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Posts posted by steelyis

  1. It was one hell of a ride! Now, I need season 2, and I want their budget increased. Marvel/Disney knows X-Men '97 is a hit, so there are no excuses. Throw all the money at it!

    By the way:

    "How's your mommy, Bastion?" Ayo! Cable was a straight-up goon for that! 🤣🤣🤣


    And please, please let Rachel say how impressive even the residue of the Phoenix force is! It was one of my favorite lines from The Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix!


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  2. My god. I knew it could happen, but I didn't think it would! 😨

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  3. Bastion! Bastion? I didn't see that one coming! And who knew Theo James could VA so well?

    Rogue is not playing around! I'd tell her to relax, but Trask invented Setinels to do precisely what they did on Genosha. Weapons of mass destruction rarely don't do the mass destruction part of the job title. Still, that was some cold beans of Rogue to drop Trask like that.

    That final scene with Bastion shaving Erik was very creepy. It gave Theon shaving Ramsay vibes.

  4. 14 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

    Not trusting new Hunter and the General.  Especially since the latter is played by Katie Dickie a.k.a. Lysa Arryn from Game of Thrones, and she was a big ball of crazy!

    Right? She looks amazing in that TVA uniform, though.


    I thought reviewers were overly enthusiastic about Ke Huy Quan stealing every scene he's in because he's generally awesome and likable, but no. No, he did steal every scene he was in.

    And the easy chemistry between Hiddleston and Wilson as Loki and Mobius hasn't lost a step between seasons.

    I'm curious where the show goes from here in terms of stakes, but I'm all in for season 2.

    • Like 7
  5. 1 hour ago, Fool to cry said:

    I was excited finally seeing Daredevil meeting the Hulk until I remembered I already did:k8df2wey75g71.jpg.11781b2b5731ba6b3cfcbc66c0db2743.jpg 

    I am so dating myself saying this, but: How could I have forgotten this crossover! I saw the movie the night it aired as a kid!

    32 minutes ago, HelloooKitty said:

    Well, I really liked it. I totally am on team Jent. Mant? She devil? Dare hulk?

    Oh, dang! I really like SheDevil!

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  6. IMO, it seems to me the PtB never intended to tell a story about two very, very flawed families murdering each other for power with anything resembling an even hand. Instead, they're doing the absolute worse thing they could do as storytellers: They are loudly proclaiming who their audience should care about and root for instead of letting the story and characters speak for themselves. And, IMO, Daeron's inclusion would have helped to balance things out, and made the show-runners biases less obvious.

  7. 7 hours ago, Cristofle said:

    That's what I noticed when he was walking away. Matt has a very distinctive walk, lol, as Doctor Who fans well remember too. Aemond was doing that walk. 

    Honestly, Daemon and Aemond probably look at each other and think: "I am you!"

    2 hours ago, Constantinople said:

    So who's dressing up as Viserys for Halloween?

    Ser, you are out of order! 🤣

    1 hour ago, paigow said:

    You are Hector to my Achilles... Nobody else around here is worth killing

    Had fate not conspired, those two would be best buddies/friendenemies! 😆

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  8. 2 hours ago, SilverStormm said:

    Their legitimacy cannot merely be 'taken away at any moment' unless the monarch decreed it, which as every.one.also.knows, Viserys will not do. You mentioned in another post how the monarch can legitimise bastards, which means in theory, Rhaenyra could legitimise her boys once she became monarch if she wanted to - instant solution to any noble handwringing. I'm not saying she would be wise to or should, merely that she could.

    Ned very nearly did it, and he was just a regent for five minutes.

    And, yeah, Viserys wouldn't do it, but he easily could, and no one in Westeros would question the why of it because everyone knows Rhaenyra's children are bastards. The same is unlikely to happen to someone like Alicent, Rob Stark, or Larys Strong, because everyone accepts they are legitimate, and it would take a lot of strong-arming to de-legitimize them. And everyone would still know the bastardization was bullshit. That wouldn't be the case with Rhaenyra's kids: Because everybody knows they are bastards.

