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Posts posted by Turtle

  1. So they redecorate this crazy set each summer and film a tv show there and they don't periodically clean it, or make the HGs clean it?

    The HGs are responsible for cleaning the house, and they rarely if ever mop. The house doesn't look too gross on TV because production comes in on Thursdays and makes it look TV-ready, but I doubt they scrub the floors. But I don't really know, I'm just pretty sure I've heard former HGs talk about the filthy floor.

    My impression is that Austin is physically imposing. He looked huge next to Julie, and on top of that, he was angry. So, I felt that she was momentarily intimidated.

    I will never believe that anyone or anything intimidates Julie Chen!! My disgust with Austin is at deep enough levels that I choose to believe that she was just afraid he might get skin grease or stink on her. Maybe I'm projecting, though.

  2. Sorry but if you've been evicted you shouldn't win the game. The entire point is to not be voted out. That they have used this awful twist the last three seasons doesn't change the fact.


    I get that a lot of people hate it, but the rules are that a person who has returned after eviction *can* win the game. The real point is to get to final two and have the jury vote for you to win- TPTB just made changes to how a person can do that - the returning juror is just one part of a game that has constantly evolved since its inception.

    I'd guess Liz/Steve/John in that order.


    Come to think of it, I wonder what was going on with that Veto competition. I think peachmangosteen had mentioned some controversy among the HGs. We obviously saw Vanessa's meltdown, but I'm assuming it was because of that and not solely from John winning like BB tried to edit it as.

    I think folks covered it pretty well, but I think there was also some chatter from Liz and Austin that John was "cheating" off of her puzzle, but that seems crazy. It looked like they could all see each other's boards as they ran back to the timers. I was thinking the other HGs might also have been pissed that John ran on the ground one way every time, and if they didn't realize what he was doing, I can absolutely understand why that would piss them off.

    Shit, Vanessa won veto.

    • Love 1
  3. That was immensely satisfying, with the exception of more fake Vanessa tears. I think her diary room tears might have been real, though. Well, most,y real.

    Just before Vanessa's vote, Austin leaned back and had his hands behind his head in just the most cocky strutting-peacock pose ever. And then collapsed in on himself, making me laugh and laugh and laugh. And his bare feet- ugh. I couldn't even enjoy it because it's just so gross. Every year the HGs talk about how gross the floor gets and they all wear shoes or socks or slippers 24/7, and so it's just disgusting that he's always barefoot. Poor Julie looked like she might fall off her chair in trying to get as far away from him as possible.

    • Love 4
  4. I read somewhere that Becky told John that she would vote for Vanessa no matter what, but I don't know where that came from. If it's just from something John has been saying, then it could very well just be his own special brand of crazy making crap up.

    I hadn't thought much about what James would do, but now that I'm remembering his interactions with Vanessa, I'm torn. Does he vote against her because of their animosity, or does he vote for her because he respects her as a worthy adversary. As to the other remaining HGs: he was never especially close to John and didn't seem to respect his game, he doesn't like Steve at all, only interacted with the twins to scare Julia, and thought he had an alliance with Austin.

    Okay, as much as I have no idea what any of the answers are, this is kind of fun!

  5. But it would have been pointless because as we saw.... Liztin were throwing Vanessa under the bus but telling her "but we're only saying what we needed to to stay, of course we didn't meant it"  So Vanessa could do the exact same thing. 

    JM has no idea that without Steve he's up shit's creek without a paddle. Austin, Liz and Vanessa were never on his side and are never going to be. 

    His only option is to vote to keep Steve and make Vanessa show her hand.

    I think John is well aware that he is up shit's creek even WITH Steve! As he said the other day, he knows he has to win comps all the way to the end to make it to F2, no matter who stays tomorrow (today). Plus, his actions have not always been rational; who knows what the hell he's going to do.

    As for guessing F2s and who the jury might vote for? This season has defied all reason and logic to me, and I now cannot even hazard a guess as to who might do what under what circumstances. Vanessa and everyone's reactions to her are especially puzzling: she seems so annoying and so transparently manipulative that I truly do not understand why she wasn't evicted in week two or three. You guys all have great thoughts. I guess my only comment is that I suspect James and Meg will vote together.

