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Posts posted by Knuckles

  1. I am glad you highlight these Closer Looks...I work early in the morning, and I have to watch the show a day late...by which time the whole health care effort collapsed. Meyers is doing such great work..when things are moving so quickly in so many directions it is hard to keep up. I used to rely on Jon Stewart...but I do love Seth. And has Donald gained 50 pounds...he looks obese. What is up with that?

    • Love 1
  2. I kept hoping that Sandra would be the target...not Malcolm. And now Michaela and Sandra have the knives out for JT. And JT...what was he thinking?

    But it was fun to watch that Tribal Council..as the energy and paranoia kept shifting. But why does Sandra keep getting a pass?

    • Love 15
  3. Just for the record, I hate Sandra...I hate her loud mouth, and her willingness to talk someone else into killing a goat. Please get this woman off the show.

    And Tai is a drag. Once he announces his values, you can be sure he will trash them a minute later. Of course he calls Caleb his best friend, and says they have a close bond...but he will vote him out without a second thought, or even try to make a move to save him. Caleb was gracious in his exit, but why he would waste time with Tai is a puzzle.  Tai is not loyal, has no physical game, is not good at puzzles...why not vote him off?  How he manages to hang on amazes me.

    • Love 7
  4. I'm with Philip...that woman from the gym was just too much. I don't know who she is working for...but she's working for someone. 

    No Mischa...must still be on the bus. And poor Oleg...with Stan's good intentions, Oleg and his folks may be in real trouble. Henry might as well go into witness protection, he seems to have been written out of the plot. And my sympathies to Paige...having Elizabeth as a mother would send me looking for safe space as well.

    As for screwing with the food supply...unlikely, but an interesting turn. The Soviets combined decrepit farm machinery, collectivized farms, a lack of fertilizer and general corruption, which often resulted in poor harvests, even in the breadbasket regions of the USSR. The small kitchen gardens, which farmers owned, often outproduced the bigger collectives. So it was not that the farmers themselves were incompetent. But I like the idea...it is cynical and cruelly ingenious.

    That said, I despise Tuan. Yes, you did lose your whole family to American bombing...so why get on a boat to come to America? I realize he was a kid, and his choices were limited...but, why leave at all? Why not stay in Vietnam? I would like a fuller explanation of his thinking, just so I could understand his willingness to work with the Russians.  He is the embodiment of biting the hand that feeds you. And why the Russians? Why not head back to Vietnam? I'm puzzled by him.

    • Love 10
  5. On 3/8/2017 at 7:56 AM, Ina123 said:

    By the way. Martha, Alison Wright

    She also has a great supporting role in Sneaky Pete, the Amazon original..with Bryan Cranston. She's terrific, and the series is great.

    • Love 1
  6. I will miss William, he was so wonderfully snarky, but I guess he now has a friend, for eternity. And Hans, ever the eager protege, bites it. Too bad.

    What has happened to their son, Henry? Is he off the show? Now it seems that Paige is an only child. And since she knows her parents are Russian spies, has she never questioned that her parents spend so much time hanging out with Stan, an FBI agent? Has she ever asked if they are using him? Seems like it might be a natural question.

    Nice to have the show back, and though I enjoy watching them, I am still waiting for Philip and Elizabeth to get theirs...they have killed so many, and ruined so many lives...they really have it coming. 

    • Love 4
  7. I am glad that Chelsea won...I had a lot of hopes for Tieler, but Chelsea has done a good job all season.  I do think Molly deserved better.

    And how I hated Haawaa's collection. Just the same color blocking she's been doing...she's a one trick pony.  And not a pleasant one...And, I so dislike the camera on her face...please, have mercy on us viewers. Pull back so that the green lipstick and blue eyebrows recede. 

    I like Chris, and I liked some of his collection...he is far more gracious than I had first imagined. And hooray for Peytie...I had hoped to see her and Maya from Season 1. 

    • Love 9
  8. I think this was especially cruel to Molly, and I did not appreciate the way the judges handled that. She was sent to sit while the other two, whose final work was much less finished, were given an extra chance. WTF.

    These are teenagers, and some sensitivity would have been appreciated. They have overlooked and dissed Molly all season, as she continues to send well made and finished looks down the runway...and they love Haawaa, who repeats the same tedious color blocking prints with a clown collar? And Tieler?, really I am with Christian on this...white crushed velvet??? And yet these two get a second chance? And Molly gets nada...juniors last season was such a pleasure...this season, it is the same as the adult version...those with a gimmick (tk to the poster above) get the love, despite lousy skills.

    Chris, at least in this challenge, should have had the win. 

    • Love 11
  9. "I thought Chelsea won?"


