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Posts posted by SophiaD

  1. That felt contrived to me.  I'm not sure there are enough paired-off ninjas to make it worth it.  I much preferred the "Ninjas vs The World" challenge, even though it could be a bit hokey at times, or the Skills Challenge.  That was fun.

    I did notice quite a few familar faces in the promotions for the new season, so it should be interesting to see if they are actually showcased and marketed.  

    • Like 3
  2. 16 hours ago, DEL901 said:

    It used to be must see tv for me, but with all the kids….i think I’m noping out of this season.  

    Yes, me, too, @DEL901.  I'll probably have it on in the background, in case someone I like does something special (go, RJ Roman!), but it will definitely be in the background.

    It's not their fault, but the kids who make the finals have rich parents who can afford to pay for them to train and build them gyms in their backyards.  Part of what made the show special for me was all of the quirky stories, each a little bit different, like watching Nick Hansen train outdoors in Alaska in the winter.

    I'm happy for the kids, but it's a much blander show now.  

    • Like 5
  3. Akbar looks great.  

    They're still obsessed with the "first mother this and that," although since it's Mother's Day, that's at least understandable.  

    Other than that, it was all about the teen phenoms.  It was great to see Flex and Jesse Graf again, but it was pretty obvious, at least to me, that one of the younger women would win.  

    • Like 2
  4. I don't think I've ever seen a program like Ilia's.  That was remarkable.  He completely nailed all of those quads and his artistry is coming along brilliantly.  

    I'm just glad I was able to witness that.  

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  5. 12 hours ago, Grizzly said:

    Came on here to say I am so tired of the long, drawn out opening. We know who the titans are and where they come from. Them seeing the TT is just silly.

    I think that's for the casual viewer who may have stumbled on the show, but it definitely gets repetitive.

    I was glad Brooke pulled it out.  Bryon being upset with her that she replaced him (on Top Chef, I think?) was really kind of silly.  She didn't have anything to do with his being voted out.  Also, the backseat driving from the other two Titans was endearing, but I can see how it might have been a bit annoying in the moment.  Brooke handled it better than I would have.

    I thought the judging was off, though, in favor of the challenger.  I agree with Michael that you can't say something is the best use of the ingredients that you've seen thus far and then vote it down.  And Tiffany was so upset at her very low score, which I didn't think she deserved.  

    Nice camaraderie between the Titans. 

    • Like 3
  6. That was an enjoyable episode.  Brooke wasn't the only one to be irritated by Kelvin's comments.  I was like, "Dude, could you be any more condescending?"  i was glad that she won and I like her, too.

    I'm enjoying the format.  I like the three Titans, how they comment knowledgeably on how the cooking is going.  I like that the stakes are somewhat high - $25,000 isn't nothing.  I also like that the judges are, for the most part, seasoned professionals.  

    Bobby also looks as if he's enjoying himself.  He's earned it!  

    • Like 3
  7. I caught the re-run on NBC earlier this evening.  Again, it was nice to see a normal episode again, but, overall, the season was kind of meh.  So sad for Najee and for Sean Bryan.  No women got through.  They're still harping on the mother thing.  

    I am happy that Flip, RJ, Joe Moravsky, and RJ made it through, but a teen will probably win the whole thing.

    I'll watch the rest of the season, but if next year is identical, I'll probably have it on while I clean the house.  

    • Like 2
  8. Tomorrow is another weird day, so here your thread for Stage 2 (and possibly 3?), which will feature yet more SIDE-BY-SIDE RACING!  for the second part of Stage 1!

    Thanks for the corrections, friends!  I must have been looking at the wrong week!  

  9. Well, that was poignant.  It still had the flavor of the series that it used to be, backstories and all.  And NO SIDE-BY-SIDE RACING!  

    I do hope Flip makes it through to the finals.  And it's upsetting that the (stupid) new format means that a lot of seasoned ninjas weren't there this year.  I know it's unlikely they will ditch the side-by-side races, but I wish they would.

