better with the professionals!! A lot of the food looks and sounds amazing. The Spice Girls, Diso's, and Islands food all looked delicious, and many of the others sounded great, too. I felt okay with losing Onel and his truck, like it was edited in a way so that we knew not to care. I liked the fish 'n' chips challenge, as it allowed for flexibility and twists.... and the teams are capable enough to do that ;) 

    • Love 2
  19. Hi, I would like to place an order for a Final 4 of Ashley, Candice, Laurie and Swapnil for delivery. (Although I also find Lindsey absolutely delightful. She is just so over it all the time and is how I imagine myself being on Reality TV.)


    I would like to second that! 

    • Love 1
  20. Ah, team challenges. When personalities begin to appear...


    I'm glad to see Ashley & Candice paired together, 2 of my favorites. I appreciate both of them for both their aesthetics & their personalities :) 

    Laurie & Swapnil together also seems like a good thing. (Sidenote: Laurie's daughter is adorable.)

    The last 4 people, any way you sliced it, there was going to be trouble.


    Still no Mood. I miss Swatch!


    Joseph telling Merline what she was/wasn't allowed to do - not cool. I get what he was saying, & he did help her focus, but he was assy about it. Their dress was a shit show. A mumsy, matronly shit show. The way they styled their model is *not* going to help them. 


    Jake talking to Lindsay in skeevy manners was unpleasant. I smelled trouble early on. Appreciated the honest THs on Lindsay's part. 


    With all the drama, at least we didn't have to hear from Blake this week :D 


    Candice measuring in the work room - "here's my vag...." and a look to the camera. Heh. 


    Hanmiao & Edmond started out strategizing okay, but they just couldn't get it together. 


    I'm not going to miss any of the people that appear to be on the bottom. 







    Candice/Ashley - I like it, I don't mind the mixing, the cape actually works for me

    Joe/Merline - that's just really horrendous

    Hanmiao/Edmond - yeah, not so good. Heidi gave it appraising eyes, but they were 'what is this mess?' eyes.

    Laurie/Swapnil - I love the contrast of materials and the top.

    Lindsay/Jake - Jake's an ass, but I like the green vest.

    Kelly/Blake - so ugly from the front, but cute in the back.

    Gabrielle/Amanda - I'm bored of asymmetrical elements, but I don't mind the pants and like the stripe. 


    Judging - Kelly/Blake safe - sure, thats right. They liked Lindsay's look more than I did, and disliked Amanda/Gabrielle's look more. On the up close look, I saw the problems they had with it.


    Tracee gives real feedback because of course she does <3


    The top 3 interviews were so awkward. :/ Fighting on the runway!


    Bottom 3 - 'oversexed grandma' comment cracked me up. Joe, being an ass, and then Merline "I'm here to stay, so I don't want to go." Ehhh. Not how it works. Figuring Gabrielle/Amanda were safe, knowing Edmond had immunity, I felt like we could lose any of the bottom 3 and I'd be okay with it.


    So happy about the win! :D 


    Everyone was nice to Hanmiao as she was leaving, that's good. It's not often the 'quirky' designers last very long, but it's always nice to see the different perspectives.


    • Love 2
  21. I'm writing an alternate version of this show where Dr. Tsao, Jeff Simms, and Janet Rivera call everyone out on their flaws and teach them how to act like adults.



    I want to see this. I would add other Chelsey - she's been there for Chelsea, and is pretty reasonable & steady. Along with Randylicious, of course.  

    • Love 6
  22. Oooh, Gabrielle is a smarty at the start: the people who did well were the ones who reflected & started over.


    "I will barter my life for them. You want to see me dance?" - Candice. Teehee.


    I liked that Edmond kept to himself.


    Oh, ffs, Blake. You can leave now. Go.

    Swapnil, on the other hand, you can stay. Putting up a wall, leaving the controversy to the clothes. Excellent. I still love your contacts, too.


    TG visits: "this, to me, looks like you're repairing a roof". I liked how he talked to Candice and Gabrielle, and I don't mind their concepts, either, except Gabrielle's is rather vaginaesque.


    Aw, David. So cute, so stuck.


    I like Amanda's top (color behind black 'lace') but she's in a bad spot. The skirt frightens me.


    Ashley's glasses are great,  and her sweet consoling "let's go have a bagel" to David.


    Nice editing - 'glitter glitter glitter' + Amanda's shirt.


    The only thing good about Kelly's is the hood. 


    Blake  can shut up, I don't need his THs. I enjoyed Lindsay and Ashley, though.


    Day of Runway:

    Kelly made her model look like her.

    Ew, Joseph's is bad.

    Nobody, but nobody, wants to see a manatee penis walking down the runway.

    Edmond was the right winner, Merline lucked out being safe. 

    This much crying so early in the season? Whoa. It's too bad David's gone, I have a feeling we're going to miss his calm. And his accent, of course. Let's go get a bagel.

    • Love 2
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