    You are correct. I was so annoyed by the lavish praise for that hot mess that I forgot. Thank you for the heads-up. 

    Molly is consistently doing interesting work..and it is well made and finished...she could have competed with last season's juniors, and they were a much more talented and imaginative crowd. Tieler is doing great things as well. 

    The judges have their favorites...Chelsea is adorable, but her work, not so much. Haawaa is just not a pleasant person and I dislike how her work, often unfinished, skates by the judges. And Chris was robbed...big time. His effort this time should have ranked with Molly's....both deserved better.

    • Love 9
  10. I loved Chris' look, and I am not fond of him. And yes, Molly's was a perfect wedding outfit for the right woman. I thought it was elegant and fresh. 

    That said, Haawaa is not a favorite, and her designs leave me cold. Her jacket was unfinished, but not in a good way, the suspenders were badly done, and hiked up the shorts...and by not tacking down the fabric on the shorts, it looked less intentional, and again, unfinished.  The clashing colors, and the sad air fresheners on the sleeves...I'm not a fan. 

    Tieler had a great design, and a model with gorgeous breasts...but more bosom than he had planned on...I echo the thought that some lace from Molly could have bridged the gap and let the tailoring show...and he did a beautiful job on that. 

    He and Molly remain to me the most talented. 

    Izzy's win was a mystery to me...beyond the crafty mess on shoulders and back, the the red and white of the dress just looked cheap.

    • Love 4
  11. "Okay, nobody ever heard of a trial for murder in this cockamamie version of the world"...yes, there are trials, if the Lords of the major houses are interested. You will remember Ramsay Bolton freely murdering innocent girls by hunting them, and then shooting his guards as well. Right and law flowed from the King to his Lords, and from them, to lesser Lords, his banner men. The killing of serfs or peasants was not a major issue, unless a Lord chose to take an interest. Welcome to the medieval world.

    And yes, young child who had inherited the throne or a title did indeed wield power...it was all lineage, not ability that mattered. Henry the 6th of England was crowned King at 9 months old...though there were bitter power struggles over the right to be named Regent and rule in his name, until he came of age...but "of age" varied...he could overrule his Regent at 12, if he felt strongly. The child was the True Heir, and held his power, it was believed by right, and by God. Again, welcome to the medieval world. 

    Barbara Tuchman's book is a wonderful read on the late medieval world, A Distant Mirror...which is the beginnings of ordinary people (not women, obviously) but merchants and those of means, having some say in their world. But even then, it was very limited. It was the bankers of Italy, who financed the thrones, and their wars, who began to change the world. Even kings were in their debt...something George Martin uses to underpin many elements of his story. And it is accurate.

    • Love 4
  12. Late to the thread, but I think the show did a great job filming the battle scene. The have a small budget compared to GOT, and with the Battle of the Bastards and a mega budget in my head, I was still enthralled with the battle. It was a view from the confusion of the mud, the blood and random attacks coming from all directions. Well done, and well done Athelwulf to scream, "save yourselves" when it was clear all was lost.

    I agree that Ivar is less interesting as a main character, as he seems utterly psychopathic, without nuance. The actor delivers a chilling portrait, but I miss the intelligence and scheming of Ragnar...who killed when he chose, but often outwitted his opponents as well...even in his battle plans. And, Lagertha is being written as invincible...which undermines seeing her as real fighter, vulnerable to attack...and eliminates the thrill of seeing her in action. Even when Ragnar went after Karl, it didn't seem certain that he would win...until he did.

    Helga, having gone nuts, is better gone from my screen, and kudos to the child for taking her out. Being dragged along by the Vikings on a raid can only remind her of her mother's slaughter...how could Helga think to erase that from a child's memory? Even Floki could see it was not possible.

    I am hoping for something of interest from Jonathan Rhys Meyers...I liked him as Henry, and I could see him in full battle dress. Sex with the widow, not so much. 

    • Love 4
  13. I suspect that Ivar is now gunning for Bjorn; his other brothers are willing to step back, but not Ivar. And Ivar is exactly the kind of man to carry a grudge for a perceived slight and wait for his moment. 

    Many folks hate Judith...me, I despise the Tattooed Face brothers...a perfect pair of psychos. They are looking to take out both Lagertha and Bjorn. And that poor blond woman, being pursued by these two...I suspect her husband will soon be dead and she will conveniently be a widow, if not dead herself.

    Bjorn in full command mode, doesn't have the resonance of Fimmel's Ragnar. And I felt sorry for old Aelle. I think I would have preferred to thrown in with snakes, myself. Ecbert, unless he has an ace up his sleeve, seems to be just fading away.

