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Posts posted by candle96

  1. On 4/30/2024 at 12:00 PM, Jordan Baker said:

    I loved this episode. I found myself in the strange position of wanting Tom to succeed. Or maybe it's just that I was relieved when he finally accomplished his goal. This is not how I usually react to conmen/murderers!

    The suspense in this one was off the charts. And how great a prop is that elevator? And the stairs, each of which let out a great bonk each time the head connected with it?

    Andrew Scott continues to mesmerize me. This is, IMO, an Emmy-winning performance.




    That is exactly how I felt - somehow wanting him to get away with it, but then not also? I saw the movie years ago but honestly don't remember how it all ends. 

    I kept thinking every time Freddie's head bonked on the stairs - pick him up by the shoulders to avoid all the blood from the head on the floors! Haha, as if I have any experience moving a dead body. 😳 (thankfully, nope!)

    • Like 1
  2. How many glasses of rose did Lindsay down before they left for that outdoor place? At least 2. I'm convinced part of her failing to take accountability for their fights is that she is too drunk to remember how belligerent she is. (that, plus her personality disorder)

    In the span of just 5 minutes, Lindsay called Carl "Sandoval," a gaslighter, a terrorist, and spilled that he has many demons. Yikes! 

    Lindsay doesn't love Carl, she never has. She just wants to have a wedding and be pregnant. She liked him when he was a shell of himself, following her around like a lost puppy.

    I have never liked Lindsay, but this season it is all the more apparent that SHE is the biggest barrier in her way to finding happiness and I honestly find it pretty sad. 

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  3. OMG, those new guys are not it. Sorry to be shallow, but so unattractive! Isn't that part of the reason we watch? 

    And there's Ciara, hooking up with another mediocre-looking white dude. Lol.

    And where's Sam? She at least brought a little bit of new energy. 

    Meanwhile, I have been WAITING for the Carl-Lindsay breakup since they announced it. Can't wait! Forget VPR, this is my Scandoval. 

    • Like 4
  4. 1 hour ago, Yours Truly said:

    I agree. I mean I don't actually dislike her that much but she definitely doesn't get the "God all the ladies suck EXCEPT for Jenna" thumbs up from me.

    She gets side eye too. Look, I get insecurities and lifelong hang ups and stuff like that especially with some of the physical details she' s dealt with but what bugs about Jenna is that she plays up the whole "ugly duckling" self deprecating angle a little too much for my taste. Give it a rest honey. Not completely buying it because there's gotta be some spice, some self appreciation and some lime light chasing in your bones that has you join a show like this.


    Agreed. Surely she had some inkling of RHONY and the HoWives universe. If you know of Ramona and Bethenny there's no way you couldn't have been semi-prepared for the behavior from your castmates. (Ramona would eat these women whole, lol)

     And while I do like Jenna (mostly because she seems like our touchstone to reality when everyone else is annoying and/or unlikeable), I'm a bit over her body insecurities. The woman is built like a model - 6 feet and super thin. She could wear pretty much anything off the rack and look great. Her going on and on about not wearing a suit in front of the camera and the other women? Please. A lot of women would kill to look like you in a bathing suit or strapless dress and still be able to eat cheese.

    I remember her era of J Crew - nothing above a size 14 and as a woman who is also 6 ft and a true size 14, even that was looked down upon. Jenna seems like a nice person, but it was not a particularly inclusive era of J Crew. Skinny, skinny, skinny jeans, tiny bathing suits, the advent of size 00, etc. 

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  5. On 4/14/2023 at 3:24 PM, Hedgehog2022 said:

    Joni Mitchell ran off to a Greek island in the late 60's after the initial wave of stardom and a Rolling Stone article listed all of her lovers and boyfriends. She stayed for several months and had a relationship with an ex Pat named Carey. Wrote a song about him and put it on her Blue album. This episode draws loosely on Joni fleeing the spotlight and crazyness of the "star making machinery".


