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Posts posted by itainttippithebird

  1. Oh, how I have been gleefully anticipating this episode coming up on AWT! The costuming on this episode is the lazier than a half-assed theme party where everyone just grabbed something vaguely hippie-adjacent and threw it on as they headed out the door. SO good/bad!

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  2. I'm not even ready for how angered I'm going to be all over again by next week's EPIC Bray-down, where Brandon is SEETHING with anger because Dylan saves the day instead of him. Rather than be grateful that his friend helped save this thing he's so hellbent on keeping afloat that he's willing to bend time and space to work there fulltime, he's sooooo pissssssed that anyone but him should get any credit. My blood pressure is rising just thinking about it! Not to mention the endless task force bullshit to come. Must meditate, using my personal mantra, "DAVID!!!!!"

    • Love 1
  3. This clip of Liam was the best thing PLL could have done to try to redeem the last year of bullshit! No doubt he will ultimately be painted as jealous and wrong, but I will live in these two minutes foreverrrrr.

    • Love 4
  4. Quote

    I do want to laugh a little when she goes to the doctor next episode at what looks like six or seven months, and is just then told she is pregnant.   

    I've been looking forward to this next ep for awhile, as I laughed and laughed and laughed at the stuff with the doctor. FIRST off, because Andrea is like, "I've been having unprotected sex, and I'm nauseous, and I'm having stomach pains" and the doctor is like "it's probs just the flu." (This is also after Andrea asks said doctor for an "AIDS test" and the doctor slut shames the fuck out of her, like, WHY?!?! HAVE YOU BEEN HAVING LOTS OF RISKY SEX WITH RISKY PEOPLE?!?!!)  Then when the results are back, the doctor TROLLS HER SO HARD, all like, "Don't worry, you're perfectly healthy" and then Andrea is like, "Oh, so, it was just a 24 hour bug?" and the doc is like "MORE LIKE A 9 MONTH BUG!!!!" Which, a. way to bury the lede, b. is NOT a very profesh way to announce medical news and c. WAY TOO CHEERFUL an attitude to tell an 18 year old college freshman that she's pregnant! Granted, it might be that the doc assumed Nana might be too old for childbearing and this is a medical miracle, but please try to act like a goddamned professional!

    • Love 8
  5. So, former high school wild thing (WILDTHING!) here to report that while I typically indulged in the traditional style, we *did* occasionally do the thing where we would dissolve in orange juice (or Dr. Pepper...?)! And it was like, a known thing, at least I thought at the time, but looking back now I wonder if we subconsciously got the idea FROM 90210! So much for their anti-drug efforts, I suppose. Thanks, Aaron Spelling et al, for at least getting me some extra Vitamin C with my.....Vitamin Clean Your Room Do All Your Homework Stay Up All Night Talking Be Nice To Your Mom All While Secretly High!

    ETA: I just remembered that the rationale was that the OJ would mask the nasty back-of-your-throat taste and cut out the nasal drip stage? DRUG SCIENCE!

    • Useful 1
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  6. Truly never understood the sitcom trope of being pissed at being asked to sign a pre-nup. If anything, I'd be pissed if I were the rich person with a partner who wouldn't sign, like, so you definitely ARE just marrying me for my money, wtf?!?

  7. Quote

    Why would Whitney let it be revealed that Kathryn dumped him and even have Craig put it out there that Whitney had "feelings" for her and so now hates her?

    I wondered if he's lost some of the creative control over time as the show's gotten bigger - perhaps WoW wrested some from his clammy, creepy lil' hands?

    • Love 5
  8. This episode was amazing, some real Rashomon-level shit with those S1 flashbacks!!! Congrats to whoever speculated last week that the Ann Taylor at the foot of the bed was Kathryn's. I was amazed at the genius of holding back all that juicy footage for two seasons and then dropping it in here like it ain't no thang, until I remembered that Whitney runs the show and probably made them keep it out S1 for his own storyline/ass covering purposes. Still, LOVED IT.

    In Kathryn's (mild) defense, I'm guessing she didn't pay retail for that crib, etc - the fact that it was a focal point of a storyline makes me think that she got it for free (or at least mega-reduced) in exchange for product placement? Seems like that happens a ton on reality shows.

    • Love 8
  9. Doing my resident academic duty here, chiming in to confirm that a graduate student TA dating their (current) undergraduate student is a real ethical no no, even in the 90s, when rules about faculty/student dating were much more...casually followed/applied than they are today. By many university standards, a TA can date that student once they aren't in the class, but while they are still in charge of said student's grades, etc? No way!  Same goes for RAs dating their residents, so (as referenced already), this is a double trouble stupid move for ol' Dan Rubin.

    • Love 2
  10. Quote

    And she giggles like a toddler after everything she says. Actually that's not true. Most toddlers are more self-possessed than Landon. 

    YES! I came here to say basically the same thing - that she has the affect of an actual toddler. She gets this shine in her eye that is uncomfortably similar to my niece when confronted with shiny objects. I'm sure she thinks it makes her look cute and quirky and fancy free, but it actually makes her look...simple.

    • Love 8
  11. Quote

    They did not know it was for the Real Housewives franchise until after they had shot all of their footage and went to shoot the opener holding the stars that they were told it was RHOD.

