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Posts posted by Snowprince

  1. 10 hours ago, TWP said:

    You really can't equate a TV show with reality in any way.  The Rookie was billed as "Hill Street Blues meets Grey's Anatomy".  I wish that someone in the medical community would do a study regarding just how FIRED every single Grey's character would be for the things they've done, if Seattle Grace was a real-life hospital.  The magnitude of F.I.R.E.D. would be off the charts, I'm sure.  So you basically have to expect The Rookie to be just as supremely out of touch with reality.  And figure that it's good for laughs. 

    You're absolutely right and I agree with you 110%. The sometimes sad/maddening thing is though, there are PLENTY of people out there who will watch these shows and BELIEVE THAT'S HOW IT REALLY IS! I can't tell you how many times people have been shocked...SHOCKED I tell you...because they got their law degrees by watching The Practice but what happened on TV didn't happen in the real world..

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  2. 8 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    Not sure if "with a straight face" was a double entendre or not, @Snowprince, but one of this show's objectives is for the viewer not to get through the episode with a straight face. ;-)

    I was referring to the shows accuracy/credibility procedurally speaking. Most cop shows have about as much relationship to procedural accuracy as Christmas has to the Easter Bunny. I know it's a drama not a documentary, but suspension of disbelief can only go so far before I collapse into uncontrollable laughter...as I did with Castle the few time I watched it.

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  3. 23 minutes ago, Raja said:

    I wish @Snowprince the LAPD commentator for Southland over on TWOP was here.  They had a LAPD Training Officer and his Boot relationship as one of the partnerships on that show. As I understand it the probationary period is a year. But of course if the show proves popular and survives they find a reason to keep partnerships together as with Malloy and Reed from Adam-12 back in 1969.

    As far as uniforms I remember an episode that suggest that by tradition Boots wore a long sleeve  uniforms year round, where as regular officers had the option of short sleeve during certain months of the year. But then LAPD is a no visible tattoo force so I am seeing a lot more long sleeves and neck ties  on officers during  the hottest days.

    I'm here Raja, and what you've said is pretty much spot on. I should probably give this one a chance, but SouthLAnd set the bar so high and from snippets I've seen I doubt I could get through this one with a straight face.

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  4. 8 hours ago, Moose135 said:

    How many of those officers and agents that you know who are over 40 just completed the academy and are new to the job?  Probably none - they all likely started when they were in the 20s, so having a 40 year old rookie is a big deal to them.  Hell, I know some guys who joined the force after a year or two of college, put in 20 years, and retired in their early 40s.

    They need to know that he won't be a hazard to himself, to his fellow officers, and to the general public, which is why they are being hard on him.

    I wonder if @Snowprince is watching.  His contributions to the SouthLand forum were priceless!


    I don't think I could watch this one with a straight face, Moose. And BTW, my oldest boot was 52. He didn't make probation not because he couldn't cut it, but after a couple of months he decided this second career wasn't for him.

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  5. 24 minutes ago, Anela said:

    A friend of mine said that he and his wife are trying youtube TV, and like it more than they expected to. I might try it. Spectrum keep raising their prices, and we don't even have the channels like HBO - I don't know how people can afford all of those channels on top of the basic cable price. 

    It was the local channels and unlimited recording that sold me on it, much better than Sling TV IMO. Premiums like HBO are extra, but having been grandfathered in at $35/mo it's still costing me less than a fill up, which will last me approx 2 weeks. 

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  6. I first saw Gunny Ermy as the platoon sergeant in Purple Hearts. Saw FMJ in the theater and while everyone else was horrified by GySgt Hartman antics, myself and the other Marines in the audience were laughing our asses off remembering what our Drill Instructors  did to us! RIP Gunny...... Semper Fi. 

    • Love 8
  7. On 2/25/2017 at 7:38 AM, garnetarden said:

    Barbara Bacock was in many different things during her career, but weirdly, I only ever recognize her as Joe and Brian Hackett's mother on Wings. I think she was only on one episode, but it must have been during my formative TV years, because that's the role that stuck with me.

    For me, she'll always be Grace Gardner of Hill Street Blues.

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  8. 6 hours ago, MaryMitch said:

    Lola Albright - I had a girl crush on her - such a sexy voice! She was one of those actresses that was all over the place in the 50s and 60s. She was 92, so a nice long life.


    I had a huge crush on Lola, still do. An under appreciated beauty and wonderful actress/singer.

    My Favorite Edie Hart song/solo from a Peter Gunn episode, Straight to Baby. RIP Lovely Lady.

  9. Jed to Amy, Constituency of One:

    "She has to be here to want things...and you don't have to be here at all".

    Admiral Fitzwallace, Let Bartlet be Bartlet:

    "I'm an admiral in the United States Navy and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff...beat THAT with a stick"

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