    I love that song and know it well, and even knowing its origins, I hadn't put it all together! Thanks for the insight. :) If I recall, though, Carey was not some rich aristocrat, but rather a true hippie that maybe lived in a cave?? Hence the "my fingernails are dirty, I've got beach tar on my feet, and I miss my clean white linens and fancy French cologne."

    And while I'm enjoying this show, Daisy Jones could never! Joni Mitchell's music is (and Stevie Nicks') is legions beyond this. 

    • Like 1
  6. On 6/8/2023 at 2:35 AM, Back Atcha said:

    AND, hopefully they'll go their separate ways.  Carl doesn't seem like a strong enough person to deal with a "human" like Lindsey.


    I grew so tired of Craig YEARS ago; Paige is the only thing interesting about him.  Andy is so in love with Craig that he won't let him go...so if one of them has to leave, you'll probably get your wish.

    Don't we all?

    For me, their little Greek Chorus was the best thing about the show.

    Sadly, I think the fact that LIndsay can walk all over Carl is one of the reasons why they're together. Carl seems like a shell of himself. I truly hope he gets off this show and away from the reality tv circuit. Once their Love Bubble (to borrom from Teresa) pops, I think Carl is in for some hard times with Lindsay. 

    What a rollercoaster with Carl - I've always had a soft spot for him, but then there were those few year where he was an absolute monster when he drank, and now back to being a seemingly kind and thoughtful person. He deserves better than Lindsay.

    And yes, Craig is THE WORST. I have never liked him and am baffled why he is a fan favorite.  He has skated by on his good looks for some time, but it won't last. And Paige will ultimately want a provider. She may be doing the single girl in New York thing now, but I can see her turning into a suburban mom whose husband makes enough money for her to stay at home pretty quickly. That's not Craig. 

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  7. On 5/25/2023 at 2:54 PM, RedInk said:

    You wrote what I couldn’t quite put my finger on. It WAS Marge Simpson she was channeling 😂 

    I’m going to throw Teresa a compliment, but don’t worry - it’s backhanded! I think she’s actually beautiful. When she’s bare-faced and natural (like when she was listening to Luis rant about Joe in the previous episode), it startles me how pretty she is. And how she absolutely ruins it with her level-five tan, jet black hair, and frosted makeup. In my experience, no one pulls off that super-dark look unless they’re born with it. It’s like too many gradients removed from their natural state or something. These housewives always remind me of the scene in Goodfellas where the wife remarks on how bad the women look: “they wore too much makeup, and their skin was bad.” 

    I actually agree with you. When she came home from prison, of all things, I thought she looked great - her natural skin and just long straight hair.

    But I don't mind the darker hair, think it suits her. I thought the hair color she had for this wedding was an awful choice. Too close to the fake tan of her skin. 

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  8. On 1/8/2023 at 8:47 PM, DanaMB said:

    So I’m thinking the fedex man with the boxes was significant? Or just an ad? 😂

    I have two eps to go: pink and white. I’m really enjoying this. 

    Speculation, but I'll put a spoiler tag on it. . . 


    I think the fedex man has the bonds, and that the daughter employing her sister in the mailroom was part of the heist. She moved the bonds into FedEx boxes. Now the question is if Roy/Leo is in on this part, or if his daughter is screwing him over. 


  9. Oh man, I tried. I love Jon Bernthal - wasted talent for this show. I was both bored and confused. The ending came and I still don't have answers, nor did I enjoy the conclusion.

    1. Why did Lisa Beck kill herself? Did i miss an answer to this? She was perfectly happy at that party and then just. . . what?

    2. So Isabelle had Olga killed? Because???? And her caretaker too?

    3. I'm confused how the two henchmen seemed to know each other/be related. One worked for Olga/Isabelle, one worked for the rich family.

    4. Confused as to Isabelle's motive for getting the kid back. I thought for sure she was going to keep him to groom him to become the next Julian. It also seems strange to me that Julian never once supsected Isabelle of anything. 