    This HAS to be bullshit (on their part, not yours) - there's absolutely no way they wouldn't know what they were shooting for! But like, WHY LIE ABOUT THAT. Just to play up their "cute" ditziness?! Weird.

    • Love 1
  12. 20 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    I did laugh at Stephanie's sister explaining that while they didn't have Uber they have AAA, and if you're too drunk you just call them and have them tow you home!

    I really had to admire the genius. I tuned out the next 10 minutes or so thinking about the logistics! "You'd have to be sober enough to pull off a halfway professional demeanor with AAA and/or the tow company, but drunk enough to go to such extremes...and how many free tows do you get, are they unlimited...? Are you just having them tow you home instead of a shop, wouldn't they be suspicious at some point....? (and the next thing I knew, the episode was half over)

    • Love 6
  13. In my continued contemplation of the cosmetic atrocities of this show, I noticed this week that Stephanie -- from afar seems like maybe the most normal looking one -- but up close, there's something really disturbingly uncanny valley about her face. I think it's a combination of plastic surgery and really off-putting colored contacts...? It really kinda stresses me out!

    • Love 3
  14. 7 hours ago, StatMom said:

    Brandon is awful for the myriad ways already discussed on this podcast. I add one more charge to the indictment: he pronounced it "soshiology". Shut UP, Brandon! You are the WORST.

    YESSSSS. I am a sociology professor and this drove me nuuuuuts (and will continue to for the whole upcoming season, where he finds a way to say that almost every episode).

    • Love 1
  15. So, I've been studying Brandi's face carefully for weeks now and I think I've determined that her Seinfeld-esque Two Face problem is 90% a matter of makeup. I think someone does her makeup professionally for the testimonials but she does her own for the rest of the show, and she is So. Fucking. Bad! at makeup that it literally ruins her face!

    When her mom was on this week, I thought, ah hah! This must be where she gets it. Then I realized - I bet Brandi did her makeup for her since she was going to be on camera. Poor thing, I think it did her no favors in terms of looking rough for her age, too! (I have a screencap but the system is telling me I'm only allowed 200kb for the image size, so oh well. Y'all know what I mean.)

    • Love 5
  16. So, in season three, Brenda is the naggy girlfriend who wants Dylan to go to college while Kelly's the cool other woman who doesn't see the point of it. In season four, the writers just swap the roles. Kind of lazy, guys!

    Brandon's hair: wow. Just wow.

    yes! was thinking just the same when I watched.


    If she keeps making reference to them being old, then I'll revisit, but one exaggerated comment/low blow about the other women being older doesn't bother me too much... yet.

    To second ghoulina on this - this was the major theme of her comments last week, too. She mentioned them all being old enough to be her mother but acting like children, wondered if this was some kind of menopausal insanity, and referred to hoping to not be like them when she's their age. That + this week's comment about them being "the elderly" was enough to make for a theme, to me.

    • Love 13

    Was there some Andrea/Gill stuff that got cut that makes her sceens with him make sense? What exactly are they going for? Are we supposed to believe they've been hanging out all summer? I don't get it at all.


    Agreed! It was a jarringly fast set up, which actually would have been fine if not for the jarringly fast denouement in the same episode. Although, bottom line, I was glad it was dispensed with with a quickness, because, to quote Valerie Cherish, "I don't need to SEE that!"

  19. I know it's been covered already, but I really feel it bears repeating: Jules, the elderly comments are NOT a good look! Among the many reasons why, there's the reality that calling attention to the fact that some of these castmembers are old enough to be her mom has actually the EXACT OPPOSITE than what she intends.  She looks as old if not older than many of them - so pointing out how much older they are just forces us all to (re)confront the fact that she is 33-going-on-55!

    • Love 9

    Before we get to the main challenge, let me note that Naomi is wearing an Alaska t-shirt this week, just as Derrick wore a (slightly altered) one last week.


    Derrick was wearing a shirt for her boyfriend, aka Nebraska Thunderfuck, the one Alaska made over. (Apparently he now actively performs drag as Nebraska.)



    And yet a part of me wondered if the pearls broke on their own, and that took me out of it a bit.


    From the slo-mo they showed on Untucked, I think she did break them on her own. (I'm not sure if you thought that was a good or bad thing, but to me it kind of made it more genius - she pulled it off rather flawlessly in terms of dramatic effect.)



    I keep getting this sneaking suspicion that Derrick is actually sarcastic, but the other queens sail right past it.


    That's very generous of you. :)

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    This was the episode where when you were watching it back in the day, you cheered on Brandon and Co.


    Watching it today, you wish Ephardt had crushed Brandon and Co., and let Donna's punishment stand.


    So true! I was ready to be indignant along with the gang (as I was at 13), and then when Brandon starts going off like this is his generation's Vietnam, I was like, "??!?!?" If the walkout had been over the uniforms (instead of tacking that on), it would have had some grounds for such righteousness (freedom of expression blah blah), but, what...they're trampling on your right to break a (legally backed) rule? Ok? I mean, were I Donna, I'd also be pissed at being the only one caught when everyone's guilty, but that's not exactly a social justice cause!


    Much appreesh to Sarah and Tara's outrage! It was so perfect.

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