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Gem 10

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Posts posted by Gem 10

  1. On September 15, 2016 at 1:11 PM, Evil Queen said:

    I can imagine even those that might actually work in that field get scared over the smallest thing when it comes to their own situations. I don't think attending or working that field would make one not ever be depending on the person. As well as what area of medical they are in. I have a good friend that gets major anxiety over even going to the doctor's for her pap or a mammogram. While I can't understand it myself, I don't think she is a drama queen or anything. I have my own things I get anxiety over doing. But she has also had 2 different experiences with getting mammograms that both involved having to get them redone because they weren't done right. In the back of her mind she is freaking out hoping there is nothing wrong. IMO I don't care what kind of surgery it is, if I have to go under I am going to be freaked out over that. I have been under at least 3 times in the past and I would still freak out over it at this point. 


    IMO its not about Nick not having sex with Sonia that is why I question his sexuality but so much more...which has been discussed over and over. But with Sonia, I agree I don't think she is that attracted to him but she is trying and that is what they are suppose to do. I took her laughing during that Tantric session as happening not because she wasn't attracted to Nick but the way that lady was putting herself into it all as well and how crazy weird that whole situation was. It was hard to take that whole thing seriously when this lady is shoving herself in the middle of it all or including herself in some way in to it. The lady even was stroking at Sonia at one point when Nick was sitting behind Sonia. I am still not understanding why they were set to do this. More so after watching it when it seemed this lady was trying to get some freaky threesome going. LOL 

  2. 7 hours ago, Blissfool said:

    He's being ironic. The full name of his company is Section 8 Yacht Club.

    Section 8 Yacht Club.  Wow .. He should be in Advertising on Madison Avenue.  Asshole.  He thinks he's so cool and soooo smart.  He was probably told how cute and smart he was growing up.  Yeah, he'll get a significant other .. In his dreams.

    • Love 7
  3. And I'm beginning to think that this show is now all fixed, and they are throwing in all kinds of different things like the Heather & Derek breakup and the "Tantra" weird episode.  I don't believe a person would go on this type of show and make an ass out of themselves.  Example:   Heather serving a drink on a plane and someone saying "aren't you that girl that dumped that guy on t.v."?   Pfttt !

  4. 1 hour ago, ChristmasJones said:

    This makes me think of an actor I once had a huge crush on (I had only seen him in films). One night I was channel surfing and found he was doing an interview on one of the late night talk shows. OMG. Crush was instantly killed!!! His real-life personality was soooo dull!  I wish I had never seen that interview!!

    Yes .. In the movies, the actors & actresses are soooo good.  Then they go on a late night t.v. Talk show and act and talk so unbelievably stupid .. You get disappointed.  Some actresses especially, talk so silly and stupid when they don't have a script.

  5. Nice choice.  I agree with what you say.  Personality does come into play after the first attraction.  That's where it's "a go" or its "a stop".  In Nick and Sonia's situation,  even tho she is a nice person,  it doesn't appear that they would mesh well together.  And, there's nothing wrong with that.  So, as of now, it might be a "stop".  Only they know at this point.   Too bad about your "nightmare".

  6. 5 hours ago, jamblastx said:

    First of all if I remember correctly, all of the women on all of the seasons looked fantastic on their wedding days and so did the men for that matter.  However wedding dresses/perfect makeup and tuxes/perfect grooming is not the everyday occurrence.  I believe that everyone has their 'go to' physical types and that may be fine for initial attraction, but after that personality takes over for potential long term attraction and in a perfect world, there is a balance for the two.

    Enough disclaimer and since you asked, my ideal physical type of famous women are not necessarily all the same.  But off the top of my head it would be Pamela Anderson, Malin Akerman and Natascha McElhone.  Have I dated women that were outside this box?  Absolutely and in fact Natascha McElhone is on this list because her look reminds me of my ex-wife but she would not be on here prior to me meeting my ex (and I like you, had thunderbolts after our first date...and while we did not have a happily ever after, we did have an almost twenty year run).  And conversely, after my divorce I dated someone who was a very close to looking like Pamela Anderson and she was a complete and total nightmare.

    While not being my physical type, to me Sonia was done in by her super meek and as you said, slightly annoying personality. 

