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Grandma Saracen

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Posts posted by Grandma Saracen

  1. Zachary matching the olive green to the model's eyes was very thoughtful. He's intuitive, creative, and knowledgable. Whether or not he wins, he's been a joy to watch in many ways. 

    Samantha's outfit was a big miss to me, more so when they showed the back of the skirt. 

    I liked Zach's thought process in putting the 'interest' at the hem, instead of breaking up the line.

    I often dislike peppier reality tv personalities, but gosh darnit, Peytie's totally won me over. I think the triangles looked a little clunky, but loved the soft pink she ended up with.

    I hope Maya gets back into her groove, she's interesting to watch.

    I'm no too sad to see Brigitte go, but I'm ready for Jaxson to go next (please?)

    • Love 3
  2. Maya is an interesting problem solver - I enjoy her vision and that she doesn't seem to back down from a challenge. I think she and Peytie made a great team.  Their design was tasteful and clever. 


    I was glad to see the alums, I love Sam! Well, all 4 were fine. Yes, even Amanda.


    I noticed that while Kelly & Hannah were getting emotional at the aufing (and I agree, that Hannah's declaration may have crossed a line), Christian was poker-faced about the child who clearly has been deeply influenced by him - adapting his speech and mannerisms... I don't blame Christian, that's got to be tiring, but I found it interesting. 



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  3. We still have a lot of chaff around, but I'm glad Greyson's gone. Some great cheftestants, too, though - I like Isaac, and appreciate his awareness & his humorous THs whether or not he's doing well in the competition. Jeremy is the chef ManBun thinks he is... and seems to make smart, tasty dishes. 

    • Love 3
  4. I want Jesse back. His outfit was nothing new, but it was well executed, and school-girl chic can be fun to play around with. 


    Peytie made me a believer. I'm not one to wear prints, but she manipulated the fabric very well - reminded me of how Dom would use fabric. Also, the design was clever and thoughtful, and appropriate for her theme. Victoria's made me cringe in all of its iterations.


    Maya's was really clever and thoughtful, too. 

    I disliked Zach's print, but was glad to see him safe. 

    Jaxson's was a hot mess, and made me feel embarrassed for him. 

    Samantha's getting to be one note. 

    I wanted to see Bridget's better, too. 

  5. I was impressed with Zachary's knowledge and passion, too. Zach's look was impressive, and I get the allure of Bridget's look. 

    Jesse flew under the radar this week, but had a lot to deal with, with his teammates. I was glad for any glances. I understand the judges wanting to keep Matt for drama (and malleability), and Samantha for the promise she's shown... but I would've preferred that they sent someone home, and let TG use his save if he felt moved to do so. It is going to get harder for everyone as time goes on... 

    I found Maya and Zach's looks most memorable, but agree that Bridget's probably fit the pattern challenge best. 

  6. Josh & Tanner had the perfect 'Texas Forever' opportunity & they didn't use it :( 


    It bugged me when Diana thanked the guy at the end of the Detour, while Justin just used grabby hands to get the clue and shrieked with delight. I don't begrudge them their game playing, but I'm not enjoying it, either.


    James Earl and Denise really stuck with it - while they aren't favorites, I'm glad to see them still there, and appreciative/communicating.


    Kelsey/Joey had more screen time; I have no qualms with the religious statement, I agree that it was included to highlight the appreciation she was showing, and I thought Joey was appropriately sheepish when talking about his laundry. 


    Also, MONKEYS! The editors used the footage brilliantly.

    • Love 2
  7. I am genuinely curious about what makes Carson bad. I have come to the conclusion that he is almost perfect for this show--kind of bland, doesn't make the show about him, yet engaged in the show and the process. But this is the only reality show I watch, so I may be missing something about what the host should/should not be doing.


    No, you're absolutely right. I'm just tired of vanilla. 

  8. I've become one of those people who stops watching shortly after the KOs... who knew? I like Madi, Korin, and Amy... but I don't like the way they're managed. The coaches' patter is annoying, Carson Daly is omg bad, the song choices make me weep or sleep... and there's too much filler. I'm not invested in anyone enough to seek them out on YT. I think Jordan's overpraised (by a lot), and I don't share his faith - so faith-based songs often make me feel a little stabby. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  I'll get all my news from you lot and be done with it.

    • Love 3
  9. My people, my food!  Although not all of it looked very appealing on camera, I must say.

    I liked them taking a moment to reflect at Schindler's factory. I also appreciated some of the racers identifying with their Jewish roots.


    Chris & Logan aren't even pretending to be in a relationship anymore, and I like it better this way.


    Reporters did the reporting schtick - meh - but their driver's face, going along with the gimmick, was pretty funny. Also, their piano was the only one that wasn't fakakte, and I still like them, so that made me happy. 