    Look at Tywin with Tyrion: if he could have disowned and de-legitimize Tyrion as easily as Rhaenyra's kids can be de-legitimized, he absolutely would have done it day one.

    And, yes, Rhaenyra can legitimize her children, but she has to win first. But if she loses...? Heads, spikes, walls...

    If they're lucky.

    1 hour ago, ursula said:

    Alicent's performative outrage over Rhaenyra's proposal is just that - performative. She would rather pursue her vendetta against Rhaenyra than take a peaceful option. This is a woman that would happily ally herself with murderers and kinslayers (if we're talking what people in Westeros find taboo, let's start with that). Her moral outrage is suspiciously selective.

    I thought it was very real. But there's no way I can convince you it was. Your mind is already made up, so there's no point in even trying.

  9. 1 hour ago, LanceM said:

    Jon Snow can’t inherit because he is legally recognized as a bastard. Rhaenyra’s children can inherit because they are legally recognized as legitimate, hence their last name Velaryon. That is the difference. That being said some people won’t be happy about that as we saw with Rhaenys last episode.

    But they are bastards though. That's the truth. And, yeah, they can claim they're legitimate all they want to, but the fact everyone knows they are not, means that legitimacy can be taken away at any moment. The difference exists for only as long as the realm accepts they are true born.

    And as we know,


    half of the Seven Kingdoms won't accept them as legitimate, which is why the Dance happens.

    That, and misogyny.

  10. 1 hour ago, ursula said:

    Not to state the obvious but you’re completely disregarding the difference between the way a bastard known as Jon Snow and bastards known as Joffrey Baratheon and Joffrey Velaryon will be regarded and therefore treated?

    They cannot legally inherit over their true born siblings. They can not legally become lords (without some royal decree). They are all born in dishonor. That is the same for all bastard, everywhere.

    1 hour ago, ursula said:

    I mean what are we even talking about? Houses literally went to war to keep the Lannister bastards in power. Highgarden fought for Joffrey so they could get him and Marge hitched. 

    There was reasonable doubt about Joffrey's legitimacy, which provides cover. There is none concerning Rhaenyra's children. None. Literally everyone knows they are bastards. Every. One.

    1 hour ago, ursula said:

    When it comes to furthering ambition, great Houses are willing to marry and ally with “bastards”. If anything is fan fiction here, it’s the moral outrage that doesn’t exist in the story.

    No moral outrage? Well, clearly Alicent's outrage means nothing to you. Because, boy, is she nettled! And I promise you plenty of others in this world are just as outraged as she is.

    1 hour ago, ursula said:

    Otto would have probably taken Rhaenyra’s offer - that’s the same dude that wanted to marry Aegon to his 16 year older sister as a baby. 

    I doubt it, but you're welcome to your opinion. But remember: Otto doesn't have the last word on the issue. He's a second son, and thus his brother has the final say. And we don't know much about his take on this situation yet.

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  11. 27 minutes ago, LanceM said:

    In GOT I saw two great proud houses Martell and Tyrell (twice) willingly marry bastards to get close to the throne. Don’t think the Hightower’s are an different if they weren’t already close to throne they would do it too. This is also why you are going to see lots of lords look the other way when war comes and do what is best for their houses even if that means supporting a queen whose children have questionable parentage.

    The Martells are a whole different animal than the breed you find south of Dorne. Their pride isn't of the same cloth as houses like the Tyrells or the Lannisters, and they have different concerns over all. Not to mention, women can rule with zero issues in Dorne, something the rest of the Seven Kingdoms absolutely loathes. And bastards are far more accepted, which most Westerosi also despise.

    And while some houses might look the other way, a lot of them won't. Unquestioned legitimacy is everything if one wants to secure their rule. Which means there can't be any easy options for your enemies to rally around should they turn against you, à la Robert Baratheon when he sat the throne after the Targs fell.

