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Posts posted by grumpypanda

  1. Did anyone else notice that Lincoln was playing next to a lit candle in one scene?

    Anyway, Jenelle continues to be her pathetic and desperate self. I normally don't find verbal abuse funny but I cracked up when Nipps told Jenelle that she wasn't special. I guarantee the only reason Nipps is still pressing his boner up against her is because she's giving him money. How else does he pay for his gym time?

    I'm glad I'm not the only one that found Jeremy strangely attractive in the episode. I wasn't even mad at him for wearing jeans to court.

    Another episode with Leah's family purposely getting the girls upset. For the most part kids have an out of sight out of mind mentality. That video chat was strictly to stroke martyr Leah's massive ego. I have a feeling that the girls are going to spend a lot of their lives sitting around grandma Dawn's house waiting for mama to get more good at the doctors. Mama sick a lot.

    • Love 11
  2. I really don't believe that Swapnil was trying to be in the middle. I think he just got tired of trying so hard and never winning and that's what created his defeatist attitude this week. Like why try, I'm not going to win anyway so screw it.

    So sad about Jake's dog. I actually teared up a little bit for him.

    I was happy to see Candice land in the middle where she clearly belonged. Her dress wasn't nearly as interesting as she thought. I swear Elana made that same dress ten times already.

    Yay for Kelly. I loved her look! I actually loved all top three. Edmond is really starting to grow on me. I like that he goes into each challenge wanting to win and not playing it safe like Lindsay, Joseph and Laurie.

    • Love 16
  3. Matt's tattoo freaked me out. I felt claustrophobic just looking at it. I really feel like he disfigured that women. Why anyone would think getting a tattoo on their neck is a good idea is beyond me. I'm also curious to know what someone with one does for a living. I work in a really conservative field and it's not unusual to see a wrist or ankle tattoo poking out which isn't a big deal but there is no way anyone with a giant neck tattoo could work in most offices.

    I really liked the flash challenge. It was refreshing to see everyone happy for a change.

    • Love 4
  4. You got that bad ass boom baby. This episode was comedy gold. I was laughing my ass off at those commercials. Courtney and Bello looked like two decaying zombies that washed up on the beach.

    Anyone else notice that Devin had a huge boner at the end of his commercial? I can't blame him though, Lacey is gorgeous. I don't know why Tyra gave her a haircut that practically covers half her face.

    I'm glad to see Ashley go. She really looks rough as hell and I can't see her modeling anything but crack pipes.

    • Love 7
  5. I have mixed feelings about this episode. I love the Gauntlet challenge but I'm sad to see Jasmine go. I thought she was definitely going to make it to to end. I can't say she didn't deserve to be eliminated through, her angel makeup was terrible.

    I actually hope they do this challenge every season. It was refreshing to see a challenge that focused on makeup and not sculpting. If they do this again, I think it would be cool to make one of the rounds strictly beauty makeup. I'm so sick of hearing the contestants complain that they don't know how to do beauty makeup.

    • Love 9
  6. I just can't with this show. Look, I understand how the Horror genre works - you have to have people making illogical and/or stupid decisions to: give the walkers something to eat, cause drama by separating the family members, go on mini-quests to increase tension, etc. But I was hoping that with TWD under their belts, the powers that be would fix some of those tired tropes and introduce something... I dunno, different?

    I don't think I can continue with a family that includes Madison who seems to have Asperger's and doesn't react to anything, or smelly, grease stained Nick who chews scenery like he chews Oxy, and clueless/checked-out/angsy Alicia...I'd be walking to the desert myself in the dead of night.

    As has been said, why are they not glued to the TV or the radio to help them know what to do? No, let's play a boardgame. Alicia's got a damn iPhone, why aren't they on the internet looking for safe places to go? Maybe the roads to the desert are overrun by BurningMan zombies! They could at least be reading Reddit for first person accounts with the undead. No, she's probably listening to K-Pop and continuously texting her un-dead boyfriend. Why didn't the showrunners have a few scenes with radio or TV on in the background? It could help to build the tension, fill in some of the backstory for the viewers and move the story along a bit faster.

    If this show is continuing on to a 2nd season, please kill off most of the existing cast, build a whole new cast for season 2 with a couple of the originals there to tie the story together... then kill the remaining v1.0 characters.

    Yes to all of this! The electricity was still working while they were playing Monopoly by candlelight so I don't get why they weren't watching tv or listening to the radio trying to get more information. The ZA is still in the very early stages so I find it hard to believe that all outside communication has ceased already.