  7. On September 17, 2016 at 1:30 PM, jamblastx said:

    I couldn't agree more.  I, like Jack Sampson, do not find Sonia physically attractive at all however I can see why other men might.  That said, personality and attitude can also overcome someone who is 'not my type' and in that case, Sonia's lack of confidence and communication skills would put me off even more so.  But hey, to each his own.

    My ex-wife was not my traditional physical type either but I loved her personality and attitude so much so that when we together as a couple I truly thought she was the most beautiful and sexiest woman on the planet.  After we split, it took me close to a year, but that fuzzy covered lens was wiped clean and I don't even remotely see her that way.

    Also to echo Snarklepuss' post, Charlize Theron is technically a beautiful woman and on paper should be right in my wheelhouse when it comes to 'types' but she does nothing for me.  I will add as a disclaimer, that if Ms. Theron is somehow reading this and is somehow even mildly interested in me, yes I would give it try....you're welcome Charlize :) 

    O.k. ... Then, just curious ... Who would you say is attractive to you?   Someone that we all know.   And, IMO, on the wedding day,  I thought Sonia was a "knockout" with the makeup, hair, dress, etc..  But then after that, she looked "plain" and her personality slightly annoying.  I still believe in attraction at first sight.  I've dated guys that had "everything a girl could want" and tried to care for them, but I just couldn't connect no matter what.   But, the minute I laid eyes on my husband for the first time .. BAM !  Thunderbolts !   And we're still married after many, many years.

    • Love 2
  8. 21 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

    You should have seen me when I found out a couple of weeks ago that I might need gallbladder surgery.  I'm 58 and never had surgery before but I'm practically PHOBIC about going under general anesthesia and possible after effects of the procedure.  Everyone acts like it's so routine but I've heard of people dying from much less (remember Joan Rivers).  It's no joke to have this fear.  I was afraid of flying but even got over that and flew a lot for a long time.  But this is such a phobia that I dread it, break out in a sweat, am convinced I am going to DIE.  And I'm not prone to those things at all.  I'm pretty brave.  I've had implants put in my jaw without anesthesia (just local).   So I have sympathy for anyone who fears surgery. 

    My own father flatlined 15 years ago for almost 30 seconds when he had his gallbladder out.  He had to have the full surgery.  OK, shoulder surgery is not in that league but add that to having just gotten married to a stranger ON TV and feeling insecure about whether he'll stand by you when you're not at your best and I think it's more understandable. 

    I think Lilly is still in that stage in a new relationship where she's trying to make her best impression.  I think she's afraid Tom will see her at her worst and perhaps not be as interested in her, and that's one reason why she's more upset about the surgery.  I think she's seeing it as happening at a bad time.  I don't think that's a ridiculous fear, I think it's pretty natural, although I don't think she really has anything to worry about.  But just because they are so into each other and technically married doesn't mean they're skipping over the "best impression" stage of the relationship.

    Don't worry.  I had emergency gallbladder surgery and it was the least trouble out of 4 surgeries I had.  Instead of incision, they did arthoscopic (4 small holes) surgery, so no cutting.  General surgery .. You are out in 2 seconds, wake up and maybe eat lunch.  Was in hospital 2 days and had no side affects afterwards.  Joan Rivers   had completely different surgery.  During endoscopy (tube down throat) Dr. Did something with vocal cords.  You will be fine.

    • Love 2
  9. On August 19, 2016 at 6:34 PM, Magoo said:

    If the producer would help her tone it back by about a thousand and teach her the right words to emphasize, she'd actually be a great host.  But without that, she just sounds shocked, shocked! that people cast on a show called "Married at First Sight" would marry a complete shtranger!  That's just cuh-rayzee! So titillating!  She leans forward anxiously, in breathless anticipation to hear what it was like to spend the night with a complete shtranger!  The very idea of it all is so outrageous that it takes oral gymnastics to say it!  Mouth agog, eyes wild, she questions the couples, their friends, their family and is by turns amazed! shocked! and delightfully amused! by their answers.  It's exhausting.  And yet I watch.

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ..  Don't make me pee my pants.