    Like I said, a waste of Jon Bernthal's talent, charm, and amazing hair. Even when he was on-call with a client, he got a sad and angsty client. Would've liked a few more scenes of him putting on the full-charm offense, showing how he can seduce women and make people feel comfortable.

    Gretchen Mol is okay, but was not appealing here. I could not care less about the son. I was pleasantly surprised by Rosie's character and character development. At least she had a few funny lines to raise the viewer out of the drudgery.

    16 hours ago, KittyQ said:

    Does anyone else suspect that Michelle's husband was behind the original murder? He certainly had the sketchy contacts and a guy like that might decide to remove the competition rather than let his wife leave him. I know Isabelle gave Julian some kind of drug, but was that at the victim's house? How long before the drug takes effect? Maybe Isabelle and Richard were in it together? 

    Yes, they even initially implied it with Michelel telling Julian "you have to go, he'll just do it again!" Do what? The husband ultimately ended up being clueless about everything. 

    • Love 3
  10. On 6/21/2022 at 10:13 AM, Danny Franks said:

    The Suiter storyline played out in a depressing way. I guess he's the one example of a cop who felt truly guilty about what he did or, at the very least, what he let other cops get away with.

    I knew something bad was coming when he woke up in the middle of the night. Of course, I don't know how the real life Suiter was, but the actor did a magnificent job of portraying a mostly sympathetic character, such that I really felt for him. 

    I thought it was interesting that he believed himself to be above some of the more problematic aspects of the department becuase he worked homicide. I wonder how much of that was influenced by Simon's original work, "Homicide," where they are largely portrayed as thinkers, not thugs.  More than anything, it just reminded me of how much I loved that show. How Suiter was portrayed would fit very well into the "Homicide" universe.

    It is pretty much impossible to find (come on, NBC/Peacock!) but if you haven't watched it and like this, I highly recommend. 

    I applaud this show on sparing no punches about the level of corruption and dysfucntion throughout the system. I live in Chicago and it's probably just as bad here. 

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  11. On 2/18/2022 at 1:24 PM, Hpmec said:

    Nick sets off my gaydar in a big way. Maybe he's in denial because of his Catholic upbringing. I don't know. He and Danielle are not compatible at all.

    Shaina used religion as an excuse to dump Kyle. She doesn't seem to give a fuck what Shayne's religious views are, though. She just wants him or thinks she wants him. She's a shit stirrer in the first degree.

    The preview looked like Shake and Deepti may just go through with it. Hard to say. At this point, I'm still betting on no I Do's. 

    Can someone help me out? Does Nick look familiar to anyone else? Has he been on another reality show before? I KNOW I know him from somewhere, but the problem is that I live in Chicago. I can't tell if he's been on tv or if I've actually run into him in real life. I seriously doubt the latter, but I guess crazier things have happened. Chicago can feel like a very small town at times, given the number of people here vs the number of people I run into.

    FWIW, I've lived in Chicago for about 20 years.I am not rich by any means but have lived in high rises here, in various places on the north side. In one I even had a tiny sliver of Lake Michigan in my view, although it mostly a downtown view, also beautiful. I have lots of friends who live in them, none of them super wealthy (minus a few. . . )

  12. 8 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

    Although I’m not a big Meredith fan, (she’s a whore who f#cked half of New Yor after all) she didn’t owe  the annoying voiced Whitney an explanation of what day her father’s memorial was on.  Whitney looks and sounds like trash. 


    Same, but if that's true, I'd probably find her a lot more fun and interesting! Reminds me of once Luann from RHONY dropped the "proper" Countess BS and became them "don't be all uncool" Luann, hooking up with guys with abandon.

    I was truly disturbed by that scene at Mary's church. She is not a good person. The numbers looked dramatically smaller than when Meredith and Whitney went in the first season, but maybe that was because of COVID. 

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  13. On 1/27/2022 at 8:19 PM, meligator said:

    I tried to talk my daughter through it when she was 14 - she is anxious - it did not go well.  It's been more than a year and I don't know which decade she'll try again.