    I am SO over the whole "first mom" thing.  Can we just let the woman do her run?  Also, I'm all about being true to yourself and all, but I doubt that Bob Reese's baby cares whether he does a flip or not.  A million dollars, on the other hand, would be a very nice basis for a college fund, not to mention to all of the expenses involved in having a baby and raising a child.

    It looks like we get another nice trip down memory lane next week, and then onto Stage 2.  

    • Like 4
  10. On 1/10/2023 at 4:15 PM, Bastet said:

    That was Brittany Anderson, and it was a well-earned accomplishment!  I'm usually at least someone rooting for the titans, as I like Tiffany and Brooke so much, and the other chef who won, Viet Pham bugged me a little, but I was all in for her, even though German cuisine is quite far down my list of preferences.  Other than her giant schnitzel, her food looked fantastic.

    Yes, I'm with you on both.  I really didn't like Viet Pham's attitude towards the Titans, nor did I care for the judge.  But Brittany did a wonderful job and her food looked amazing.  I did think Brooke got her in the last round.  (Can you tell that I watched the marathon today?)

    It will be interesting to see what the next season brings.  I like this format very much - the chef has the possibility to get tired, as Bobby mentioned.  I wonder if that will be a factor.  

    • Like 1
  11. I really enjoy watching the other Titans watching and commenting on the battle while it's in progress.  It's also great that there's just one judge, so they can craft their offerings to appeal to that person.  

    Bobby has strong "cooking dad" vibes in this.  I wonder how difficult it is for him to just watch and offer occasional comments and advice, rather than to be cooking himself?  (He is rocking his look with that blazer, though).  

    • Like 4
  12. I stumbled across this show yesterday.  I like it SO much more then LILI, mainly because there isn't a competition and one of member of the couple isn't "winning" at the other's expense.  

    Although, I agree, that the $100,000 vanished rather quickly in the GOAT episode, I really liked the slipcovers and the tile refresh as tips for watchers who might want to do their own remodels and can't afford it.  Also, the couple was just charming (and baby goats!)

  13. Your thread for this evening, which will presumably focus on yet more side-by-side racing. (sigh)

    On a side note, I really wish they hadn't recorded next year's season this year, because that means, unless they are changing things just to change them, any major format changes are unlikely.  Also, some of my favorite ninjas are out this year, and two years is a long time to wait to see them again, if they even continue to compete.  

    On the plus side (I suppose), I get a lot more done on Monday nights, just having this on in the background.

    • Like 3
  14. That went about how I thought it would.  I ended up having it on in the background while I multi-tasked.  It's a new show now, with similar obstacles and some of the same people, but the aspects I liked are pretty much gone.  It's like going back to a neighborhood and seeing all of the quirky old homes pulled down for snappy new condos.  Perfectly serviceable, but lacking character.  I'm also not a huge fan of the men and women having separate leaderboards.  

    It definitely rewards agile, speedy, people, especially the teens.  I was happy for the SAHD with the seriously cute kids, and for Tyler Yamauchi, who I've always liked.  The young woman who hit the buzzer was incredible.  It's also nice to see the safety pass again.   

    In general, the editing has been good for these last few episodes.  And it sounds from the preview as if someone is going to win a million dollars this season.  I'm hoping that someone like Sean Bryan will have an incredible run, maybe even win, but my guess is that it will be one of the teens. 

    • Like 2
  15. Happy for Flip and for Ryan Stratis.  Congratulations to Caleb and Ashley Bergstrom on their marriage and to Caleb for his MegaMall run and Ashley for a solid run of her own.  If they are the new ninja power couple, one benefit of the abbreviated format is that Matt and Akbar didn't go on and on about it.

    It doesn't feel as if we are getting enough of Zuri this season.

    I think in general the editing was better this evening - showing the abbreviated runs of the final two competitors just before they went head-to-head.  

    I'm probably not going to see the TMNT movie, but I have to hand it to Akbar and Matt for being good sports about it, especially at the end.  

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