    I think it could have been interesting to see some news footage of what was going on around the world. I imagine Madison's reaction to seeing the collapse of society on tv would be "shit happens, anyone up for a game of Yahtzee?"

    • Love 3
  7. I'll never forget the Denise Lee case because it happened so close to my home. I remember watching the news footage while they were still searching for her. This case makes me to mad because there were so many opportunities for her to be saved. The murderer even took her to a relative's house (I think is was his brother) while she was still alive and the relative didn't do anything to save her. He actually saw her tied up in his car and let him drive off. I can't even watch this episode any more because I get so angry watching it.

    • Love 4
  8. I thought that JaJa was a lock for the win so I'm pleasantly surprised that Gabby won. Not that I cared much either way. I actually liked this season better than the last season but it still wasn't amazing. There were only two routines that I loved all season and neither one was shown tonight.

    Anyway, I have a confession to make, I really liked Travis and Jenna's routine. I thought it was way better than the emo choreography we usually see.

    • Love 3
  9. When Madison told Eliza that it would break Travis to kill her I was waiting for Eliza to say, don't flatter yourself bitch.

    So some crazy shit is going down and you're planning on going to the desert but instead of gathering supplies for your trip and securing the house you're currently in, you play Monopoly?

    These people are so damn stupid that I'm losing patience with this show quickly.

    • Love 8
  10. Eh, I don't judge anyone for having their kid in daycare for any reason. My husband and I both work full-time which is why our kids are in daycare normally, but I've definitely dropped them off at daycare after I've taken the day off for some "me" time. Also, when I was on maternity leave after having my daughter, you best believe my son went to daycare every damn day. Many parents that don't work put their kids in daycare for a variety of reasons: maybe they're volunteering, or going to the gym or want their kids to gain some social skills, or maybe they just want to sit at home and watch a netflix marathon after being up all night for three nights straight. It's really not anyone else's business.

    I don't want to get into a daycare debate but I will say that a parent taking a day to themselves now and again isn't the same thing as someone leaving their baby in daycare all day, five days a week just because they don't feel like taking care of their baby. Kaiser wasn't even one when this was filmed so he wasn't exactly socializing with other kids. I just think the whole point of being a stay at home parent is to actually spend time with your child. If Jenelle and Nipps wanted so much "me" time maybe they shouldn't have had another baby.

    Jenelle and Nipps are just lazy and don't want the day to day responsibility of taking care of their baby. The whole car chase scene proves what selfish assholes they both are.

    • Love 7
  11. The ONLY things those involved will agree on is that the person paying will always feel they are paying too much and the person receiving will always feel they aren't getting enough. No matter the amount.

    You're right about that. I used to get $250 a month which I thought was crap but my ex seemed to think he was paying a fortune.

    Seriously, Leah and Kali don't know how lucky they are. I absolutely think Jeremy should be paying support but what the heck does a two year old need that requires $1700 a month? It's not as if Leah doesn't have income coming in. Jeremy shouldn't be responsible for all of his daughter's needs. $1700 would cover my rent, electric, water, phone and my car insurance. Leah might be dumb but she's smart enough to get knocked up by the right men.

    • Love 3
  12. $1700 for just one child, holy shit, Leah hit the jackpot! Between her MTV money and her child support Leah should be sitting pretty. It makes me sick that the rest of us have to struggle and work our asses off while she gets paid just for being a white trash slut.

    Why would Leah drive herself to a hotel before her flight? That don't make no sense. I'm sure Leah loved it when Gracie threw a fit about her leaving. In her mind it just proves what a wonderful mother she is. Her poor babies can't live without her. I was so pissed when her mother brought Leah up at the restaurant. It's like they all love getting the kids worked up about their mother.

    I had to fast forward the scene where Kali looked at the new house. She's so broke that she has to bleed every last penny out of Joe yet she needs a huge home with a pool. I do like that Joe doesn't react when she starts acting like a crazy person. She wants more money yet she can't even explain why exactly she needs it. How much damn money does Joe even make if he thinks it's a possibility that he might have to pay $5000 a month.

    This Teen Mom shit has gotten out of hand. As much as I enjoy snarking on this show its time for the gravy train to end and for these girls to see what real life is like.

    • Love 8
  13. The designers seemed really thrown by this challenge. How hard is it to make a bra when the infrastructure is already made for you. The designers in season two made some beautiful lingerie so it's obviously possible to make something great within the time frame of the show. I remember loving Daniel V.'s ex-boyfriend inspired collection. Hell, even Santino's German reindeer lingerie was miles better than the crap we saw tonight.

