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Posts posted by KateHearts

  1. On 10/31/2017 at 3:42 PM, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

    What is Chris getting out of importing goods for Abby to sell off to support her family?  

    he's getting laid.


    As for Darcey and Jesse- something has died in her.  Think back to her time in Amsterdam, all the "awww, BABE!" and squealing and girlish infatuation.  Now she looks better, she has calmed down and maybe the rose-colored glasses are off.  Or, another possibility is that he has worn her self-esteem down so much that the internal monologue is, "I drank too much; I disappointed him again; I need to make him proud of me (why did he say that when giving her the windmill appreciation ring? Was it her job to make him proud?)" and now she's just a beaten down, sad woman who's given up on love.

    Courtney was in instant irritation with her vapid expression (most of the times, her face reflected "I have no idea what you are talking about...") along with the too-frequent braying laugh at weird times.  I have no idea why Antonio continues to talk to her "every day" when he's finally gotten her out of his Ikea display closet and has time to model and not be exposed to her sobbing and whining.  Oh, right- he gets to be on TV.

    • Love 7
  2. On 10/29/2017 at 11:41 PM, bravofan27 said:

    Darcy actually seems pretty sweet. She put up with a lot while she was there. She wants to look cute and pretty, which isn't unheard of. Her style is a little different than mine, but she does put in a lot effort. For that I give her kuddos, as even when my husband and I first started dating, I only dressed up once (I even wore heels) for his birthday. Because I'm lazy and don't care how I look, which is pretty pathetic. Thank god my husband liked my eyes. She just really really wants the relationship to work and is incredibly lonely. Her kids are getting older, her ex is way gone, and she needs a purpose. She poured her heart out as well, and that takes guts. I hope she finds true love. 

    While I get your point, I think Darcey is confused about her identity. She says she's "very independent," which I am sure she is- she has a business and is raising her girls- but the submissiveness she shows towards Jesse along with the babyish voice and squealing, the "awwww, Babe!" which she utters time and time again, and the Forever 21 dress code she's subscribed to all scream insecurity and dependence on approval from others.  Jesse, at this point, is becoming scary- he manipulates her and controls her and after berating her he then comforts her.  I keep thinking of the movie "Gaslight."

    • Love 6
  3. Regarding the thoughts that "Jenny should respect that Larry doesn't want to eat the pig"- although I get that, Larry has a long way to go regarding social graces and managing a situation such as the one he faced with tact.

    Ideally:  Jenny: "Look, Larry- we made this roasted pig for you as a special welcoming meal! We haven't had such a feast in 20 years because my family is dirt poor and we want to let you know that you are an honored guest at our home! Please!  Eat and enjoy!"  

                 Larry:  "My goodness, your family is so wonderful to treat me as such a special guest. I will savor this meal and enjoy it because of the work and caring that went into it."

           -Larry tastes the pork (and eats lots of side dishes if the pork doesn't appeal to him), smiling and thanking his hosts multiple times.

    Reality:  Jenny: "Look, Larry- we made this roasted pig for you as a special welcoming meal! We haven't had such a feast in 20 years because my family is dirt poor and we want to let you know that you are an honored guest at our home! Please!  Eat and enjoy!"  

                  Larry:  (winces, wrinkles nose, eyes dart from side to side):  "Uhh.... ummmm.... this is gross.  I don't think I can eat this.  I'm going to gag.  I KNOW I'm going to gag.  How do I get through this?  Oh, dear god...."  Sighs heavily. Looks sick.  Looks like he wants to run.  Reluctantly takes a bite, looking as if he's going to vomit it right back out.  Doesn't thank them.  Complains some more.

    That's the difference.  Larry is a social infant and an oaf.  I would have been offended as well.  Jenny was looking for a ticket to a better life, no doubt- but she was hoping that her ticket would act somewhat like a human rather than a thankless slob.

    • Love 16
  4. On 10/9/2017 at 1:10 PM, Christina said:

    I tell that long personal story to say I sympathized with Larry when presented with something he didn't want to eat.