    My best friend got her period for the first time when were 12 (at summer camp!) and she put in a tampon as if she'd been doing it her whole life. I tried on and off for a couple of years, but never really got the hang of them. Finally a beach vacation the same week of my period forced me to figure it out when I was about 15. Then I had a friend in college at 18/19 who couldn't use them and were several of us went into the bathroom with her in the dorm to coach her along. Everyone's different!

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  14. On 1/13/2022 at 8:46 AM, Snow Fairy said:

    Hate hate hate Miranda's story.

    And does the actor that play Steve actually have some hearing problem or?

    I don't think so. I saw him on tv on New Year's Eve (part of the local Chicago news coverage) and he seemed totally with it. I think he is on one of the Chicago (Fire, PD, Med) shows. They were doing Chicago trivia and he was whipping off answers faster than any of his co-stars.

    I'm also laughing at his portrayal because my dad is 80 and wears hearing aids and even HE acts younger than Steve does on this show. FFS.

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  15. 18 hours ago, slowpoked said:

    This. It's not like Miranda had a good faith effort to rekindle things with Steve, because you know what a good faith effort looks like? Asking him out on a date, maybe going to a hotel instead of their house for the night, or planning a vacation for the two of them, or doing something nice for him, like buying him a new shirt or visiting him at work, etc.

    All Miranda wanted to do was "check the box" so she could tell Carrie, "Hey, I tried having sex with Steve, but there was nothing there. Poof. Gone," and that "effort" alone, would make  her guilt-free in pursuing a full-blown affair with Che. 

    I know people change, but my God, this is freaking Miranda, the queen of the list of pros and cons, meaning she's very deliberate in deciding life-changing events. I mean, it's possible she's having this wild moment of pure abandon, but the writing just couldn't sell it. And did I miss something - did they ever have a conversation of her potentially changing sexuality and preferences? Her attraction to someone who's not a man? Or was it just all about the sex, regardless of who it was with, and it just so happened to be Che?

    The sheer lack of discussion around all of Miranda's shenanigans is driving me crazy - both with own husband and her friends. Yeah, there was that one scene at the picnic table, but that was it. The word "Steve" wasn't even uttered in that scene!  And it was made to seem like Charlotte was being judgmental, but hello, if one of my best friends had sex with someone other than their spouse and was thinking of doing it again, I might want to bring up all they stand to lose, and/or the fact that their spouse has feelings too. Instead they made the fight about Charlotte not thinking Miranda was progressive enough for Che. That's really the least of the issues here, in my opinion.

    Subsequently, we have scenes with Miranda and Carrie, and Carrie barely encourages her to not give up on Steve. I think we're supposed to think Carrie is being a good friend by not bringing up about the most problematic aspect of all of this - the cheating?

    I'm holding out hope this is all going to come back and bite Miranda in the ass. Poor Steve.

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  16. 12 hours ago, T Summer said:

    I have a question about this podcast thing...

    If someone invites you to be on their podcast whether it's one time or on an ongoing basis, are you then in their employ? Is this usually a paid position? I must admit I was a little confused by some of the comments referring as Che as Carrie's boss and the idea that there would be an H.R. department to report inappropriate comments or deeds to.

    I figured Che was instructing Carrie to spice it up if she wanted to continue appearing, not that  a boss was giving critique. It all seemed so informal.

    Is this a real job nowadays ?

    Perhaps I should go back to when Carrie was talking to Miranda in ep1...was it? about taking photos of people in interesting looks just for her own Instagram at first and see if she said how that lead to the podcast appearances? I just haven't really wanted to rewatch    these episodes.

    I listen to a fairly popular podcast, Bitch Sesh, with legitimate comedians, and they were laughing about the fact that AJLT was calling Carrie's podcast her "job." The women on Bitch Sesh have several other jobs, they could not sustain on the podcast alone.

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  17. On 1/1/2022 at 11:13 AM, Shermie said:

    Yes, let’s talk about Che’s podcast partner. What. The. Ever-loving. Hell?  He’s grunting and snorting and carrying on like a 12-year-old boy who found his father’s secret Playboy stash. Good gawd. The diaphragm story is a good story, actually. It’s funny and icky and has the message that good friends will do anything for you. But the reaction of the podcasters was ridiculous.


