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Posts posted by MDL

  1. I really liked the slow/somber version of the theme.

    I agree, for the reasons stated earlier, that  we saw just enough of Gibbs-the picture he sent, and and of course the flashbacks. I also agree that more might have been a distraction.

    Given the circumstances when Pauley left, there was probably no way she would appear. I did like the black funeral floral arrangement, of course it was from her!

    It was nice to see Tony, but at first I thought it was CGI/ photoshop/ ???. Based on the way he first appeared, it looked a little shaky, almost like a hologram. Maybe it was my tv...

    All in all, a nice tribute. Well done show. Rest in peace Donald (and Ducky).



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  2. Did I miss something, or was it obvious/ Implied (especially considering the way the team was dressed in the preview), that the phone call they got at the end was the news that Ducky had died?

    If that's correct, I like the way the It was handled. It was well known that David McCallum had passed away. That phone call can help show how the team reacted to the sudden news, as the fans reacted to the sudden news in reality


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  3. Was the man in the final scene with Torres the same man who was on the phone with the young convict? Did Torres recognize him as the person who molested/mistreated him and his sister when they were children?

    (Am I making to many jumps of logic/illogic??)

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  4. The actual episode was "eh" up to the wedding scene. The wedding scene was nice,but when I saw how much time (in the hour) remained, I became scared that "something horrible was going to happen"- a bomb killing everyone,etc.

    Hetty's letter was a nice touch, and I really liked the "Morocco Mission", because  it brought back some old "friends" and it gave me(maybe only me???) comfort to see that in the world of the show, the team continues on with life.


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  5. Has Danny ever called Baez "Maria" In such a concerned (and lovingly? ) manner before?

    If they were to become a couple, wouldn't they still be allowed to work together, in the same way Jamie and Eddie were?


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  6. I unfortunately missed last week's episode, and could only watch last tonight's episode in bits and pieces.

    Please let me know if I am correct in the following info: (apologies and thanks in advance!)

    1) Regarding the two young  police women/officers in the flashbacks: the one who found "baby Will" is now Will's boss in the ABI (Amanda), and the other is Faith's mother.

    2) Near the end of the episode, when Will was at his desk looking through evidence documents, the young woman who comforted him was his mother “Lucy”(?), and she was a creation of, and existed only in his mind.

    3) If I followed it correctly, the cops realized  who the bad guy was, and  where Will and Angie were, when one of the cops recognized/ remembered a particular smell (fragrance?). Could somebody please connect the dots for me?

    Again, thanks!


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  7.  If I followed this ending,up to when  they got "their guy" (the one who gave himself away by knowing that "Max" was "Maxine". Later, during the interrogation he said he didn't know anything about the silver ink squiggles on the walls etc.

    (then, thanks to an ill timed phone called, I missed some of what happened next.)

    Was that what led the agents back  to that house, where they saw the name cards on the printer?

    Was that in effect the end of the episode?

  8. 11 hours ago, susannot said:

    Have Perdita Weeks' breasts been augmented for the new series?  She used to have a slim, athletic, flat-chested figure.  Now she has larger jiggly breasts.  Thank you NBC for ruining an iconic female character.

    It seemed to me that her tops  were a bit (?) more revealing than in the past, but maybe it was "enhancement", costuming, or a bit of both.

    • Like 1
  9. I may be in the minority here, but does everyone have to be "damaged" in some way shape or form? In some ways, I guess that's more realistic then the other extreme,but so far this show does come across as very dark . That said, I probably will continue to watch, as it so far has been well done

    • Like 5
  10. Near the end of the ep, as Parker and his ex were in the car, she leaned over into the back seat  to "look for a cassette" in her bag, but secretly texted with someone. I couldn't read the messages (maybe that was intentional). Could anybody read them, if so what did they say?

    Thanks in advance.

  11. I missed a few minutes on and off during the ep.


    Did anybody think that that was really Ana who got shot?

    Did the ep show how that was done (computer generated deep fake, makeup and special effects, some victim who actually got shot, or ???)

    Please remind me of Joelle's motivations for the cold blooded (although well deserved) execution of Katya and her accomplice.


    Callen says he loves Ana, and they walk away hand in hand.....did the coming attractions indicate that she is (once again) in danger, or did I miss hear?


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  12. I agree, it did move slowly.

    Have we finally been given a reason for Nicks crummy attitude?

    Question: Were the "counseling session" scenes dimly lit? (it could be the tv I was watching.)

  13. Do I have this correct? (I watched with some interruptions, which might have made it make even less sense)

    Joe Hill hooked up with a lawyer at a bar. They go back to her place, and at some point she gets a phone call, where he hears her tell the other person to leave town. Somehow, he determines that she is witness tampering, tells Anthony, who brings it to Erin.

    After the usual in-family bickering, somehow Joe gets a folder of more incriminating information on the lawyer.

    Joe, Anthony and Erin determined that the big bad guy must have kidnapped the lawyer. They somehow find the location, get there just as the bad guy is bringing out the bloodied lawyer. He fires on them, Anthony shoots him dead. The lawyer looks at show and says “you're a cop?”

    Joe and Erin  go bowling........................................TV writing at its best????

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  14. 5 hours ago, susannah said:

    II  highly doubt that her marriage ended because of her job or that her child suffered from total neglect.  I doubt anyone was telling her ex not to be as successful as he could be, even though he had a wife and child.

    Is my memory fading, or did Erin's marriage end due to Jack having an affair?


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  15. Wow!

    A few thoughts:

    1)      I guess all the subtle or not so subtle hints that Bishop was getting trained by Odette turned out to be true. How long is her “too long” undercover assignment going to be? is Bishop out?

    2)      So there was, or was going to be Bishop and Torres as an item?

    3)      Of course they never told us how Gibbs got the boat out of the basement.

    4)      I wasn't too surprised when the boat exploded, it was near the end of the episode and something had to happen.

    5)      I was glad they let us see “Gibbs” swim away. Without that it would be too much of a cliffhanger. The only thing is- did he deliberately blow up the boat and if so, why and what?

    6)      When Gibbs was talking to the Reporter (can't remember her name but it's his real life wife), my stomach was in a knot because I I was afraid they were going to pull another “Kate” and have her killed by the serial killer turned sniper.

    All in all, much to think about.

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