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  1. Maybe the actresses should have sucked it up to reunite Alicia and Kalinda if that's what the writers wanted, but then again, from a storyline point of view and on a human level, it's never been absurd for Alicia to not want to be friends with Kalinda anymore. At least, that's something I've always understood. It's an evolution of the plot that the writers and producers decided at the end of season 2 and the two options have always been, fix that friendship or let it be gone forever. Both would have been believable, however the fact that some fans wanted the Alicia-Kalinda friendship back so bad doesn't mean it should have been done if the writers didn't have anything interesting to do with it. You can't argue with a creative decision simply because it wasn't what the fans wanted. And I'm not saying it's impossible JM had her say in it, however stating that it was out of ego because she didn't want anyone else to shine is an unfair shortcut as there has been no evidence of JM being difficult to get along with. If we all assume they hate each other, why blame it all on JM? Simply because she's the star of the show, she has to be a bitch? Why is it OK to put it all on JM but not AP? The fact that JM has more power doesn't explain or justify anything - maybe AP started it, maybe JM had her reasons too? We don't know. That's why I hate jumping to these kinds of conclusions because people are just going to interpret, squeeze and distort everything they'll find online and act like it's facts. In the end people are only going to side with the actress they like better, which I understand, but don't use non-existent reasons to bitch about JM.
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