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Posts posted by BaseOps

  1. As badly as I want Penny gone, I will be so, so upset if that's how Callie is written off. She's been a huge part of the series virtually since it started, and the character - and actress - deserve a lot better. Granted, I'm jumping the gun big time... but it just seems to me like they're heading that way. I really hope I'm wrong. Of course I'd prefer Callie to leave rather than get killed, but I'd hate to have her go off with Penny and leave with a fractured relationship with Arizona. Not to mention, I'll be really upset if they minimize her friendships with so many other characters on the show. Callie and Arizona have seemed to co-parent so well (even when they often forget that they have a child), so it's just odd to have this come up suddenly, if that's in fact what it is. 


    Callie / Arizona aside, My ideal storyline for the last few episodes would be to really focus on some growth with Alex / Jo, have them figure out their issues, work through things, and get to a good place - cultivating with a proper engagement in the penultimate episode. Then, in the final few moments of the finale, Izzie shows up with Alex's baby and tells him that her cancer is back and she's nearing death. It would: 


    1) Get a ton of buzz and have fans old & new talking over the summer, and tuning in next year for the premiere

    2) Give a proper sendoff to Izzie at the start of S13. I'd love to see moments with Izzie and Meredith, Bailey, and Richard, etc. Then kill her. 

    3) Allow Shonda to kill off a huge character that isn't a regular.

    4) Open up a big storyline for Alex & Jo next year: Izzie dies and Alex has a child to raise. Jo, obviously, is not ready for that...

    • Love 1
  2. I'm really confused about the whole Callie / Arizona thing.


    In 12.19 we have Arizona making "a decision that could affect her relationship with Callie forever" and in 12.20 "Callie tries to make a decision about Sophia's future without consulting Arizona." Ellen tweeted that Capshaw (and thus Arizona) will "rip your hearts out in episode 12.22"


    I'm glad these two are getting an actual storyline (or so it seems).... but I don't want Callie to leave at the end of the season, and I certainly don't want her to leave on bad terms with Arizona (and I DON'T want her sendoff to be with Penny.) I'm genuinely stumped about what exactly will be going down. 

    • Love 1
  3. Another really solid episode for me. So, Meredith's wake-up was a bit over-the-top, but I'll write it off as a panic attack. I liked how it was dealt with aside from that scene itself... although what was he thinking just showing up at the house again? I wish they had just called it quits at the end, but it seems that Shonda may have Will pop back in eventually. I'm still really happy that they're not having Meredith be cavalier about moving on - it's realistic and heartbreaking to see her really struggle with it. I loved the scene in front of the fire. The callbacks to Derek are always appreciated, especially because they're using flashbacks a lot more sparsely and effectively than they did last season. 


    I liked that the case this week was funny and relatively interesting. It reminded me of the earlier seasons in that sense, although I hated how she just brushed the guy off at the end as 'not needing to climb Mount Everest twice.' The poor guy waited around all day and was so worried about her. 


    I'm glad Maggie / DaLuca called it quits because I just haven't been into their pairing at all since we got back from the break. I'm SURE it's not the end of the story, though. Penny, Penny, Penny... when she said 'I love you' and Callie went silent, I really hoped were going to see them crumble tonight (I also laughed out loud.) I also thought when Bailey gave Callie the little speech at the end that it was DEFINITELY over: if only. I didn't even mind Penny tonight, but I see no chemistry between her and Callie at all and Sara Ramirez deserves better. I like that Arizona stood up for herself and told Callie to keep her out of the relationship, but I hate seeing Penny as the Mary Sue who ends up being right in every single situation. I just want a more interesting storyline for Callie, so I really hope Penny leaves at the end of the season and Callie can move on... but, I somehow doubt that. I'm just waiting for the announcement of her becoming a regular. 


    I got a good chuckle out of Jo's line during the Penny / Arizona scene - "She was lying.." 


    This is two weeks in a row that I - gulp - didn't hate Amelia. I even quite liked her in many of the scenes. I like seeing this softer side of her, because she spent the majority of last year yelling at everyone, which made her absolutely unbearable to me. I know she won't be leaving anytime soon, so I'm glad to be enjoying her character a bit more. The Amelia/Owen merry-go-round is getting old quickly, though. I hope they keep some distance between them now, at least for a while. 


    I was thinking how nice it was to see Catharine come in and be level-headed... and then that last scene with Jackson happened. Fraud? What? Does she want to sue April? For what, exactly? I knew they couldn't let her character go too long without getting on my nerves. 