    This was different from having your violent, allergic reaction to a food.

    That said, I wouldn't "throw a roll" at a family member because I felt she had given me something I was intolerant to. Nor would I eat the food if I had strong suspicions it would make be very ill.

    • Love 4
  5. Yeah, I don't think of him as a creep or rapey at all.  Just kind of expecting she came over to his country to put out, which isn't, perhaps, an unfounded expectation. From what she said he was talking making babies, and she seemed very excited about it all.  I'm sure the mixed signals are going both ways.

    • Love 1
  6. 1 minute ago, ChiBurbsMama said:

    My personal top annoying phrases are " worldwind" vs. "whirlwind"

    I've noticed this a lot lately! In fact, I think Darcey used that term. 

    I have changed my original opinion about Paul- that he's just an awkward guy (maybe a little Aspergers?) who just doesn't know how to interact.  Well, I still think that (everytime he hugs Karine he clap-clap-claps her on the back like an awkward uncle), but now he's scaring me a bit.  And after reading about his checkered past, I am even more disturbed. And my god, the word slurring! what is that?!

    Antonio is a specific "type" of guy; I've seen this in America as well.   He flirts, he says all the right things, he lures the girl into his trap and then... when she's not naked in his bed in 5 minutes she's "cold." He can't understand why she is not just thrilled to be with him in all his glory.  And by god, she came on to him, so she'd better put out by night #2 or she'll be kicked to the curb! Of course, Cortney doesn't help herself at all with her constant bleating, "I waited for an hourrrrrr.... I'm so tiiirrrreeed..... I thought you weren't comingggg.......who are you textingggg...."  She was ill-prepared; as others have said, I'm wondering why she would be allowed to do something this risky when she apparently doesn't have basic life skills.  And she has been catfished before!! Her plain old Mom and Dad need to stop funding her travels; I'm assuming since she quit her job to travel around the world, they are supporting her.  Bless her heart.

    Larry is about to get his heart broken.  Again.  He looks like he already feels he's way in over his head.  He's a Simpleton with a boring life, an okay job, and two kids he somehow ended up with after women who took advantage of him up and left. The new girlfriend (I've forgotten her name) will have his pockets turned inside out and his credit card number before the end of Day 1. Notice how the camera zoomed in on her f-me heels and tight jeans (before the misaligned teeth). She's a pro at this.

    • Love 4
  7. On 9/5/2017 at 9:18 AM, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

    What's a predcy test? ;-) 

    haha... I noticed that too!  He says some words so fast you can barely comprehend what he's saying.

    Larry may not make a lot of money, but he did mention that he cashed in his IRA (his last ten years' savings) to fund this trip. Yup, I'm thinking Danielle all over again... right down to the cute pets and the poor fashion sense (dad jeans and a much-too-big cap, anyone?) - although Larry's face is a little more symmetrical.

    • Love 2
  8. So here's my reaction to Paul (contrasting to others' "he's a creep" impression): the guy is an IT guy.  He is socially awkward, attached to his mommy and over-prepares for this visit (seeing the "travel doctor," worrying about germs and his urethra).  I think he's a little on the Asperger spectrum.  He has no idea how to relate to others (what's with the finger motion when trying to pantomime the "getting married" idea to the Dad? Good lord.  Or him donning the full-body swim armor when getting in the river?) Watch how he smacks her on the back during their first embrace... he has probably zero experience in relationships with people in general, not to mention romantic relationships with women.

    Darcey (is that her name?) has ruined her face and I have a hard time getting beyond that.  And that she reeks of desperation.

    • Love 5
  9. 1 hour ago, columbot said:

    I don' think there's been a single time on this show where someone used their pronouns correctly.

    "Anthony and me had a great time."

    "It was hard for Nate and I to get through it."

    Didn't know it was that hard.

    The best is "I's".  Ashley did it in this episode:  "Tomorrow is Anthony and I's decision day."  Sets my teeth on edge.

    • Love 11
  10. Synopsis...

    Pastor Calvin:  Anthony, do you want to stay married, or...

