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Posts posted by Zahdii

  1. OMG!  Hilarious!  The spiral curls, the shades flopping down over his eyes during his dramatic declaration of all he's sacrificed just to LOVE HER!  It goes nicely with his moobs and his beer belly refusing to be hidden by his overly large tee shirt.

    Kody is like is like human herpes: once you've got him, you can never quite get rid of him.  There is no sex good enough to chance getting stuck with him.

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  2. On 9/13/2023 at 2:20 AM, KWalkerInc said:

    This may be a weird question, but in the American Express commercial about the veterinarian, it ends with two rabbits cuddling as a banner that says, "Mandy, will you marry me?" flies by.  Are we supposed to think that one of the bunnies arranged for the banner and is proposing?  It's silly but made me laugh.  I feel stupid though because I didn't know that vet in the ad is fictional, according to the disclaimer that I saw as I just watched it online.  (Though I wondered how he ended up with a llama patient when all the others were small animals.)

    I'm guessing that the owner of the rabbits used his/her credit card to take at least one of the bunnies to the vet and get the fix.  Now they can cuddle, commune, and consumate their relationship together without having more and more babies.

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  3. 11 hours ago, DoctorK said:

    I think my favorite was a fool who complained that the AC in his apartment was out and it was so hot that the "the water in the toilet was boiling". 

    I'd like to see that!  (Reminds me of way too many years ago when I got to high school and went to the bathroom.  Apparently during the night some plumbing had been done and the hot and cold water lines got mixed up.  The toilets were steaming.  I found it to be quite pleasant.  Usually my hiney was sad and neglected (never getting to see sunlight, always getting sat on, and maligned for not being the "right size" according to the current fashion, etc).  But that day my backside got a spa day.

    • LOL 5
  4. 1 hour ago, Gharlane said:

    I thought everyone heard of the "walked uphill to school both ways" expression before. 

    Two old men are sitting around talking about how things are so different from when they were kids.  Today's kids are soft, wouldn't be able to hack it if they had to grow up back in the day.  One man says "They all want to ride a bus with cushioned  seats on sit on their way to school.  When I was a kid, I had to walk to school, and then walk home again."

    The other replies, "Me too.  I had to walk even in bad weather.  I didn't wait at a shelter for someone to come pick me up.

    #1  "I had to walk in bad weather, too!  I walked in the wind, the rain, the sleet, and the snow!"

    #2  "So did I!  And we got more snow back then, too!"

    #1  "Well I had to break trail with snow up past my knees to make it easier for my younger brothers and sisters."

    #2  "How many kids in your family?"

    #1  "Six."

    #2  "Well I had ten and I had to carry the youngest on my back!"

    #1  "How far away was the school?"

    #2  "Three miles, unless the creek ran high and covered the little foot bridge.  Then we had to walk another three to get to the bigger bridge!"

    #1  "Well I had to walk 15 miles.  Both ways."

    #2  "Well - "

    #1  Interrupts:  "Uphill!"  Sees #2 about to speak again.  "BOTH WAYS!"

    #2  <glares at #1>  "Well, we had this old cow.  Gave the best milk, but boy was she mean...  She'd step on your foot if she could..."

    #1  "They all do that.  Ours would squirt onto her tail and slap you in the face with it if you gave her the chance."

    #2  "So would ours, but she'd also.........

    • Like 4
  5. Love it!  Good thing Baby paid attention when Mando was showing him the controls and stuff.

    Now when Mando dropped the Sword and Bo picked it up and finished the fight for him, does that mean she's it's owner now?  I hope so, the Sword seemed to be fighting Mando, but worked well for Bo.

    What dragged Mando into the deep water at the end there?  What was that large eye in the water?  The 'monster' thing that the first Mandelorian was supposed to have finished off many years earlier?  Why did it let Bo collect Mando and take him back to the surface?  Had it heard Bo telling Mando about her past as a member of the ruling family when she was a child?  Was stealing Mando a test for Bo to prove herself worthy of ruling over the planet?  Is some intelligence planning on making her lead an effort to rehabilitate Mandalore?

    • Like 5
  6. Not sure why, but I decided to watch the first episode.  It seems geared toward the young adult segment, and also is a bit dark, so I shouldn't have given it a second glance.  But I'm glad I watched, as I found it interesting.

    I'd be interested in knowing more about the background of the story.  Are ghosts only bothering the UK?  It seems no one knows why they suddenly started popping up and with the power to actually harm the living through a mere touch.  What's the point of having a curfew if the ghosts can simply come into a home at will?  When a ghost is cut up with one of the swords or pelted with salt, do they reappear later or are they gone for good?  Could you keep someone from coming back as a ghost if you incinerate the body and mix the ashes with salt before burying them in a lead container?