    • Love 3
  10. I just can't get into Jeffrey's stylistic choices. I like his personality in his TH, but when he starts singing - it's just not my style. Having a bit of a hard time with Jordan, too. 


    I was glad to see Ellie back, thought she did okay with the song - would've liked it better if I were paying full attention, apparently, because I think her stage presence made up for some of the weakness in the vocals.


    Shelby entertains me, even when her singing isn't perfect.


    I find Amy lovely to watch - it was a standard I love, but it wasn't as effortless (at all) as Adam tried to play it as. 


    Korin's discomfort was quite hard to watch. I enjoy her quirkiness and her emotion, and I just felt like 'Adia' was a bit demanding - I get the Sarah M. quality of her voice, but there were probably other songs that could have been a little better fit.  


    Not a Regina fan... 


    I liked many of the 80s/early 90s throwbacks, though. Keith is growing on me.. which means he's not long for the show ;) 


    I would have loved to have Andi & Alex back :(  Hopefully we'll see more of Krista! 

    • Love 2
  11. I had to pause for just a moment, thinking how all 3 of my early faves would've killed it at Double Dutch - the cousins, the dancers, and the track stars. :'( The cheerleaders did great!


    Kelsey and Joey were so close! Their hats annoy me, too, but otherwise they are the ones I'm rooting for.


    Being self-congratulatory is never a quality I enjoy watching... Chac and Justin had that in common, wasn't sorry to see Chac go... I liked the Sunflowers challenge, and the navigation one, too. Interesting mix of skills. 

    • Love 5
  12. As someone w/a non-thalidomide-related congenital limb difference, who occasionally gets asked about that very thing... I went through a range of emotions with this one. I figured out what it was fairly early on... but to be shown it so dramatically and well was emotional.


    I did feel like Chummy's visit was a bit awkward, but I liked the small moments she had, with MJ especially. 


    Patsy is just lovely to watch. The storyline made me roll my eyes, though. 

  13. It felt like the Temptations was a little too mature for those young women. I felt like Siahna was able to get into it, belt it out, but it was just a poor choice all around for Ivonne.  


    I, too, am upset that Krista was let go - something about her tone gave me the chills every time... in a good way! 

    • Love 2
  14. I was glad to see Ellie vs. Tim, as opposed to someone who was more in her wheelhouse. The arrangement of the song was a little rough. Also glad she's staying.  I did like 'Walking in Memphis' on both artists' parts. I don't enjoy Sam Smith, to put it lightly, and neither artist was on my must-watch list, so I FFed through their entire segment.

  15. Of course they're having a boy.  I don't really like the actress who plays Lily - I don't read a lot of feeling from her at the best of times, and it keeps me from being very invested in their story. The acceptance she and Toby started to gravitate toward was nice, though. 


    Bay's word-portrait of herself says Kennish Vasquez, and it's hanging on the coffeehouse wall. Will's mom could've seen that, if she knew Regina's surname.


    Mingo's growing on me, & I'm glad she stopped texting with Quinn.


    A rare, but much appreciated Iris sighting!


    I'm glad that Travis understood Bay's POV.


    Kathryn was so ridiculous at the club, but at the same time so classic for her character. 

  16. Justin was really ugly with the judge at the roadblock. I liked the one woman who said 'permiso' when asking for a check. Still rooting for the reporters & the track stars, and was really glad we at least got to see more of the dancers before they left. I'll miss them. I still don't like team Chac, but they are growing on me. I loved all of the dogs, even though they made me a little sad. The editing of the 'horse' detour judge made me laugh - so tough on the Texans, and then they edited it to make it seem he went really easy on everyone else. I'm just uncomfortable watching Denise & James Earl. There are some times when team dynamics just... make me feel squicky. This is one of those times. 

    • Love 7
  17. I remember Justin had a real-world client who requested modesty, and he did something really special and personal for her. It can be done.


    I'm firmly Team Kelly, to my own surprise. I really liked that outfit for her model.


    I thought Candice's bustier had potential, but then she overworked it, of course.


    There was no hope with Ashley's fabric choice. And everyone not named Elena can stop it with the neoprene, please and thank you.

    Edmond's weaving was a pretty cool idea. I would've liked more of a discernible pattern in it, but that's just me. 

    • Love 1
  18. I was pleased at how the reporters handled the statue task, and that they weren't "on" as they were doing it. Nice to see an adult conversation, fairly low-key. They distinguished themselves in my mind for that. 


    Justin vs. Texas - I really couldn't care less. Neither team is going to get my fandom. I was more interested in what was happening at the back of the pack.


