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Posts posted by Grundoon59

  1. I seem to be visiting all the tables Trey.  I think Clue sounds great.  Mystery Meat is giving me flashbacks to dorm food. 😄  Since I realized yesterday I have several unlabeled containers in my freezer, I'll propose we all grab something without looking, defrost and potluck.  Maybe we get all desserts, maybe a well rounded meal, maybe something in between.  Sound good?

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  2. 3/5 with one *.  Anyone want to suggest a food/board game theme for the table?

    Two of my three this week had emotional attachments for me.  Father Grundoon was an Orson Welles fan (especially Mercury Theater) and listened to the original War of the Worlds broadcast - he always said he understood people's overreactions to the well done drama but he felt they all should have been listening from the beginning like he did and they would have avoided a lot of issues - 😄

    Likewise he was the one who got me hooked on history and visiting battlefields - we would get the tape players from the National Park Services offices and drive around. He was great about explaining things to me  - as a teacher and WWII infantry vet, it fell right into his wheelhouse.  We visited Antietam several times on the drives between Michigan and Williamsburg - Hagerstown was often a last stop on the way down or a first stop on the way home.  Mother Grundoon and I had planning a spring 2020 trip that included a stop in the area - she wasn't as big a battlefield fan but she was willing to indulge me for sentiment's sake.   


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  3. I agree with you Trey - the shot was a terrible ending for the series.  I think it would have been a good season finale - left us wondering until next season but yikes for that to be the final moment of the whole thing.   I did like everyone having their moments in the episode and I did like seeing Geraint Wyn Davies - he is another of the actors I was lucky enough to have seen on stage many times who popped up in the show.   

    As I said in my last post, I will miss this show and will always wonder what paths the characters might have traveled but I am grateful for the episodes we have and glad I joined in on the journey.  

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  4. 2/5 - no * (kind of mad I missed the asterisk but my brain was too busy rocketing around France to settle in time - very happy with the company/menu at the table and will happily add a few nibbles to the mix.  Also I have a really good sangria recipe if there is any extra red wine.)

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  5. I did like the "tribute" to Christopher Plummer with the obviously added voice overs in light of his recent death. Apart from respecting his long film career, I had the joy of seeing him on stage in Barrymore and King Lear - he was magnificent making the audience forget we had ever seen him in anything else.  I will probably see Lear again sometime but as I told Mother Grundoon at the time, I don't really feel like I need to.


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  6. 14.09 The .38 Murdoch Special

    I thought they did a good job with the subject matter and didn't sugarcoat things or have an artificial happy ending to any of the threads of the stories.  I don't like Miss Hart (although I think the actress does a very good job of playing her) but it was nice to see her offer advice to Nomi and to watch how she dealt with her husband when his wishes conflicted with hers but I too hope she has a good plan in place for when he tires of their relationship.

    I liked the Nomi/Brackenreid scenes with both trying to do the right thing without necessarily thinking through all the consequences of their actions. It seemed inevitable that poor Momo was doomed but I liked the way the story was told and I liked that it used the parallels to how the Asian community was treated. And unfortunately it all still has relevance to the world today.

    Finally my heart broke for Watts and as others have said, I liked the way Julia handled his situation - not really believing she could help but willing to try for someone she clearly respects.  

    I like that this show alternates somewhat between the light hearted and more serious episodes - I was late to discover the show and took awhile to get caught up to the present season but I am very glad to have found it and hope for many more seasons to come (although I have to say with so many of my favorite shows going away last year and this - I might do the show big favor by not declaring myself a fan).  


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  7. I will truly miss this show - I was a latecomer to it but it paired nicely with Murdoch Mysteries (which I also admit to being slow to get around to) and it fits my reading preferences for "cozy" and historical mysteries, not too much blood and guts, a good story and enjoyable characters to follow.  I also appreciated the female friendships shown.  It helped me get through the past year and I will always remember it fondly. 

    It is a shame we won't find out more about the characters - I was particularly interested in Flo's progress toward a medical degree and Mary's quest to be a "real" police officer.  But I am grateful for what we had and will watch for other projects that the actresses have in future - it was also fun to see other Canadian actors and actresses pop in - for many years I was lucky enough to have been a regular visitor the both the Stratford and Niagara-on-the-Lake theater festivals and saw a few familiar faces from time to time.  

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  8. I am another US folk lucky enough to get CBC (an advantage of having Windsor just south of Detroit) so I can watch the new season first run and then get to watch it again on Ovation or Acorn - I enjoy them both times.  

    I am not normally a big fan of the Mimico episodes but last night tickled my funny bone - mostly the OTT "royals" and the reactions of everyone else (especially Watts and George) to the insanity.  But my favorite bit was watching Brackenreid weigh the offer to become Minister of Justice only because the queen wanted to get rid of Higgins -it may just have been a reaction to a less than stellar day at work but I just cracked up.


