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Posts posted by Turtle

  1. Apparently Bill's criterion for taking somebody with a massive infection into town is whether blood poisoning has already set in (looking for red streaks).

    But he used his *flashlight*'to check, so it's sound medical science.

    • Love 1
  2. Katesus7, I don't remember exactly when it happened but I know it was no more than a few hours before the Audrey/ Clay dust up poolside argument on Sunday that kicked off this whole drama spiral. James telling Clay and Shelly what Audrey was saying was the catalyst for everything that happened later, sadly. Poor James- he's felt responsible for Audrey being unwell and sad and whatnot because it was him telling Shlay what Audrey said that really blew everything up. Totally not his fault because he wasn't the one lying and trying to turn people against each other, but his poor simple mind feels really sad about it all.

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  3. And now I'm really conflicted about what might be going on with her. I still think she has some actual real issues, but now I'm thinking maybe somehow this was all part of a plan on her part. And then I think maybe the fact that she planned all this and did it on purpose is a sign of her real issues. Maybe it's both? I have no idea and I am so confused.

    I adored Steve and Julia talking.

    • Love 6
  4. She's made it to the bathroom a few times but that's it. Do you guys think they'd even let her be on the

    live show at this point, assuming she appeared to pull herself together? Maybe they'll pre-record the eviction and stock the audience with CBS employees like they've done before? I'm still leaning toward her leaving when they go on lockdown and / or when the feeds get shut down tomorrow.

  5. Wasn't "floater" originally used to describe someone who floated between two sides of the house or several alliances and not someone who just wasn't "playing hard"? If so, Vanessa is the biggest floater of the season, possibly ever.

    I think Audrey does have some sort of legit issue going on but it's not serious enough to remove her from the game. They probably had her checked out by doctors and maybe a mental health professional and possibly she got meds to help with anxiety issues, who knows. I'm thinking that she wants to quit and DR has been negotiating with her to stay because they know she's getting evicted Thursday anyway and they don't want to screw up production schedule. She's probably embarrassed and disappointed, and possibly it's all exacerbated by an underlying issue that we don't know about. So production has told her to just go hide for a couple days until it's time to go and maybe they escort her out the back door when the feeds shut down tomorrow to prep for the live episode. It's a (shitty) compromise.

    I doubt they'd let her just "opt out" yet still stick around like this. They're rarely letting her be seen on the feeds, they're not letting the HGs talk about her, they *are* letting them bring her food- it makes no sense if they thought she was just being a brat. They'd force her to interact and make her keep the lights on, etc. if she refused or started breaking shit, they'd kick her out. I heard Meg say that DR told her that whatever was going on wasn't something for the HGs to worry about, but I don't think it meant that it's not anything worrisome, just that production doesn't want to or can't tell the HGs about it (like if it was a medical/ psychological issue). Obviously, I'm just specu-rambling, though.

    The special treatment doesn't bother me much, in part because of all of the above, and in part because BB has never been "fair." Production has always interefered and given folks special treatment (Frankie's one-handed BoB, anyone? STILL MAD. But not at all mad about Coup d'tat- I'm a hypocrite.) Hell, several years ago, the FCC responded to a complaint about BB by saying it's not a game show, it's entertainment, and so game show rules don't apply. Plus, she's leaving on Thursday and I don't want her to leave early and have to have someone else go up on the block before tomorrow's eviction, so I'm fine if she eats pizza and sleeps on the floor for a couple of days.

    But other people do have to sleep in that room- they should make her shower.

    • Love 5
  6. I finished watching the last two show less than two hours ago and i couldn't really remember much of what happened until I read through all of your posts. I'm not a TV expert or anything but I'm guessing that isn't that isn't the reaction the TPTB were going for.

    I busted a gut when Elizabeth just strolled right into the hospital all la-ti-da, here is my dead son and then nonchalantly presented him to the doctor whose operating table the kid died on.

    • Love 6
  7. Johnny's girlfriend Lucia is being held captive by her brother in Mexico.  The girl that Paul crashed into and robbed was the Armenian mob guy's girlfriend, this probably took place in Glendale.

    That makes significantly more sense than Briggs robbing Lucia.

  8. That fight was amazing. These fools have all lost their damn minds. I'm not a huge Vanessa fan but she certainly spun that all to her benefit. She gets the justification she "needs" to use the veto and there's no way Shelli doesn't put up Audrey now. Vanessa and Audrey are both so good at being insane liars who dig in their heels- it was fascinating to watch. And is Shelli finally getting a clue?? This just raises my hope that she and Clay dump their entire alliance and we get to see Austin and Vanessa follow Audrey out the door.

