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11 Good
  1. If you guys remember my previous post on the previous episode's thread, you'll remember that I said- Well, how about that? Didn't read the books, just pure reasoning. And come on guys, why are most of you disappointed by this episode? It's simple, the Doctor was 100% sure about his theory. And he was just mad enough to save the human race-- people are on a very wide spectrum. If you knew what the Doctor knew and believed it, some of you might not have cared for your future generation's life but some of you might just have. Environmentalists want to preserve fossil fuel and it's not like we are gonna ever face shortage in our lives but still, there are some people who want save rivers, trees and stuff. It's a completely okay thing and understandable. If he had the resources, why shouldn't he have saved them. With the reason out of the way, the people who have problems with the science behind it, well, Walking Dead happened. And have you guys considered that this will probably happen if you believe in Darwin, that is. I mean, not the cryogenics part (who knows? US government has a lot of top secret stuff going on) but the mutation. Think about it, the way resources are getting scarcer everyday, one day mankind might just go straight into apocalypse with collapse of society, people doing everything to survive just like animals. And animals, they become after some point. I saw some posts saying that why are so many unnecessary peeps required and why weren't the people who actually had survival instincts were only recruited/abducted. Well, it's simple, you can't have pack of men with guns running around fighting monsters, that's not how a civilisations are formed. The previous generation always know less stuff than the next. If it was fitted into the tiny brains of apes that the earth is round and space exists, they absolutely would have gone crazy. As the doctor said, change is gradual. And now, I'm actually surprised with how I much I feel sad for Pope, how differently I feel about the nurse and the doc. It would be interesting to see how Ethan becomes the secretive "Welcome to Wayward Pines" sinister Sheriff that he hated in the beginning, but this time, I'm rooting for sinister. At least, his son wouldn't hate him. I can't really complain, this is by far, the best crafted story I've seen in years. I hope they don't "Lost" it.
  2. Pam was probably woken up earlier and was hired too, just like Pope---in the past which would explain why she knows about everything and why she is old.
  3. It all makes sense. I don't see any major plot holes yet and I have no reason not to believe the supposed theory of Mrs. Fisher. Do you guys remember when Ethan saw his family in the hospital before they "woke up after the accident" and took it as a hallucination? IT MAKES SENSE. It means that this particular corporation/organisation that made Wayward Pines and other towns happen, had the government in on it in `1990-2014ish times (hence the Secret Service classified the details of Ethan's disappearance and how everything was Top Secret). It was a well thought plan. The Pope(Terrence Howard) was hired in in the 1990-2014ish times by the company to make all the "accidents" happen so that even if the residents did spot the cause (Pope) of their accidents and did not consider them as coincidences, the adults would never even come close to thinking about the fact that they are so ahead in the future. Maybe, they were all abducted in different times during the 1990-2014ish times and put into hibernation or whatever. And the key staff which was required (Pope and Doctor included) to run the show in the future put themselves to sleep too, with some kinda alarm clocks, of course. And all of them are being woken up strategically. The town is in quite a pristine condition for its age, if you haven't noticed. This could mean that it was either preserved all those years or it was restored/built by the first ones to wake (probably hired or chosen builders). Now, why aren't they letting the adults in on the secret. It's quite simple, actually. It's something that you see today in every government in the world. If aliens existed, would the government release an official statement? Nope. Why? People taking it as a joke, panic, mass hysteria, global riots---- not something you'd want if you are ensuring the survival of the human race. On the other hand, the children's mind is like clay, you can give it whatever shape you want to and after all, they are the future. The adults will die of old age sooner or later but are currently required to run things for the children's proper upbringings, give it a town feel. As to answer, how is food and other stuff being supplied? The hi-tech facility that Ethan visited probably answers that.
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