    My few nitpicks are the same as they have been for weeks: we NEED to see some Alex / Jo scenes. I just can't understand what the writers are thinking with them. How can I root for them as a couple if they refuse to show them or let them progress at all? I do love Alex and Meredith's friendship, it really is one of my favourite parts of the series and has been for 10 years now. I love seeing him as a great doctor, and his scenes with Arizona are always great, too - but there's a lot more to him. I genuinely hope the writers have something planned for Alex / Jo soon. I also hate seeing Bailey sidelined as nothing more than the wise old doctor who provides support and advice for the other doctors. Overall, I want more (and better) for Alex, Arizona, Callie and Bailey. 


    Also - bring back Izzie. That's all....

    • Love 4
  4. From The Hollywood Reporter: 'Grey's Anatomy' Poised to Become ABC's Top-Rated Show in 12th Season


    One benefit for Grey's: Steady is the new up. The series outpaces the TGIT pack because fellow Shonda Rhimes drama Scandal is down 17 percent this season and How to Get Away With Murder fell 30 percent. New entry The Catch debuted March 24 to a disappointing 1.2 live-plus-same-day rating in the demo.


    By contrast, Grey's barely has budged and ranks as the No. 2 returning broadcast drama in the demo year-over-year (trailing only Fox's Empire) — a sign fans haven't quit the series after leading man Patrick Dempsey was killed off last season with a year remaining on his contract.


    Rhimes credits the staying power to the show's honest relationships and a character viewers are invested in. "The audience truly identifies with Ellen Pompeo," Rhimes tells THR. "We are following this woman's journey and the journey of all these people with her. It's not about a lot of tricks; it's about watching people evolve."


    • Love 1
  5. That's the point I'm making. I may be a huge Derek fan, miss him like crazy and loved their relationship, but that doesn't mean I won't support a new love interest for her. I just don't see why it must be depicted as such a priority. Don't get me wrong, yes I think sex is an important part of life. Great stress reliever, health benefits, all that other good stuff. But I would like for once for a show to show that people can still have fulfilling lives without a significant other.


    Grey's is a soap, though. It's a drama. These characters are never single for long - in the series' timeline, Derek has been gone for two years. Sure, it's not necessary that everyone moves on after the death of a spouse, but we all knew Meredith would be dating again and finding another love interest. She's the lead of the series. I'm glad that they took it slow and didn't just throw her with Riggs (or anyone else) right away and try to convince us that Meredith had some new great love... I think it's realistic to explore the trepidation and awkwardness of dating again. Also, Maggie has been portrayed as essentially an 8th grader, so it's in line with her character that she would get dopey and push Meredith to date again as soon as the chance came up. I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just saying on this series, I think we all should have been prepared to see Meredith back in the dating pool sooner rather than later. 

    • Love 2
  6. I know couples who have lost pregnancies and a couple who lost a baby very shortly after birth, and from my experience, they're always extremely paranoid when the next pregnancy comes around (with reason.) I imagine I would be, too. I don't think there's a type of pain in the world comparable to losing a child, so I think that their reactions are justified - even though April knows her baby has a slim chance of having the same issues, her imagination will always go to that place. They've dealt with it once, so the possibility is much realer to them in their minds than to anyone else. 

    • Love 1
  7. Although it does make me wonder how she can tolerate all the boozing that goes on at Meredith's place. 


    I think the issue wasn't just that he was drinking, but that he was angry / drunk / forgot about the date. When we see drinking at Meredith's house with Callie, Alex, etc., it's always portrayed as light-hearted and fun. In this case, Amelia was walking into a toxic situation. 

    • Love 3
  8. Didn't they do a "missing kid in the hospital" a couple seasons ago? Bailey thought it was Tuck and was freaking the whole time?


    I do recall Alex losing a kid once, during the episode where there was a meth lab explosion in season 4. I don't think they did lockdown then, but I may be wrong. It's been a while. I don't remember Bailey thinking a missing kid was Tuck, but the middle seasons can be a bit of a blur for me. 

    I remember the episode where the patient was a girl who had been abducted years ago. Bailey knew about the case, it made a big impression on her and she quite upset over it, so when she went to the kindergarten and didn't see Tuck immediately (he was in the toilet), she freaked out. 

    Or it could be something else I've forgotten. 


    Ah, I do remember that now. 

  9. "Arizona's Decision could affect her relationship with Callie."

    This is very intriguing.. Because number 1, I wouldn't refer to what the two have as a relationship. And number 2, what kind of a decision would actually have an affect on these two (other than Sofia)?