    (3 minute music segment; Anthony blinks nervously, closeup of hands being held/hands not being held, Ashley looks concerned)


    Pastor Calvin: Anthony, think long and hard about whether you want to stay married, or...

    (2 minute music segment, along with that discordant screech sound that every TV show everywhere plays to portray conflict- while Anthony clears his throat)

    Anthony: Ashley, we've had a wild ride over the past 8 weeks; we've had our ups and downs...

    (closeup to hands knotted together; Ashley chewing her lip nervously and kind of frowning)


    Pastor Calvin: Anthony, think long and hard about whether you want to stay married, or get a divorce

    Anthony: Ashley, we've had a lot of ups and downs, and I can't think of anyone I'd rather do this with...

    Ashley: (thought bubble: FINALLY! Geez!)

    "experts" reach awkwardly toward each other, missing a high-five and looking stupid.  Ashley and Anthony pretend to act like they didn't know each others' decision.  


    Repeat x 3.

    • Love 22
  11. 5 hours ago, jumper sage said:

    After marriage his family is Chantel.  That is the point of marriage.

    Yes, but I think you are displaying the American view of family and marriage.  In many other cultures (most, I would venture to guess), there is always an ongoing obligation and sense of duty to one's parents and siblings.  I'm sorry it's not appropriate *for you* but I'm of the opinion that it's absolutely right, expected and done without question in Pedro's culture.  Maybe the demanding nature of his mother and sister rubs the wrong way- we aren't that way here as a rule- but the fact that in his family and culture a grown son who makes money is expected to help support his native family isn't necessarily an evil thing (just because it doesn't fit your narrative) 

    6 hours ago, jumper sage said:

     When my mother was ill, did all of her children rally around her?  Of course we did but she never demanded anything from us.  

    I'm not sure how this fits into the conversation about whether Pedro willingly gives to his family.  Different scenario altogether.

    4 hours ago, jumper sage said:

    Excellent link!  Here is the link to wikipedia.  I am thinking Paola fits the profile too.

    This description doesn't seem to fit the native who leaves his/her country and family behind to come to the States.

    ETA: oh, wait... I read further.  Although I didn't see any of the show's participants actively asking for money while still abroad.  

    • Love 6
  12. 40 minutes ago, KBrownie said:

    There's a canyon sized gap between "they don't act like most siblings" and "OMG they're secret lovers out to scam Chantel."  Also, one is pure, unsupported fantasy.  Where's your evidence that they are secret lovers? Yeah, there is none. An exuberant hug and what could have been a joke after not seeing each other after a year isn't going to cut it. 

    Yeah, my brother better not try that "joke" on me.

    • Love 1
  13. 2 hours ago, MrSmith said:


    The few men that I work with who also watch this show do not find her attractive, either. Neither do I. None of us would've looked at her twice walking down the sidewalk.

    I would take note if I saw her in the street- to think, "what's she done to her face?"

    • Love 6
  14. 2 hours ago, answerphone said:

    Did Sheila ever have her orgasm? (Good golly, I hope my grown children don't identify me on this board)

    No, she hasn't had one yet. When Dr. Robin, or whoever red-dress is, had her meeting with them she asked about the "chocolate." (Gag) and Sheila said she hadn't had one yet.  And Nate gallantly said it was his intention to "give her a orgasm" (sic).  Methinks if she doesn't know how to give herself one, then he isn't going to do much better. Where's that freaky sex therapist who visited Sonya and Nick last season?

    • Love 4
  15. 2 hours ago, Racj82 said:

    Weve literally seen and heard from Ashley's own mouth that her sister in constantly turning her away from things she seems too dangerous or bad and pushes until Ashley starts to think way. 

    I think this is subject to interpretation.  The producers certainly haven't been showing a lot of time with sister butting in. Ashley mentioned that her sister was protective. That doesn't necessarily  mean her sister is interfering in her marriage. It's become obvious that Ashley has assumed the role in her family of needing "protection," and Anthony seems to sense that she needs that and has assumed that role.  It's one thing to protect her from things like scary ocean water; I haven't really heard much from sister that she's trying to trash the marriage.  I honestly don't see that just because Ashley and sister are close and sister "advises" her, that it means she would be a wedge in the relationship.  Hopefully sister has enough interest in her own marriage that she doesn't assume a role larger than Anthony's.