    Yeah, so far the podcast reminds me of those podcasts I hate - people who are not really that funny laughing too much rather than discussing an actual topic. I've had a few recommended to me that I just can't get into because of it. 

    And whether or not the humor was my taste, Carrie was usually portrayed as fairly witty in the original version of this show. Cracking one-liners or puns at brunch, etc. On the podcast she seems so humorless. And that was even before Big died.

    I'm hoping at the end of this thing, Carrie realizes the podcast is not for her and moves on. 

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  18. 11 hours ago, overtherainbow said:

    Haven't read the book but I agree it felt contrived. 

    My main takeaway is that Chicago in the winter is a really miserable, cold place to hunker down if there's ever a flu that kills 99% of humanity.

    Though it's interesting how this episode really ties together how much of a dangerous person Kirsten herself becomes. 


    As someone who is currently living through her 20th Chicago winter, I can't disagree with you. :) And that's with heat! Although I would say the advantage to staying in or near Chicago is the proximity to one of the largest supplies of fresh water. As we heard on that radio, the Mississippi was full of dead bodies, so I'm thinking Lake Michigan is looking pretty good.

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  19. You know, for all of Heather's "I'm smarter than everyone" attitude, she sure doesn't seem to have learned much from her past appearance on this show. She went after Shannon before (when Shannon was going through a legitimately bad situation in her marriage), and the audience largely took Shannons's side. Heather came across as cruel and mean, and if I recall, ended up apologizing to Shannon at the reunion.

    She's doing it again - Shannon was ripe for being edited as the villain, and instead Heather has completely overplayed her hand and looks like a mean girl again. Even Terry seems to not entirely buy what she's selling. That speech was ridiculous. Shannon should've laughed in her face or told Heather to get over herself.

    And, maybe I'm a party of one, but I can't help but root for Shannon. She is her own worst enemy and her self-esteem is obviously in the toilet, which influences too much of her behavior. If she took a moment to realize, "Hey, this lady tried to gaslight me a few years ago - why is SHE the one acting like she was wronged and I'm the one not to be trusted???" she might find a backbone. As I've long said, Shannon is too emotionally raw to be on a reality show. 

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  20. On 12/6/2021 at 4:21 PM, Sweet-tea said:

    Her face looked overfilled to me. It’s either that or she has gained weight. I don’t understand the obsession with filler. I think it looks unnatural on most people. Ok, so some lines are minimized, but the definition of the face is compromised. Many of them end up with moon faces. 

    It's so odd to me that they would opt for that - for most of my childhood and teenage years I had a round face with chubby cheeks that I disliked. One of the things I liked about my 30s was having my face thin out a bit, and having more defined features. Even if I have to deal with wrinkles and sagging as I get older, I can't imagine wanting to go back to the round face. It was not a good look for me! 

    Emily's is the worst - can she even see? And then I think of what Brandi Glanville did to hers - she was so beautiful before. All of these women should consult Kyle and Luann - they seem to have escaped the bad plastic look the best, IMHO.

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  21. On 12/2/2021 at 9:48 AM, Keywestclubkid said:

    Heather's house is Cold and sterile ... which totaly fits with her personality and how she comes across on this show ... its like a fucking hotel instead of a home 

    I literally gasped at that master bedroom - one of the ugliest ones I've seen on any of the Housewives shows. It looks like a conference room that someone stuck a bed in, down to that terrible dark carpet.

    What is it with these housewives and doing the "I designed this myself. . ." No, please just leave it to the professionals. To think someone had all the resources to build this home from scratch and this is what they came up with. Should've spent some of that cash on a decent interior designer. I can't stand Vicki, but give me her cozy home any day over this mausoleum. 