    Even better- next week's HoH pits Shelli against Vanessa and we get to watch another week of utter insanity.

    • Love 1
  9. James told Audrey that Vanessa is definitely using the veto. He's got quite the big mouth.

    I think James is the sort of person who doesn't naturally keep anything personal or private, as evidenced by some of his stories. He is an open book and it doesn't occur to him to hold anything back, so of you want him to keep a secret, you have to be really explicit with him that it is in fact a secret. It's been amusing to watch him just randomly blurt out all kinds of shit, both personal and game-related, because I don't think he even realizes that maybe he shouldn't share some of it. I actually think he's pretty trustworthy once he knows he has a secret to keep.

    • Love 4
  10. I really like this show and I don't even know why- when you break it down to its individual parts, I hate it. Paige, Johnny, and Charlie all annoy me to no end, I don't understand why Briggs isn't serving a half dozen life sentences. There is no way a person goes from one prescription of oxy while in severe pain to skulking around street corners in a hoodie looking to score pills in the course of, what, two days? And like others, I am frequently confused about all these storylines especially Johnny's girlfriend and especially especially why Briggs robbed her.

    Yet, somehow, I enjoy watching it. It's a mystery.

    • Love 3
  11. I think Vanessa would use the veto if she knew Shelli would put up Audrey. Audrey is an easy boot and it wouldn't leave anyone pissed at Vanessa (or her alliance). Booting John or Jason is going to put an even bigger target on Shelli (assuming the other side ever actually wins HoH). That said, if Vanessa isn't sure Shelli will put Audrey on the block, she'll probably just go the "respect the HoH's noms" route and not use it.

    I'm hoping that Clay continues his campaign to get Shelli to ditch their current alliance and instead team up with some combo of the other HGs. It'd be a lot of fun to watch Shelli and Vanessa be at odds, and especially fun to watch Shelli and Clay have to scramble for once when Vanessa targets them.

    In my ideal world, though, they'd hang Austin out to dry this week. He's more painful to watch than he is fun and him leaving would be no loss as far as I'm concerned.

    • Love 2
  12. I mean the DR where they taped the goodbye message. Liz was sitting there, started the goodbye and julia was off to the side then came into view and helped finish the goodbye.

    Oh, got it. But the message was still a little weird given the context, I thought. And now I have to contradict myself- maybe they all film goodbye messages for both nominees, just in case.

  13. What does vote order have to do with anything?

    Most of these HGs are actual BB fans and so they know that CBS tries to organize the votes so that there's the maximum amount of drama going into the commercial break. For example, they're not going to let us see all the votes to evict Jeff before th break; they're going to break while it's tied. Since the HGs knew that John and Jackie were both voting to keep Jeff, they can probably narrow down who cast the unexpected votes, based on the order of votes and when the commercial break happened.

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  14. I don't remember liz's goodbye message but by the posts on here it seems that it didn't coincide with her actual vote. MAYBE she said what she said because julia was in the DR with her and she doesn't want julia to know that she actually voted for James.

    I readily admit I could be wrong about Liz unintentionally to vote to evict James. I just don't know why she would do it unless she a) wanted to stir up some shit by having *two* hinky votes cast (assuming there'd already be one like there has been every week), b) thought enough people had flipped and Jeff would stay, or c) has zero sense of self preservation in the game. Or maybe some weird combination of those reasons. The Vanessa alliance is her best chance to stick around until her twin enters the game, and the Jeff & Austin situation was definitely complicating matters. I just don't get why she would flip. But again, happily acknowledge I could be totally wrong.

    ETA: could be me being wrong again, but I'm pretty sure they do individual DR sessions in addition to the twin swap. Just guessing, but I think the twin who has been in the house does DR and then they bring in the other to do the info exchange, so I think it's likely they don't hear each other's DRs.

    • Love 1
  15. The more I think about Liz's goodbye message, the more I am convinced she totally screwed up her vote. I doubt she meant to vote to evict James, because it just makes no sense, and I'm not even sure she realizes that she did so. But, boy- she did not come off well in this episode. Austin came off much worse, though. Creeper.

    Had Clay revealed he was an Aggie football player? Or did Julie basically out him (along with him giving too much of an answer)?


    He told them all a while back but he doesn't talk about it much and no one seems to care.

    Pet peeve: whoever is in charge of the subtitles spelled it "ya'll".


    Also, note to all future dude houseguests: for the love, if you're up for eviction, please wear a shirt that isn't going to show your sweat stains.

    Yep. That spelling infuriates me to a degree that is neither rational nor explicable. Why would it be spelled that way??? I mean, hell, consider isn't, can't, s'more, o'er, ne'er -- there is a reason why it's spelled "y'all"!!!!!!