    Someone mentioned that Anthony might consider moving near sister a good way to allow him some time to himself while Ashley is having her sister-time. I think that's not a bad idea. 

    • Love 2
  16. On 7/21/2017 at 10:12 AM, brilliantbreakfast said:

    I think Anthony and Ashley will stay married for now, but I don't see them succeeding long-term.  Ashley has NO boundaries with her sister at all, and her sister is SO dominant that I don't see Anthony being able to crack that.  Ashley WILL give her sister a key if she demands it, and that is where Anthony will either have to draw a line in the sand or walk.  Ashley may then insist that her sister have the key, and there they are.

    If Ashley manages to set some boundaries, I don't see them lasting because she is such a doomsayer.  She is afraid of her own shadow and unless she learns to conquer her fears from him, they will probably get to a point where he goes hiking without her and other "adventurous" activities without her, meet someone else who IS more like him, and boom -- there you go.

    Prediction:  Will stay married for now but will split within a year or two.

    I don't even care what the other two couples do.

    I don't see the sister as such a huge negative influence. Lots of women are best friends with their sisters (I see this in Italian families, my own included, a lot).  What I'm seeing as an issue with A&A is that  she is an offense-collector and the second she gets that upset/hurt/"I'm going to get offended now" look on her face, Anthony starts backpedaling and capitulating to her (such as in the previous episode when he ran to the bedroom to apologize to her for... what? Getting a little peeved after she nagged him to fill out the apartment application and then pouted in the bedroom and said she'd order food only for herself). I think this is what he's talking about when he refers to being the one who compromises more.  He's letting her drive the train a lot of the time to avoid rocking the boat.

    • Love 3
  17. On 7/14/2017 at 10:23 AM, Braveshoppr said:

    Didn't they have a moment when Nate kept apologizing over and over and Sheila didn't accept his apology each and/or any time. She became angrier every time he apologized! His look was incredulous. 

    Yes, he apologized and she said "WORDS MEAN NOTHING!" She said something about actions - however, it's hard for him to show her he's sorry and he cares when she up and moves out after a fight. I agree with others who say she needs some therapy.  Yes, he hit below the belt. But I would venture to say that most people have made that mistake at least once.  She has gone from "we're in love; this is exactly what I want in a mate," to "I'm DONE!" (4th time) in just 38 minutes of taping.  She is exhausting.  Nate, if he sticks it out, will be perpetually walking on eggshells wondering what will set her off next.  The producer-driven "only one key" thing was ridiculous.  How hard is it to make a damn copy?  As for his deferring her call- Imagine if he had just ignored it; at least he texted to tell her he'd call her back.  She is very into "disrespect," which for her could mean something as little as leaving the toilet seat up.

    I am furious that the "experts" continue to maintain that it is all Danielle's FAULT that poor Cody is suffering from blue balls and "can't hold out much longer," in his words.  First of all, no one should be obligated in any way to have sex with someone after a certain period of time.  If she's not into it, she's not.  She tried- early on, and he rebuffed her advances.  He's immature, unattractive, and whiny.  She just doesn't want to come right out and say she's not attracted to him, although he's a nice guy.  She's biding time until the show ends.  So we are subjected to the nonsense talk of "we're making a connection; we're workin' on it; we're hopin' to ignite the spark," blah, blah, blah.  The self-gratification fake scene was a pathetic revelation of how repugnant these producers are to go there- and how little self-respect Cody has to go along (as well as allowing himself to be portrayed as a sniveling, wimpy, weak man).

    Anthony and Ashley- meh.  I think they'll stay together (they have pretty much indicated that, with the apartment search comments).  Ashley showed her immaturity with the scene of flouncing into the bedroom, ignoring his questions, saying she'd "just order for herself," and needing him to come and stroke her leg to get over the whole non-thing.  