    What if it's a John/ Vanessa F2? Just for fun.

  6. If JM was smart he would just vote to keep Steve and force Vanessa to make he choice. None of this "if Vanessa won't vote to keep you then I can't give you my vote" crap. He has to know he's odd man out if Steve leaves.

    John wanted Vanessa to come to him, rather than him going to her, so he could have at least a little faith that she really wanted to keep Steve. If John went to Vanessa and she said "sure, I'll keep Steve if you want to," it's really likely to be her setting him up. This way, he at least has "dirt" on her if he does vote to evict Austin but she chooses to keep him- dirt he can take directly to Austin and Liz to get them to turn on Vanessa at F4. It makes a certain kind of crazy sense.

    So this is the first season I've watched all the way through and I find it interesting comparing the strategy to Survivor. I had assumed BB was mostly the same, 2-3 alliances forming and depending on which side wins the competitions, one side eventually picks off the other side, and the reasons for being voted out are almost always "you're not in my alliance", none of this 'worrying' over "blood on my hands" bit, or multiple conversations to come up with 'justifications' for voting people off.

    So seeing how much the various people in BB make multiple alliances, flip-flop between them constantly, and so many 'short-term' reasons for voting people off, its such a difference. I'll definitely have to hunt up some prior seasons to see how things evolved.

    All good points, but I think the differences are less in how the players play and more in the structure of the games and the shows. One, we don't get live feeds for Survivor, and we only see one episode a week, so a lot of what doesn't directly effect the narrative for that week never gets seen.

    Two, who has "power" is so very different that it's not really comparable. In Survivor, one person (or one tribe, early) is not in danger each week, and everyone else is eligible to be booted. No one can pick two people to be more at risk than the others, and there is not a second chance to save yourself (POV v. HOH). In fact, no one has any official power in Survivor; the only "power" is the equivalent of BB POV. Therefore, there is less of a need to have so many "in the alternative" alliances and a little more risk if you try to flip back and forth. Survivor alliances tend to be all-in or all-out because the only power is in numbers, and *everyone* (save immunity winner) can be voted out in any given week.

    ETA: there's also the difference of how long they're in each game- in Survivor, it's 39 days, with a booting every three days. For BB this year, it's 97 (I think), with a boot every week. So much more time to overthink and obsess and align.

    • Love 5
  7. I would never vote for someone who has done literally nothing in the game but survive. Maybe it's a flawed way of thinking, but I can't respect anyone, as a gameplayer, who has ridden on the coattails of everyone else to get further. The purpose of this game is to send people home each week. Not sending home literally anyone in the jury shouldn't be a mark in the plus column IMO.

    It worked pretty well for a guy named Will some years back...

    I'm reluctant to even speculate what John is thinking, because he's fooled me several times this season. I think he's right that if Vanessa approaches him about saving Steve, it's probably for real, and otherwise was probably just her gathering info, but I don't know what he will do with that knowledge. I have no idea if he'll keep Steve even if she does that. I have no idea if he thinks his F2 deal with Steve is real. I have no idea if anything he's said to Austin is true. I hate that we have to wait until Tuesday to find out.

    • Love 4
  8. Well, I certainly was wrong about why the feeds were down for so long yesterday! Never even occurred to me that they'd shut the feeds down all day for Liz and Vanessa's outing. And what a terrible terrible outing it has to have been. Why would they have Frankie come back? Does he have fans? Do people like him? I cannot even.

    John is so polarizing! I think he's an interesting and amusing person, more so than anyone else left (and I looooaaaathe Austin). I will hate to see him leave, not because he's playing a great game but because I can barely stand to watch three of the other four remaining HGs. I don't even know whether or not he's playing a good game; sometimes I think he's got a decent strategy, other times I think he's reached don't-give-a-fuck status, and still other times I think he's horrible. My suspicion is that he's probably an average player, just like most people.

