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  1. There's a song sung in the background of the flashback with Lawrence dying that reminded me I like how the show included songs of the time in the first season. Agree with ganesh that the show succeeds with asking who is the villain. Turn can only succeed when the actors get to show instead of tell (that has happened at some point right?). Appreciated the soldiers loading up the dead bodies at VF and Abe's eyes holding back tears after his father has gone. History dramas have to succeed on their own as a believable story. Bonus is getting audience invested enough to be curious to go look up more about the actual events. Will miss this cast if no season 3!
  2. Mary implying Anna should risk herself with Simcoe was horrible and Anna's 'If I do that then you have to grovel with his dad' was nowhere near the same level of sacrifice.
  3. Just finished this ep on Netflix. I think the show's subtitle could be TURN: "Anna, wait!" although this ep mixed it up with "Abe, wait!" Hate when the show has the characters tell us what they are feeling rather than showing. SO happy to have found your recaps and other watchers who dig it but hate it when it's bad TV. Daniel Henshall is my favorite actor on it, gives the strongest performance. Agree that one of the highlights so far of season 1 is the scene where Ben is asking about his brother. I'm still into Abe, and keep watching because Jamie Bell is convincing as are all the standouts.
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