    • Love 6
  14. I rewatched the episode today, and I was struck by the words of Ragnar echoing across that barren field...it was very powerful...as the poster above noted, more so than when Ragnar was alive and spoke them.

    And I was also struck by something Travis Fimmel said in an interview, how the show has such a rich and fully imagined look, despite a fairly small budget...compared say, to GOT. They do wonders with the music as well...it is so haunting.

    Despite the absence of Ragnar, I do love this show...and i am perversely fond of Floki, the strange, violent and unpredictable Floki. He and Lagertha are some of the last of the old guard.

    • Love 4
  15. On 12/30/2016 at 8:23 PM, The Kings Foot said:

    In Ivar, the showrunners have taken a character every bit as cruel as Ramsey Bolton,... and made us root for him.

    Interesting thought. I suspect that our cheering for Ivar is because we want to see Ragnar avenged...and Ivar is the man who will deliver. Egbert and Aelle both have it coming...though not the farmers and villagers in Wessex and Mercia...but such is life. When elephants fight, the mice are trampled. 

    Once Ivar is on his own, our cheering for him will probably stop. Bjorn to me is a more interesting and nuanced character...but he and his merry band seem to be wreaking hell on North Africa in the upcoming episode. So it goes in the medieval world...and, in many ways, ours as well.

    • Love 3
  16. Loved Maya and Peytie last season...their design and sewing skills were top notch, and they knew how to work with fabric and make smart choices. So, they are a tough act to follow. But, like others, I love Christian...and he is so kind in his critiques, but still on point. 

    This season, I don't know. Molly had a good portfolio of looks, but  a shapeless neoprene dress with net sleeves...just no. Lucas had a great negligee, but an uninspiring look for those not in MGM musicals. I think Chris had a good idea, but his tailoring and sewing skills really let him down. And Rene's look was so 70s to me...something from the old meatpacking district. 

    Izzy was annoying but her athletic look worked on the runway. And Chelsea is very sweet, but her sewing needs a lot of upgrading. 

    Cartier's dress was not a wow, but it was well made and showed finish and polish. I bet she can do a lot more.

  17. 3 hours ago, Fostersmom said:

    Laurence vs Erin. Effortless cool vs total poser.

    This. Laurence is a good designer, but she would be an even more effective saleswoman for her designs. Who would not enjoy her casual gracefulness? Erin and Dexter are a pair...both try too hard, both are self-absorbed, neither is especially talented or intelligent, and neither has any real kindness. You do sense that Laurence has seen enough in life to value what is important and to ignore the noise. I wish her the best.

    • Love 7
  18. I will miss Ragnar...but I was happy to see him go out like a champ. Why the actor has so consistently been overlooked by the Emmy's is beyond me, but it did take years for them to catch up with Orphan Black, so it is possible there will be something for him in the spring. Flimmel has made this man so believable, and so cunning and yet charming...I loved that Ecbert has no clue he has been played, for the last time by Ragnar. The debt for the settlement will be paid, and he is a fool for thinking that Ragnar would ever let that go. Talking Ecbert into letting Aelle play executioner, makes it certain that both kingdoms will be in a world of hurt when Ragnar's sons come for revenge. 

    The actor playing Ivar is wonderful...hard to make one of the most brutal Viking leaders sympathetic, but this actor has managed it...with subtlety. Well done. And Bjorn and Rollo return next week to make mincemeat of some former Roman territory, so good times await.

    Lagertha may be down for the count...Ivar will remember his mother alone kept him alive, and Ivar is a man who pays his debts.

    I do love this show. 

    • Love 4
  19. Just in case anyone is interested, HBO is doing a marathon Game of Thrones this week, starting today at noon, and resuming tomorrow at noon, as well. It's been a long time since I watched season one, and there is so much foreshadowing that I had not noticed or had forgotten.  Some of it is just hard to watch again...I turned it off before Ned was beheaded...I had no idea how intensely involved I would become in following this story.

  20. Erin...you totally rock. You are innovative, young, creative, and very much of the moment. Everything you touch is gold. Truly. And so editorial.

    So says Nina, and so say they all. And they get paid for this. Of course, they loved Ashley too. They gave her the win and banished her forever from their thoughts.  Erin continues to get the entitled child edit. 

    Memo to Nina: craft projects are not fashion. They are not high fashion. They are not editorial. They are crappy craft projects.

    Erin managed not a single interesting silhouette. Not one. Her opener looked like a reject for a road show Aladdin. It went downhill from there. So, of course she won. Roberi is interesting, but I am not sold on his fabric choices...but he is the one who could actually have a career...too bad Michael Kors doesn't take him on. He needs more experience and a strong mentor.

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