    I, too, liked the bottom 3 teams best. The dancers' sob story wasn't too annoying to me - it just made me think of Amani, saying "as an NFL wife" before every talking head, all those years ago.... producer-driven. I am hoping they go far. 

    I was sad for the cousins, they seemed pretty bummed out. 

    • Love 4
  19. I actually was heartened to see that they had Regina tell Bay explicitly to move on, and that this was one situation where her help was not the help that was needed.


    I like that Bay's moving from a Frida phase to a possible Dali phase....


    I haven't been a great Mingo fan, but I found him pretty appealing this episode. 


    And, yeah, Nyle is hot. 


    I can't stand the adoption storyline. MM's acting was just OTT for me this episode. 


    I did love Kathryn telling John that Mingo's welcome in the house... Kathryn had some great moments in a weak-sauce episode.

  20. The twins had a Nields sound to me. I liked their performance, and appreciated hearing Dido a little differently.

    Like a PP, I also got chills when Krista sang 'Angel from Montgomery', and it's also one of my favorites.  I also liked Alex and Cole quite a lot... should be an interesting season.  

  21. I liked Lindsey's spiel about Vacaville, because I live in the general area and take delight in calling it Cowville among friends. I also liked her singing, so that was bonus! I got pretty annoyed with all the cheesiness, and not much caught my attention in this episode. I took notes, though, and seemed to like Lindsey best for the night, but also to like Morgan and Tyler. I agree with PP that it'll suck if Ellie & Lindsey are put up against one another - can only hope one will be stolen. 

    • Love 1
  22. I felt an affinity for the track stars, the cousins, and the dancers. I get the frustration of the superfans, and I feel like they could grow on me. She gave off a bit of an  TAR26 Aly vibe to me (just her energy), but his kelly green just made me think of Rachel's tights :6 ew. 


    The Texans were as alpha as their promo pictures made me believe they would be; not interesting to watch. I do like the Express Pass wrinkle. Team Chac disappointed me with their dynamics. 


    Rio was clearly the star of the episode! I would have a hard time working on the slide puzzle with a partner... I would probably have chosen volleyball. 

    • Love 1
  23. I've lost all interest in Kail & Jo's SL. When she had that crusty conversation with Javi, apologizing for cursing him out? I just... was done. It takes a lot for me to be done (obviously, I've stuck with this show!)... but I just couldn't care. I dislike that Kailyn is incapable of having authentic conversations with Isaac on camera, but I get it. Isaac is a cute, sweet boy, and I hope he can stay sensitive and also develop some resourcefulness along the way. He's going to need it.

    I get that Cole enjoys the role he's taking on (for now); I can only hope it's not laid on quite as thick when the cameras aren't there. I get that the voices are their way, in some ways, of putting up walls between themselves and the viewers - when we put on those voices, we're playacting, not being/saying what's really true for us. That's not always the case - there's a specific voice I use with someone I'm close to - and it's kind of a shorthand for affection, and also a way of checking in with one another.  Adam and his friend are creepy, and I'm not sure why we're still hearing about Aubree's graduation. I mostly just felt sad for Paislee.


    The whole Leah/Corey meetup thing was weird. She came with her posse, Miranda was seated 5 feet away... just awkward. 


    The cat running away from Nathan was the token audience representative of the episode. 


    • Love 5
  24. Ashley's was a hot mess that not even Aube could save.


    Candice's fabric was beautiful, and even though I didn't like the neckline on the top, I'm glad the judges went for it. I liked the meaning behind it... 


    Edmund - I happened to like his cloud.


    Kelly - "I have a bedazzle problem". This whole ep was very,very quotable for her. She's kinda great. Pretty green garment, and nice styling, too.


    Lindsey - her design is too literal for me, she had to choose 'peter pan' green? :/  I found her personality appealing, and her designs boring, but it seemed like she had a good level of self-awareness. 

    Laurie's was fugly even in the workroom. I like her pesronality well enough, but haven't liked her clothes since RttR. A little fussy. The silver circles could've been made into something interesting, but this was really bad. I would've sent her home. 


    Merline to Kelly  - "I want to keep TG in your fanny pack". Seems to me she doesn't have a leg to stand on, talking about Ashley. I don't like the cage on the dress any more than I did on her bra. She's not hardcore at all. The lace is pretty, though.


    Swapnil - Oh, hello, redemptive arc! I can see you from a mile away. Ah, well, the middle. It's okay, I wasn't a big fan of his dress. 


    Yay, Mood! <3 Swatch <3 The THs are for the most part surprisingly honest, introspective, funny, and confessional this season.

    When he went into the workroom very seriously, I thought TG was going to say Blake was coming back!

    But then he was actually giving helpful critiques -  it's so good getting rid of all of that chaff.  "beat back the old lady". heh.

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