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Posts posted by BritFan

  1. 11 minutes ago, LaurenBrook said:

    It's just weird because I feel like in some pictures they go overboard with photoshopping (like on some of Jennifer's her face and body look so fuzzy, like they went crazy with airbrush tool) and in others they SHOULD have maybe brushed out the waistband lines from coverup, etc. and they didn't.  All I know is I'd personally be so frustrated if I felt like I took some great shots but the pics they used of me in a calendar has imprints from shorts I'd been wearing and it made me look extra wrinkly LOL 

    It's infuriating isn't it? 

    When I had photos taken for my old website, the photographer airbrushed out all the stray wayward hairs on the model (head hairs!!) as part of the package. She was a professional photographer but not one commanding big bucks as I would assume theirs is. You'd think it would be an embarrassment for the photographer to send out poorly edited photos.

    **I also didn't mean to imply Megan needed airbrushing for her figure or face, just those annoying clothing imprints.

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  2. Firstly, Hurrah to be back!!

    I've tried to read all the post I missedbut forgive me if this has been brought up already..

    I personally think Megan is gorgeous, I love her figure but completely 'get' what y'all have been saying about her. And yes she does look softer in these pics, but OMG the photoshopping or lack of.

    They have done her no favours, what really annoys me is in the  pic of her leaning against the yellow wall, you can see seam lines running down her hip from either her pants or underwear.


  3. I must be the only one who thought Allie came off better than Amy in the little chat.

    To be honest I'm getting a bit bored of Amy's constant mistakes.

    I keep routing for Kelsey because firstly she is so gorgeous and I think comes across well in her little clips, but also Kelli has been so damned rude to her! I was surprised she said she wasn't ready to give up on her yet because when she talks to Kelsey she really comes across like she is itching to cut her!

    I hope Bethany takes more classes and reauditions, I think she is super cute. I think she could soften her under eye make up a bit (and Emily too.. please!!) so her eyes aren't high lighted so much.

    • Love 1
  4. I have to share this with you guys.

    My sister teases me a bit over my love for DCC and MTT and usually randomly picks a girls name and says 'How's Fiona doing? Did she make it?' She got savvy because she realised last year there were two Hollys and two Amys so she started mentioning them.

    Imagine my surprise when she mentioned Jessika-with-a-K, Bethany with the pretty coloured eyes and Kelsey! 

    Basically she watched about ten minutes of an episode as it came up as an advert betweeen one of the beauty bloggers she was watching.

    Kelsey is her favourite.. I feel I have taught her well!!

    • Love 4
  5. Can I just say, I've been in hosp for a coupla weeks and oh my goodness how I've missed y'all! 

    I've missed 4 flipping episodes which I will have to try and find on youtube and it will probably take me a month to catch up with all the chitchattery on this forum!

    re. Luchesse boots that were mentioned a while back, I would LOVE a pair. I don't give a squit that I live in the UK in Buckinghamshire... which is basically Midsomer Murders land. I would wear them with everything!

    **Also someone mentioned chiropractors for neck pain/migraine, I've had 20 years of chronic pain from a neck injury and only had my first chiropractor session a few weeks back and it was a revelation. Far better than 20 years of massage and physiotherapy. Has helped massively with my migraines caused by mangled neck.

    • Love 4
  6. Ohmygosh gals, I've been away working with barely any interweb access and I swear I have been acting like a deprived crack addict at the thought of what I've been missing.

    @QuiteContraryMoni sent you a request, I am soundslikemelon.

    re. Irritating food people eat, I used to work with a girl who was super health obsessed and would butter her raw carrots for added nutrition and chomp on them for hours.. and hours.. and hours. It literally used to make me want to cut my own ears off.

    Incidentally she was also one of the sickliest people I've known.


    Can I also just say re. 'Finding my own people' I had the sh!ttiest week last week and just coming here and being surrounded by people I can relate to and make me laugh, is all kinds of wonderful. I love you all!