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  22. On 11/15/2021 at 1:45 PM, Sweet-tea said:


    Overall, the cast is just stellar. I've enjoyed the performances of the government agents: Saarsgard, Hoogenakker and Dawson. I didn't know who Will Poulter was before this but he's perfect as the young pharma rep who starts out as an ambitious go-getter and later battles his conscience when he realizes what's happening. I wish he'd ditch the brunette woman though. She is awful!

    Does anyone else find Michael Stuhlberg's whisper-soft voice and understated performance as Richard Sackler effectively creepy?

    I hope at least Keaton and Dever get Emmy nominations. 

    While overall I thought this show did a great job of showing the nuances of the characters, the bitchy Pharma rep was the one who seemed kind of ridiculously over the top.


    (She softened a bit at the end, but not by much.) At least Will eventually ditched her.

     It just wasn't believable to me. I think Phillippa Soo (probably most famous for playing Eliza in the original "Hamilton" cast) is a good actress, but found her performance here kind of clunky, which I think was mostly the writing of her being almost cartoonishly bitchy and pro-Oxy. Also, not for nothing, but the wig they had her in was TERRIBLE. There were a few bad wigs on this show, but hers was the worst. 

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  23. On 11/15/2021 at 1:45 PM, Sweet-tea said:

    I'm really enjoying this show and am bummed it's about to end. Michael Keaton is the standout here for me. I've never seen him in a role like this. He's done a fabulous job of showing how this humble, kind country doctor changed into a different person as an addict. His face is so expressive. I can see the pain and turmoil he's going through. When he was first asked about his wife, the sadness that passed across his face... I wonder if it was a precursor to his vulnerability to addiction? 

    This is taking nothing away from Kaitlyn Dever, who is also excellent. I wasn't familiar with her work before this show, but now I want to look up some of the other shows posters have mentioned. She has absolutely nailed the small town girl persona without making it seem over the top. I've seen other actors overdo characters like this, but Dever has presented a complex, expertly nuanced persona of this young woman I want to root for and protect. 

    Overall, the cast is just stellar. I've enjoyed the performances of the government agents: Saarsgard, Hoogenakker and Dawson. I didn't know who Will Poulter was before this but he's perfect as the young pharma rep who starts out as an ambitious go-getter and later battles his conscience when he realizes what's happening. I wish he'd ditch the brunette woman though. She is awful!

    Does anyone else find Michael Stuhlberg's whisper-soft voice and understated performance as Richard Sackler effectively creepy?

    I hope at least Keaton and Dever get Emmy nominations. 

    She plays a similarly understated girl from a mining town in Justified and is really good. That is also arguably the best season of Justified (Season 2), and worth the watch.

  24. 21 minutes ago, amarante said:

    Also they might not be dead but just not being on top of their finances.

    And it isn't just subscriptions that are sold. I wouldn't be surprised if some of Jen's associates were involved in the REALLY dark side of elder scams. The ones where they call and say their grandchild is in jail and can they send cash Western Union to bail them out. Or the ones that find an old person who is lonely and they do some kind of long term scam. Or hey - maybe buy Mary's list of her gullible parishoners of other people involved with insane culty churches and sell them Jesus Juice and other miracle cures. There was a bunch of scams marketed to the gullible fo COVID cures and preventative potions like colloidal serums.

    Even if a senior is still not senile, it becomes exhausting to try to keep on top of things. My father was not a target for scam artists but he reached a point where I took over his finances because he just didn't have the mental energy to review bills and stuff like that. 

    And some of the scams are pretty sophisticated. I was once visiting him and picked up a call from the IRS. It really seemed legitimate except I know that the IRS doesn't call you - they send you a letter advising you that they are reviewing something and need further documents or whatever. 

    A friend's mom got caught up in a scam, where they claimed to be the FBI, threatening to arrest here if she didn't pay for something (what, I don't know). She's a nurse, not a dumb woman at all, and not senile or suffering from dementia. But she was married up until a few years ago and her ex-husband was the one in charge of finances. She got scared and essentially gave away her life savings. Fortunately my friend and friend's husband make very good money and are working out a way to support her.

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