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Posts posted by steelyis

  1. 7 hours ago, Redrum said:

    Agree. I'll ignore the "he so ugly" issue - the heart wants what the heart wants after all but yeah, Mike is a pretty self centered guy at the end of the day. 

    El fawns over him because she's emotionally immature, he's her first real friend and they've shared some horrifically scary moments. She also doesn't have any sort of idea what she's supposed to want so she sees Mike from purely her own experiences- Mike is the guy who rescued her and helped her and who adores her, therefore he's a great guy. 

    I feel like they are going in the gay direction as well and I wish they weren't.

    I don't think he'd be more than wistful about Mike because you know what? Gay kids aren't idiots. They know if they find someone attractive and that person is demonstrably straight. Mike is demonstrably straight. I wouldn't want him with Mike anyway because Mike is kind of an asshole to him.

    But I don't like "and btw Will IS gay" because I hate it when shows go with stereotypes. Who is gay here? The athletic black kid? The ugly kid who is intellectually arrogant? The kid with the physical disability issue? Nope, all three have girl friends. But the quiet artistic kid who is actually good looking and who has a mother who is kind of over protective and no real father figure? Yup always gay. Just like how the lesbian girl is usually not traditionally pretty or into girly things and useful in a fight while the traditionally pretty girl is of course straight and always in a love triangle. 

    But then Will is so set apart at this point - I joked with a friend that this show ends with Will Byers's inevitable suicide because nothing good happens to him. 

    I'd feel a hundred percent better about Will and his possible queerness if the show did something tangible with it. I understand the series takes place during a period in American history when being anything other than straight would be a serious and dangerous issue for Will to deal with, but all this... pussy-footing, if you'll pardon the expression, is frustrating. It feels cynical and queerbait-y. A way for the creators to say: "Hey, we have a kinda sorta maybe gay kid (who we don't actually showcase all that much lately) as a main character! Aren't we inclusive?"

    • Love 5
  2. 29 minutes ago, silverstream said:

    I was a bit annoyed at the Suzie caper. Jonathan & co. just had their house shot up by the people looking for them, with absolutely no regard for their lives, and yet they get Suzie to look up the number in a house full of her family members without even telling her the truth so she could make an informed decision about the danger. Sure, they got the number from the one "good guy" left, but for all they know looking up that number could lead the bad guys back to Suzie's house.

    You're right, but I think Suzie was the only person in the room who understood that kind of tracing is possible. Btw, it's legit shocking how little those nerds knew about computers and the internet! Hopefully, Suzie was canny enough to protect herself from any blow-back.

    • Love 8
  3. Dammit, Show! Watching this episode wasn't supposed to rip my heart out too! This is supposed to be a fun superhero show for crying out loud!

    Kudos to Marc's dad for trying to hold everything together. You don't see men being the supportive, emotional rock of a family in media very often. But also boo to him ignoring how unhinged his wife was. The woman should have been locked away! Ugh. I'm nauseous just thinking about what she put her son through!

    It was so sweet to see Steven be what he was really created to do, which was to help Marc deal with his trauma, and tell him none of what happened was ever his fault. He was never just a stress ball! My heart, y'all! My heart!

    • Love 21
  4. Really, Layla? Bad guys want to unleash a god who'll automatically kill billions when she freed and you can't wait to hash out your daddy issues until after you escape? I would have respected her more if she took out Steven/Marc then dipped with the statuette.

    Ugh, anyway...

    I was getting serious Legion vibes from the last ten minutes. So. Many. Questions!

    • Useful 1
    • Love 13
  5. I liked the Spartans interactions with Miranda. It was surprisingly cute. All the pet slaughter notwithstanding.

    Quan... Ugh. Just... Really? Your father didn't die fighting for freedom, he died protecting your dumb ass. Did she even warn her people, or her aunt about the Covenant? I wouldn't know, because I started fast forwarding through her scenes after she threw a temper tantrum like a five year old. I literally hate her face!

    That assassin lady is pretty badass.

    And I see Burn Gorman is keeping it tight.

    Master Chief's plot was kind of boring, but not unwatchable. Not enough Cortana for one, and the search for the artifacts isn't all that interesting. At least not yet.

    • Love 2
  6. Episode 3 is better. Much, much better than the first two episodes. There's still some stilted dialog and awkward performances, but there's definite improvement all around.

    Pablo Schreiber also got real naked. That was pretty nice.

    Cortana is great! A real highlight. I like how her relationship with Master Chief is developing and the inherent conflict that comes with it. Very promising.

    Yeah, if I was Makee I'd be very pro 'fuck all humans,' too.