    My guess is this is just Shonda baiting the Calzona fans as Calzona is still the second most liked coupling after MerDer.

    My second guess is that Arizona accepts a job offer...


    Shonda doesn't have any control over the press releases or promos... 

    Slightly expanded descriptions from the full press releases: 


    There’s a Fine, Fine Line” – After a missing child forces the hospital into lockdown, Ben decides to operate on a pregnant mother without the proper surgical equipment. Miranda, as Chief, is faced with the repercussions of the event and whether or not Ben’s impulsive actions were justified, on “Grey’s Anatomy,” THURSDAY, APRIL 14 (8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT) on the ABC Television Network.


    “It’s Alright, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding)” – Miranda continues to deal with the aftermath of Ben’s reckless decisions and forms an advisory committee to recommend proper disciplinary action against him. Meanwhile, April and Jackson try to put their differences aside for the sake of their baby, and Arizona makes a decision that could affect her relationship with Callie forever, on “Grey’s Anatomy,” THURSDAY, APRIL 14 (9:00-10:00 p.m. EDT) on the ABC Television Network.


    That article has a lot of misinformation... from stating that Grey's is in its 13th season to stating that Grey's has the lowest demo of the 3 TGIT shows. It actually has the highest for several weeks running. Grey's also didn't take a huge hit after Derek died last season (as they suggested) - the only reason the drop looked big was because the episode itself where Derek died rose big-time (from a 2.1 to a 2.8). The finale still did a 2.2 which was in line with the back-half of the season. It does have a few interesting points though. 

    • Love 2
  11. i totally agree!!  But....what kind of sitter can work extra 17 hours on a whim??  I think they just need to have both Maggie and Amelia move out and have Meredith hire a live-in nanny.  Maybe then my inner logical side screaming can be put to rest.  


    I assumed she was calling the sitter to stay overnight and then drop the kids off at school / daycare in the morning, not necessarily stay an extra 17 hours. Just little justifications to make it all make more sense in my head, lol. 

    • Love 2
  12. I liked it, I thought it was pretty good overall.


    I think both April & Jackson were wrong at times but I'm enjoying their storyline because I'm able to see both sides. Grey's doesn't often show both point of views with couple stories so I appreciate they are doing that this time. I'm also glad to see characters that were ignored for over a season get a story with decent material. The actors are doing a great job IMO.


    I like Riggs more with each episode. I don't find him any more of an ass than any of the others. Owen has been hateful towards him and turning people against him since the day he got there. Its time for Owen to head to therapy. Maybe Meredith's therapist is free.  Speaking of Owen - how is he still living in the trailer? Was he sold with the house, lol?


    I liked Alex's scenes with Meredith. But my 2 season long problem with how Alex/Jolex is being treated continues. Once again Alex was only there to be part of Meredith's story. The huge surgery wasn't about him but instead the OR replaced the car pool to chat about Meredith's date. No scenes with Jo, no scenes just about him. Jo had a 2 second conversation which included a throwaway line about her ring being a draw. We'll see how the season goes. If its like this the rest of the season I may be done.  Alex may not be Meredith's love interest but he's pretty much become Derek - only there to be about Meredith. Its so disappointing.  I can certainly see how people who love Meredith & Maggie are loving season 12 but Alex is my favorite and I'm finding it disappointing overall even if some episodes are enjoyable.


    That's what I really like about the April / Jackson story, too. I love that I can see both sides. I think they did a decent job with that last year, too, during their storyline but then it just sort of got dropped. I think April gets a bit hysterical at times for my liking, but this season is the most I've enjoyed their storylines in a long time - probably since they joined the series. I don't always agree with them, but I see where they're coming from, which is all that matters. 


    I also like Riggs more and more each week. I think he's been a great addition to the cast. I'm not sure he's there solely for Meredith, but it's definitely a possibility that they end up together. I do appreciate that it hasn't been shoved down our throats - as in he didn't just appear to service Meredith. I like that he's at least being integrated with several other cast members first, even if he is eventually going to end up with Meredith. I don't think they'll pair him with Amelia if only because Shonda seems intent on continuing this never-ending merry-go-round of Amelia / Owen melodrama. Although maybe her hooking up with Riggs will be part of that? Who knows. At least it's keeping me guessing, I suppose. 


