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Posts posted by Kagomei

  1. I really wonder why they went this route. I don't think they would unless they have a very specific story to tell... I mean, the season has been deliberately much lighter in tone. I don't think anyone involved would say "Okay, let's just have a disaster for disasters sake." Why Meredith? After everything? I'm actually sort of excited. I hope they pull this off well. 

    I can't say I'm excited because I'm so tired of Meredith going through awful things all the time, but I'm very curious. I hope it's a good storyline.

    Oh and did you notice that Ellen's voice is muffled? Do you think it has something to do with that "mask" they were making? 

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  2. I think you are right that 12x07 is the lesbian bar scene.  I bet its not even a lesbian bar and just a regular bar/restaurant.  I think Arizona's "wingman" is going to be April.  They will probably run into Catherine, Webber and Jackson together, based on who was seen shooting on location.  I doubt April and Jackson are out together.  So that leaves April as Arizona's wingman.  Yes, they are friends already so it wouldn't be a "new" friendship but its still can fit with what Jerika said.  (that's all we know of this new Arizona wingman stuff right?)


    What do you mean about no one reported seeing JCap or Sara filming episodes 12x08 and 12x09?  Was the episode being filmed on location somewhere?  I feel like we don't usually get a good sense of who is just on set for each episode and Sara R was definitely at the 12x08 table read.   However, the way things are going with not all the cast appearing in each episode I would't be surprised if Jcap and Sara aren't in the episodes heavily.  Being that its a fire we will probably see a lot of trauma (April/Owen, Meredith for general and maybe Jackson for plastics).



    I would guess that Martin Henderson's character is a doctor who brings the Middle Eastern boy to GSMH for treatment.  

    If I remember correctly both Ellen and Justin were spotted filming on location twice. Apparently they shot in a hospital and at Relativity School. That's all I know, though. And about Sara and JCap I just mentioned it because I saw a lot of fans saying it's weird that they don't seem to be on set a lot and all.

  3. It was the S6 shooter finale. The sides had the apartment building across the street on fire, and Arizona trapped, and everyone except Callie knew.

    I think this is the same episode that had the lesbian bar patrons casting call. Maybe that's what is on fire? That was why I was thinking that Penny might be Arizona's new wingman.

    If I'm not mistaken the episode with scenes at a lesbian bar is episode 12x07, but perhaps they have more than one scene at this bar, so who knows? The thing I find weird is that no one reported seeing JCap or Sara filming episodes 12x08 and 12x09, so we have two options: they filmed together or they are not in a lot of scenes.

  4. So I'm guessing some type of big disaster (most likely a fire) starts in 12x08 and goes into 12x09. 12x10 is called "Things We Lost in The Fire" - I wonder if someone's house burns down, or if it's just our doctors responding to some kind of mass-casualty fire / incident. If I remember way back, before the plane crash happened, the sides were written as someone's house burning down (I THINK Callie and Arizona's). 

    Actually episode 12x08 is called "Things We Lost in The Fire", not episode 12x10 :)

    But yeah, a big disaster is coming again.

    • Love 1
  5. She was around 1 (I think) when they adopted her in S7.  With the time jumps I think she should be 6.5 - 7 and Bailey should be around 3.

    Actually, she turned 1 in S8, but I think you're right about her age. Zola is 6/7, Bailey is almost 3 and baby Ellis is around 6 months old.


    #PrayForMeredithsKids haha

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    Nov. 12, "Something Against You": The tension between Callie and Meredith intensifies. (Thanks a ton, Penny!)


    This makes me so sad :(

    I love their friendship so much. I hope this "fight" doesn't take long to end because this is my least favorite kind of stotyline. I remember the last time Meredith and Cristina were fighting, it was awful. I still can't watch those scenes because it's so painful to me.

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  7. There are surface things that show that Arizona and Meredith should have a lot in common. The plane crash, death of a sibling, miscarriage,etc but Shonda has said time and again that Arizona is too private and wouldn't discuss any of that.

    I want Arizona to have an outlet to talk about those things, and I think Meredith would be a good one. I just have zero faith in the writers.

    I thought it was very telling last season when Arizona says to Geena Davis "all my friends are her friends" meaning they like her well enough, but Callie would trump Arizona to them. I truly don't think, save for April and Alex that Arizona feels like she belongs.