    • Love 5
  18. Alexi- I agree that it would be lousy to have to deal with a kid who had Tourette's, it's not a life-threatening condition... there are so many other worse, horrific genetic conditions that I can think of. I'm hoping that once he settles down he will see that clearly.  She's just so bad at her timing ("let's have a really important discussion RIGHT before your mom comes, in front of the cameras, ok?")  He comes across as an ass, but I think she is a master at blindsiding him in front of the cameras.

    Danielle, Danielle... I had such high hopes for you at the beginning of the season when you said you were over it and were proceeding with the annulment.  If you're over it, you don't call him. You don't follow him on Facebook. You don't give a shit about who he's seeing or whether he gets along with your family.  She just doesn't get it, and her familiy does nothing to slap her out of it.  If that were my sister, I'd tell her no, ain't no way in hell I'm meeting your "ex" who you "loved" in an alley behind a pizza joint for a supposed apology.  If I were the friend I'd have grabbed that phone before she dialed, taking his contact info off the phone and said, "NO MORE! Are you Fing crazy?"  They're all loving being TV celebs.

    I was happy to get a glimpse of Anfisa screeching, albeit just a little bit, in the car when she wanted her "RED BAG WITH MY MAKEUUUPPP!!!!"  Jorge is somehow getting off on being totally emasculated by her; still, he's a phony lying slob who likely knows his days with her (and the TLC gravy train) are numbered. Seems the weed business isn't doing well by him. (And how is he affording $160 bouquets and hotel stays?- although he did pay the hotel with two $100 bills.)

    Pao was disgusting this episode. Anyone who speaks in their native tongue about their spouse, snickering all the while, is a despicable person.  And her translations?  "He says you gained weight. He says he questioned our relationship." Yeah, you aren't obligated to translate the shitty things your "best friend" says about your husband. And stop saying "I'm staying!  This is home!" as if your husband has no say in the matter. I feel bad for Russ but on the other hand, anyone who allows himself to be humiliated and emasculated on television has something wrong. He constantly has a hangdog, beaten up presentation; maybe if he had a nice corn-fed Midwestern girl he'd shine- but Paola brings out the very saddest and worst in him.

    • Love 15
  19. Has anyone noticed that whenever people have a conflict or something "controversial" is said the soundtrack stops and there's a screechy, discordant chord that plays quietly in the background? Sounds like a synthesizer or nails on a guitar string...and I've heard it on others shows as well.  It's like an alternative to "womp, womp..." is it a subliminal way to get us to think, "oh, no' here comes trouble!"?

  20. 8 hours ago, JAndy said:

    Cody is really pissing me off with the "me and Danielle haven't been having sex". Ok Cody... We all get it by now. But yes, in private she needs to just tell him that she's just not into him. 

    This annoys me in more ways than one.   First, it's "Danielle and I."  And every word he speaks ending in "ing" becomes "in'."  "We're goin' to dinner with my brother."  "We're workin' on it."  And how did it all of a sudden become totally Danielle's issue that they aren't having sex?  Didn't Cody blow her off and ignore her the one night they were going to go out? Didn't he say somethin' (!) early on about takin' it slow?  The producers have made her look like a cold shrew and he's the crackly-voiced, desperate pre-adolescent with the "needs" and the raging hormones.  Ugh, please.  I'd bet they've already agreed this is a sham and that they'll play nice until the decision is made.

    Sheila is continuing with her mouth contortions and talking incessantly about marrying a "shtranger."  OK, we get it.  The editing is so bad I'm getting whiplash... we go from "everything is perfect; I got more than I could have asked for," to "I'M DONE!  I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" in 90 seconds.  She needs a mood stabilizer.  But the dog is cute, and when she's feeling agreeable, they seem to be doing OK.

    Anthony and Ashley are all right, but again- the manufactured drama and terrible edits are making it seem more interesting than it really is.  They get along. They're going to try.  She really doesn't have an issue with playing "Bags" but hey, the audience is sleepy!  Pretend to make it a big issue!

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