    Quan still suuuuuuucks! She's complete garbage. I mean, wow, is she really supposed to be likable? Or is she going to get a character arc to make her less of an asshole? If she is, then the show needs to hurry that shit along. Stat!

    And I knew Halsey's assistant? Lab tech? Fellow? was a creep from jump!

    • Love 2
  7. 6 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

    This episode had a little action in it. I don't know why Layla would put herself in the middle of danger and then expect Marc to get her out of it. It would seem less risky for Layla to wait until Marc rescued himself. Layla barely escaped alive, lost the Scarab, and has put a target on her own back.

    Layla has a lot of faith in Marc's abilities, and I think she's used to him getting them out of worse jams. Any other time she would have been right. Normally, Marc is at least on par with Captain America in terms of ability, and has a magic suit that can take a serious beating.

    • Love 9
  8. On 3/21/2022 at 6:51 PM, Galileo908 said:

    I've realized that Millie was there to balance out Rudy, to tear Louise between her sociopath criminal side, and her more innocent child side. They really did make a great team (and that Millie learned NOTHING in the end.)

    That's because Millie is a complete thug! 😆

    • LOL 3
  9. So, am I supposed to like or root for Quan? Because LOL! No.

    It was a bad writing decision having her run out on those kids to supposedly "do something" only to do absolutely jack shit and need to get saved twice. The second rescue got her dad killed. Better to have her fighting and somehow surviving; her dad did, so it wasn't impossible. That way they still get to kill all the kids and not have Quan look like a coward and an idiot.

    Then she strong-arms the government into cutting a deal they absolutely didn't need to make to free the colonies. Because the perfect time to be playing games with a fucking totalitarian regime that's been stomping on your neck for a hundred years is when a genocidal alien race wants to wipe out humanity. Yeah, that's smart. I know the writers think it makes Quan look badass and important, but it doesn't, it just makes her look selfish, unreasonable, short-sighted, and dumb. And if they want to use the: "She's just a kid" excuse, get an actor who actually is, or at least looks like a real child.  Yerin Ha is 24, looks it, and I can only suspend my disbelief for so long.

    The show wants to justify her presence, I get it, but they went about it in a badly written way. I shouldn't be hoping she dies every time I see her on screen. And that a lot of the plot seems to be driven by her being around does not bode well.

    Give me more of the Spartans, please, not the Scrappy.


    • Love 5
  10. On 3/17/2022 at 9:29 PM, LittleIggy said:

    Hannibal Lector needs to have him over for dinner. 😏 Hugh Dancy has no charisma in this role.🥱


    On 3/17/2022 at 9:58 PM, gesundheit said:


    I feel bad about it, but Hugh Dancy is just not good in this role. He and Jeffrey Donovan both just seem really off. (Actually Donovan less so, I think for me he just has a resting dope face, it's not his fault, but I can't take him seriously. Just a permanent "duh.") We know Hugh Dancy can act, but this is not it for him. I'm cringing a lot in his scenes.

    It was, yes.


    On 3/18/2022 at 6:30 AM, Enigma X said:

    IMO, the acting is not off but the writing is. In all the episodes this season the characters seem to take a stance in one episode that goes against a stance they took in a previous episode. Stance may not be the right word, but they are portrayed as having a "justice trumps law" attitude then a "law trumps justice" attitude. Also, the ripped from the headlines is just as heavy handed as it has always been. This is not a complaint but an observation.

    It's the writing.

    I've re-watched Hugh Dancy's performance in Hannibal more times than I can recount, and I call tell when he's connecting with a character and their writing, and he's not connecting with this role. He is floundering around trying to create a character for Price. To find something in the scripts to give his character depth and personality, but it's not there. It's not there for any of the DAs except Jack McCoy, and that's because there's, what? Fifteen years of characterization and familiarity to fall back on with him.

    Right now, the cops have more personality, and more depth, because the writing is better for them. And it shows, because the actors playing the police pretty much nailed their roles right out the gate. Even the writing for Cosgrove, despite the awkwardness of his borderline racism and thin blue line garbage, has given Jeffrey Donovan a meaty role to really chew on.

    And I'll throw in the direction isn't very good--that can't be helping, either.


    12 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

    When I saw an ad for the show's resurrection I hoped that Hugh was playing a cop and Donovan was playing an ADA. I don't hate either in the roles they currently have but I wonder if it would have been better to have swapped them. Let Donovan play an ADA the same way he's playing Frank and Hugh play a cop the same way he's playing Nolan.

    😲Hugh and Jeff switching roles would work perfectly! It's too late now, but still...

    • Love 7
  11. 10 hours ago, dwmarch said:

    I guess that secret agent gal is a...

    ( •_•)>⌐■-■

    ...leaf on the wind.


    10 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

    I guess that secret agent gal's...