    • Love 8
  9. I think it's today from 9:45am-11:30pm BBT.


    What? Well that is very strange. What is the reason for this? It obviously isn't for the eviction. So they'll have to go down again for the eviction. Weird.


    Yeah I'm confused about why there is Feed Blackout so are they really speeding it up (Noms/Veto/Eviction)? Or are they going down TWICE? Like that is some bullshit.

    They'll do a taped (instead of live) eviction for Tuesday's show, and so they did noms and veto comp today. I think the veto ceremony will happen this weekend, and the actual eviction on Monday. The feeds will come back in a couple of hours (2:30 am eastern) and then will go out again on Monday (I think) until after the show airs on Tuesday, so we won't know who got evicted until it's shown on the episode. It's annoying, and I wish they didn't do it this way. This is a 90+ day season- there was plenty of schedule flexibility to plan for Thursday evictions throughout.

    • Love 1
  10. I somehow fell waaaaay behind and have fina,my caught up. My immediate reaction is, why did I bother? This is all horrible horrible story telling. One, you may recall, I absolutely loathe Sonny and not in a love-to-hate way. He's not a good villain because he and everyone else on this damn show all act like he's never done anything wrong and it's just unbelievable that anyone would think badly of him, much less hurt him, but he's not a good good guy either because he's a worthless human being.

    Two, I really don't need Superhero Amnesiac being sainted. Three, pretty much everything is just stupid. Sonny getting tongue bathed, TJ suddenly being a moron, Tracy *not* laughing that Sonny was shot, Michael forgetting that he's furious with Sonny (although I'm willing to hold out hope that he's just shocked by the emergency and will come around), it goes on and on.

    In fact, Nik and Hayden were the only things over the last few days that didn't annoy the crap out of me. Is this what we can expect from the new writers?

    • Love 5
  11. "If we don't cut Steve's speech, then we won't be able to show twenty minutes of Liz and Austin breaking up then getting back together, because if there's one thing America loves it's a showmance!"


    I didn't need to see the messages from home. Sure, it's a nice thing to do for the HGs, but why take up time on the show for it, especially when there was so much drama in the house between veto ceremony and eviction that they could have shown instead? You know, like Vanessa telling the twins she would vote however they wanted. Just another example of Vanessa getting the mastermind edit without them showing any of her missteps.

    And I think that was a big misstep. Vanessa wanted Liz out, and it makes more sense for them to get rid of Liz. Austin and Julia are, I think, both more loyal to Vanessa game-wise than they are to each other. But once Vanessa promised she would follow their wishes, she couldn't risk pissing off all three of the AusTwins by not doing it. And now a pretty strong showmance made up of two people who have shown they can win comps are in final five.

    • Love 2
  12. Potts told John that Danny was asked about his injuries while his dad was in the room, and so of course Danny sees it as him having no choice but to lie. The other kids seem to have been questioned without a parent in the room, and so it's possible that kid Danny never understood why his siblings didn't tell the truth, not understanding why they'd be scared when dad wasn't in the room. They were all kids, including Danny, and so none of them responded to the situation in an adult way. That includes how Danny processed what happened- he was a kid who was with his sister when she died, and who got the shit beat out of him by his dad, and whose whole family lied to protect his abuser. Danny obviously hasn't moved on or matured much since the trauma, and so it's believable that he still holds a child's resentment toward his siblings. I think that at some point Danny should have started taking responsibility for his actions, gotten therapy to work through his trauma, but I understand how what he went through screwed him up.

    More and more, this seems to be a story about how the shitty handling by adults of a childhood tragedy has a massive ripple effect on the lives of so many.

    • Love 7
  13. Austwins talk a big game, but if history proves true they're not going to actually make a move against Vanessa until they're numerically forced to. Instead, they're going to focus on Steve first. John and Steve will target Liz and Austin. So no matter who wins HoH, Vanessa isn't going up. If a nominee wins veto, she will probably go on the block but probably won't be evicted. Consider how few possibilities there are for post-veto votes.