    Pit stains happen, I know. I get them sometimes too; sometimes we all get hot or nervous or whatever. But if I knew I was going to be on TV, I'd make an effort to avoid and/or hide them.

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  16. I figure either Liz got confused by Jeff's "vote for me" and forgot what she was doing or misspoke, or that she felt bad for Jeff and decided that throwing him a vote wouldn't matter (but would make her feel better). There's been a hinky vote every week and no one has really cared so I can see her thinking it unimportant. I just can't believe that she really wanted to keep Jeff even if she likes him because she has to know the Vanessa alliance is her best bet of sticking around for a couple more weeks. Julia is going to kill her.

    Now the wait is on to see who these two nominate. Shelli has been thinking about dumping Audrey because Audrey is such a wild card and there aren't so many other big targets anymore. Audrey is an easy boot that doesn't upset too many people. Liz will nominate whoever Vanessa or Austin tell her to. No idea what Julia would do.

  17. John has to stay away from gold diggers- he wants all that money for himself!

    I'm glad to hear other people find Austin unattractive. I was beginning to think it was just me, since a lot of people do seem to fawn over him.  His hair and beard just look dirty and gross; and the tattoos are really unbecoming IMO.  He looks like he might smell bad.


    I don't think he's hideous looking, even though he's not my cup of tea, but his behavior on the very first night of the feeds was such a major turnoff that even perfect looks wouldn't make him attractive to me. His descent into Creepdom has not helped. The biggest turnoff, for me, is that he struts around and acts like he's all that and a bag of chips when, well, no.

    This has been a long week.  I feel like Vanessa has been HOH for weeks.  I liked her when she won HOH.  But now I would love to see her and Austin on the block together.  

    I think John is the most entertaining now.

    It feels like Vanessa has been HoH for weeks because she's managed to cram in seven weeks' worth of talking into one week.

    • Love 4
  18. I've always been confused about the releases for this show. I understand not showing pictures but it's weird to me that the HGs can't talk about people in their lives without a release. And where does it stop? Can they talk about fourth grade boyfriends? Sister-in-law's parents? The guy who works the early morning shift at the Starbucks by their office? It's just so strange and I do not understand it all.

    • Love 1
  19. Yeah, like Jakeson walking in to Liz's, seeing a kid he's only seen 5 (4!) year old pictures of and saying, "Is that your dead kid?" When would that ever happen??


    That would make more sense than "Darkness!" it would be nice if he also tried to find the parents of the decoy kid, just to give them some closure. (of course, then someone might have to explain why Sam & Danny don't deserve closure, but hey-- one cavernous plot hole at a time, folks.)

    My favorite t-shirt slogan in quite a while!

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  20. I think Austin is using BB as a way to up his profile/ opportunities in the pro wrestling circuit. It's why he bro'd out with Jace at first, why he is trying to work a showmance, why he's always moving into camera view during his workouts (often blocking the camera's intended view), why he's now latched on to Vanessa, etc. Sure, he'd love the money (who wouldn't?), but the game is not his primary motivation. Long way of saying, ByaNose, I agree- he wants to be a reality star.

    • Love 4
  21. Now Austin with some clever goading by Vanessa is gonna tell JMac their deal with him is off if he doesn't vote Jeff out. Vanessa is not happy with Johnny and is still drunk with power so there you have it.

    If true, that is serious whackadoodle behavior! Vanessa has said repeatedly that she understands JMac voting for Jeff and is okay with it. Get a grip, girl!

    Has Austin forgotten he has a girlfriend? Why doesn't anyone remind him?

    Austin's girlfriend has forgotten that Austin has a girlfriend, so ....
    • Love 4
  22. The ladies get to choose between babiez or crazies as their story options

    Let's not forget about the options for crazies for babiez and crazies because of babiez.

    I know it's wrong, but I want NotDead Baby Jake to be a terrific asshole so that everyone here hates him just so I can stop trying to remember why I ever started defending Spencer. I still like the little royal jerk (little jerk royal? royal little jerk?) but I'd love to see another child be hated for a bit. Oh- story idea!! Spencer and Jake team up to be the most-hated soap kids ever! Not even kidding- it could be fun.

    The ladies get to choose between babiez or crazies as their story options

    Let's not forget about the options for crazies for babiez and crazies because of babiez.

    I know it's wrong, but I want NotDead Baby Jake to be a terrific asshole so that everyone here hates him just so I can stop trying to remember why I ever started defending Spencer. I still like the little royal jerk (little jerk royal? royal little jerk?) but I'd love to see another child be hated for a bit. Oh- story idea!! Spencer and Jake team up to be the most-hated soap kids ever! Not even kidding- it could be fun.

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