    Also, I'm shocked that so many of the designers just ignored the cover-up portion of the challenge. I can't imagine it's that difficult to make a flowy robe. I noticed that we didn't even get to see some of the robes.

    I didn't think anything was amazing tonight but Ashley's was definitely the best. It didn't look all that complicated to reproduce do I don't understand Merline winning. Swapnil's wasn't executed great but at least he had an interesting idea.

    I felt really bad for the models tonight. How embarrassing to have a cameraman doing a close-up of your naughty bits. I felt especially bad for Laurie's model. I was cringing when the judges were feeling the girls up and talking about their little saggy boobies.

    • Love 9
  14. What kind of housewives do the judges know because Ava looked like an old broke down Vegas hooker to me.

    Speaking of broke down looking, Courtney looked like a hot mess at the challenge this week. When the group was standing all together I couldn't help but notice how unattractive she really is. I feel bad for saying that but those teeth are so bad that I doubt she'll ever do any type of professional modeling. I feel bad that Tyra is even giving her this false hope. Courtney needs to forget about modeling and focus on an attainable goal.

    Anyway, another stupid photo shoot. I must admit I know nothing about high fashion but I assume most modeling is about looking attractive and not about be possessed by Satan.

    • Love 7
  15. I came here just to say that this was worst Faceoff challenge ever but apparently 30 other people beat me to it. The whole concept of this challenge would have been fine as a foundation challenges but it didn't work for the main challenge because swapping genders shouldn't require full on masks.

    Every makeup was bad including the top two. I can't believe Stevie was in the top when it was unbelievably clear where the prosthetic started and ended.

    I hope next week is better because the only makeup I've liked all season was the Frankenstein looking character from the literary mash-up challenge. I can't figure out if this is just a weak group of contestants or if the challenges just suck this season.

    On a positive note, Jasmine looked quite pretty in the lab with her hair braided and without that ugly black lipstick.

  16. No thoughts on Killer Instinct from last night? It was definitely one I hadn't heard before. That story was full of all kinds of WTF. In the first part of the show when they said the nine months pregnant lady was doing a cleaning job, I felt so bad for her. But, wow, there can be a lot worse ways to make money when you're nine months pregnant.

    I came here just to comment on this episode. I've never heard of this case before and I found the whole story so disturbing. I find it so bizarre that a woman who was nine months pregnant was out turning tricks. I'm even more shocked that the doctor would drug Deanna knowing that she was obviously very pregnant.

    The doctor was pure evil to let Deanna and her baby die. I'm also shocked that he videotaped himself raping her while she was in the mist of dying. Once he saw that she was overdosing he could have just dropped her off in the parking lot of a hospital or even a convenient store and told the clerk that a pregnant woman was in distress outside. The doctor deserves to rot in hell for what he did.

    Overall, I'm liking Killer Instinct. I've watched three episodes so far and two out of the three cases were new to me. The episode with the lesbian teenagers that killed the one girl's grandparents was chilling. I'm surprised that this show is so well done. I have very low expectations of any new ID show.

    • Love 4
  17. Kind of bummed that we didn't get any ballroom tonight. At this point I think all of the contemporary is starting to look the same. I feel like Travis and Stacy do the same routine over and over again. I was so bored with both of their dances tonight that I ended up fast forwarding them.

    The only routine that stood out to me tonight for being different was Virgil and Gabby's lyrical hip hop. I really enjoyed the routine and both dancers did an excellent job.

    I wasn't that impressed with Virgil and Joshua's hip hop routine. I thought Joshua manhandled Virgil and it appeared to me that they botched the intertwined cartwheel move. I watched it in slow motion and Virgil looked like he was being tossed around. Joshua killed it though.

    I also liked Hailee and Marco's jazz routine. It wasn't the most original piece in the world but I was entertained. I love Marco so that helps.

    I hated JaJa's robot hip hop routine. I generally hate any routine that relays on a gimmick and the breaking of the beakers was just cheesy.

    I predict that JaJa is going to win with Vigil coming in second, Gabby in third and Hailee in forth.

  18. Obviously, but have we heard their reason for putting him in day care?

    Was Jenelle in school when this was filmed? I don't think Nathan has anything scheduled except for gym time. If he's drawing disability, he can't work.

    She was in school but only two days a week so that doesn't explain why he goes to daycare when Nipps doesn't have a job. It's obvious to me that the roll goes to daycare whether or not Jenelle and Nipps have anywhere they have to be.

    In the episode where they go to see the lawyer about custody they dropped him off at daycare beforehand for no other reason than they are too damn lazy and selfish to take care of their baby.