    Austin HoH:

    John and Vanessa on the block, Liz and Steve voting. Liz keeps Vanessa, Steve keeps John, Austin as tiebreaker keeps Vanessa. This is one of the best chances for Vanessa to leave, because Austin thinks John believes their final 2 deal and he might be pissed enough at Vanessa to vote her out.

    Steve and Vanessa on the block, Liz and John voting. Liz will almost definitely vote to keep Vanessa over Steve. John will want to keep Steve, but will know that in a tiebreaker Austin will do what Liz wants.

    John and Steve on the block, Vanessa and Liz voting: they vote together, probably to evict Steve

    Liz HoH:

    Pretty much exactly the same as above. That's why keeping an unbreakable two-person alliance is such a terrible idea; the number of possible outcomes is dramatically reduced if two of the four HoH possibilities have the same results.

    Vanessa HoH:

    Will only happen in the most crap shoot-y of all crap shoots. She will make a negative effort to win this HoH.

    John HoH:

    I think Steve wouldn't go on the block no matter who used veto, but I have no idea who he would nominate up front.

    Austin and Liz on the block, Steve and Vanessa voting: probably Liz goes

    Austin and Vanessa on the block, Steve and Liz voting: either they both vote to evict Vanessa, or John is the tie break vote. No idea who he evicts, and no idea which is the right choice

    Liz and Vanessa on the block, Steve and Austin voting: Vanessa leaves

    • Love 3
  14. I can't believe Austin had the nerve to ask Vanessa why she would tell Julia to challenge him. Somehow, trying to save herself equals disloyalty? Oh...Judas christ.


    Highlight of the episode (besides the Liz and Austin fight) was the totally random shot of Johnny Mac popping up in the middle of the middle of a discussion between Liz and Julia, like whack-a-mole. Whack-a-Johnny-Mac has potential.


    I can't believe that they all bought her explanation of why she told Julia to pick Austin. I think Vanessa has played a good game, but I don't think she's a mastermind- she's been really obvious in her lies and duplicity, and they've all completely failed to pick up on it or, even worse, ignored it.

    That random JMac shot was so .. random! Didn't even really make sense in the story. It was really just totally random, which made it that much more hilarious.

    Vanessa did kick all kinds of ass this episode. That was a master class in playing the game. Hell, there was one DR where she was looking right at me, doing that fast talking thing she does, telling me that Austin was totally willing to take out the twins and everything she was saying was right, and I found myself getting anxious and wanting to agree with her. And then I remembered that ten minutes ago she told me she did it to keep herself off the block, because of course the Austwins would stick together. So then I snapped out of it. Man, one 30 second DR and I was practically hypnotized. I can't imagine the torture of listening to her for the 15-20 minute soliloquies she likes to do. I think I'd self-evict. Make it easier for her.

    Still can't stand her.


    Yep. She's a bullshitter of the highest order, and I do think she's playing the game well. But I do not care for her at all. She's not even a love-to-hate villain; she's just not fun to watch. She's uncomfortable to watch.

    I could go another season without seeing Jessie again.

    I could go a lifetime without seeing him. Several lifetimes. Never found him interesting or entertaining in the slightest, and to me, he's the 'fetch' of Big Brother.

    • Love 8
  15. Yet Vanesa is the one who gave them a choice on which twin goes. Even if she was bullshitting, why put herself in that corner. This type of poor people management is why is unpopular with her peers.

    Yes, Vanessa gave them a choice. And then told them why she thinks Liz would be a bigger target if she stayed by highlighting the fact that Liz has a better chance of winning. And so of course the twins eventually decided that Liz should stay. The twins have proven to be really easy to influence.

    By keeping Liz, Vanessa is taking a risk, but it's a good one to take- she is really unlikely to go on the block this Friday, and if she's a re-nom, chances are that she doesn't get evicted. Then she's in F4, where comps matter a lot, with three people who think she's in their alliance, no matter who gets evicted at F5 (any 2/1 combo of Liz/ Austin and Steve/ John). Odds of advancing to F3 at that point are high.

