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  1. "This episode did a great job of quickly telling us technical viewers that these kids don't know much about programming. Cameron was explaining to the big guy with the beard that recursive functions have to be reentrant. Recursive functions are Computer Science 101, but if you taught yourself to write awful BASIC code, you'd never learn what a recursive function is and you'd probably break one if you had to change it. I'm surprised at how much technical accuracy was in this episode. I normally assume most of the show is technobabble." I had to laugh at some of it. The Atari 1027 printer was not only a turd, but it wouldn't work with either of the computers Gordon bought, one of which wouldn't be released for 2-3 months (the ST). I get that props may be at a premium, but this is a show about tech. Also, the idea that chatting between nodes is some revolutionary idea is silly. That was the point of having a multi-node (i.e. phone line) BBS. You logged on to chat with others. Some other silliness: GEnie wasn't launched until seven months after when the show takes place, and color graphics weren't offered by a major online network for another nine months. Mutiny is essentially supposed to be a local "Quantum Link" (what turned into AOL eventually) but QL didn't start until late that year, too.
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