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Posts posted by JayD83

  1. 1 minute ago, TheGreenKnight said:

    I definitely do not. She was worse than Abby, as far as lying and pretending to be something she isn't. At least McCain is openly repulsive for everyone to see.

    While she's worse than Abby (especially with the shit eating grin she would sprout when she *knew* her "facts" were bullshit) - she's not worse than MM in that she could actually cut loose and have some fun.  That's a foreign concept for MM. 

    • Love 13
  2. 1 minute ago, Pearson80 said:

    Shut up Abby! she says that she is a moderate but she trashes Adam Schiff with a talking point from the right, girl bye!

    This is why I can tolerate MM more than Abby.  At least with MM you know what you are getting.  Abby comes off very disingenuous with the constitution/impeachment talk.  She knows damn well an actual 'crime' does not have to be committed. 

    • Love 8
  3. This show is in need of a major reboot.  Most (all?) cast members need to go and Bravo needs to start from scratch.  It's crazy to think that these grown women are still acting like teenagers - and it's not even entertaining, it's cringeworthy.  Oh, and Kenya with her fake marriage (her and Marc are NOT married for real!) could've stayed at home with her evil ass. 

    • Love 9
  4. 3 minutes ago, 2JEWELL said:

    Talk about your snowflakes?  This whole Barron conversation is ridiculous... she wasn’t making fun of trumps kid, it was a word play.  And blAbby thought it was “sick”?  

    Anything to give a win to Trump and his ilk. 

    • Love 22
  5. Just now, MeThinkMeNot said:

    Kind of. But during the weekend Pete's campaign came out with something that they said was endorsed by prominent black people in SC only for those people to be like "This is the first I'm hearing about it." His campaign also used a stock photo of Kenyans instead of African Americans. So they were discussing his mistakes and how he's killing badly with black voters and this isn't helping him.

    Oh ok.  Thanks for that.  I turned down the volume because MM's yelling was disturbing my dogs. 

    • LOL 10
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  6. While my mother is far from a prude (we actually have drinks together on occasion) she would NEVER allow me to sleep with anybody outside of a spouse in her house. EVER - and it didn't matter how young or old I was.  

    • Love 6
  7. Ugh I hate the fact that I have to give Meghan props for bringing up Whitney Houston in regards to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.   Whoopi was acting like Pat Benatar is the only woman nominated this year.  Whitney Houston AND Chaka Khan are. 

    • Love 7
  8. 1 minute ago, Axie said:

    Whut?  Whoopie's daughter couldn't send her grandchildren to camp because she was sitting by the mailbox waiting for a tax refund that never came?  I'm so confused.  And, don't you have to make some money to file taxes?  Do you have to file taxes on money your mother gives you?  I'm lost.

    Not only that, tax filing is not a guessing game.  When you file you know whether you're getting a refund or how much you owe.  There is no guess work involved. 

    • LOL 2
    • Love 19
  9. Joy and MM are absent.  I turned it off because I'm so sick and tired of Abby (and people like her) telling me that we need to kowtow to Trump's supporters and continue to let them hold this country hostage. 

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