    I wouldn't ever quit the show over it, but as someone who's favourite character is Alex as well, I feel your pain. I just keep waiting for some actual exploration of him and Jo. I love his friendship with Meredith, and I love their scenes together, but he deserves to have more outside of that. Like I said in my original post, I think if the writers want us to root for Alex / Jo, then they need to actually show us some Alex / Jo. We have about 10 episodes to go, so hopefully there is something to come. I really wanted to see more of Callie and Jo working together as well, this season, because I think they're an interesting dynamic. But with so many characters and all of these storylines already going, I just don't see how it's all going to pan out. 

    • Love 1
  13. Grey's did a 2.0 last night (half hours 2.0/2.1) It's still trouncing the rest of TGIT and it was the highest-rated scripted show on broadcast last night, bested only by the last bit of NCAA basketball which pulled a 2.1. In terms of dramas on broadcast this week, only Criminal Minds beat it in the demo (2.2). They had a huge spike because a long-time character was exiting. 


    The rest of TGIT last night: 


    Scandal : 1.6
    The Catch : 1.2


    EDIT: Woops, Greysaddict beat me to it lol. 

    • Love 1
  14. I thought Riggs was an ass for yelling at Owen about how Owen should hate himself when he looks in the mirror because and I am still not clear on his sister's death but from my understanding it's assumed it was a plane crash? But now I think it's more the plane went MIA and it's been so long, Owen has just resigned himself to thinking she is dead sadly, which is more than likely. So, I think Riggs has no say in how Owen should feel. I don't like Riggs or Owen, but I think Riggs saying Owen just gave up on his sister is kind of messed up. Good luck trying to get your friendship back with that, buddy. But honestly, I do not care about either of them. 


    I think the issue is that Owen has consistently (unfairly) put the blame on Riggs. He's blamed him and, not only that, but also made it so that others at the hospital have had a negative opinion of Riggs because of it. He's made scenes in the middle of the hospital and even punched Riggs in the face. It's especially troubling considering what Owen said earlier this season to Amelia about how he felt a bit relieved when he heard that Cristina's plane crashed because he wouldn't have to deal with the drama anymore (or whatever it was that he said.) Meanwhile, he's held this grudge for years and put his sister's death on Riggs. So I get why Riggs would finally explode and throw some of the blame back on Owen. 

    • Love 5
  15. Despite all the things I could nitpick that I'm sure we'll get to, I really, really enjoyed this episode (again! several weeks running!) Although there are a lot of things I think the writers could easily improve, I still genuinely believe that this is the most enjoyable the series has been as a whole in several years. At the end of the day, from a show like Grey's, all that matters to me is that it's still fun to watch and that I think - most of - the characters are still engaging. 


    I loved how Alex knew exactly how to push Meredith. I really liked the scene with Mer / Jo / Alex / Maggie / Steph, with Mer asking for a distraction and Steph bringing up the ring in the drawer (still!) and then Jo countering by asking Steph the last time she had sex. I do hope that we get some actual Alex and Jo movement soon, but I love seeing Alex as a fantastic doctor so I always welcome more of that. Maybe I'm cheesy, but I love all the subtle nods to the past without going overboard (bringing up Izzie, Meredith focusing on Derek's scrub cap when she saw Thorpe.)


    Alex is always the best: "We lose people and we find new ones. That's how it works." I think the writers have been smart with the pacing of Mer / Thorpe, and I loved the last scene in his car. I don't think this will be anything long term, but It's so great to see Meredith smile. I think they're exploring how tough it can be to 'move on' really well. I also actually liked her scene with Amelia. 


    .... am I warming up to Amelia!?!? I actually felt bad when she showed up to Owen's and found him drunk. I don't care much about either of them, but I liked Owen's scene with April and I felt for Amelia at the end. I think it just means that I'm enjoying the show a lot overall and so even the characters that get on my nerves are okay with me. I also love the switch-up of interactions lately, like Amelia / Arizona at the end. 


    I'm quite happy that, for once, there was virtually no Penny. Still, they made time for her but not for Ben who is an actual regular, which is a bit annoying. Why not have him there instead of her? I do hate to see Callie being reduced to the odd scene of comic relief. Her scene with Arizona was nice, though. I just wish she'd be given some actual storylines. I like that the writers didn't let Arizona off the hook for what she did, with virtually every doctor telling her that she made a mistake. It was also nice to see Cross again - I gotta admit that I think he would have been a much more interesting addition to the cast than DeLuca, who I just find really bland. Cross reminded me a bit of George when he came on, which I think would be refreshing opposed to all of the alpha-males that we have in the cast. It looks like we're seeing the first real trouble for Maggie / DeLuca, and while I do think it's organic and makes sense, it just doesn't excite me. We've seen it play out with other, more interesting, characters before. 


