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Posts posted by Snowprince



    Al Gore was wrong, according to this show.  Mutiny invented the internet. 

    It wasn't even Mutiny, it was CAMERON! All by her awesome self! We should all be eternally grateful that the most creative technical mind in the history of humankind single handedly laid the foundation for the entire world as we know it today!


    And still despite all that, the only thing I want to do with Cameron is punch her in the mouth. 

    • Love 6
  2. I think ultimately, there is always a risk of boards sort of developing a group think mentality and I think part of the reason is that an opinion becomes the dominant one and people who don't feel the same start to feel uncomfortable to express that and so more and more they are silenced and those who agree with each other sort of take over. And that manifests in the intense love just as it does in the intense hate and both sides have the ability to become very over the top and I absolutely agree that it can become a turn off, whether it's effusive love or over the top hate.


    I have definitely found myself pulling back from places when it starts to feel like one character and sometimes the actor is just all things perfection and every week its long essays about their amazing talent and how amazing the character is and how perfect and "OMG, I can't love him/her anymore." And it's the same with the week after week of how awful this character is, how sick everyone is of them, etc. I think ultimately, it's not fun basically reading the same thing all the time. After awhile it does get incredibly repetitive and frustrating. 

    This 1000 times, is what drove me away from the Mad Men forums both at TWoP and here. Buck the hive and you were in serious trouble. It's as if there are some forums where the price of admission for being allowed to post is swearing an oath beforehand not to say anything that counters the boards consensus of what is an acceptable opinion.

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  3. I'll give this a watch to see how Network TV handles a 60's period piece. I certainly hope it's better than the Miniseries "The 60's" NBC also did a while back. I grew up in Los Angeles, graduated HS in 1969 when the murders took place. I was in Vietnam during the trial in 1970. Read Helter Skelter just before the 1976 miniseries. Steve Railsback KILLED it as Manson, one of the most chilling performances I've ever seen.


    Fairly or unfairly, Aquariaus will be compared to both the book and miniseries and will most likely come up short. I doubt the show will last long enough for the 2 plotlines on a collision course to finally converge with the Tate-LaBianca Case.


    On the Cop side of the story, bear in mind the first season is set in 1967, the year Jack Webb's Dragnet started it's second run and a year before the premiere of Adam-12. Should be interesting to revisit the era of those shows thru the lens of (nearly) 50 years of hindsight. 

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  4. Contractual obligations you agreed to when you signed on to play the part are one thing, individual extracurriculars are quite another. Familiarizing one's self with the material and having an understanding of the universe is all part of preparing to deliver that best possible performance. That's just being a professional. As a member of the audience or "fandom" I would certainly appreciate any extracurricular activities the performer may choose to engage in but am I "entitled" to them? No.


    Obviously mileage will vary, just my opinion.   

    • Love 9
  5. I agree with this, though these days, attending conventions and such is commonly part of promoting the show.  As such, it could be considered part of the job.  I don't think actors should be required to sign autographs and take selfies with strangers if they don't want to, though.  

    On the other hand, an actor may like performing the role or need to take it for financial or professional reasons. That's a totally controllable situation. He/she may not be interested in anything but the work itself and not in hot, noisy crowd events answering the same inane questions over and over. I can get behind that. Fans get invested and feel entitled, but I hate the idea of forcing actors to cater to that.


    Unpopular, I know, but I don't think anyone should be penalized for not participating in extracurricular activities if they're doing their jobs, no matter how public the job.



     The only thing an actor/performer owes me in return for buying a ticket or tuning in their show is the best possible performance they can deliver. They do that, they've upheld their end of the bargain and anything beyond that is icing on the cake.

    • Love 10
  6. May the Cypriot field goal kicking necktie maker rest peacefully. Another empty chair at the Perfect Season reunion.  

    • Love 1
  7. Challenging the NFL on a ruling, taking them to court and potentially forcing them to change the way they investigate cases and mete out penalties? That would hurt him. 

    About as much as it hurt Al Davis, HOF Class of 1992. Brady has as many SB rings as Montana and Bradshaw and has posted bigger numbers than both of them. Until he retires, he has a shot at one more kill to make him the first SB ace among quarterbacks and second only to Otto Graham (6) in overall championships. In the face of those factors alone, not to mention the way both the sports media and the fan base have fellated him since he relieved Drew Bledsoe, Brady's in. Most likely on the first ballot if not by acclamation the minute his 5 year waiting period expires. Among the voters, nothing short of conviction as a serial killer or a major "betting on his own games" scandal will keep him out.


    Not cheerleading for him, I'm not particularly a Brady fan nor am I a fan of the Evil Empire. But the record speaks for itself, and it's more impressive than other QBs who have been inducted. I tend to believe that's all that will matter to those who have a vote when the time comes.   

    • Love 2
  8. Not everybody is Troy Aikman, the last (and arguably, only) franchise QB to come out of UCLA. Hundley may think he's a franchise QB but apparently nobody else in the NFL does. If they did, he'd have gone a lot sooner than Round 5. If he's wise, he'll stay in GB for a few years and carry the clipboard for Rodgers, learn and get the polishing he needs before demanding to go somewhere else. Or he can hold out, demand a trade go somewhere else and be the second coming of another UCLA QB with an over-inflated sense of his NFL readiness....Cade McNown.

  9. Rodgers ain't going nowhere. Hundley will have an excellent opportunity to watch and learn at the feet of one of the masters.....just like Aaron did.  Garrett Grayson will do the same thing in New Orleans.

  10. Zachary Levi: I just noticed that he is going to be in the reboot of Heroes. He's just going to be Chuck to me.


    The whole cast of Chuck is doomed to this fate to me. In an episode of Mad Men January Jones had a 1 night stand with Ryan McPartlin and I said to myself "Betty just banged Captain Awesome!"


    When Casey faked his death and was "buried" in his Marine dress blues it immediately clicked in my head that since we only knew Adam Baldwin's character as Animal Mother in Full Metal Jacket, that became Casey's back story. (I know Casey would have been too young for Nam, but still...)


    Having seen her in nothing else, Yvonne Strahovsky is still Sarah. 

    • Love 3
  11. He's right, we can do other things. The Empire universe is a large part of who we are, but it's not ALL we are. Sometimes IDK what's worse, that that's all white show runners show us to be or that for a sizable portion of the black audience, that's all they WANT us to be.

    • Love 2
  12. As a 49er fan Chris Borland's decision to retire is another blow that's gonna make what looks to be a dreadful season that much longer. However not only do I respect his decision, I applaud it. Football is a risky game. If you don't believe the risk is worth it 100% heart mind body and soul, take your helmet and pads off, turn in your playbook and walk away. That takes courage. This young man has other interests and career aspirations he plans to persue and I wish him all the best.   

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