    I have nothing against daycare but it exists so parents can work or go to school not just so parents can sleep off their hangover because they were up drinking and arguing until 4 in the morning.

    • Love 6
  19. I was thinking about the Leah situation and that don't make no sense. I don't believe she was ever going to a treatment center and her plan all a long was to sit in a hotel for a couple weeks. She probably made the whole treatment story up hoping Jeremy would try to talk her out of leaving and come back to her but her plan backfired and Jeremy called her bluff.

    I went to rehab years ago and you weren't even allowed to make unsupervised phone calls for the first ten days there much less get visitors a week after checking in. It makes zero sense that Dawn would fly out of state with two small kids to visit their mom only a week after she left.

    Obviously, Leah never got on a plane and was staying somewhere close. What I'm really confused about is whether Mtv knew about this rouse of Leahs. The whole thing is a confusing mess.

    Dawn is a shit stirring bitch. She acts like Corey is a babysitter and doesn't have the right to know where his children are going. I'm proud of Corey for shutting that shit down.

    • Love 10
  20. The whole conversation between Jenelle and Nipps was bat shit crazy. Poor Bagel, no one wants him. I don't watch my children, I raise them. It's ridiculous, Jenelle was literally trying to run away from her baby and Nipps didn't want the baby to get pinned on him because he needs to go to the fucking gym. Someone should tell Jenelle that desperation is a stinky cologne.

    Anyway, Pete the pig playing piano was adorable. Chelsea needs to stop talking shit right in front of Aubree and she needs to cool it with the daddy talk. They haven't even been together a year and I think it's completely inappropriate for Aubree to call Cole dad so soon.

    • Love 8
  21. Ashley seems like a nice person and a talented designer but she needs to seriously butch up. It sucks getting picked last but someone is always going to be the last picked so get over it and design something awesome.

    Surprisingly, I like Merline's look the best. I also liked Swapnil and Edmonds. Blake's was pretty too. It's refreshing to see the designers get along on a team challenge.

    • Love 12
  22. This case left me disturbed too. The janitor might have done it but the evidence really wasn't there. It's scary that a person can be convicted based on the theory that the police couldn't come up with another suspect. This isn't a game of Clue, this is someone's actual life.

    Lie detectors are bullshit and that's why there not allowed in court. They're basically just a tool that police use to intimidate people. I'm shocked that the police would eliminate a viable suspect because they passed a lie detector.

    • Love 3
  23. Of course. The traditional round between "semifinals" and "finals".

    If this is nothing but 10 randomly-paired 3-minute sets I will be very disappointed. Last year's format was great and I would have loved that again.

    That's exactly what it was. This season doesn't even make any sense. I thought all the shows leading up to the top ten were basically audition rounds and that the regular show would start this week. Now I find out that once the top ten is selected that there are only two episodes left. I felt like the real show just stated and now next week is the finale already. What happened to the regular show? I was hoping we would get a chance to get to know the top ten before they slashed the numbers in half.

    Anyway, first match up, I preferred Taylor over the other guy (Matt?) but I thought they were both pretty good.

    I was annoyed that Francisco and Ian went head to head because I was hoping to lose them both. Out of the two I guess Ian is less obnoxious but that's not saying much. I don't know what's dumber, jokes about stupid sex faces or jokes about saggy vaginas.

    I'm really disappointed that Shang didn't make it. I thought Dominique was better this week than last week but Shang was still funnier tonight.

    I wasn't really feeling Andi or the other guy (Ryan?) so I didn't really care who went. I did kind of like her wing joke though.

    I thought Clayton and Joe were both good tonight but I liked Joe just a little bit better. Maybe it's because I have a baby right now and I'm in baby mode but I really liked his jokes. Maybe my baby's just itchy.

    My perfect final five would have been

    Taylor, Shang, Clayton, Joe and Guy that went against Taylor

    • Love 3
  24. Unfortunately I think Madison (is there really anyone named Madison in their forties) is meant to be the Rick character. So far everyone is connected to her somehow and I don't see her dying anytime soon.

    I can definitely see Nick as being the Darrell type character. He's the social misfit that finds his place in a fallen society.

    Anyway, my biggest disappointment with FTWD so far has more to do with the location. I'm so tired of shows being set in Los Angeles. I really like the Georgia location because not many shows are set in the South (I'm not counting redneck reality tv.) I would have been happier with just about any other city other than L.A. or NY. The possibilities were endless, Las Vegas, Portland, Phoenix, Detroit, Anchorage, hell even Boise or Omaha would be more interesting.

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