    That's all an attempt at rational thought for a game that has proven to be rather irrational and unpredictable this season, so I'm probably full of shit.

    • Love 2
  16. I think they didn't show much of for exactly that reason- they're wasn't much to show. James had become odd man out and so when forced to make a quick decision, he was the easy one. Julia winning veto meant there was no discussion needed about that (or at least no reason to explain to us why she didn't use it). Once James was on the block, Austin and Julia are of course going to vote for Liz's target, Steve won't vote to evict John, and Vanessa wanted James gone more than anyone else did because he was gunning for her. So James was easy, and it didn't require a lot of talk. Had there been a week to think about it, or had anyone else won veto, there might have been more scrambling.

    • Love 3
  17. I wish they would either do away with the Have Nots altogether, or have a competition for it again. All it does now is make show-only fans wonder why some people were always in dentist chairs or why JMac started looking really malnourished for a bit. (Seriously. I adore the kid, but he's sporting some serious purple eye-circles, even though he's been sleeping 18 hours a day.). Occasionally, the Have Not room can build up or strengthen relationships because they tend to all cook and eat together, and obviously sleep in the same room, but you never see that on the show because they don't ever talk about Have Nots.

    And Cosmocrush, I agree that the show has not shown even a third of Vanessa's annoying-ness. She's on and on about the game almost every waking moment (that is not hyperbole), and so much like a broken clock is right twice a day, she occasionally stumbles onto something true. I've never understood why any of them much less most of them seem to actuall like her, and believe her.

    • Love 3
  18. TheRealT, I tend to agree that Vanessa would be getting much less crap for her gameplay if she would just own it. It's so frustrating for us as viewers to have no idea if all these tears and freak-outs are real or strategy as a combination. If it's all strategy and she's withholding it, I'm sure it's because she thinks she's avoiding the risk of alienating America, but it's having the opposite effect. That said, I also agree that there is some institutional sexism at play but I think she might be using it to her advantage- she knows how emotionally volatile, weepy women are perceived and how people react to them, and so she's playing up that aspect of her personality to prevent people from challenging her or suspecting her: she's not rational, and so she can't be good at strategy / playing the game. I could be totally off base, just a thought.

    It will be hysterical if Vanessa win HOH and puts up Steve & Johnny Mac. Those two would be besides themselves. Vanessa would lock herself in the HOH room & then cry that she is a victim. LOL!!!


    As mentioned above, there's no way she wins this HoH unless it's a total crap shoot (unlikely) or everyone else is just terrible (slightly more likely).

    Yeah it makes me insane, as does the forwarning everyone about the "plan". To some extent PoV sort of created the idea of pawns/targets/back doors, but I don't recall the kind of lockstep and coordination we have now, nor this fear of blood on the hands, the whole point of BB is to have blood on your hands and for competitions to save/fuck you over. There has to be some way to shake the game out of this crap next year, it brings down the feeds and the show.


    My theory is that's it two things. First, the extreme aggression of some of the folks in season 15 sort of cowed everyone in to just going along. Second, with BotB, two people were HoH and four people were nominated every week, making everyone's odds of being nominated a lot higher, and so folks started being even more afraid of ruffling anyone's feathers.

    Do we think the Before-After HoH is this week or next?

    Not completely sure, but I think before & after is at final four. This week could be the days comp, but it's really possible they won't do that this year because of the twins. Julia told Vanessa awhile back that she had been told they wouldn't do it, and I think it's possible they won't. Even though Julia has had time to catch up, I think it's not fair that she would have to rely on other people for the information. Although, they could do days for when she entered the game, so maybe that's likely.

    • Love 1
  19. From the episode thread:

    Liz and her little tantrum during noms just proved what an entitled brat she is and I hope she goes home. I'm not sure what's best for Steve's game, though. Initially I thought sending Liz home would be best because that would be the surest way to split the trio, as Austin and Julia have the weakest personal link. But J-mac did make a good point about Austin maybe getting tighter with his old buddy Vanessa. But then again, get rid of him and you still have the twins, and they're always going to be tighter than any other pairing. SO yea, I still think send Liz home.

