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Posts posted by generate789

  1. I've been sitting with my thoughts on this finale for a bit. I didn't want to post right after I watched it because I thought I'd be more measured if I took some time to think it over, but then I realized that I actually just stopped thinking about it because I didn't care anymore. That about sums it up, I guess. I loved this show. I told pretty much anyone who would listen that they had to watch it. There were episodes in S1-3 that made me laugh, cry, feel creeped out, and at the edge of my seat all within one goddamn episode. Season 4 was kind of a mess, but I thought they would pull it together by the end. They kind of did ... I mean, the S4 finale was gripping and tied a lot of threads together and I was an emotional wreck, but ... clearly it came at the cost of the rest of the show. Killing Quentin was stupid and wrong, for all of the reasons everyone here has already articulated. But even accounting for the fact that the show was missing Quentin (and Jason Ralph, who was phenomenal and subtle and just a joy to watch), S5 was a giant mess. Plots moved too fast, complicated things were barely explained, MacGuffins abounded, threads were dropped, characters were poorly developed, the musical episode fell flat, the dialogue felt stilted, points of emotional tension felt rushed ... at the end, I just didn't care about any of it anymore. I agree wholeheartedly with what Imonrey said:

    On 4/6/2020 at 4:08 PM, iMonrey said:

    The given explanation was that they felt the character's story was coming to an end, which is utter bullshit considering the amount of story Quentin had left in the books, which had to be given to other characters in the TV show.

    I think for one thing they simply did not like writing for Quentin. It's a lot harder to write for complex characters, and Quentin could be a real downer so that probably wasn't a lot of fun to write compared to, say, Margo and Eliot.

    Quentin was a complicated, compelling, nuanced character and he brought that out in every other character that he interacted with. This season felt so flat, superficial, and dull compared to anything that came before it, and I can't help but think that it was because the writers shot themselves in the foot by killing Q. 


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  2. Can't recall the exact wording, but the prophecy was about Fillory being destroyed by a group of outsiders. So that's definitely going to be the Brakebills crew, no? I get the feeling (as others said upthread) that the Dark King was actually good and they should not have been messing with whatever he was doing with the Reapers before they figured out what. And for the love of all get-out, YES to everything everyone was saying about making a copy of the paper. How are we supposed to buy that Alice is some rare genius if that thought had not crossed her mind???


    At any rate, the world-growing plant seems like what happens in the very end of the last book in the trilogy, so I think if this is going to be the last season, that's where they're going with it. 


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  3. 11 hours ago, RedInk said:

    Is nothing going to come of the child Q had in the other timeline?

    I also was thinking he could be the Dark King, but am now thinking maybe DK could just be a descendant of his? Like, multiple generations down the line? Would make the almost-sex with El less squicky. 

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  4. Adam Lambert broke AI for me. No one will ever be as good as he was. I do wish Dimitrius had stuck around longer, though, because I think he had potential. On topic: I like Laci because I'm a sucker for people who make happy songs sound sad. I liked Jeremiah, but I agree with whomever upthread said his voice will be tough to market (reminds me a bit of Elliot Yamin in that way). Laine is fine but super dull. He's basically just doing dutiful covers of rockabilly songs and I've never experienced a dutifully-covered-rockabilly-song-sized hole in my life, so I'm cool without him. I think Alejandro is a great musician, but I'd rather see him do his own stuff than churn out Idoly fodder. (Kind of want to see him doing a terrible coronation song though). I don't love belty female pop, so I'm probably not in Madison's listening demographic. Wade is ... just ... is votefortheworst still happening? Maybe that explains it? 

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  5. 1 hour ago, Hobo.PassingThru said:

    The clever bits and innovations the writers laid out and which came to fruition in this episode just don't hold water, like a drained magical lake. How is it Alice and Quintin couldn't suck up more of that water but Everett could suck it all up and waste it by not really using it?  A lot of WTFs.

    Yes. But also: it's exactly this sort of thing that I would have been all "IDK IT HAPPENED BECAUSE REASONS, DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT, BRAIN" if the ending hadn't been what the ending was. 

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  6. I really appreciate all of y'alls thoughtful posts. I did not want Q to die, both because I really like him as a character (SO much better than BookQ) and because I was riveted by his relationship with Eliot. I'm a cis straight person and a grown ass woman and when he and E kisssed in ALITD, I gasped and clapped like my teenage self did when watching Joey and Pacey.  I also completely agree with what a bunch of you said upthread: killing a protagonist just because he is male and white is not, in and of itself, progressive storytelling, especially considering that Q was not an aggro-bro-dude, but a sensitive, thoughtful, damaged, queer, three-dimensional character.  But yes, as others have also said, despite all of this, Jason Ralph acted the HELL out of that episode. I am going to miss his presence in S5. I'll still watch it, because I just don't quit TV shows, even when I really, really should. (::cough::watchedall8seasonsofthevampirediaries::cough:::)

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  7. 1 hour ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

    Someone earlier posted a clip of that scene.