    Eta: Totally unrelated to the rest of my post, but I was talking with a friend about the possibility that Penny used Callie to get into the GSMH program.

    Do you guys think it's a possibility? Since apparently her last job was at the place where Derek died has it been awhile in between jobs or did she stay until recently?

    I totally agree with everything you said about Arizona and Meredith.

    Speaking of miscarriege, besides April and Owen who else knows about Meredith's miscarriege? 

    I think it could be, but then people would hate Penny even more. She never said when the hospital got shut down, but I assumed it had been recently.

  8. I was on Reddit and found this post interesting (you can read the full sory here):



    This is a very personal story. I've shared it before since the Derek death thing. I don't have the strength to fully lay it out, so consider this the cliffnotes version. If you want the full story, look in my user comments for it.
    I received a call exactly like Meredith did on a day that I had a stupid argument. I went through the day like she did with the wondering and then had the police show up.
    In my case there wasn't a mistake made, it was simply too freaking late, but that doesn't change how I felt-- feel about the doctor who told me the bad news. There were a whole team of doctors involved including the doctor who was also my general practitioner at the time. The doctor who was a family friend for years, whom I trusted since I became an adult to take care of me.
    I can't speak to him any more despite how well he took care of her and how well he took care of me. Because for the rest of my life he's the one who told me she was dead.
    What you're seeing is a VERY accurate depiction of human emotion... I think its a bit contrived that she would show up at Meredith's house, be dating Callie, et cetera and so forth, but the emotion is real enough that it brought back flashbacks to me that I've been burying in humor since Thursday.
    Death does not make you rational and it does not make you wrong either.
    • Love 2
  9. I liked the Arizona / Meredith moment near the end of last season a lot. When there was a plane crash, and they both sat in the closet together comforting each other. We don't seem them on screen a lot, but they work together and experienced a lot together, so I think it's safe to say they're 'friends'. Meredith has certainly always been a lot closer with Callie, for sure. I love to see Meredith interact with everyone, though. The more the better - it's her show. 

    Yes, the more the better!

    That's exactly why I want to see more of Meredith and Arizona. They shared a very traumatic experience and because they are so different I guess it'd be interesting to watch their dynamic. Plus, we never really got to see them together so I think it's about time now.

  10. This is the way I remember it as well. For all that I find the situation completely unrealistic and frustrating on all fronts (that she should have known more, that she didn't tell Callie, that no one would let her leave, etc. etc.), it did seem unfair to paint her as the one who killed Derek. 

    I've watched that episode a lot of times and this is how it happened for sure. BUT we have to remember that Meredith doesn't know that and because Penny was the one to apologize to Meredith like that it made it look like she was the one to blame in Meredith's point of view. We know a lot of stuff as viewers, but Meredith and Amelia don't.

    Penny even told Meredith: "He saved all those people and it was my job to save him, and I failed. And now he's gonna die because I was not a good enough doctor to keep him alive.", so the way Meredith sees it Penny was kind of admitting her fault, I guess. Of course she's not a killer and I'm pretty sure Meredith understands that, but she was angry and when you're angry you usually want to blame someone and because Penny did admit her incompetence Meredith felt like she was the one to blame.

    That whole hospital was a mess, I'm glad it got closed down lol

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  11. On the subject of 'where are the kids?', I'm guessing that they are all at Derek and Mer's dream house on the hill with the nanny, right?  I like the way her childhood home has been renovated and decorated, but I still love the 'glass house' on the hill the best.  It was beautiful.  (Did she sell it?  I don't remember.)

    Meredith sold the dream house. Unfortunately :(

    I loved that house too.

    • Love 1
  12. Yes, newborn baby Ellis looked like a 20-lb toddler with a head almost as big as Meredith's. We haven't seen her since then, or at least I don't think we have. Seems like Zola is at the age where she'd be begging to spend a few minutes at the grownup party before bedtime. Maybe the young actress (who might've been the most adorable toddler ever born) is no longer available.

    Or maybe the kids are all figments of Mer's imagination. I mean, wouldn't that make about as much sense as anything else on this show?

    The twins (Jela K. Moore and Jael Moore) that used to play Zola were replaced last season for Aniela Gumbs. She's a little older than the twins.

    And as you can see here, Aniela was on set two weeks ago so I'm thinking we'll finally get a glimpse of Mer's children.

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