    That's also why Robert was so gung-ho to kill Viserys and Dany. There were many houses, years after the Rebellion, who still called him usurper and they were waiting to supplant him at the first opportunity. The same can easily happen to Rhaenyra's children and grandchildren. In fact, it would probably be even easier to oust her heirs since there's a butt load of candidates with Targ/Velaryon blood who can take their place.

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  12. 1 hour ago, ursula said:

    These characters are not HOTD expies of GOT counterparts. Helena and Jace are not Mycerlla and Jon Snow. Alicent is not Cersei (or Sansa), Rhaenyra is not Dany and Hightowers are not Lannisters. 

    Otto pimped his daughter to the King (“wear your mother’s dress”) while Lannister negotiated marriages like business contracts. The Hightowers aren’t proud, they’re ambitious which while related, is not the same thing. 

    But the laws, beliefs, and expectations are 100 percent the same. Bastards are not accepted, and no noble house in the time of the Dance or after Robert's Rebellion would accept their highborn sons and daughters being forced to marry even royal bastards. No decree by a king can change that.

    Catelyn Stark is hated to this day because of the stigma she placed on Jon. Cersei threatened to his face, Roberts own bastards after he talked about bringing them to the capital because it was an enormous insult to her and her house.

    The acceptance of bastards is not and will never be a thing. Bastards are considered evil, pure and simple, and have been since the Seven became the dominate religion in Westeros.

    You can't fanfiction that canon away no matter how hard you try.

    And the Hightowers aren't proud?


    Every old noble house is proud. Like really, really proud. Did we not witness a ten-year-old boy gut another boy after he called him a craven? Aren't there people in this very thread going on and on about how Aemond (talking shit) insulting the pride of Rhaenyra's kids, by calling them bastards I remind, rightfully earned him a punch, then a knife to the face?

    Wow, I know this is a no book only thread, but seriously, read. the. books! Because there's a lot of nuances in this show you're missing completely.

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  13. 21 minutes ago, ursula said:

    House Hightower has no say on who the King’s children marry. 

    Oh, he could try to force the issue, but it would raise holy hell, guaranteed!

    It'd be like Robert forcing a marriage between Myrcella and Jon Snow without legitimizing him first, and even that wouldn't fly. Because Tywin "Rains of Castamere" Lannister would literally burn Westeros to the fucking ground before he allowed his family's name be sullied! And if you think the Hightowers aren't just as proud as the Lannisters, you've been watching another show that doesn't have Game of Thrones in its title.

  14. 2 hours ago, LanceM said:

    Oh please if Alicent had no sway over Viserys than Heleana would be married to Jace now and Otto Hightower would still be lounging around Oldtown. The only area she doesn’t have control over is getting a Viserys to go against his favorite child. It is also laughable to think Alicent had no role over saving Sir Crispin giving that she saved him from offing himself and that now he is her sworn protector.

    It's not just Alicent's refusal that blocked the match, it's also the refusal of all of House Hightower, and the strict tradition set by the realm itself.

    The fact everybody knows Rhaenyra's children are illegitimate is what made the match a non-starter. Even a king dare not force a powerful house like the Hightowers to accept a match to one of their highborn daughters, a princess no less, to an obvious bastard. Setting such a precedent would be insane, and definitely start a revolt.

    Would marrying the two gain the Hightowers the power they seek? Yes, and they'd have jumped at the chance if people in fucking Essos didn't know the truth behind Rhaenyra's kids' paternity. That open secret by itself would cast doubt on their right to rule for generations! Not to mention the offer is plainly insulting to highborn Westerosi who are mad proud of their pure bloodlines that date back to yada, yada, yada...

    As for Ser Incel, that prick should be dead or at the Wall for the stunt he pulled. And I don't think it's a coincidence the show refuses to explain how he got away with it unscathed, and then rewarded arguably a better job.

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