    • Love 1
  10. 13 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

    I actually find Sonia to be... tiring.  Nick looked relaxed when they were on the hammock and was saying he liked her (or something close) but wasn't in love with her yet.  Sonia gave a sarcastic 'good talk' and left.  Without telling Nick what was bothering her.  That's really immature.  She tells him to open up, he does but says something that she doesn't want to her and it's over.  It's too much of a burden to place on someone if they are always having to step softly around someone not knowing what will set them off.  Also, the next morning when they had their 'talk' she didn't tell him what was wrong.  I really think she expects him to know what she is thinking and to anticipate her needs.  I don't blame Nick for not necessarily being interested in her.  He may have been at some point, but her pattern is repeated over and over (wedding, honeymoon, etc.).   Also, if they stay in the marriage, her debt becomes his debt.

    Although I have fallen for the wrong men, I was always aware of their financial situation.  Not that they had to earn more than I did-just that they were working and had their spending under control.  A really good friend of mine found out after her wedding that he couldn't afford her engagement/wedding ring and she had to pay off his debt on it, along with other debts, and is still covering costs.  If Nick had to start paying on Sonia's debt that's a huge financial strain on a new marriage.  

    After watching this episode again, I think you ar right.   Sonia is "tiring".  I think he needs someone who can spar with him and understand his humor.  He needs someone who is stronger and can challenge him.  Someone more stimulating.  I know Sonia is a sweetheart, but just doesn't mesh well with Nick.

    • Love 4
  11. Regarding Nick, before I was married, I was dating a good looking guy for about 3 months.  He took me to meet his family .. His friends .. I went to weddings with him, etc..  All this while, it was a peck on the cheek.  He never wanted to "make out".   One night while "parking & sparking" in a park, it was a few kisses, and then he said he had to go to the bathroom and wanted to go home.  BINGO !   Then I got it.  He was gay and probably trying to find himself.  How stupid was I ?  Nick reminds me of that.

    • Love 9
  12. 8 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

    Actually I feel for her.  She admitted to being under a lot of stress right then.  I think being on the show, marrying someone like that and so much happening so soon creates stress.  Even good stress is still stress and it can make dealing with other stressful things that much more difficult.  Plus she's feeling particularly vulnerable and hoping Tom is true to his word about caring about her that much right away.  It is a lot to hope of someone after only a couple of weeks.  I think her insecurities are unfounded with him.  As douchey as he seems I think his heart's in the right place with her.  But I can see from her POV it being a lot to process in a short amount of time and her feeling a bit insecure.

    Plus, as I can attest from my own life, the prospect of surgery affects people differently.  For some people it's easy, for others (like me) it's practically a phobia.

     We will see Toms colors when he puts the Nurse's cap on.

  13. Wow!  What a surprise .. NOT !  Those experts really did a good job matching Heather & Derek.  She was done on Day 2.   I think it was something more than the smoking.  She couldn't stand him; it was so obvious.  I'd like to see the questions on the applications.

    Sonia - Men "HATE" confrontation.  They cringe when they have to talk about "feelings."  Most of the time when they apologize, they don't even know for what.  If Nick isn't at least a little affectionate now, will he ever be?  Three weeks in and nothing.  Weird for a guy .. No?  But the again, he did say he didn't pick her the

    usual way with attraction, so I guess he has to learn to like or even love her.  I love Sonia, but I wish she would not end her sentences with that question voice.

    After 3 weeks, Lily should not be focusing on children yet.  Don't scare the guy off .. He's still getting to know you.  Calm down.

    These exercises are a joke.  These experts are a joke.  

    • Love 9
  14. 4 hours ago, Drogo said:

    I doubt very much that a gay man went to dozens of auditions to land a role a television show that's entire premise is heterosexual marriages.  He spoke freely about his anxiety issues in the first episode, anxiety is a direct cause of low libido.  Maybe he's the type of guy who takes a month+ to warm up to someone and lose that initial anxiety (I've known a few) and dating hasn't worked out for him because (surprise!) the women think he's gay and take their leave after the second date.  He could be sexually inexperienced or lack confidence.  He could be perfectly fine but lose his mojo and get an anxiety spike when he's got a few cameras in his face. 

    If Nick doesn't see a future with Sonia (either because he's not attracted to her at all or because he knows she won't ever be a Dog Mom and he will always be a Dog Dad) it's smarter and more respectful to not start up a physical relationship.  Future employers, possibly a future mate and his future kids will watch this show and see it.   If he really isn't feeling it, he's not going to engage in anything - and of course the show isn't going to let him tell "us" that. 

