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201 Excellent-
This is an interesting point, because I DO feel they had chemistry in Series 3, but now of course we know they were filming this episode after having split up, so perhaps that had an effect on their ease, or lack thereof, together. My sister said this episode had melancholy, I wonder if this was part of it. Not that they aren't great enough actors to act through it, but chemistry and ease are hard to fake, I'd think.
I'm amazed by this show--there's nothing else like it and that's what I like about it. Sure, it's kind of all over the place, even irritating at times. I felt that even with Series 1. But overall, the fantastic acting, funny lines, bold and sometimes silly plot angles, and gorgeous look...well, it's not a straight-ahead solve-the-mystery show, and thank heavens for that. I loved Amanda and the character of Mary but am fine that they will have two more episodes to see what it's like with her having been in their lives, and now gone. I'm so curious what the deal is with that other woman, and maybe red herrings with the midnight texting.
Hi! I'm back. Will you believe that I didn't mean to be gone on purpose, but th e .. well never mind. And argh now the site is making it hard to post. I'll try again later. So grateful for you all, here and FB and all around the world.
Keep on rollin' LB!
Hello! I too am back, even though I forgot I was even gone. I tried to peek in, had trouble logging in, gave up, etc. Never mind that. Life is pretty good, nothing startling, but I always feel better as the days get longer and warmer. I still wake up with this "anxiety of things undone" feeling but I am trying to work with it by managing the symptoms (deep breathing) and talking about the root(s) of it (worry about the uncertain future; next phase of life with Dad gone; grief; actual things undone, etc.) Also counting my blessings. I'd still like to open the subject of a meet up somewhere, sometime. I know we talked about Portland at one point but my planning function was offline at the time, I think. Now getting back online...anyone have an idea/plan/wish for a meet up somewhere?
Hugs KPC. Let us know how it goes with you.
Ooooh, quiet here, how's everyone doing? We had 80degree+ heat the other day--fortunately, since I was out til 8 pm at a Take Back the Night event--and now it's raining. Good excuse to stay in and catch up on all the shows I've missed this week due to Warriors basketball and the start of the baseball season. Wish me luck!
Signing in finally to give a huge hug of relief to harvester, woof woof!, and many vibes to KPC for family health, so sorry for all the ups and downs. Spring is springing here (I know not everywhere) and I'm hanging on to that.
Hugs to you, KPC, and let us know if more specific vibes would help. Good for you, erratic! I bet you'll be much happier; that place sounded too dicey. Hooray trudi-tru! Nothing much new here OR so much going on that it can't be comprehended; both seem to be true. This time change mixed with what seems to be a season change mixed with my own "next phase" life issues mixed with national/world events all ---> confusion and disorientation. Not the worst feeling if you can just accept it and go along for the ride. Mindfulness, people!
I LOVED Sense8. I didn't get the feeling of being left hanging, or confused, but I was in a "go with it" frame of mind for this show, since the look and the characters were so awesome.
Pouring rain here, gotta say the usual "we need it" but I like warm dry sunny weather, so there. The war veteran thing is just too awful to contemplate. How can we think it's okay to keep doing this? I watched the Oscars but reluctantly, since I'd already surfeited on award shows. Agree the walk up music was weird. Let's see, what else. Lovely reunion with my high school pals, just back from a meeting in LA, very light and educational, palsy-walsy. It's March! I haven't done so many things!
Thanks for all the cheers, folks! Major vibes to harvester and sister. I'm so bummed when I hear about your-all's family issues. How can this be; you are all such wonderful people. Lovely day here in the Bay Area; I feel like Spring is springing.
The weather here has been lovely, spring-like and welcome despite the obligatory "but we really need the rain" disclaimers. Love that the days are getting longer. I'm a thrive-in-the- summer type of person and my time is coming soon! Gradually getting into the swing of "now what" thinking rather than just living for the moment like I was doing last year, for all the reasons I've already said. Not sure where it will all lead, but determined to do "one thing to deal with things" per month, such as getting rid of Dad's car this month. Also launched my 60 for 60 campaign, which is to have a get-together with at least 60 people this year. (You know, like meet for lunch or dinner.) One way to reconnect with friends after a social hiatus of last year, and maybe even date again. Keep an eye on FB for this one! That's about it for me...
That photo is sheer heaven, I can't stop looking at it and smiling and laughing. Beautiful!!!