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  7. 22 hours ago, Pickleinthemiddle said:

    Same here.  My dad finally told me one day, most people don't really care about what you have to say.  Learn to listen and you don't always have to respond to what is said.  He wasn't being mean, he was just trying to give me some of those life skills you need.

    Yes at times in our life we all feel like we know everything.  

    My dad told me:

    Don't ask people how much money they make.

    Don't ask them about their religion.

    Don't ask them who they voted for on the last election.

    If they bring it up anyway, act bored and uninterested.  If they still won't shut up, tell them you have to see a man about a horse and leave.

    • Like 6
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  8. 12 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

    Another one that’s not exactly a favorite, but this is the closest category to “made me laugh”.  Two campers are looking at a Twix bar and saying “it doesn’t matter if you choose left or right, because both sides are crunchy and delicious.”  Cut to a couple of bears eyeing the two campers who are sitting next to each other on a log. One bear says to the other, “it doesn’t matter if you choose left or right, because both sides are crunchy and delicious.”

    ...a couple of bears eyeing the two campers who are sitting next to each other on a log. One bear says to the other, “it doesn’t matter if you choose left or right, because both sides are crunchy and delicious.”

    Sounds like a Far Side cartoon.

    • Like 8
  9. 2 hours ago, Cinnabon said:

    I did a thing. Is that like “doing” life with someone? 🤦‍♀️ WHY?

    Buzz words and cutsy phrases, so we know how current/trendy/etc the writer is.  Often used as device to get someone, ANYONE, to ask the writer to elaborate, also known as vaguebooking.  Count yourself lucky if you find that whatever it is, it can be explained with a photo and a couple of sentences.  Maybe a link to find more information.

    Too often, however, I have found that clicking on that link or otherwise expressing interest leads to a lot of time spent wading through a veritable WORD Salad that adds little to the conversation (not to be confused with The Word of Jesus).

    Allow me to clarify, as I have often been accused of such an offense.  But it's only because I'm afraid that you, gentle reader, might not fully understand me.  I'm aware that I have a fuller understanding of the subject matter at hand.  I am the Valedictorian Top Graduate Best in Class of the Joyful Noyes Academy, after all.

    Where was I?

    • LOL 13
  10. Got an idea.  One day Sam wonders aloud if she were to die and her organs donated, would the recipients be able to see ghosts?  What if she donated blood?

    Pete says he was an organ donor, but he doesn't think any of his organs were able to be donated because he didn't die in a hospital that would have enough time to find his donor notification on his drivers license and make preparations in time.  He wonders if he'd donated, would any aspect of his personality have migrated?  Would there be a new scout master out there because of him?  Or someone who suddenly liked broccoli?

    Sam decides to look into it and (through the magic of TV comedy writers) finds that Pete actually donated his heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, and his corneas.  Then she invites them to the Inn for a Meet Pete weekend.  

    Hilarity and misty eyes ensue as the recipients find that Pete's daughter and grandson attend, along with some other of Pete's family members and friends.  

    Hopefully there are a couple of children young enough to see the ghosts and we can see them interacting with each other.  Thor can sing another child to sleep.  Issac will once again be annoyed by many of the kids being familiar with Hamilton.  Flower will walk through a bully teen and temporarily change him into a sweet hippy.  Attic Girl will wake up and we find she's actually really sweet with kids as she tries to teach them some dance moves (The Pendulum, The Roger Rabbit, The Running Man, and of course The Moon Walk).

    Meanwhile, Trevor can oogle the women and Hetty can oogle the men.  

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  11. All Christine and Ysabel had to do was to tell Kody to visit in the late afternoon after her online classes had stopped for the day.  
    Ysabel could have gone to school and Kody would never know the difference.  Especially since he wasn't visiting anyway.

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  12. 9 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

    Is it at least a little possible that Kody had/has issues in the performance department and therefore coming up with excuses to cover his issues?

    I wouldn't doubt that Kody has problems getting it up for Meri, Janelle, and Christine, because he doesn't really want to have sex with them.  

    He's probably fine when it comes to Robyn.  For her, he'd get the purple pill in a heartbeat if necessary.

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  13. I know it's mean, but since Jessa seems to have as many children as possible, I hope someone plays a trick on her.  The next time she's pregnant, I want someone to suggest Vecna as a name.  Say it means something Godly, like Gods Chosen something or other, make up a few Bible verses that don't exist, and see what happens.

    "Jesus said to Vecna, You are well named.  This is the task that my Father has chosen for you.  Your words and deeds have truly proved that you are among the best of my followers.  Stay here, and continue to speak my words in service to my Father. "

    I'd love to see how quickly someone tells her that Vecna is an evil god in DnD.

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