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Posts posted by Snowprince

  1. According to ESPN, the Ravens have terminated Ray Rice's contract. This was a team/franchise decision and not the league.

  2. It's easy to judge, and I'm guilt of it myself sometimes. But we don't know what their relationship is like, outside of that one night. Ray Rice seems like a nice guy, most of the time, and never appeared to be one of the macho, douche bro types. If he's always been great to her before, and then he appears so genuinely regretful for this one incident, then are the years of happiness they've had to just be thrown away?


    That's one argument. It's tough, because I agree you should never stay with someone who does that to you, but then I've never been in that situation, so I don't know how someone even processes that. I think it's unfair to say she was motivated by being an NFL wife, when we don't know what on earth is going through her head.

    I rolled on so many domestics during my career I can't count that high. It never ceased to amaze me the number of times i've heard the victim say, "he's a good man, he just drinks a little. He didn't mean it". Or when the case went to court not only would the victim recant their statement/story, but swear up and down we made it all up and want to file a complaint against US, injury photos and ER records notwithstanding. Did they recant because they were under threat of further beatings if they didn't? Was it really an isolated incident and the suspects remorse was genuine? Do they sincerely believe that they can "save" or "change" the abuser? I don't know. I would ask these (mostly) women, "do you love this man enough to let him put you in the ICU? Do you love him enough to risk becoming the next Nicole Simpson? If you do, there's nothing I can do for you".


    The dynamics of these relationships are complicated and leaving the abuser isn't (unfortunately) as easy as it sounds. I won't comment on the state or dynamic of the marriage of Mr and Mrs Rice, because I don't know them. I'll only say I've seen it before and it does not bode well for either of them. I hope I'm wrong.

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  3. I'm not sure how unpopular this is, but here it goes:  It's just tv.  I'm willing to give a lot of leeway to people who complain about lack of cultural diversity because they may have a point and a little leeway to complaints that something is out of character, but I don't care if something would or wouldn't happen in real life.  If it's entertaining, and well written, that's all I care about.  If I cared about whether or not something was realistic, then I would sit back and reflect on my own life or watch the news. 

    I have difficulty watching most cop shows with a straight face because most of them have as much relationship to reality as the Easter Bunny. But I just remind myself, "it's a drama, not a documentary". If I'm entertained, that's all that counts in the end.

    • Love 5
  4. Didn't know where else to put this, but I did want to acknowledge it. Today marks the 42nd anniversary of the Munich Massacre at the Summer Olympic Games in 1972. I'll never forget Jim McKay's excellent coverage and sad announcement of the outcome..."they're all gone".


    Needless to say, this tragic event was uppermost in our minds while preparing to host and secure the 1984 Summer Games in Los Angeles. 

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  5. It has been a LONG time since the defending Superbowl Champs have done so much as win a playoff game the following year. Some of the teams looked great the following year (the 2008 Giants were 11-1 when Plaxico shot himself) but the whole lot of them eventually couldn't keep up the focus and intensity needed to do it two years in a row.


    The personality and talent level of the Seahawks, both coaches and players, makes it seem like they have a chance to break the trend. It also doesn't hurt that what looked like a brutal division schedule seems like it will be a little easier with the Rams losing their QB for the year and the Niners having a really difficult off season and looking like they'll be facing challenges they hadn't faced the last few years.

    Fair point, but it really hasn't been that long. The Evil Empire (KIDDING!!!), otherwise known as the New England Patriots went back to back in '04 and '05. Quite the accomplishment in the free agency/salary cap era.

  6. Great win tonight for the Sea Bags. As a Niner fan there are many teams I respect, the Packers among them.But we saw again tonight why Seattle is the only team in the league that, frankly, scares me.....they're that good. I love my team but I love the game more, and the simple truth is barring injury I don't see anyone stopping the 'Hawks from repeating. 

  7. I've had my bones to pick with Ms Rivers over the years but her talent, her fearlessness and her drive are undeniable. She was a force to be reckoned with, on HER terms, who played a large part in making it OK for women to be funny. Lucy and Carol (Burnett) certainly played their part, but it was Joan who probably kicked open the hardest door, stand up. I've little doubt that those who hated her as well as those who loved her will miss her equally.


    Rest Peacefully Funny Lady  

    • Love 2
  8. I loved how The Wire never pursued Rawls' sexuality (after he was seen in the background at a gay bar in one episode -- looking quite relaxed and happy).  NYPD Blue also took a similar approach to Lt. Bale's sexuality.  No big deal was made, and life went on. 

    The Wire did a great job with Greggs' sexuality, too.  She wasn't "the lesbian cop" but a "competent cop" -- who happens to be gay.  And she talked about her domestic woes just like any person -- gay or straight -- in a relationship.  An ideal portrayal of an LGBT character, IMO.

    Same with Southland's Officer John Cooper. Openly gay, as was the real cop he was based on. A good cop who happened to be gay, not a "gay cop"

    • Love 5
  9. Was she a long-haired brunette with no lips and a smarmy smile?  If so, it's the local sports anchor, Dianna Russini.  She is annoying and dumb as a box of rocks.

    It was ESPN's Lisa Salters.

  10. Kill me now! Matt did an interview with Kim Kardashian like he was covering the mid-east peace talks. 

    Tom Brokaw knew it was time to get out when he had to interview Charlene Tilton of Dallas. If Matt at all fancies himself a serious journalist, maybe he too will have a similar "come to Jesus" moment...

  11. I'm sure if this is true in real life or not but I'm always amazed/baffled whenever an LEO on TV says something to the effect of "he's running out the south side of the building" and everyone immediately knows exactly where that is. Even in a buiding they've just entered or haven't studied. No one gets turned around or is like "which side is the south side?" Is it normal for LEO's to be oriented to North/East/South/West at all times?

    Yes, it is. That's one of the first things ingrained into boot/rookie LEO's by our FTOs (Field Training Officers) after academy graduation.

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  12. Be prepared to not hear about any other players in the game.   

    Be prepared for the howls of outrage if Michael Sam doesn't make the team. Jeff Fisher and the Rams will be pilloried as homophobic neanderthals if they cut or trade him, talent (or lack of same) notwithstanding.

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