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  9. Saber - you must be dreaming if you think you would have been able to purloin any petit fours - I was guarding them like the precious cargo those marvelous cakes are (Mother Grundoon taught me to appreciate them).  A trade might be worked out for a comparably delectable dessert but petit fours are practically perfect for Tea so maybe not.  

    • LOL 4
  10. Trey - Earl Grey sounds delightful. 

    Ailianna - I understand the attraction of the Table for One, especially considering the august company there but I assure you that the Table of Two has charms as well and you would be very welcome at High Tea (especially if you bring sandwiches). 😀

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  11. I remain at the Tea for Two table - 2/5 with 1*.  I should have gotten Iceland- one of my favorite trips with Mother Grundoon stopped there on a transatlantic cruise and I knew about the names but couldn't pull it from the cold, weary recesses of my brain.  I will bring scones and clotted cream if someone else brings the tea this week.

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  12. I have admiration for anyone who is able to make it on the show and Joe was clearly a good sport who was having a grand time. But hokey smokes, I was ready to reach through the tv set to make him stand still.  I swear I was getting seasick.  If he had won, I would have been a Jeopardy listener for the duration of his run.  

    Other than that it was a good match.  Like Katy M, I didn't get to Everest since I associate it more with other countries.  My brain tried racing around India for geographic features without success.

    • Love 7
  13. 4/5 with 1*.  Thought I was about to bell curve for a second week in a row (science is not my strong suit) but figuring out the Pope's time frame and a long term interest in Tudor history got me to the Armada just in time [but the Python part of my heart/brain likes the Inquisition as an answer].

    • Love 3
  14. I had a Bell curve week - 3/5 with one *. 

    If we could count halves, I would be higher because I easily got Monaco but wandered around the African continent too much to come up with Algeria.  I have to give credit to Deadwood for my asterisk because once I got to Hickock, I remembered an early episode (actually the first I think) where they were discussing Little Big Horn {plus he has ties to Monroe, Michigan so local connection).  I have Derry Girls in my Netflix list but haven't gotten to it yet - my brain was flitting all over Ireland and couldn't come up with an answer in time.

    Congrats to all the 5/5s.  If I were invited to the Table for One dinner this week, I'd bring apple crisp which I will be making today if I don't have to do too much snow removal (crossed fingers, it doesn't look too bad right now).



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  15. I was almost with Ailianna requesting a table for 4.5 because I got Carson City right away (thank you Kit) but then I went east and got caught up in Denver.  Musical comedy knowledge (Unsinkable Molly B) helped me rule it out - dates seemed wrong -  my brain flew to Sacramento just in time. So I would like to join the  5/5 table please.

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  16. I feel like I am in very good company at the 2/5 table.  Started and ended the week well but very bad middle.  On Tuesday through Thursday, I did a lot of muttering at the tv "oh yeah I really should have known that".

    Congratulations bybrandy!  It is a heady feeling.

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  17. 4/5 - no *.  i was trying too hard on Friday to think of obscure names and totally overlooked Hades.

    Happy New Year to all!  I started mine by hibernating and trying some new recipes, including the William and Mary sauce.  I am having my first sandwich with it tomorrow for lunch.  It tastes quite good but not exactly Cheese Shop - probably due to the steak sauce and mustard used.  My choices were somewhat limited last week due to holiday depletion of shelves, me trying to avoid big stores and what seemed to be a shopping frenzy in case weekend weather predictions were accurate.

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  18. 3/5 - Could not make Lamaze come to my brain for love or money and I just blanked on Phyrric victories in general and wouldn't have gotten the guy's name in a thousand years - although I have been known to use the phrase from time to time.  Luckily Some Like It Hot is one of my favorite movie endings of all time so I felt I was able to get back on track for the end of the week.  Oh well nobody's perfect (although somebody in this contest probably will be 😀).

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  19. I was 5/5 with one*.  I felt lucky with the categories and especially with the Defender of the Faith - a lot of Tudor history at college but more recently I have been watching a lot of historical shows on Smithsonian and Prime so had heard references to the status in the near past.  

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  20. I wasn't really rooting for or against anyone last night but once Brayden got Bartleby, I was firmly in his camp.  After an early American lit class piled heavy with  Melville (Omoo, Typee, Moby Dick), Bartleby was the only part I could truly say I enjoyed- whenever I say or think I prefer not to, I chalk one up to him.

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  21. Thanks Zoey1996 for the info- saddened but not surprised at events being cancelled.  I am now picturing Merchant Square and the rest of DOG street.  So many happy memories! 

    Saber5055 - if you do find the recipe, please post it again.  I'll be off work on the holiday weekends and it might make a good project.

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