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Posts posted by BaseOps

  1. 12 minutes ago, Deanie87 said:

    Yeah, I thought Camilla was good in the first loft scene (with her sad conciliatory breakfast and cleavage). I thought some of the drunk scenes were funny, but I also thought that she should have been more of an emotional/devastated drunk, which I guess we got later sort of and could have been the direction as well. Did she say that they guy was a powerful man?  I didn't expect that, I expected him to be a lowlife of some kind (not that an abusive ass isn't a lowlife but you know what I mean.) That is an interesting twist.  I just wish that there was a recent development with it because while it does make sense with her stuff in seasons 9 and 10, it really doesn't make sense with what came earlier this season.  And I wish that she would have explained why she felt she couldn't tell Alex.  But, it could have been much, much worse, and it could lead to something really interesting next season.  Fingers crossed I guess.

    "I was living in my car... and then I met him and I wasn't living in my car anymore. Everybody loved him. I did. He never wanted anyone to stop loving him. So if I [undistinguishable] he would hit me in my face. Or my stomach." 

    I can't tell what she says here. But yea, I thought her first scene was good, some of the dialogue in her reveal to DeLuca was just clunky. 

    "If you try to divorce him..." "He would FIND me" 

    And then her stripping and all DeLuca's "No, no, what are you doing!" made me chuckle a bit. I was just waiting for Alex to storm in. 

    Also, I liked that they had Owen / Riggs get over there shit, but I wish there had been some actual build-up. Anyway, the Mer / Riggs scene that followed was great.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Deanie87 said:

    I must be drunk because I pretty much enjoyed this.  Outside of that travesty of a last episode for Callie.  I wonder if things were down to the wire because Callie didn't say goodbye to any other character and that really, really sucks.  Maybe she will come back once or twice a season?  

    All I wanted for the Jo and Alex stuff was for it not to be a complete retcon, Jo not to come out looking like completely awful and for there to be a storyline next season and I think I got those things.  The DeLuca beatdown was a little unnecessary, but I was finding grown up, drama-free Alex a little boring so I'll take the backslide as long as he didn't do any damage to DeLuca's pretty face.  Also, Justin Chambers can act, I have no idea why they don't give him the chance more often.

    I love Riggs and Cross.  I may have "Now you think your're my sun and my moon...you're good but you're not that good" engraved on my tombstone.  

    I think Riggs was my MVP two weeks in a row. He really is great and I'm actually very looking forward to his relationship with Meredith. They're scene at the church was my favourite of the episode. Also, I've said for a while that I wish they had made Cross a regular instead of DeLuca. I like the silliness he brings. 

    As for Alex / Jo, I figured most fans would be happy because at least they're never making us doubt how much she loves him (and vice versa.) The DeLuca thing was such cheesy setup, but that's Greys. It will give them a lot to deal with next season. I DO wonder how she made it through med school with a fake name... maybe she legally changed it? 

    Edited to add: I LOVE when they give Justin scenes like that. He really can act his butt off when he needs to. I thought Camilla was a bit silly in some scenes, but acting drunk can be tough. 

    • Love 4
  3. 2 minutes ago, sarkygal said:

    I'm not disagreeing with you BaseOps. It's the lousy story line that's doing my head in. We could have just had SaRa move to NY with Penny without the ugly custody case, if it was going to be this same outcome anyway. I'll just go look for a gif of Jackson and baby to make me feel better. 

    I didn't mind the custody thing, I just wish we saw actual resolution AFTER it. Not just the flash of a scene that we got this week where Arizona suddenly turns around and hands over everything Callie asked for. I think Callie deserved a much, much better send-off. I made a few points in the Callie Torres character thread that I'll repeat here... I think her love for Penny made sense. Everyone Callie loved either died or cheated on her (sometimes both.) So when she fell for Penny, she fell hard and didn't want to lose that. I just wish Penny had been more engaging of a character, because it left a huge disconnect in the story for the audience. Callie fell in love and wanted to pursue it - fine. But I wish it came through more onscreen. In theory, I'm happy that (if she had to go) she wasn't killed and she got a happy ending (?) But I wish they had worked harder to show Callie and Penny falling in love... or something. We never saw them meet or fall in love, and there was so little chemistry when we DID see them together. That combined with this super rushed ending just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. 

    • Love 5
  4. 8 minutes ago, arilliope said:

    @BaseOps, did any of Callie's lines get cut? as in, was your viewing different from what aired?