    April and Jackson are a bit grating... I feel for both of them, because it's an awful situation to be in, but the ending scene made me feel like we're just going in circles again. I liked Jacksons stepping up after his talk with Webber (I often forget that Richard is married to his mother) and then it seemed to just go down the drain. I know that Catharine will be showing up soon, so I guess we'll see how that goes. 


    Overall, I just want to see some of the more sidelined characters get more spotlight as the season heads into its final stretch. I like the way the season and stories are unfolding, but I need to see more of Bailey, Callie, Alex and Jo. I think if they shed some cast next year and keep the writing at its current level, S13 can be even better than 12. With better focus and continuity, I think Grey's would be totally at the top of its game. 

    • Love 4
  16. Can we have that for one episode and have it be more than a 45 second scene? I'm mostly kidding. I sure wouldn't mind some scenes of just Alex/Jo but I'd never want my favorites isolated; that makes them expendable and too dependent on another for story. See Jo right now as an example. I like it best when each character gets a balance of doctoring, friends and romance.


    This is from an interview with JH. What's she going to do?

    Ooops, sorry. The interview was already posted in Media when I was posting here. Leaving here in case some more spoilers about it come out.


    LOL I feel you on that one, though. If the writers want the audience to really root for Alex / Jo, then we need some development for the two of them together as well as apart. I'm hoping they get some type of storyline together in the back half of the season now that the Meredith / Jo stuff is seemingly out of the way. We need to see them having fun together and discussing their relationship. That would be my hope. 


    And that's interesting about Steph (not something I'd ever heard myself say!) I wonder if it has to do with the MS patient that Wilmer is playing?

  17. I really don´t understand why Meredith goes with Nathan and Owen in the ambulance in 1217 to get the heart for a transplantation.


    Such a contrived stupidity, if they want her with Thorpe - a wannabe Derek, why put her in scenes with Nathan at all? Such rubbish. I´d rather it were just Nathan and Owen. Why the need for an audience in Meredith? So stupid.  


    I really do not understand the need for Meredith to hate Nathan, to question him like  a prosecutor in court about Megan in 1212  and to continue meddling into Nathan´s and Owen´s business.These are the occasions that make me despise her.


    I honestly hope for the future that Megan magically appears in Seattle healthy. And for Nathan and Megan to be together again.


    So wait, if Meredith dates Thorpe then she shouldn't have scenes with any other males? By that logic, should Callie only share scenes with Penny and Alex only have scenes with Jo? And How is Thorpe a wannabe Derek? So far we don't know anything about Thorpe other than him being an oncologist. I agree that it's odd that we have three surgeons going to get a heart, but I'll wait until the episode airs to see why it pans out that way. 

  18. The grant does look like it could be a set up for Stephanie's exit. I will call foul if Penny even applies for it. A third year resident has no business applying for a grant, no matter how great the show tells us she is.


    If it gets Penny off of the show, honestly I'll just smile and embrace the ridiculousness of it lol

    • Love 3
  19. I agree. I sometimes feel that they don't even consider Greys for Emmy reel. Maybe it has become a bit drag by now but I feel S-7,8,-9 were amazing performance wise and deserved recognition. Even now Greys throws a episode here and there where the story telling and performance is noteworthy.

    My problem is the shows that actually win Emmy. Sometimes I feel they aren't 'that' great and I don't even get why they won. My biggest beef is mostly against Game Of Thrones. While I love the graphics and cinematography but that's about it for that show. When someone even gets nomination in actors/actress category from that show, I cringe. I like that show, I just feel it isn't 'that' good.


    I don't love the show, but I think Peter Dinklage is phenomenal and his awards are well-deserved. I can see why it gets nominations considering how much goes into it.

  20. 12x17 - "I Wear the Face" - Meredith goes on an ambulance ride with Owen and Nathan to pick up a heart for a transplant patient. Musician & MS patient Kyle Diaz is admitted to Grey Sloan Memorial with a tremor in his hand, and the residents apply for the Preminger Grant. Meanwhile, Catherine continues to insert herself into Jackson and April's business against Richard's wishes, on "Grey's Anatomy," THURSDAY, APRIL 7 (8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT) on the ABC Television Network.


    Guest starring is Samantha Sloyan as Penny Blake, Debbie Allen as Catherine Avery and Wilmer Valderrama as Kyle Diaz.



    So Wilmer is indeed a long-term patient. Grey's has never really tackled MS... it's an illness I've dealt with closely in my family, so I'm looking forward to seeing how they deal with it.

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