    ( •_•)>⌐■-■

    ...plans got derailed.



    Y'all need Space Jesus!

    • LOL 2
  12. I'm not feeling it, at least not from this episode. It's a bad time when Anthony Anderson's Bernard is the one I like best, because I could not stand him during the show's original run. Waterston was fine, Manheim was fine, even Dancy was good, though I might need a little time to warm up to him. At least he's not the torture loving dick Cutter was... Yeah, I'm still mad about that.

    Donovan's character (I'm not going to bother remembering or looking up his name) was intolerable. I ended up skipping every scene when he went on a tirade, and the other ADA was blah, whatever.

    Not super impressed by the Mothership's return so far.

    • Love 5
  13. The best thing about the play, which was amazing all around, honestly, is how unselfaware Ben was about the whole thing. It was so dark, and then creepy with the, 'My uncle is my daddy now' lyrics. I mean, what was he thinking writing that line? Absolutely sublime! 🤣🤣🤣

    • LOL 8
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  14. 4 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

    This is a two parter, concluding next week, before Season 1 starts a hiatus.


    Another one? Okay.


    I was a little misty-eyed when the crew showed up on the bridge wearing Starfleet uniforms.

    I was also shocked--shocked!--Diviner double-double-crossed the crew.

    The crew using the Diviner's ignorance, desperation, and innate sense of superiority against him was a pretty solid plan. Though I am curious what his beef is with Starfleet? The Federation isn't perfect, but I doubt they did anything bad enough to justify Diviner enslaving a bunch of people.

    • Love 2
  15. 9 minutes ago, jmonique said:

    I don't get why we need 6 episodes or whatever it's been of showing Garfield in depression, but we've only seen M'gann once since Connor died, though. Was Greg Cipes cheaper than Danica? Was she too busy filming Hallmark movies?

    I get that they're trying something new this season, but my goodness, this season is a big ball of MEH.



    They've shown M'gann a few times since Conner died. And it was easier to watch her pain because she had other characters to play off of. Gar is harder to watch because he's more isolated.

    Six episodes of Gar depressed is a lot, and I think it was a mistake from a pacing standpoint for there to be that many. Most entertainment (I hate to say this, but...) know to skip over the rougher parts of showing clinical depression. It's boring and irritating, and it isn't engaging to watch at all.

    While I appreciate the care and detail put into Gar's ordeal, it sure ain't fun to watch.

  16. 8 hours ago, jmonique said:

    Goodness, this season is terminally boring.

    This Garfield storyline is torture.


    2 hours ago, ruby24 said:

    I just have not responded to the way they're doing any of this. It's chopped up, uneven storytelling. My guess is we don't even see Mary Marvel again this season. 

    I don't understand having what, 4 or 5 episodes in a row of the same damn thing regarding Beast Boy. It is SO boring and it's not going anywhere! Is there going to be payoff for this? And what the hell happened to M'Gann? Why hasn't she checked on him?


    Gar is frustrating, and if I'm being honest, and hypocritical, it is a pain watching him right now. But I like how YJ shows how messy handling someone in the depths of depression can be. And from personal experience, I can say they're putting a painfully accurate representation of it on screen. It's a little triggering.

    • Love 1
  17. Filip is a lil bitch. There. I said it. And I hate saying it because real bitches get shit done, and that lil bitch could never. But he a lil bitch.

    Loved Holden slipping and calling Clarissa Peaches. And I don't think I appreciated how fast Clarissa is when she juices, because damn she took that guy out fast! Aww, and she's crew now!

    My girl Naomi is going to have so many more issues to work through by the time this is all over.

    When she was talking to Monica in their last scene, I wonder if Avasarala was thinking about that Belter she had tortured back in season one?

    2 hours ago, Melina22 said:

    This episode I really noticed Holden's weight loss. It's sort of disturbing, very Christian Bale.

    Okay, so I'm not crazy thinking Steven Strait is scarily thin!

    Drummer! Let's Go!

    • LOL 1
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  18. 23 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

    The ending…while I do agree we should cut each other some slack during the pandemic, are Matt and Trey really trying to “both sides” the mask issue?! We’re not being self-righteous, we’re trying to stop spreading the virus!

    The only slack I'll cut people who won't wear masks and anti-vaxxers is I won't cheer when they die from Covid.

    Still, I didn't hate the overall message Trey and Matt tried to send with the specials.

    • Love 1
  19. 10 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

    For those of you who are Gargolyes fans, the objects Blood told Mary not to touch were the Phoenix Gate, Grimorum Arcanorum, and Eye of Odin. 

    And it sure sounds like they're setting things up for a new Dr. Fate. 

    Holy Easter eggs, Batman!

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