    Sorry to have missed it. An all-time classic TV death. RIP Flash. 

  8. I think my favorite line was when Penny dropped Quentin and Alice off in Antarctica and complained about it being cold because he didn't have his scarf. Awesome snark on p-40s wardrobe choices.

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  9. On 4/2/2019 at 10:35 PM, ItCouldBeWorse said:

    If the car accident did lead to Rebecca's condition, don't tell Kate that this parent's bad result was also her fault.  After all, Rebecca bent down to rescue the peaches she had bought for her.  The peaches of doom.

    Anyone else get flashbacks to Dawson's dad's ill-fated ice cream cone in that scene? 

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  10. 19 hours ago, Glory said:

    Penny23 and Julia had a moment and I almost believed it just because Penny could have chemistry with a freaking wall. 

    I was just coming here to say that. I've never seen AG in anything else, but I could watch him make out with anyone and totally buy it. 

    I've always loved Margo/Janet's desert story from the books and was wondering when they'd get to it on the show. Can't wait to see how they do it. I knew they were going there the second they called the lizard a "sand lizard." So glad they're linking it to the quest to save Elliot. 

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  11. I love how this show just owns its ridiculousness. The first few episodes that I watched I was rolling my eyes and going "seriously?" but then I realized "duh, not seriously," and now I just giggle through the whole thing and unabashedly love it. 

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  12. This is by far my favorite show on TV right now. I haven't been this emotionally invested in a ship in a long, long time. HA and JR have amazing chemistry. I was afraid this season was going to turn into an extended plot-driven "big bad" type of story arc, but I love how much character development we're getting so far. Someone else said it on a different episode's comments, but I'm so impressed by the acting all around - the way the actors play nuanced variations on their characters is riveting. 

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  13. On 6/13/2017 at 4:02 PM, dylansucks said:

    Yes to DC cast! Also, thank you for finally inspiring me to get my shit together and watch Veronica Mars for the first time.

    Although, upon rewatching S4, I think most of a DC podcast for that season would just consist of repeatedly shouting "IT'S CALLED A STUDENT LOAN, JOSEPHINE."

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  14. Glad it's not just me on the Colantrain. Love that guy. 


    @WhosThatGirl, you may get your wish! (It may not be me and Tara doing it because we...have given enough of our lives to that guy? [hee] But if we get good response/numbers on current "vintage" pods rolling out, a DC-cast could be in your future!)


    @Curly, that sounds right. I'm trying not to watch ahead and solve some of these riddles, but it's tough.

    I would 100% listen to a DC podcast. One.Hundred.Percent. Been skulking around y'all since Dawson's Wrap and I never, ever get enough of hating on DC. (or rewatching it, apparently, because I'm currently in my 8th rewatch of the entire series ) (only God can judge me)

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  15. 17 minutes ago, DigitalCount said:


    Also, if the title has you impressed, that's actually the theme for all of the episodes this season. I think either Season 4 or Season 5 started the theme of seasonal episode title naming. I'm not sure because I don't know pop culture. :(

    I caught that when it was 90's song titles in S6. Other than that, I didn't have a clue. Thanks!

  16. On 3/1/2017 at 11:32 AM, kariyaki said:

    The episode title is from dialogue in the pilot when Caroline was crushing on Stefan and semi-stalking him:

    That is impressive continuity for this show. 

    Also, it took a really, really long time for Matt's Dad to die. Kelly freaking slit his throat. Despite the fact that there are some important blood vessels in there, he stayed alive through the entire ceremony and a good part of the reception? I've marveled at my own ability to stay awake through wedding ceremonies, but Matt's Dad wins. 

    Also also: (and this is certainly not the first time this has come up) I love how the vampires forget that they can move super-duper fast when  important stuff is happening, like their kids are dying in a fire or a hellbell is being run that maybe someone should stop. 

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  17. I think this is my favorite show that is currently on television. This last episode creeped me out (the doctor's expression right before stabbing herself in the eye was pretty ghastly, as was the eye-stabbing), made me laugh out loud several times, and actually got me a little teary (the Alice scene). This show may not be perfect, but the acting is excellent and it's incredibly entertaining and I wish I knew a single other person in real life who watched it. I tell everyone I know to check it out, but no one does! 

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  18. The copy thing YES. But what I couldn't get over even more (as others have mentioned) was why Cade needed Damon to get the book for him. Dude is immortal, psychic, and can set people on fire with his mind. He can't get a goddamn book by himself??? 

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