    • Love 6
  7. Not quite sure where to put this so I'll just tack it on to my thoughts about Caila.

    I wonder just how vanilla you have to be in your views when you are a DCC? Are you encouraged to keep your passions to yourself?

    One hopeful, who is now a Dallas Stars Ice Girl has a massive ton of books about World War II which is fine, I do too and it is an era I specialise in for my work, she may have been studying that particular period of history too or just be interested in it..

    But perhaps saying Hitler was such a genius (even though he was a horrible person) her words not mine, may be taken in a very dim light by the bosses.

    I suppose it is a toss up between sharing things about you so people can know you better and being aware how easily people are offended and will blow things out of proportion.

    • Love 2
  8. 40 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

    Exactly. I was like, really!? You support this person and you don't even know this?

    I didn't realise she had tweeted her support for Trump (I think someone said that up thread) in which case we are doomed if the yoof of today can and do vote for someone when they have no idea of their policies.. Which is why Britain is no longer in EU *sigh*

    • Love 6
  9. 36 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

    Head just popped. She couldn't be more perfect for a Fosse show. NICE!!

    I thought that when I first saw her last year. Maybe when she's been a DCC for a bit and finished her studies?

    • Love 2
  10. 13 minutes ago, California Girl said:

    Holly stands out from most DCC in her theatricality, she expresses, emotes, and acts more than most people when she dances.  It is like she has a dance theater background.   As another poster put it a while back, you half expect her to come out playing Roxie Hart in Chicago. 

    I often wonder, and have asked before here, whether Holly could sing because I think she'd be fabulous in Chicago.

    I'd love LOVE to see her doing a Bob Fosse routine!

    • Love 2
  11. 56 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:


    I mean, I can see the thought behind the red and wanting to make her pop, for sure. She could definitely get mousy if given the chance in the beginning, but I also feel that she's carved her own spot on the squad now, and her dancing and unique look are enough. But maybe that's just because I got mad Holly love.

    I think if they want a girl to stand out in the current team they should do blonde not red! 

    I agree that Holly has carved her own spot she doesn't need the gimmicky red.

    • Love 5
  12. ^^^ Regarding photos ( @KnyghtRyder yours is quite superb!) and Shelly saying we are hiding behind them, well I'm not a huge fan of my looks but the main reason for my avatar is my photos of myself must have been so stunningly hi def I could not find one with small enough resolution that would upload and being close to useless on all things ipad I didn't know how to lower resolution. I just picked the first one that would upload really.

    • Love 2
  13. Everything has pretty much been said.. but here's my views.

    Caila should have known about the wall and should have at least a little knowledge of Trump's views but I don't believe she should have been asked HER opinion of it.

    I don't believe any job interview would ask about your political opinion .. perhaps that is just the UK.

    Poor Kat, I think when she has done meet and greets she always looked great and was good for DCC, I didn't find the dress offensive.. not compared to Jenn's purple monstrosity. I'm glad Kelli stuck up for Kat. I wonder if her solo was good? As someone said before, they usually show them if they are bad and cutting the girl.

    Didn't like Hunter's solo. Looked clumpy to me.

    Jenn is actually starting to annoy me a bit. Maybe it is over exposure.

    Auto Amy also irritated me, can't put my finger on it.. not exactly arrogant.. I don't know, I didn't warm to her.

    Go Kelsey! Proud of her!! 

    I hope Royesha works on her kicks and comes back next year, liked her a lot.

    Hooray for more dancing this week, hope it continues.. still waiting to see more of powerhouse Yuko who the judges rave about but so far we've not seen anything outstanding imo.

    • Love 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Gillandherkittens said:

    As another UK fan I'm shaking my fist at the TV companies. Will ITVbe show DCMtT this season. Only managed to see the CMT sneak previews on YouTube so far, but gagging to see the rest. NOT FAIR! I demand my DCC rights,?

    Sent you a link! JC123 found this gem on youtube!

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