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Posts posted by Kagomei

  1. I didn't watch PP, so I can't really say anything about her on PP. But I think my main problem with Amelia is that I just don't like Caterina, not as a person, of course, because I don't know her, but as an actress. She lacks talent, imo.

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  2. Changing the subject a little, I was wondering one thing: when did Mere find out she was pregnant? Do you think that when she had to pull the plug she already knew? Or perhaps after the funeral? Idk, I just really wish they had shown us that.

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  3. It's weird, though. Because while most people on this forum seem to dislike Amelia a lot (me included) whenever I go on YouTube or even on Tumblr I see a lot of people praising Caterina's acting and I just can't understand it.  IMO she's insufferable. Caterina's acting skills are awful, she's forced and she does something with her mouth that ugh, I just want to punch her every time I see her on the screen.

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  4. I know that somebody already pointed this out, but I wanna talk about it again. Why was Meredith wearing stripes all the freaking time???? Is there a meaning behind this? I noticed that even her pillows were striped. Is it only a coincidence? Sorry if this is dumb, but it's really bugging me lol

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  5. Your comment is so on point, Artsda.

    They shouldn't write so many deaths if they don't know how to deal with the aftermath of it. Or perhaps they are just too lazy. 

    We know we'll have a time jump next episode and personally I think this is lazy writing one more time, like, "yeah yeah Mere lost her husband but it's been so long ago that nobody remembers it lol she's totally fine now and so is Amelia yay"

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  6. I was thinking that it would be nice if Maggie supported Mere while she's grieving. Maggie has grown on me and I actually like her. I'd like to see her helping Mere with the kids . We already know she's good with kids and she's their (half) aunt after all. I'm probably just being delusional, I doubt we'll get to see them interacting like that. I just think it'd be really sweet. Plus, I don't think Mere and Amelia will be on good terms after Derek's death.

  7. Agreed, Elle8.

    We are not here discussing how much time he spends with his children, that is not the issue. What seems to be the problem is the fact that after so many years those sourceless rumors start to spread out of nowhere. It appears that they want to make sure we think PD is the bad guy, with his diva behavior and whatever. 

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    I wouldn't doubt this story was planted by Shondaland to try and fend off some of the backlash.

    That's exactly what I was thinking, Greysaddict.

    Someone said this on Tumblr:


    This is such BS and here is why… A) Patrick Dempsey is dyslexic, for all these 11 years he has been memorizing his whole script word for word. That’s why he is a professional actor and no way in hell that he just, out of the blue decided to stop memorizing.  B) He asked to get time off for his racing, it was an agreement between him and Shonda, and according to all his recent racing interviews, he has mentioned on many occasions how grateful he was of shonda for letting him have this opportunity. He was by no means suspended.

    I agree with the dyslexic thing, it wouldn't make much sense if all of sudden he couldn't memorize his lines. 

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    Why must this show always end on a cliffhanger? I don't remember it being done so much in any previous season. It's just so pointless.


    I ask myself the same question, it's totally pointless and it's also quite annoying. I mean, cliffhangers shouldn't be used that often.

    I don't get why Stephanie keeps having SL while Jo barely has lines. I don't get it. She's not even dating anyone (not that I think that people only should get SL when they're in a relationship, but we all know Shonda does that).

    It seems like Shonda wants us to like her, but apparently it's not working at all.

    Don't even get me started with Owen Amelia. Jesus Christ, how can these two be so damn annoying???? Why should we even care about them? They met like yesterday and already have these stupid problems that nobody cares about.

    You guys keep talking about Shonda misdirecting things all the time and I wish (I just wish) that Amelia died instead of Derek (IF he dies, of course). I'm obviously dreaming here. Shonda should have kept this stupid brat in California.

    Owen should go back to the Army or something like that, I don't understand how he's still Chief after everything that happened.

    I feel like Shonda doesn't care about GA anymore, like, at all. It's like she doesn't even remember how many characters the show has, because most of them don't get plausible SL (when they get SL at all). Bailey has been pointless this season, same with Richard, Jackson, April (does she even remember her deceased son?), Jo.... Alex has only been there to listen to the Sun and sometimes, only sometimes, Arizona. For me he's been completely OOC this season. 

    PS; I'm new here. Hi, guys! :D

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