    Or maybe he does see a future with Sonia, and he's trying to take it slow. 

    Yes.  Everything you said in this post makes a lot of sense.

    • Love 4
  15. What a crappy episode.  All commercials and flashbacks.  And the cliffhanger!  What bullshit.

    Sonia has to tell Nick "no dogs in the bed.   Nick has to talk to Sonia and not keep looking away from her.  He also has to tell her she's beautiful and have sex already.  She is starving for affection .. what's wrong with him?

    Something bad transpired on Heather & Derek's wedding night.  She is done with him.  I don't believe it's just the smoking.

    Two weeks in and already Lily is talking children.  And, enough of the bed scenes.

    I don't think Dr. Pepper is of any help to anyone.  They all could get better advice from their relatives.  What a crock.  

    • Love 6
  16. 19 hours ago, ohgoodgolly said:

    New here, but have been reading for the past couple of seasons (got annoyed with the 2 Ryans and quit watching for a while) and while I have no ability or background to diagnose,  I am wondering if anyone else has thought to question whether Nick may have some highly functioning form of aspergers syndrome.  He seems to have trouble connecting with other humans on an emotional level...he seems rather robotic,and he tends to shy away from physical HUMAN contact.   I may be way off base, but was curious if others thought that he wasn't just a cold and distant dick.  


    19 hours ago, ohgoodgolly said:

    New here, but have been reading for the past couple of seasons (got annoyed with the 2 Ryans and quit watching for a while) and while I have no ability or background to diagnose,  I am wondering if anyone else has thought to question whether Nick may have some highly functioning form of aspergers syndrome.  He seems to have trouble connecting with other humans on an emotional level...he seems rather robotic,and he tends to shy away from physical HUMAN contact.   I may be way off base, but was curious if others thought that he wasn't just a cold and distant dick.  

    OMG .. Have been thinking the same thing, especially since Sonia has been throwing hints left & right for him to DO SOMETHING .. ANYTHING .. To make her feel wanted.  By Nick saying he "wants to take it slow", I think he is full of shit.  He's just not not her I think.

    • Love 4
  17. 3 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

    A whole day?  Wow, Heather really gave it her all, didn't she?  I don't mean this toward you, Gem, but what does she expect if she only tries for a day?  Come on.  Maybe she wasn't super attracted to him but you can't possibly get to know someone within a day and especially someone you committed to on this show.  

    She is very much like Ashley from last season.  She has a type and she just won't go outside of whatever her comfort zone is.  There's a reason that maybe those relationships haven't worked but she's not willing to trust in the experts and give it a shot.  (Not saying that I would trust in these experts either but she signed up.)  

    As far as whether or not these two tried to make their acquaintance physical?  I'm not seeing that.  At all. Heather was too aloof from right after the wedding.  No way. 

    Hey Jack Sampson .. Now I get it!  Like someone posted before but I can't remember who as my brains and eyeballs are falling out from reading, Tom might have noticed that Lily might have the tendency to gain some weight down the road.  And I'm not yelling .. I respect all opinions.

    • Love 2
  18. 31 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:
    39 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

    A whole day?  Wow, Heather really gave it her all, didn't she?  I don't mean this toward you, Gem, but what does she expect if she only tries for a day?  Come on.  Maybe she wasn't super attracted to him but you can't possibly get to know someone within a day and especially someone you committed to on this show.  

    She is very much like Ashley from last season.  She has a type and she just won't go outside of whatever her comfort zone is.  There's a reason that maybe those relationships haven't worked but she's not willing to trust in the experts and give it a shot.  (Not saying that I would trust in these experts either but she signed up.)  

    As far as whether or not these two tried to make their acquaintance physical?  I'm not seeing that.  At all. Heather was too aloof from right after the wedding.  No way. 

         If he was smoking pot on day two, I don't think she would want to get to know him anymore.  Seems like that's a very big issue with her.

  19. I STRONGLY believe in "attraction" at first sight.  I don't think Heather was attracted to Derek at all, but she gave it a shot for one day.  Sonia was attracted to Nick and Lily was with what's his name.  They should have a show "Attracted at First Sight" and see what happens.

    • Love 6
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