    I'm no Liz fan, but I don't think her leaving the ceremony was as bratty as it seemed. She said several times on the feeds that she was so embarrassed about crying and she felt like a big baby. I think she was surprised by how upset she was and wanted to go hide while she cried- it's happened a couple of other times and she's had the same response. She cries, and then complains that she's embarrassed about crying. Yes, still a bit of a brat, especially with her shit-talking, but I think her crying and leaving was less a temper tantrum and more just being overwhelmed emotionally and not knowing how to handle it.

    I've been back and forth on the edit Vanessa is getting. They've showed a little bit of her crazy, but I think they've shown way more of her "masterminding." However, what they haven't shown is all the times that she's had theories about people and their plans/ strategy that have been totally wrong; instead, they're only showing things she's been right about, and that makes her look like a much better player than I think she is. That's not to say she hasn't done a good job on a bunch of things, but she's been wrong a lot too and that hasn't been aired as much.

    • Love 6
  20. . Liz and her little tantrum during noms just proved what an entitled brat she is and I hope she goes home. I'm not sure what's best for Steve's game, though. Initially I thought sending Liz home would be best because that would be the surest way to split the trio, as Austin and Julia have the weakest personal link. But J-mac did make a good point about Austin maybe getting tighter with his old buddy Vanessa. But then again, get rid of him and you still have the twins, and they're always going to be tighter than any other pairing. SO yea, I still think send Liz home.

    If you're interested, I'm going to respond in the Episodes v. feeds thread (yes, I'm still trying to make that thread happen!).

    • Love 4
  21. I loved this episode. They did a great job putting it all together, showing the strategizing and the interpersonal relationships at play, letting us know what's going on in people's heads (some of them, at least), bringing the funny- it was great. I loathe Austin and the twins and really don't want any of them to win. I don't care for Vanessa but she has played a really good albeit erratic game.

    Steve and John are my two favorites. I think laying low and acting naive about the game is a legitimate strategy for the first half of the game, but it's time to see if they can make the moves now that they need to. It'll be fun to watch.

    John imitating the twins was amazing.

    • Love 14
  22. Saving Liz can give him leverage with Austin and Liz, specifically by saying "you guys should turn on Vanessa now, since she wants Julia to herself."


    It could also possibly put him in the position Vanessa Is currently in- he could be the middle man of two two-person groups, with Liz/Austin on one side and Steve/Vanessa on the other. Vanessa might be pissed at him, and Steve to a lesser extent, but they can't afford to completely alienate him because they'll need him to get rid of Liztin. And Liztin will need him if they want to target Steve/Vanessa. This could come down to a battle of who's the real swing vote, John or Vanessa.

    • Love 2
  23. He was diagnosed right around the time they broke up, but I do think they stayed amicable during the whole thing.

    He lived with her for a bit while he was sick. It sounds like they remained close friends, and it was a major loss for her.

    They just called Liz to the DR. I love it!!

    ETA: apparently Austin screamed that he was Judas at the end of the veto, and he's hoping it airs. He told Steve that it was okay if Steve wants to call him Judas. I cannot even with this.

    Also, I think John knows that Julia hates him, and I think he also knows that he's second-best goat behind Julia. Julia gone makes it more likely Vanessa takes him to F2, and he's already pretty sure Steve takes him. He's been working on Austin, so that could be a possibility if both Julia and Liz leave. Basically, leaving Julia in the game reduces his chances of someone picking him as their F2, and Austin and Liz are going to stay targets for Steve/ Vanessa, while at least Steve and probably Vanessa will be bigger targets for Austin/ Liz. Booting Julia isn't the worst move for him.

    • Love 12
  24. Apparently Jessie hosted the comp. I'm excited. UO but I love me some Jessie. He brings the laughs.


    Well, we will just have to agree to disagree on that one. We agree on so much more, though, this isn't a deal breaker.

    Austin is begging for a hug (and not getting it) while Vanessa tries to spin the truth wildly and play the victim to Steve. Same ol', same ol'.

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