    Nope. The screener I got was exactly what aired. I believe I said Callie only had one scene with dialogue. I honestly thought that was going to be a cliffhanger, not a 'send off'. Quite disappointed. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, sarkygal said:

    All summer and every other school year is not primary guardianship. Arizona's whole custody case hinged on the fact that moving Sofia to NY was not in the child's best interests. Reneging on that just to give SaRa a positive exit from the show is bad writing. and in real life, it's undermines the judge's ruling and Arizona's claim to sole physical custody. 

    Yea, I don't disagree that it was sloppy... also not what's best for Sofia. BUT with Sara leaving, I'm glad they didn't just kill her. I think negotiations probably went down to the wire. This is probably best case scenario. It frees up Arizona, it allows us to believe they're co-parenting well, and it gives Callie a happy send-off (as much as I despise the fact that it's with Penny.) Also, if Arizona has sole physical custody, doesn't she get to decide how much time the child spends with Callie? So splitting time is her prerogative. 

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  6. Arizona says "bring her back next weekend, and I want all summer and every other school year." So it sounds like she'll still be the primary guardian but is just willing to be flexible so Callie can have some leeway. I still hate how quickly they wrapped it up. If they knew this was her final episode, WHY did they do it this way? I guess it was all about the surprise, but damn... 

    • Love 3
  7. Okay... just a few hours away... I'll throw a bone to Jolex fans who are scared of tonight's episode... 


    She is NOT painted as a villain. Her secret isn't an affair. It's very, very clear throughout that she is in love with Alex and wants to spend her life with him. 

    • Love 2
  8. 6 minutes ago, PatrickSwi said:

    Please tell me more about the calzona scene :)

    5 minutes ago, GreysFan89 said:

    Sorry all the questions must be annoying...but is Sofia in the ep? I'm sure she was listed as a guest star on the PR,

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    and if she is, I'm guessing she must be involved in the Calzona scene...


    I don't really want to give anything away about that. Early on Arizona mentions that Sofia keeps asking why mommy (Callie) is so sad. The Calzona scene also includes Sofia and I would call it the big surprise of the episode, although it isn't the actual last scene. It definitely addresses Callie's status and where she stands with Arizona.  


    3 minutes ago, Maluca fan said:

    Any scenes on who deluca and Maggie share scenes with 


    Maggie's scenes are mostly with the sisters, DeLuca's are mainly with Jo. 

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  9. 4 minutes ago, GreysFan89 said:
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    Hmm, DeLuca involved with Jolex...

    I'm guessing there's not much Arizona, since JCap was heavily pregnant during filming?


    Very little JCap. She has a few quick scenes (one with Bailey, one with Bailey / Jackson... one with Callie which is memorable.) 

    All of these Spoiler tags are going to give people a headache lol. Sorry! Since this isn't all from a media outlet I don't want to have it dangling around the thread incase people don't want to read! 

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  10. Okay so... I really enjoyed it. I won't give anything big away, but it IS a very low-key episode mostly centred around the wedding and birth. My favourite scenes were both Mer / Riggs. Especially a scene near the end where they discuss Meghan / Derek. I'll say that we've mostly all guessed what was gonna go down to a degree. 



    Amelia cries A LOT. There's lots of Amelia dramatics. Fun, fun, fun... 

    Mer and Alex's opening scene is great. They DO discuss whether or not Izzie was Alex's 'one true love.' 

    Alex and Jo fans... may be a bit frustrated. There IS a major Jo / Alex scene. You'll probably see the ending coming from a mile away, but I guess it does leave them in an interesting place. DeLuca is involved.... 

    Steph has only one brief scene; Callie has only one scene of dialogue and it's a bit of a doozy. 


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  11. 1 minute ago, GreysFan89 said:
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    Is it Amelia/Owen centric? Cause that sounds kinda dull...:(

    Like I said, I literally just sort of skimmed through so far... I'll give a better idea once I get to watch the whole thing. But it does indeed look like its mostly centred  around the wedding, yes. I also saw a quick glimpse of Bailey working (at the hospital). Also a Jo / Alex scene at the apartment early on and then a Jo / Steph bar scene. 

  12. 13 minutes ago, GreysFan89 said:
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    I'm going to try to watch it shortly... I skimmed through because I can't help myself...



    There is indeed a scene midway through the episode where Meredith is helping Amelia run away in the rain. 

    I won't give anything major away... at least not in plain sight on the board. I like my job too much for that, lol. 

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